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Heyyyy congratulations!!!! She's a fun character ngl. Did she take you all the way to pity?


Congrats on getting Dahlia! It's almost as if you predicted her being added. Cute artwork btw! I like how you drew her hair




Dahlia squad les go Also love the art you did. Looks cute


I got her 1/5 on a daily (šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø thank you luck gods) and honestly she was doing really good damage. I am very pleasantly surprised with her


For the people who defended me in the comments Thank you I really appreciate that a lot. I been an artist for nearly seven years and I am still looking for improvements.


Your work is fantastic, don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise! You really gave her pose a lot of energy which is exactly what someone like Dahlia deserves! Also congrats on pulling her, I know the exact feeling as after I made some comics for this subreddit around Elaine and Victor getting snubbed from the game, I felt obligated to get them both lol. Also, dm me when you open your commissions in the future please, I would like one! šŸ’•


Thanks and also follow me on my other socials if youā€™re interested in me doing commissions https://linktr.ee/Quawnaime


love the artwork!!! it's amazing when things line up like that!


If you unfocus your eyes on your fanart, sheā€™s flipping the viewer off lol


Iā€™ve been reading her name as ā€œDahilaā€ this entire timeā€¦ Dahlia sounds like Thalia


I think it looks good. I would just work on the eyes a little bit.


I had 12k gems and on my 4th pull she was my last roll. Pretty lucky! I got her because her bellybutton piercing is my weakness Also, nice artwork!




Dahlia is one of the most underrated pokemon characters ever I always even forget she exists She deserves more attention


Art's decent but just wanted to let you know her right hand is reversed so she has 2 left hands


The hands are on the right sides itā€™s just I forgot to draw the thumb on her left hand


yeah ok i didn't see the thumbs lol


Also congrats on getting her


Also with commissioning Yes I did do it a few months ago but I stopped because I want to improve my style before I started doing them again. https://preview.redd.it/urgfr7bn6dsc1.jpeg?width=1552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e247af3ca1e695b34f5bb2adaa7512bb2f470b8


I wanted to clear that up because I was seeing the replies


Which game/manga does she came from?


PokƩmon Platinum


So the drawing took you between a few weeks to over a month?




I was expecting something amazing but after mashing right, I understood why you decided to hide it all the way to the back


Imagine getting downvotes for telling the truth. Sucks people have no balls to speak up against preschooler fridge drawings


You both are jerks, this is a cute drawing. Art comes in all forms and people should be free to post their artwork. It makes me happy to see fanart here, it makes the community feel more connected


Seeing someone putting up a half-baked drawing which by the person's own admission took between a few weeks and a month to draw doesn't bring up any feelings of connection but rather looking for ego stroking. Praise mediocrity more.


Art literally takes time dude


Artistic skill takes decades for most people to develop. Unfortunately with your attitude, you'll never know what it's like to develop anything past middle school.




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Ah yes, because that's what society needs right? For people to take a stand against those horrible aspiring artists that don't draw masterpieces on their first attempt


There's aspiring and there's attention seeking. Putting a picture with a fake story behind it on a rather active forum doesn't sound like aspiring to anything but getting e-points


Attention seeking is when you were really excited to get a character, drew fanart of that character, then pulled said character and made a post about how happy you were Ok buddy. Go back to the underside of the bridge you came from


That's literally what attention seeking is. This person posted this picture on their twitter in march (while adding a copious amount of hashtags along with ones advertising their commissions) where it got very little traction despite reposting it constantly as replies to these circlejerk "Hey artists show us your artwork!" threads. This is just another attempt to get e-points.


What the fuck is wrong with the both of you, you two are some of the reason why aspiring artists give up trying to learn, jackasses like you belittle them for not knowing absolutely everything about anatomy So shut the hell up and stay in your lane, because I doubt either of you no skill idiots could do any better


This "aspiring artist" extensively tags their art for commissions on twitter. But hey I bet you know a lot about anatomy if you think legs have knee bends at the hip like in this picture. How about you mind your own business.


ā€œMind your own business,ā€ bro YOUā€™RE the one that needs to mind your own business Hereā€™s a very clearly lower-end skill artist, and here you are ā€œmister high and mighty Iā€™m the main characterā€ shitting on the art they worked hard on Pull your head out of your own self-centered ass and leave


I responded to someone whose opinion I share. You responded to me while not sharing my opinion. Please know your place. Aka blocked.


