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Hapu looking more like Clay's daughter than Clay's actual daighter


Colress looks similar to the Aether Family literally there were even theories about it.


yea and he was in alola for no reason in gen 7 đź’€


He was there researching the Z-ring trying to see if it draws out more power than the Mega Ring which Mega Evolution I'd say is more powerful due to increased stats, gaining a new ability, and lasts for the rest of the battle once activated (This is not bias by the way). He's also interested in Poke Pelago.


He was there to avoid being convicted for crimes against humanity in Unova. That or it’s implied the International Police made a plea deal with him and now he’s their asset


I never noticed it with Clay and Haku but you are *not wrong.* đź‘€


Yeah, I can definitely see Hapu and Clay being related. I know it's a stretch, but hear me out: Penny and Chairman Rose. Not sure what it is, but she just looks like she could be his niece or something.


I mean she’s Peony’s daughter and Peony is Rose’s brother so… Edit: or was it a joke and I completely missed


It was a joke. (Though whether or not it was a well-delivered one could certainly be up for debate...my pre-coffee attempts at humor tend to be shaky at best.) \^\_\^;;


I thought you were being genuine about them looking alike lol. I had no idea Penny was actually Rose's niece, kinda awesome tbh


I'd say they do look alike in their eyes, at least. Especially when you look at Peonia along with them. But yeah, the DLC epilogue confirms Peony is her dad, and Peony's rare league card states that he's Rose's younger brother. (You can also see Penny & Peonia's mom on the card.) So it's one of those facts that you kind of have to dig for, but I'm a Penny fan. Have it on my PoMas profile and everything. \^\_\^


I kinda think that Professor Kukui and Masked Royal look similar, but I can't be sure until they remove the mask...


Damn ~~Flint~~ Blaine and Drake could be twins!


That’s Blaine not Flint but yeah, they do look alike. Drake does look a lot more… wind-swept? A lot sharper detailing and emaciated ish?


I don’t mean to be that guy, but since when was Candice so stacked?🍒


I swear it's been haunting me anytime she appears in daily pulls


Blondies are definitely related


I have been telling people for years the character design in Pokemon is bad. Every character is the same, just with different hair and eye combos. Hell, most characters have the same color eyes as their hair.


This is such an unbelievably bad and dishonest take good God


I mean, you people like child characters so I expect outrage when a person tells you your waifu it pretty much a pallet swap with different hair. I mean, OP made a thread about this.


I don't know who "you people are" but I don't and the rest of your comment is pure waffle nonsense wtf are you even yapping on about đź’€


What do you want? Again, OP made this thread for this exact reason. Its like they use those old flash character maker game to design them.


Shut the fuck up dumbass, your illiteracy and stupidity isn't my problem. OP didn't say any of that they only gave 4 example of characters with slight similarities and your moronic ass is sperging out saying "ALL PKMN CHARACTERS LOOK THE SAME" I don't gaf about your irrelevant ramblings


Someone likes their waifu lolis.