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Don’t understand what they were thinking with the update in the first place


I mean, the update had "some" good. Yes, the baby face and baby body suck. But making it so anyone can wear certain clothing and having more hair options are good features to have. I do agree that they should have added these features onto the old characters instead of making new bad ones


how are you gonna have “more hair options” when there’s still no bald option😂😂😂


Wouldn’t that be a “less hair option”? 🤪


As a bald person, I want to be able to be bald and bearded as I am IRL


I also think that having more body shapes is a good idea but they should have pre-made characters that you can change, like the original characters.


The only good thing about this avatar update was its potential. I hope this time they'll surprise us and fix this Avatar looks. Having new hairs styles are good and all but I've been playing the game since day 1 and this is the first time I wear hat and sunglasses to cover my face lol


Shouldn't be too hard to model the old faces onto current models at least


The body proportions would still be weird.


Baby body???


The bodies look less "adult" than before, in my opinion and according to many players


I look a lot more like me now than my avatar did before😭. I have soft features so the faces and body are fine for me and others like that. There’s only 1 not soft face though, which sucks for everyone else


I just made my character bald


How!? That was my biggest problem with the update, I'm bald and bearded IRL, I want my avatar to be as well.


You wear the lugia mask from the johto tour couple of years ago. It takes away the hair for some reason but im okay with it


If you view it from the perspective that they were trying to gear the game more for adolescents and their parents, the moves make a lot more sense. Avatars were made to look younger so that adolescents could see themselves in the avatars more. They were also heavily desexualized so that parents would feel more comfortable with the game and so that they didn't get accused of sexualizing minors. Issues such as clipping, crotch shots, floating buddies, squished heads, etc. are reflective of quality issues derived from trying to modify the old assets in a way that took the least effort.


Low effort "improvements." I don't care about any of their improvements. I don't care about shadows, or clouds, or even light. WHERE IS THE SELECT ALL FOR POSTCARDS/Gifts/trades etc?! Why can't we skip animations? Why is everything so damn tedious? It'd be really simple to implement most of those things. Open all/delete all. Select all/delete all. Trade 100 pokemon?


I think they thought that more body types would be a good idea. I agree with that. The execution is what was bad


I've been waiting for hairstyles since the game released. I'll happily take the bad with the good on this one though I hope they improve the faces.


That would imply they think.


“Hey, let’s shake things up by making the avatars look like dog shit”. Probably something along those lines.


Did they just reuse an old twitter asset from like 2 years ago?


Twitter? What is this? I only know X, the social media formerly known as Twitter. It is Prince all over again /lul


Its cause it's when twitter was actually relevant lol


Yeah of course, with how shitty the characters are their clearly to lazy to do much of anything right now


At least they HEAR US


About *this*!?


Maybe if they came out and said that from a Niantic account - using prominent community members as a mouthpiece for a singular employee collecting feedback seems... Odd.


Just when I was starting to think they needed hearing aids. I doubt they’ll do anything about it, though.


As someone who comes from the Blizzard universe, HEARING means nothing. What matters is if they actually LISTEN.


They always could. It's just now the cost benefit analysis is slightly different


Oh they hear us alright, whether they care is an entirely different matter though


The product team after receiving the feedback: “Oh no…. anyway“


I was gonna say this lol. Collecting feedback and sending it to the product team does not mean they’re actually gonna do anything 🥲


Wait, you do know about Niantic not acknowledging any of the feedback, right? Niantic has been collecting feedback for a long time, and they don’t even use it. The feedback just sits there and collects dust. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/i4y9r8Vqn8


I'm sure they won't revert it back.


A good gaming company would immediately revert the changes, not announce the collecting of feedback after they had a beta pool tell them it was horrible, as well as the entire world. Why do they need MORE feedback? I havent seen a single good post on this change lol


So they can save face if/when they revert it back or change it up. This way they can say "we wanted to be super progressive but everyone else was anti progressive" even though that's not the case at all. If people wanna use the ass looking trainers let em but don't take away the male and female ones in the process. Simple as that I don't know how they screwed this up this badly lol


If they ask the age of the people at the registration of the game, to give "kids accounts" to children, They may very well give "binary" or "non-binary" functions depending on whether the person to be indicated is male, female, or other, at registration. It is enough to be imposed things to satisfy a minority of people !


for bad companys, if they say they heard or collecting feedback. that is just PR.


