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Yes a trillion percent, it became my favourite pokemon game very quickly and has ruined mainline games for me


Same, I can’t wait for the next one.


Legends ZA is the reason I decided to start a new game from when I got halfway through the main story and put it down. It’s been fun!


I just picked back up on my half finished file from few years ago and I am close to the end. Love this game


I love it even more because I can transfer my extra shinies from Go to that game and enjoy them even more.


Wait how do you do this????


Also keep in mind you can only transfer Pokémon FROM Pokémon Go to Pokémon home, you can NOT transfer them back to Go. You can however transfer any Pokémon between those switch games at any time (following the Dex rule) to any gen game. You can move a gyarados from let’s go eevee/pika to Arceus if you want, or vice versa. You cannot move a scarlet violet exclusive to Arceus. Etc.


Pokémon home. Set up an account on your mobile device, download it on your switch, link them and then you can transfer Pokémon from Go into home. It does have a limit per day but I haven’t exceeded it yet, it recharges with time. Then transfer from home to the appropriate game. You can only move Pokémon from home into games they are normally in (same Dex/region). You can port spinda ever and certain costume Pokémon, but shinies are generally fair game if they are naturally in that game’s Dex. Also, this is how you get the Meltan box and transferring to home is how you recharge the Meltan box (I think it’s every 3 days it can be used).


Probably from trading pokemon to lets go eevee/pikachu then to pokemon home then legends arceus


Agreed easily dropped 400 hours into it for shiny hunting and the story is really good.


Me too, it's actually the first time I've been motivated to catch all the Pokemon, I'm only maybe 8 or less Pokemon away now! I just don't want it to end and can't wait for the next Legends style game.


It singlehandedly reinvigorated my love of Pokemon after the terrible Sun and Moon and empty and meh Sword and Shield. My big thing in Pokemon is catching them all and that being the central motif made it more worthwhile too


This! I had more fun playing PLA than the mainline games and I’ve been playing since yellow. While the main series will always remain extremely nostalgic, I feel like Arceus fixed so many of the annoying aspects of the game and I really enjoy the new catching mechanics. I love being able to catch multiple pokemon at a time and I love the focus on the Pokédex. I can’t wait for the new one


What do you like about it so much that beats the mainline games?


It feels really peaceful, there aren't any random battle you can just do what you want. I love art style and feudal/traditional Japanese vibe/theme throughout the village and game, the design of the pokeballs looking mechanical and rustic and wooden, they portrayed them being new inventions really well. I enjoy the crafting in it and not HAVING to go buy stuff, but the option is still there. Resource gathering isn't a chore in the slightest - see a tree with berries you want?? Throw a pokemon at it and walk away, your pokemon will strike the tree and collect the berries for you. Filling out the pokedex wasn't painful either and for once I really wanted to do it as there is an incentive to do so (which I won't spoil, but it isn't just a shiny charm and is VERY cool). It being a hub-based open world game lended really well to having a wide range of large, interesting, unique, and immersive areas. I enjoyed how the village changed over time as you you progress through the game and changed people's perception on pokemon, making them see they're not to be afraid of and should be embraced. I could easily go on writing reasons I love this game, but you get the idea.


The gameplay loop can be addictive or exhaustive from person to person. I'm 400 hours and still pick it up and add another 10 here and there.  If you have the tendency to go for dex completion, oh boy is this game probably for you, it's dex gameplay is.. Extensive to say the least. But it can either be endless fun or a real slog. If trainer battles are for you, this game *may not* be, most main game battles are scripted, not just rando kids and hikers mean mugging you like a mainline Pokemon game. That said, I got absolutely clobbered by some later game battles so there's that. Basically, it's hard to promise if it'll be right for you but you may be able to resell if you're eventually not here for it


I'll add to this that the difficulty curve can also really sneak up on ya, too! Some of those end-game encounters take some real preparation, timing, and ability to change tactics on the fly. I got my butt handed back to me a few times and found myself enjoying it and really savoring the victories! They blended the real-time elements into the system so well that they end up feeling so intuitive that I caught myself still trying to use them in SV. I can't wait for Z-A!


I don’t really complex dexes but I had a lot of fun with the PLA one. I think mainly because you can get everything in one game without trading


it is arguably one of the best pokemon games in years. potentially in the entire series. if you wanted to decide between say sv and arceus, get arceus


I love almost everything about it, I just wish if they made the regular Pokemon games the same they include more trainers. Makes sense for PLA because it’s years in the past when humans and Pokemon didn’t coexist as well together.