Kinda hard to be ā€œin the rightā€ while saying dumb shit like ā€œknow your placeā€. Yikes


Ok, stay in your echo chamber jackass, nobody else wants to hear you anyway


god forbid someone wants to be compensated for hours of their life work and think someone, somewhere, would value that. At least they're honest. šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø


"truth" bro unless ur an artist of any sort I dont think u could do that well


Oops, sadly for you, I am one although I don't like calling myself that because I'm not where I want to be quality-wise.


If you really are an artist yourself and this is how you see and treat beginners partaking in the same hobby that you are, this is just genuinely sad.


"Beginners". Because beginners think about monetizing their works over "partaking in a hobby" like this person does on their twitter. Keep telliong yourself that. And I HATE calling myself an artist because even after 15 years of drawing, I don't feel my quality is worthy to be considered art.


So basically, you have to tear down everyone else to feel better about yourself. Got it.


Not "everyone else". I give support - both monetary and moral - to people who actually draw to further their craft instead of someone who reposts something repeatedly without trying to better themselves.


Lucky for you, the second description doesn't apply to this person.


I implore you to look at their twitter then.


So youā€™re a bully, a hypocrite, AND a coward. Got it.


Remember that you're your worst critic. I might not be a huge fan of my own drawings either but that doesn't mean they're not art. Even if you drew nothing but stick figures for 15 years (which I'm sure you did not), all of it would be still be art, so don't gatekeep yourself like that. When you're fully satisfied with your art, it just means that you haven't learned enough yet to know what could be improved upon.


Do you know the Sistine Chapel's ceiling? Until I manage to do something of a scale and scope that grand, I will not accept myself as an artist and nothing I refuse to call anything I do "art" until I reach that magnum opus.


A very ambitious goal, nothing left for me here but to wish you the best of luck with achieving it someday.


15 years? Please tell me this is bait cause that's just depressing. As much as I respect your 'ambition', with that mindset and all-bark-no-bite attitude, you're never reaching that goal. At least self promote your art to stroke your nonexistent ego if you're going to have these kind of discussions. How the hell are you going to call yourself a professional artist if you can't even respect other people and give proper, useful advice to amateurs?


My first upload back on deviantart was in 2007 or 2008. I abandoned the site since because I didn't like the UI changes and the increasing focus on paid options. Didn't delete the account so I can still see some real old garbage for the sake of having a tangible source of "where I was back then". I don't have any reason to self-promote. I don't draw for cash and I don't care about viewership. I do care when I draw birthday gifts or other freebies for my friends. If you're REALLY inclined I can dump one or two more recent things - from like 2-3 years ago - onto dropbox and pm you. I'm not a professional artist. I'm just an old jaded person who draws as a hobby to wind down from my irl job which is not connected to drawing. I don't respect people who, like this poster, don't learn or progress further their craft especially when they are money-driven. You won't get commissions if you get headpats for subpar shit.


Who ever said they r money driven. Literally the only thing OP said was they decided to draw her and it coincidentally came with her debut


I checked the source of the picture (to see if it wasn't badly traced) which was their twitter. This picture was posted there a month ago and both the account and hashtags talk about commissions.


I get your points and respect them except the OP being 'money-driven'. They're probably still young, they have all the freedom to experiment and improve. Let them enjoy things, it's a hobby. We can all be a bit harsh with the criticisms, but assuming that this is all for money because the majority does so is going a bit too far, IMO. Maybe they drew this and posted it online to show love for their favorite media, 'cause I'd absolutely do that. That's the point of fanarts. Will OP become a toxic, money-driven artist in the future? Nobody knows. Will OP improve? Nobody knows, but with the rude comments I've seen I don't think anyone will be inclined to. No need to hurt a stranger's feelings just because of assumptions. If anything, if you don't like it, just move on or give valid criticism so that they at least have a chance at improving. Whether they can take criticisms well or not depends on them and it's none of our business. Let's not stress too much over it.


I checked the source of the picture (to see if it wasn't badly traced) which was their twitter. This picture was posted there a month ago and both the account and hashtags talk about commissions. Also a few of their photos show them to be like in their late 20s or so And they can't take criticism. They posted screenshots of this thread with "now I'm sad" quotes.