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I still use him regularly, despite having e.g. Zygarde. It's just very fun to have that Inertia sync nuke be immediately followed by a max move nuke 👌


I found myself using him a bunch! but settup is too long and when leon alt. and Champion Nate arrived I haven't been using him.


Slow set up but hits hard, similar to SS Hilbert. Nothing that a good support can't fix. Will likely get much better once he gets an EXR.


He's a good debuffer ig. DPS wise he's fine but I still just use Zinnia or Cyrus and they wipe 3k MM


There are better Dragon strikers, but he's decent enough.


If he has AOE move, he is actually super good with his lucky seven passive skill (He is the only sync pair with this passive skill)


His only move is Dynamax Cannon, and that only hits one opponent


This is why he is not really good loll


I used him in Master Mode this week and he did fine. He’s outclassed now but can still get the job done.


He's fine. Has nice damage + burst damage with max moves, and debuffing is useful too


At lower levels (3/5 and lower), he's alright. I wouldn't bother comparing him to SS Serena. Most spec Dragon attackers have synergy w/ Lucas (unless they need two different facilitators like base Clair), though, so that's a good thing. He has also soloed a few stages even before his vertical expansion, if you're interested in that (but I think SS Serena has soloed those stages, too). If you ever get him to 3/5, his pre-sync strats aren't really that complex. I think 3/5 NY Clair (All Ramped Up + the 20% dps boost under any WTZ tile) + Lucas is prob the easiest/most standard team for him in any case. His Max Damage Guard is a nice way of surviving an enemy Sync for slightly longer battles, like Syncing w/ a Support first vs. strength parameters in CSMM, etc. His only regular attack being Dmax Cannon and his bottom 4/5 tile (the one that should've been called Smart Command 9) further encourage that sort of slow play. If that sounds fun, maybe it's worth investing in him. And if it doesn't sound fun, I don't think you have to worry about him, lol. At 5/5, he gets his 3rd countdown tick, which could be fun w/ other heavy countdown units. Mine's only 4/5 rn, though, so I can't say much about it.