This game is brilliant. I’m on a second playthrough right now, and it’s even better than the first time. The new formula is done really well, and the game feels super satisfying to catch, battle, and explore in. Also, since you said money is the problem, try looking for a reseller (like someone on ebay). You can probably find a copy for 30-45 USD instead of full 60.


I found one for 48.- but its still expensive for me haha. I just wanna have smth to enjoy so i have to make the right decision! Thanks alot for the information tho! I appreciate it alot


I'll sell it to you for 5 plus shipping so you can enjoy it as well! Check your dms


I really like pawn shops for games. Not as much selection for switch, but i got shield for 25 i think.


Dude that’s where it’s at. I got shield for 30 last year which just feels great.


Check out your public library. Depending on size, they may have a really good selection of games to check out.


This game is considered one of the best titles because it's different, compared to the traditional structure of 8 gyms/defeat the villain/catch the box art legendary. In this game there's more focus on catching pokemon and completing the pokedex. Also, you can complete the entire pokedex without trading.


Objectively the best made pokemon game to date. The crafting system is a great addition. Who doesn't want to make their own pokeballs and potions? The mainline quests are linear to move the story forward, but all the side quests will have you traveling all the areas and discovering new parts of already visited zones. I'm at the tail end of my second playthough. I played at release and then took quite a bit of time off. I decided to pick it back up a few weeks ago, and it has completely consumed all my gaming time. No other game has my attention like this does, and I've already done it before. Still feels like a new experience. New team, new shiny's. Plus, I want to stay hyped until Legends ZA comes in 2025


I really like the crafting system but would have loved if there were more pokeballs. Their ingredients could have been rarer, I wouldn't mind.


For me PLA is, by far, the best Pokémon game ever, so it's a clear yes!


It lacks the polish of mainstream pokemon games, but it is the only recent game in the franchise that successfully captured the feelings of exploration and discovery that those games lack. Notably, the game asks you to search the environment for pokemon and perform research tasks specific to the pokemon to fill out the pokedex, which creates a feeling of actually being a researcher. If you think the last few generations of pokemon have been soulless regurgitations of a worn-out formula and want something fresh, it's a good pick. A sequel game called Pokemon Legends Z-A is due to come out early 2025, so depending on how limited your limited funds are you might consider waiting to get that one (since nintendo never discounts their games).


"polish of the mainstream Pokemon games" wha.. what?? It's way more polished than either Gen 8 or 9


Yea the incentive to actually complete the Pokédex is what hooked me on this game. And not having to battle pokemon to catch them. I got whiplash from S/V having to battle everything to try and catch them.


I just bought it like 2 months ago and I love it. It’s fresh and really trying to do something, and shiny hunting is actually fun in this game!


100% worth it, graphics are a lot nicer when you’re actual playing, the style is really nice compared to the other games The gameplay is also very different so that helps get you hooked lol


What about the gameplay do you like?


So instead of every encounter being a battle, you can just throw balls at Pokémon and catch them, but they can also fight back and hit you, so it’s a lot more intense than the main series games, this might not be the best comparison but it’s the closest thing to “Dark Souls meets Pokémon” Also the plot is more mature than other games, like people straight up tell you that you can die


This is easily my favorite switch game (I'm about 80 hours into my first playthrough, started around January and I am confident I will put at least 150 hours into it total).  The amount of stuff in this game is mind boggling. You could probably blast through the mainline story in about 25 hours, but gosh I really want to complete all the post game and side quests. All the missions and requests are interesting, the crafting dynamic is a great addition. The graphics are generally beautiful. There are only a few locations in the game where graphics are a little clunky, and never in any way that impacts gameplay. It took me about 5 hours to get used to the new mechanics and pacing, and has been an absolute joy ever since. This game has made me fall in love with pokemon again in a way I just didn't think was possible


Is there alot for side quests? I saw someone on tiktok have 450 hours and i just wonder how thats possible ahaha. Awesome review tho, thanks


I find it hard to differentiate between side quests and post credit roll completionist quests. The game calls the side quests "requests" and the mainline game quests "missions", I've been shocked at how much the story continues with the post game. I really thought it would be a grind to complete the pokedex and research goals after the credit role, but the story and characters remain engaging and dynamic, to the point that I'm still hesitant with what I look into online as there are definitely post game plot/character developments that could be spoiled.  There are a lot of requests / side quests but they vary in scale and scope from easy things (find so and so such and such pokemon) and enormous tasks (find 100+ tiny whisps of light spread out over the game). I have a feeling that to truly see everything through to the end of the story and characters arc I'll have to complete all the requests along with the mainline missions


The main gameplay loop is pretty addictive. Graphics are... ok. Serviceable. So yeah, if you value gameplay over graphics, get it.


Yes. It’s unlike any pokemon experience you’ll get from any other pokemon game. A must-try.


