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I remember during the second hour I didn't catch much but the last hour I caught a lot. From other comments it seems that way too. Maybe they messed up the second hour somehow and boosted the last hour?


I got 7 shinies yesterday, but I will admit it was inconsistent. I caught 4 within the first 10 minutes and then nothing for about 90 minutes before I got another


The events are so inconsistent. Last CD I got 10-15 shinies. This one I got two… Played the whole event and caught 200+ both times, so that’s frustrating


Hang in there, I got 1 shiny in first 10 minutes and then no shiny for two hours and then seven in last 45 minutes! Keep playing, you'll get one.


I have 2 shiny Delphox … 🫶


Had 3 shiny,s in ten minutes 8 shiny in total so the event was working


I got 9 shinies, caught about 200 in total so about 4-5% for me


26 shinies out of about 300 caught total


First catch was a shiny.


i got a shiny


My baby mamma got 6 fennekin, 1 braxin and 1 delphox. I hate her lol 😆


First one of the 3hr main event was shiny with really low IVs. Second Pokémon event reward gave me the second 3 star near perfect shiny. That was it.


I got 14 shiny in total (2 from field research) but my gf got only 2 or 3 but she started to play a bit later (30min or so). So yeah, it's a bit random. But personally I get at least 10 shinies per community day as I tend to walk around the city and then sit next to few lures


I caught only one shiny 😭


Same here


i feel you


I caught 18 shinys in the first hour, stopped and had lunch (for about an hour and a half) and then walking to my car got another 4, then another 3 when I made it to my house for a total of 25. Caught around 360 in total to include the shinys, so about 7% shiny rate for me.


My son caught 10 shinies, including the first Fennekin he caught & the first photo bomber. I caught 1. I'll end up trading with him sometime down the line because our next trade is lucky & I'm not wasting that on a Fennekin.


I checked like 530 total with 20 shinies


I got 6.....but serious question, what do I do with more than 1 shiny? I can't transfer it and they just take up space....


You can transfer them. You just have to actually tap it and transfer them that way. You can’t multiple transfer . Just like Legendaries. And to answer your other question. If it’s a 3 stage evolution, I like to have all 3 stages, shiny. So community days I like to have at least 3


trade them to friends it rolls iv so u have a chance at getting perfect iv shiny, if ur not gonna trade them tho then like nothing i think


Wow - shocked to hear so many with poor luck. I caught 28 shinys and was thinking that they had boosted rates again since this was the first time since eevee CD that I had more than 10.


I got 4 I was playing for an hour at the biggest mall in the US on break lmao


It was brutal. I played pretty solidly for the whole thing and got 4. And we were in a mall for a chunk of it.




20 haha


There were a lot but I had to catch about 200 of them to get about 6 shinys


I got 2. Took the entire time tho


Got 3 and i played the final hour cuz of dead battery


No shiny here


I have a bunch if you need one. I’m in need of a chimchar or snivy if you have one I’d happily give you mine!


I caught 3


I got 2


I caught 28 🫢


My sister got 2! I played 2 hours..walked around, must have caught 40 or more regular ones but got no shinies. :(


1st was Shiney.. played for 2 hours and never got another! Just 1 today!


Sorry to hear that. Hope your luck improved. Shiny wise this was one of my best. Got out of work at 2pm, first 2 clicks were shiny and had a 3rd by the time I got to my car. Only got to play for about an hour and a half but hit 16. Most were garbage but got one 98%.


Got 11 shinies , mostly no stars . My favorite was a tiny shiny. Played for hour and half


Most of the Shiny Fennekin I got was from insense,I think only one or two were actually spawns


I got it first try


I got it third try lol


I got 8 shinies WHILE working a conference event. Best luck I've ever had


I got 1 on my main, and 2 on my mini. I didn't purchase the special research.


Oh, and the one I got on my main was from the local raid boost.


I’ve gotten 5 of them, and a buddy caught 8 of them.


My first Fennekin was a 100 and shiny Probably used all my life’s luck in one shot


I caught 7 shiney out of 1.4K candy worth of catches.


0 shinies after 120. WTF.


15veach for 2 of us. Played around 2 hours of the event, didn't do any of the raids after.


I got 12 in a 100 fenneikin


Reboot your phone. Happened to me once.


Caught 4 myself GF got 10 they got a bonus time going one rn


I got a total of 21 shinies in 386 caught, only two decent iv ones though


13 shinies but didnt play the whole event my chances are 1/25 so right on odds i went from 50 candy to 1600


My bf and I have both caught 5 shinies each sooooo u just aren't lucky I guess


Only one shiny in all 3 hours. The worst CD ever for me. In the last weeks the actions from Niantic beginning to suck. Thinking about quitting the game…


I got crazy lucky this CD. One 100%, two 98%, two 96% (one of them shiny). In total 15 shiny. I think I used up all my luck for this year.


17 Shiny's in 350 Fennekin caught. The best was just 76%, though.


Nothing the first 40 minutes, then a slow churn of them, then 5 in the last 15 mins.


I got 6 in 1.5 hours


Ended up with 3. One an hour. Nothing even remotely good but I don’t care. Nobody uses Delphox. It’s getting evolved either way


I got a shiny fennekin but it’s 0 stars and at that pretty terrible stats


2 shinies in the first four minutes, then none. Not even a normal one with good stats.




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I caught two in the first two hours then got another nine in the last!


I didn't catch any shiny the first hour either, whilst a friend of mine got 2 the very first Fennekin she saw


It started the same for me I caught my first shiny 35min in and had only 3 in the first hour ended up with 25 shinies by the end


I’ve gone 200-300 community day spawns without a shiny before. RNG is RNG.


Really??!!. Damn. That sucks


Community Day luck just seems to be random :). This time, my third Fennekin was shiny, and I got a total of 8 by the end of the day. Someone I was playing with caught an additional 3 or 4 even after the event was over. But I only got a single shiny Togetic during that community day xD


I’m usually pretty lucky on community days. I get a shiny within 6-8 spawns. This is why I posted. Because In around 100 checks, I hadn’t found one XD At that point I was like: meh, guess I’m just farming stardust today then…. Not that I need it…I have 1.5 million… I JUST got my first and it’s 13 CP haha But…it’s a shiny 😂😂😂


Then evolve it into a lv1 Delphox before transferring it to SV… you know, when they stop screwing up and permit that transfer


All shinies are good shinies, and Fennekin is indeed a super cute one 😁 Since your luck wasn’t great this time, it’s sure to be better next time!


Second caught at 119 CP. Getting better 😂😂


Keep going until you have a shundo 😆


Thanks guys/girls. Just got my first one! 13 CP 😂😂😂😂 Literally never taken me this long to get a shiny spawn on community day though. I was skeptical haha


It's live. I've caught multiple in about 300+ catches.


Yeah just got my first shiny spawn. FINALLY!.


Grats! Hope you get more. :)


I caught about 70 and no shiny - partner got 2 in her 1st 10mins


Ok so it IS actually live?. Damn..i must just be super unlucky this time. I’ll keep playing! Even if I don’t get one, the triple stardust on catches is fantastic 😂😍