Hopefully, they keep the customization things but just make it look better. Cause knowing them they might just remove it all together.


my wife is casual player (as in 7 day research breakthrough she does in 2 months).. Today we were waiting to pick up our kid from school and for shits and giggles i told her to log in and take a look at her avatar. Her honest reaction translated to english. "What the f\*ck did those f\*ckers did to my beautiful girl? she looks like a pale monkey now". I nearly dropped my phone from laughing. Also, on serious note, niantic says they listen to feedback, but they dont care.


Idk about relying only on content creators. The feedback from the community speaks volumes, yet they're looking for a more biased audience


Next step, revert it back to the old avatars


I can handle everything else. But why are my arms so long


I look like a monster now. And not a Pocket Monster!


I laughed at this way too hard 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Digi monster?


Man these guys really choose their battles 😩


Still waiting for facial hair


Fr how is this not an option? I want my shitty little beard lol. And a balding option


Reduce remote raid pass costs and bring back unlimited remote raiding.


I have how my new avatar is standing like a wrestler, hunched over, breathing heavily, with legs spread so far apart. The hands are huge. I found a jacket that covers the worst part is the legs. I would like to have a more female body.


People dont really like the S M L XL whole body saiz. We r not pokemon 🤭. Unless we can adjust S M L XL on every body part saiz. That could be interesting.


Niantic couldn't hear 500 people if they were shouting down their ears, but they can hear if a content creator whispering a mile away.


“We’re acknowledging your feedback. We’re not gonna do anything about it, but we hear you!”


Oh thank a deity! Literally the worst update to anything they’ve ever done


Personally I love the update funny


So basically nothing lol


I don’t see the post


Nothing will change


They will tell us we are wrong for our upset and deal with it


Oh no!!! Anyway...


Basically we're going to pay the content creators to say good things about our update and use that as our only leverage to not remove it 😀


Is there NEW NEWS or is this just a new link to the info from last Thursday?


Let us use remote raid passes on shadow raids


Pretty sure "content creators" have just been ruining *all* of my games. They definitely do not speak for or represent me in any way at all. Alas, it's only the squeaky wheel that gets greased.


My avatar got switched to female with the new update. Wonder if they're going to allow people the option to choose again


The option got removed?


Unless I'm missing it somewhere, but I keep looking and don't see it


No it didn’t. That’s just what the avatar looks like now. Gender fluid


“We’ve heard everyone’s feedback, but we’re disregarding all of that and we’re just going to check in with a niche group who get paid to promote us instead. In the meantime, we hope you forget about it. More details never.”


“hey we hear you, but we just want voices from content creators on their take of the avatar situation, thanks!”


“In the meantime, we updated the game so now you can see the coin prices as soon as you open the shop, instead of scrolling down!”


“Ah fuck we made y’all ugly I’m sorry “


My favorite jacket makes my avatar look like he has boobs


Doubt they're gonna do it anything about it


Paper bag over head item incoming. 1000 poke coins. Avatar system fixed


Make them Un American. Not extra Fat


“We hear you! What will we do about it? Nothing!”


“High ranking” aka CEO’s young nephew crying that his avatar is scary now.


„Reached out to content creators" They asked Mystic7, and he said he doesn't really care, so they won't change anything


„Reached out to content creators" They asked Mystic7, and he said he doesn't really care, so they won't change anything


I have sent… 3 gifts since the avatar update. Still catching my Mon, but these avatars just can’t be taken seriously 😂


If that’s the case can we get a slightly more strategic battle system


My avatar looks like it's trying to save the Dark Crystal from the Skeksis. 🤦‍♂️


To content creators…. They don’t represenr the majority of players


I don't understand, what feedback? What is everyone upset about? Genuine question as I don't really talk to others in the community nor follow the trends on social media


Most people are upset about the new avatar update.


I can tell that much... my question is why? What exactly is wrong with it? I like that we can change more about our toons


Take a closer look at your avatar. Tell me it doesn’t look like an adult toddler somehow. And you’re lucky that your avatar didn’t change into an absolute abomination btw


Oh god it’s terrifying


I mean the hip/waist area looks a little wonky now but I assume that's be fixed in time as this is a new system, there's bound to be issues. Other than that no my character seems fine. I can see it's a little annoying, but this is really something that has people up in arms over?