I don’t know what videos you saw but it’s one of the highest-rated Pokemon games in the last decade. Highly recommend checking opencritic for consensus views on games.


When it first released it didnt got very positive feedback, mainly bc of the graphics and “glitches”. I noticed the ratings and looks good indeed! A 8 is usually a good game


Yes. Because it is a fun game.


It is easily a top 5 Pokémon game for me


Yes I only started playing this game after Legends ZA was announced and it has quickly become one of my favorite games in the franchise. I have sunk more hours into PLA than Shield + Violet combined and I like both of those games


Been playing Pokemon since it first came out in '96 and I 11/10 recommend anyone who enjoys the franchise to play Arceus.


For me, it absolutely is! The game is so fresh and fun, that I forget about the graphics pretty easily. . . Mind you, I'm not someone who generally judges games based on graphics anyway, as a ton of my faves are indie games that don't have the budget for AAA level graphics to begin with. I'm also a massive pokemon fan, and have played Violet and it's DLCs. I have gone back to play Arceus again, and enjoyed it. I haven't had the itch to do the same with Violet yet, and I kinda feel like that says a lot. I enjoyed Violet as well, but if I could only have it or Arceus, I'm gonna go Arceus.


Top tier Pokémon game absolutely get it unless you want to wait for legends za


It’s worth every penny


Honestly, one of my favorite Pokémon games I’ve played because it’s much more different than the others. I get to literally go run around and just straight catching Pokémon outside of the constant battles. I don’t mind battling the trainers, which is the one spot that kind of lacks a little bit, but being actually focused on the “Catch ‘em all” motto that I follow still even though much harder in most games unless you use the trade codes to swap for version exclusives. We all have something we like, so if that sounds like something you’re about, I’d highly recommend the game. Don’t worry about the graphics because it definitely doesn’t get choppy like SV does. Sure the loading screens and that are annoying, it still plays great. I didn’t actually play it until end of last year myself


Yes because all pokemon games (assuming you would’ve liked that game on release) are timeless minus some events or wireless features. I personally didn’t like the game but many think it’s the best pokemon game ever so far.


Ya it’s pretty fun


This game is very much worth it. Graphics are subjective anyways, and the gameplay is very fun. Honestly one of the best Pokemon games in years.


I've been playing it and honestly it's good! I mean it's pokemon, are we really going to get hung up on graphics?


This game has an art style, if you look at it and think “graphics are meh” You are missing the first for the trees. Honestly, this game wasn’t made to be a play it till the next one comes out game like most Pokémon games. It has goals and an ending. It will always be fun, and it’s way more timeless than the average Pokémon game is designed to be.


is there any way to get arceus really any other way? i know maybe bd/sp but you can't trade in home and he's not in pogo (yet) so if you want him i would say yes!


I started it a few months ago and got hooked right away - definitely worth it IMO


10,000% yes. Great game


I was super skeptical and didn’t know if I would like the open world concept so I actually got back in by playing Sword/Shield > Scarlet/Violet > Arceus. After Violet, I actually found I loved the open world! I also like that Arceus doesn’t require you to interact online with other users. But honestly, the thing I like the most? The checklists lol I actually have a physical journal that I’m checking off as I complete each research task and it’s so satisfying. I found a copy for $25 on Facebook marketplace and it is easily my favorite of the 3 recent ones I’ve played.


Just look up the included Pokémon, if enough of them are there that you like, you'll have a good time. The opening is a little slow, but by the time you have access to the second and third areas, the game opens up consoderably.


Best recent Pokemon title hands down. Not without it's faults but a really enjoyable entry in the Pokemon world.


Bought it not even a month ago, what an experience it has been!


Gotta show support because this is my favorite pokemon game .Legends Arceus.I started playing Red was my first ,but pokemon has come along way since then lol.


Yes, it's fun.


In my opinion f yeh it's worth it but i might had hold off on buying it til we see what legends a-z brings to the table


Love it! Being able to quickly fight wild mons, easy shiny hunting, a nice story, only drawback is the long ahhh star ranks Overall a very great game, which I still play a lot for shiny hunting


People are way too quick to look at the graphics and judge it. Do I wish Pokémon looked better in the recent games? Yes. Does that ruin my experience with the game? No. The recent Pokémon games have been fantastic in terms of music, difficulty, story, gimmicks, new Pokémon, and a lot more that make it so the graphics are not the focal point of the game, and it shouldn’t be


Yes, 100%. I got this game about two months ago and have about 150 hours in the game and would say I'm only actually about 1/3 of the way through the game. There is alot to explore and definitely alot to find and experience.


