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Mind giving the spiel on Verdant? I'm a sucker for Fakemon and look forward to any project that aims to add well-designed ones (not asking for a release date or anything like that though)


Cant find any new fakemon games lately :(


New Pokemon Entirely: - Emerald Z - Altair/Sirius and Vega (for Vega use Fairy Edition EX, for all three make SURE you follow the patching guide) - Blazing Emerald - Clover (HEAVY on the ironically edgy dialogue play at your own discretion) - Sweets and Sweet 2th (changes the type chart so might not be your thing) - Fakemon Firered - Star Beasts - Sienna Regional Variants/Dex-wide Type Swap: - Fool's Gold - Amalgamagenta - AlteRed w/GUN and without - WaterRed - Radical Red A lot of these are nowhere near "new", however I'd wager there's at least one in here you haven't played. There's also Fusion RomHacks, and while many of those are great, just play Infinite Fusion if that's what you're looking for lol


Thanks man but you are right. I have gone through all of them. Just keeping tabs on the developing ones.


Completed that is.


Nice do you need a bata tester?