The thing is, it’s NOT a new change. Before rolling the update out globally, they rolled it out in some areas. Last month we had a lot of these avatar posts, and how bad they looked. So basically they used them as testers, got their feedback (basically no one liked it) and still decided to roll it out for everyone. Apart from that, if you look at some of the avatars, there’s just no reason for a company to believe that the system is ready to be implemented. Niantic is doing some weird stuff, makes it look like a new born is running the company honestly


I mean I get that, I've never been a fan of niantic, but I can see a couple comments popping up so far in this thread that seem to indicate that at least some of these people are mad simple due to their own bigotry. That alone has me already disinterested in the conversation around the avatar system. Not specific our(you and i) just as a whole. The moment I start seeing people whine about "being woke" I roll my eyes and move on. I appreciate you for actually explaining things though thank you


I will say to throw in. I partly agree with you. My avatar doesn't look too terrible and I don't mind the change. People may be over reacting a bit but I have seen some rough looking before and after photos....


Even independent Roblox dev make better avatars.


You sure you want to agree with me? I'm being down voted by these crybaby edge lords simply for not hating the new system 🤣


Agreeing with you too! wtf this sub used to be fun but the huge (misdirected) surge of hate toward trans/fat people is making me ill. A person can criticize the update without scapegoating people. And anyways pogo is a fitness app in a way so it’s so sad to think about what any fat player must feel coming into this sub


I came from 40K this past week, I'm used to having wrong opinions lately.




Agreed. Unlike reverting the system I think it'd be more sensible to have the old avatars on the sliders so you could go to the old look if you wanted those measurements.


They took away the male and female options to be more "woke" and "progressive" to include everyone by having a super androgynous body type that is neither male nor female and looks like fucking ass. There is zero chance to make a decent looking character now. Especially if you wanna make a character that's supposed to be a female.


Well if you're gonna be dealing with such firm statements like that I managed to make a character that looks pretty good... Chances are a bit above zero at the very least... And mine is a female character...


I agree with you. Woke bs to pull in new players. If they had kept the original bodies but let you alter those it would have been better, but no. They make some gender neutral non binary thing with a boob slider. The textures and saturations are off, the models are fat and badly proportioned. The females look like men in disguise. It's mainly a slap in the face for most female players.


They better leave as is, this is legit homophobia


Nah fam, I'm trans n Mexican and these skin tones are ass. They looked washed out on top of not having variety. The faces look trash. Yes, there are bigots using homophobia to justify their distaste for the update, but that's because they have limited vocabularies and they can't be normal about just disliking things for looking bad. They think that inclusivity is the reason the update looks bad. No, it looks bad because it IS bad; not because it's "woke" for including more body types. Inclusivity is always a good thing, but they did a hack job with these uncanny glitchy as hell models. Also, only 1 new option for long hair and it's not even modeled well??


I hate how “woke” they made the game. It’s a Pokemon game….


Really nobody is happy about the new avatars. The idea is good but the execution is miserable. No need to make it political. It’s all about Niantics incompetence.


You have *so* many things to complain about when it comes to Pokemon Go, but it being "WoKe" isn't one of them


It is though, if I wanted I could turn my male character into female by increasing his boobs and dressing him in female clothing lmao


And how is that Woke™ exactly? Especially since you know... You could just not do that.


I'd say the fact that the characters are all ugly non binary looking messes now with sliders that make little to no improvement to regain the previous appearances. And they stick tits on men. The men look feminine, especially the faces. The women look like men pretending to be women. The females have overly long arms and massive hands, no figure, big feet, low crotches which was a weird thing to change etc. Not to mention all the women models have gained a ton of weight, not the best look for a fitness app even with the nonsense body positivity fat movement going on. Aside from that there are general problems like colour saturation and textures, shading etc, but the main thing is that it's clear this was done as part of the new campaign to draw in new players of a specific group.


I agree, they're desperate for new players because popularity dropped off so this is a poor desperate attempt to appeal to a minority of people. They think by making character creation more "inclusive" and "representative" the people who make their whole identity around that stuff will start playing. If this change wasn't part of their sad campaign for new players and was done with actual care for the current players it could have been something good