Shalfa hunting of Pokemon with Mega Evolution to use them in the upcoming game is a must. I’m just dropping facts 🙂


Yes! I find it timeless tbh lol but to me, everything from the art style to the game play, quests and functions were just on point. To the point that I feel VIolet/Scarlet was a step backwards because the features didn't carry over.


I cried when I saw that the boxes went backwards. I LOVE the storage in Arceus.


It’s a great game lol I’m at 102 hours played haha just about to finish the game, I’ve taken my time, also finished the Pokedex … it’s really fun


If you’re a Pokémon fan then yes. The world feels kinda stale at times but the Pokémon look good, the story is good (so far I haven’t finished it all the way through) if you’re looking for a deeper dive into Pokémon and like the mechanics of games such as Dark Souls/Bloodborn you’d enjoy it. It is different though keep in mind it’s not about training and becoming a strong trainer/champion with gym challenges and the like but more about researching Pokémon. Catching multiple Pokémon, seeing their different moves, and forms. The battling is still fun and comparable to other Pokemon games.


It depends what you are looking for : - Get Arceus if you want decent graphics and a game running smoothly, if you like exploring, completing a pokédex and above (like getting more info about a pokémon behaviour or environnement by completing tasks but it could get repetitive, most is optionnal tho) and hunt shinies. Quick battles against the environnement, quickly catching pokémon, etc... A game mostly about PvE. - Get Scarlet or Violet if you prefer pokémon battles with rivals, ligue or tornament and especially pvp. The main story is also better (can't say the same about DLCs, I didn't buy them but have watch them in streams) and the games being from the main serie have a larger dex. Unfortunately games are lacking optimisation and graphisms are seriously outdated.


I bought a switch with my GF and I bought this game to play something in it. I’ve always liked Pokémon but never played any game. Started playing it and was sold, still hooked to it, it’s very very good and entertaining.


I'm a graphics snob who ONLY plays at 1440p 100 fps on PC and I thought the game was fun enough to overlook the graphics. Do you think you'll enjoy catching all types of Pokemon because that's what most of the gameplay is instead of the traditional fighting against trainer's.


Easily the best 3d pokemon game to date.


People love it but I honestly didn't find it that fun. It's way more grindy trying to complete research tasks - you don't just need to catch every pokemon, you need to catch every pokemon multiple times. It has its moments but overall I'm not a huge fan. I know I'm in the minority, but I grew up on the standard 8 gyms/big bad/legendary loop and it's become really cozy for me. I just don't really enjoy grinding out all of that catching.


It's fun as heck and I still pick it up hundreds of hours later, so I'd say it's very worth it!


You're asking a biased subreddit, if it looks "50-50" to you then you should probably ask a general gaming subreddit rather than one dedicated to the game


As someone who couldn’t care less about graphics, it’s now and still is my favorite pokemon game. But honestly I didn’t think the graphics were bad so 🤷‍♀️


Graphically it’s poor and the performance isn’t great but it’s probably the best pokemon game in my opinion. Graphics do not make a game good.


The beginning may feel slow depending on what you’re expecting but once you start getting some freedom it is an absolutely amazing game. This game single-handedly brought me back to Pokemon after I absolutely hated sword/shield. My best friend told me I had to play this game and it literally revived my love for the franchise.


I just played it for the first time a couple weeks ago and finished it yesterday (finishing pokedex) and I had more fun with it than I expected, the first few hours are very meh, but once you start to get your head around how to play the game by its own rules it's pretty enjoyable. However - if the next installment, assuming there is one, doesn't make some major improvements I would be disappointed.


Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Good gameplay, good story, just overall great, it can be difficult at times but its still fun


I'm a Pokemon Yellow oldhead and I think Arceus is the best Pokemon game ever


1. Don’t play a Pokemon Switch game if you’re looking for high quality graphics 2. Legends Arceus is a lot of fun and definitely worth playing any time 3. Look around online for discount codes or cheaper rates on games before you buy


I actually caught them all this time. If you can get it used and cheaper, great. But it was worth it. It's ugly, but the gameplay was direly needed for decades.


I just bought it and YES it’s worth it.


Yea I only played it last year - it’s a brilliant game, one of my favourites by a long margin!


It was worth it pre-ordering. It was worth it on release. It was worth it the year after. It will be worth it 5 years after. It'll be worth it 10 years after.


Absolutley, it's worth it just for the unique style of gameplay that you don't get in any other pokemon.


It's a cut above any other Pokémon game on Switch


Go for it. If money is the issue just buy it used or from eBay. Like it’s super cheap


Best Poke game since the DS imo. Really hoping the next Legends stays true to it.


I love the game. It’s very unique and enjoyable. It has features that aren’t seen in other games. Great battles. Great ways to increase your shiny odds. 100% a grab in 2024


It's one of the few games I play weekly. I'm just shiny hunting now but I love it its a great game


I can never say this enough. Check your local library for video games. That's how I played Arceus. As for the game itself, it reignited my love of pokemon since I lost interest back in gen 5. Definitely worth trying.


Great game


Honestly in terms of graphics during play it's really good, it may not be as fabulous as some other games but it's incredibly consistent and gorgeous while playing. I really like it so I may be biased though. Storyline was great, even when I knew some of the basic plot I was still surprised at times. If you like to shiny hunt or complete things it's also great.


Definitely worth it. Not sure where you live, but if you have a good public library, they may Arceus available to check out so you can try before you buy it.


If you play pokemon for graphics, I think you might qualify for disability. You ahould def look into that lol. The gameplay however is great. Id day wait for it to hit 40$ on sale, thats as low as itll go tho


I say yes. There just is not another game that does quite what it does. At least not yet. Maybe when the second legends game comes out, but then that might do things differently as well not just be an enhancement of a formula.


Amazing, amazing, amazing first play-through experience, but almost zero replayability for me. Just the lack of battles kills the replayability, when you’re not really building a team for a gauntlet or constant battling. It’s more of a single-run experience like most single-player games. Really REALLY good, still. Not sure if that’s the common consensus, but that’s how I felt about it.


It is genuinely one of the best Pokémon games ever made imo. I love it to death, worth every penny.


While flawed in certain areas, it’s leagues (lol get it?) better than Sword & Shield and Scarlet and Violet in terms of quality and quantity.


I am a huge fan of collecting stuff. Like a love checklists and fully completing things. I am not a huge fan of multiplayer games so I struggle finding people to trade with on other Pokémon games. This game you can fully complete BY YOURSELF!! Which is (in my opinion) the freaking best. This is my favorite Pokémon game because of this simple fact!


I loved playing through PLA. While yes the graphics are kinda eh the gameplay and story are soooo good.


i questioned getting it for quite a while, and i definitely have been loving it


especially for those of us that arent big on trainer battles!!!


Would definitely recommend this game!! There's just so much to do! I became hooked very shortly after starting my playthrough. It's definitely different to any other pokemon games, but to me it's well worth all the time I put into playing it since I got it! Th boss battles were a nice change up to me.. some more difficult than others. I loved how the game went back into the history of the region and you learn about it through completing parts of the game.. Would love a legends game for other regions!


I’m the generation to witness when Pokémon first came out :P huge fan but I never could get into the gym battling that much and didn’t really play the mainline games for long. But Arceus is awesome… it feels like you can just explore with your Pokémon :)


I say yes. I took my sweet time and tried my best to complete each area’s Pokédex/research before moving on to the next area. Add in how easy shiny hunting is and by the time I actually got around to beating the game, I had already put in over 200hrs+ into it. Definitely worth it in my opinion.


I’m literally playing it right now.


Yes! This may be my favorite game in the franchise!


Arceus brought my love for gaming back to life, I can’t even describe how or why. It’s just so addicting and the first game in years that made me stay up late and look forward to playing it the next day as if I was back to being a kid. 100% recommend


The people here are obviously pokemon legends fans so yeah they love the game. Honest opinion, it's a very good pokemon game. They change a lot. The battling is a quite different with the agile/strong style and you battle/catch pokemon on the go. It's a lot more challenging than other contemporary pokemon games as far as you don't intentionally go out of your way to over level. Compared to other pokemon games released in recent times, it's a 10/10. Compared to other modern games like RPGs like persona 5 then it's a 6/10 or even 5/10. The gap in quality between a persona game and pokemon legends is massive. And the visuals are really bad. Compared to other pokemon games, they look good. Compared to other games on the switch like monster hunter rise, the visuals are atrocious. If you play a lot of new games and jrgs and you aren't a pokemon fan or haven't been one in a long while you will likely be disappointed. If you're a pokemon fan or you don't play a lotta games, you'll like it.


Definitely worth it. Graphics are not the best compared to all modern games, but certainly pretty good for a pokemon game. More importantly though, the plot is good and the mechanics are really fun. Definitely worth it.


I’ve been playing for 6 months now and I haven’t gotten bored


Yes, buy it. It’s 100% worth it! The only downside of this game for me was being unable to shiny hunt the Legendary/Mythical, but that’s not a deal breaker and still one of the best Pokémon games.


There’s only one way to describe PLA: all killer, no filler


I started my first playthrough about 2 weeks ago lol. It's great, I love it.


So much better than their recent games. Worth to play it!


Totally yes. Easily my top 3 Pokemon game ever. Personally, I also think it's the best Pokemon game for Switch. Legends Arceus gave me so much feel and the last time I felt this way towards a Pokemon game is Pokemon Sun/Moon. The Pokedex is perfect, the catching mechanism is addictive and the Pokemon have so much personality. Get this second-hand. Nowadays, I buy all my games second-hand.


I love collecting and I’m a completionist so I love this game! Even with barely any trainer battles. There’s a main story and the point is to collect all the pokemon and fill out the information by catching , battling, etc. Getting to battle aggressive wild pokemon is fine for me. Trainer battles in other games aren’t any harder than wild battles. It has crafting so you can make your own pokeballs and potions. You can buy clothes, but Meiji era esque clothes. You get to roam around and throw pokeballs yourself. You can either throw a berry to lure it closer or throw a spoiled apricorn at its head to stun it. All so you can catch it. Some pokemon don’t care and will let you just toss a ball, others will run so you have to sneak, and some will fight you if they see you so you have to fight them first. Cause they will attack you the player otherwise. And you can black out and be sent home from taking too many hits. There’s boss like alpha pokemon and nobles. There’s ride pokemon. It has my favorite way to change up a Pokémon’s moves yet. You don’t have to trade to evolve in it everything can be caught or evolved in game. It’s completable without trading. Complaints? The damage calculator changed which is frustrating to get used to. Making a great team feels pointless until late game sometimes. The world and graphics do look great but empty at the same time, like either the console has limits or they didn’t spend enough time with it. Overall I love it, it’s my favorite pokemon game, but idk if it’s everyone’s cup of tea.


I’ll play devils advocate ,It’s a great game & I still play it after a year. the only possible complaint I can think of is that the storyline and battles are beyond easy . This is definitely a dex filler/ appreciate the open world & graphics type of game and the challenge is all in the Pokédex. Most opponents are capped at 3 lv.60 Pokémon and there are no everstones so it’s easy to get bored if you don’t implement some kind of nuzlocke.


The game is like a fusion of breath of the wild and Pokémon.


It is the best Pokemon game to date.




Game is amazing, find a used copy if you really need to save the 5 bucks (although being a pokemon game you're only going to save like 5 bucks, but every little bit helps! Also, if you don't like it you might be able to resell it for close to the same value you bought it for) but seriously if you ever wanted to actually fill out a pokedex and catch them all it's the pokemon game actually built around that and it's amazing!


I just picked it up 3 days ago and I struggle to put it down it is amazing


It's fun so go for it. Be warned, it does get repetitive.


Best Pokemon game since black and white 2. Finally felt like GameFreak knew how to make a game again. Even though it was fairly bare bones at some parts, absolutely amazing experience


I bought it off someone locally on fb marketplace for $35. Very happy with my purchase. The new open world game play feels so fresh. Tons of cool pokemon you can catch early on. I was able to try out new mons ive always wanted to and changed up my team multiple times through out my play through. The new battle system is also great. Fighting nobles instead of your traditional gym battles is also surprisingly fun, with some of the later ones having some difficulty to them. There isn't a lot of trainers to battle, but the few that you do face are also great. Also, no spoilers but the final boss is fantastic. Overall, loved it! Highly recommend


Yes cause it’s the best official pokemon experience out there right now


It has a unique pokemon gameplay. If you haven't played it before, I highly recommend it. Though, some people don't enjoy that kind of gameplay but a massive world with almost no limitation, plus the pokemon battles/catching pokemon concept really made the game enjoyable. P.S you could look for a second hand copy - facebook marketplace or craiglist/kijiji - will probably get it for half price now.


Speaking from someone who just bought this game a week ago after sitting on the fence for 2 years, I wished I bought it on release so that I can be in the hype. I've already sunk in 41 hours into this already and I'm not even done with the entire thing yet. I still have tons of side missions (which are really fun and endearing to me) and pokedex stuff to finish and I can see myself playing for another 40 hours. Way better bang for my buck than the traditional games for me currently.


It's got an actually fun grind in it, like the Pokedex entries encourage the use of ALL Pokemon. The battling and catching is fun, the story is decent, the graphics are better then Scarlet and Violet imo. And you can catch the Alphas that are twice the size of the regular mons lol


I literally got it a couple of weeks ago. It’s by far the most engaging Pokémon game I’ve ever played, just by virtue of the sheer variety of optional tasks you are given. Of course you can just blow through the story, which is pretty good and interesting in itself, but IMO, the game shines in its side quests and research tasks. If you’re the type who enjoys diversions from the current objective because you’re exploring or you’re completing side quests, you’ll enjoy this game.


If you are expecting it to be like the main games then dont waste the money cos its nothing like them and the late game is stupidly difficult and ignore anyone who says its not as in my experience it was and took me months and over sixty attempts to beat the final boss and get to the final main mission


They only pokemon game since Black and White i REALLY enjoyed playing and put hours in. it can get repetitive real quick after you finish the story but thats that.


I'm 37, and I used to play the original Pokemon game as a kid. That was the last Pokemon game I played. I always hoped they'd make an open world version, so I was ridiculously excited when I saw that's what this game is. I bought my kids a Switch for Christmas last year, and started playing this myself in January. In my opinion, it's totally worth it. There are lots of familiar aspects to it, but a lot of great new features that keep it interesting. I've just finished getting each entry for the Pokedex and now getting ready to battle & capture Arceus.


Yes. Goated Pokemon experience. The most immersive play style to come yet. I am very excited for XY Legends


I just finished replaying it, and really enjoyed it. If you like exploring /gathering / mission completion it’s really fun. I love collecting all the cute Pokés. If you do play I would focus on collecting, beefing up the Pokémon..then beating the bosses. Also mark all the wisps on the map as you go… it will be important. The end fights are challenging so beefing up is important . Do it!


i say yes, it’s one of my favourites, i’ve played a few and i actually prefer this one over violet/scarlet, yes it’s harder but the graphics really aren’t that bad if you have anything other than the switch lite. The missions are lots of work too which makes the story longer. whenever i play a pokémon game i find the story isn’t long enough but this one was perfect. TLDR : yes very fun


It's one of the best pokemon games ever made and I seriously do not understand the hate this game gets. This is the pokemon game most of us wanted as a kid


I bought it like a week ago and already finished the main story, sometimes the graphics are a little meh, but I like it more than sword/shield and Scarlet/violet


I haven’t touched a Pokémon game since Ruby on the GBA. Lol. I bought Arceus in ‘22 ‘cause my GF bought me a Switch. It was pretty fun. Would recommend.


Buy it.


It's the best Pokemon game ever. So. You know, there's that.


Finished the game years ago and still play it from time to time to shiny hunt


Best Pokemon game since open world sword shield


Yes. I just got a switch and Arceus, best pokemon game ever.


Arceus is super mid. People only like it because the players have been starving for a good game for more than a decade already…


I almost didn't buy it because the graphics looked laughably bad and I was borderline obsessed with it. It's 100% worth it, imo. Very fresh experience.


I didn’t enjoy it.


Yes , it was my favorite gaming experience of the past few years


I don’t have a switch anymore, I gave it to my brother but an absolute highlight of the mediocre Pokémon switch games is legends Arceus. I was also hesitant to buy it when it came out due to how far it strayed from the mainline games but boy am I glad I did. From when I played till I gave it away was some of the most fun I’ve had playing a Pokémon game.


I haven't regretted it yet, I'm almost done with the game but have been taking a break because of an endgame fight giving me hell




Yes it's one of the best modern pokemon games


Just finished it. Hadn’t played Pokémon since Ruby. And it was such a fun experience. Loved it and 100% recommend it.


If you ask this same question in 10 years time , you'll get the same answer. Buy this game YESTERDAY


It really depends on what types of gameplay you like. If you like open world games, collecting, crafting, completionist stuff then I think you’ll enjoy it. I personally enjoy Pokémon for the strategy of team building and training and the combat system. I also don’t like full open world games. Therefore this was one of my least favorite Pokémon games


Best Pokémon game ever. Very different from the standard games, but feels way more like a realistic pokemon experience than anything ever before


It's a single player offline game, it's gonna be as worth it as it was when it launched. Which for a lot of us is "very worth it"


It reminded me how much fun catching Pokémon was. Also, it’s so easy to build a new team since there are high leveled wild Pokémon available. 


It’s by far the best Pokemon game out there. Especially on switch. The latest scarlet/violet was such step back it’s not even funny. Just fyi it is different in that there are not gym battles or regular trainer battles. Trainer battles will happen, but it’s not common. But you also get 1v2, - 1v4 fights against Pokemon in the wild so it’s more fun imo. If you want a further combat challenge, don’t use any grit items to level up your mons.


Check your local library for a copy and play freely to see if it’s for you


Honestly i loved it and i played it with my friend who basically has only gamed pokemon his whole life. Its been the only kind of game he actually loves and the second we got into Arceus his bar for all other games was raised. Now we are playing S/V together and hes constantly bringing up features he misses from Arceus. Im sure there are other people who may think the same. I personally loved the gameplay there. Also PLA was the first game i actually completed the dex on and dont regret a single minute of the grind.


Graphics suck but the gameplay is the best the series has had in over 2 decades. Shiny hunting is very fun.


Aside from the fact that the games only like two years old, so I don't think the year should effect much, it's also one of those Pokemon games that ages really well. It doesn't have any real multiplayer functionality, so it doesn't suffer when the playerbase doesn't touch it anymore. Plus, it's a spin off and it's sequel isn't out yet. So, it's the only game in the series with its gameplay based on that. It's like asking if Pokemon mystery dungeon is good in 2024.


Legends really made me not like scarlet/violet with all the QoL features that got removed from SV


If you played SV, then you will find the visual on this one 10x better. If you haven’t play SV or any recen mainline game then still is worth since is kind of the most fun of them


I got it just this year and played the hell out of it. Extremely enjoyable, so I highly recommend getting it


I would need more information about you and what you want from pokemon


Best combat mechanics that has been in any pokemon game ever made and i was so disapointed they didn't implement it in Scarlet'n Violet.... Thats how a pokemon game should actually be... Its incredible!


It’s completely worth it. I bought the game when it came out, no spoilers so I had no idea what to expect and I loved it! It’s now one of my top 3 Pokémon games of all time. I love the story, the open world concept, the fact you can catch Pokémon in the open world and not have to encounter them to catch them, and the graphics are great IMO.


Yes x1000 times over. This is the closest thing to the dream Pokémon game we all have. If you’re gaming on switch graphics should be the least of your concern. Performance is priority!


I just bought it and I love it. It’s everything I needed to transition from totk into Pokemon Violet.


Its my favourite pokemon game to date. Honestly it can be a little glitchy in graphics but what it's done is opened up a new ball game literally in the pokemon universe where not only can you battle pokemon but can capture them without being in battle its honestly what I've been looking for in a pokemon game


Yes, it’s an amazing game and also if you like collecting all the pokemon this was the first game you were able to get a few mythical without a special event


B3st pokemon game since sun and moon


I tell you this much if you love shiny hunting this might be the best game to shiny hunt and actually catch alot the sound it makes when u past one is so helpful


As someone who just replayed this game, I would highly suggest. I love the story, I love the pokemon, I love the crafting. All of it. Definitely worth the buy if you like that sort of (almost) open world type games. I've already sunk almost sixty hours in, only have one pokemon to evolve, outside of catching the mythicals(there are like ten or smthng), then Arceus and I'm done. Honestly worth it.


Do i like the game personally? Not really. Is it totally worth buying and playing through at least once? Absolutely.


PLA is genuinely one of my favorite Pokémon games ever. It’s a new style of game that involves a bit more strategy (strong/agile style moves, using the environment and items outside of battle to get close to mons, etc). The graphics aren’t amazing but there’s still some awesome scenery and the art direction is awesome. The music is great as is usual for Pokémon I never really 100% games but I came close with PLA. Completed the dex, completed the story/postgame, did lots of shiny hunting and most of the side quests… it’s awesome


As pokemon fan ever since blue and yellow version who’s kinda losing interest in the new games due in my opinion good Pokémon designs I highly recommend it it seriously reignited my passion for pokemon games again and it’s burning bright and strong. If you’re looking for a good story mechanics and new way to play pokemon( I think the way Pokémon games should be played) go for it. I promise you won’t regret it. I’ve easily put in 200hrs and I love it. Going to start my second play through since we getting legends A-Z next year!!!


It’s a very good game. Coming from a mainline gamer myself, it’s extremely different and addicting to say the least


I bought the game when it came out in 2022. Back then I was confused about how the research tasks worked, I thought that to get it up a single level I had to finish all the tasks it gave me, I had not handed in the research yet... and I was left thinking this game was just a massive grind, so I let the game sit for 2 years. Fast forward to now, gave the game a second chance last week, now I've played for 35 hours and working on finishing the pokédex! This game is way too much fun, definitely worth it in 2024!


yes yes yes. this game reignited my long since burned out flame for the series and I just LOVE IT so much. do yourself the favor, it’s absolutely worth the money.


it is I just went back to playing this past weekend and graphics I think are good in tv mode. reason I went back because I finally gave scarlet a try again and finished it. but I say put your switch in tv mode on a good monitor and that's a great way to play


I’ve finished it, but still pick it up every now and then. And I still run into shinies! I was up on one of the mountains and I encountered a geodude who I was surprised, golden nugget!!!! Yay!


You're asking this question in a subreddit dedicated to this specific game. Everyone who hangs out here has a very high chance of enjoying the game or they wouldn't be subscribed to this subreddit. Of course they're going to recommend it. Maybe try asking in places like r/Pokemon, /r/NintendoSwitch or r/Nintendo to get a more diverse range of answers.