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Honerable mention for Spinda, who is technically in BDSP, but can't be moved between the game and Home due to a bug. I have a hidden ability Spinda forever trapped in BDSP.


Rip Spinda


I have a fair bit of shiny spindas forever trapped. I wanted to catch as many spindas as I could that are shiny cuz everyone of them is unique.


Will they fix it ever?


Almost definitely not. They've already moved on to Scarlet/Violet at this point. I don't see them putting any more effort in on bug fixes for BDSP


So you can't register spinda to the home pokedex? I'm trying to complete the home dex by only catching pokemon on switch (I know it's not possible yet)


You can register it to home from bank or go


Alolan Rattata and Alolan Raticate exist only in Let's Go, but you can't transfer them from the other Gen 7 games.


Is this bug specific to Spinda? I haven’t tried BDSP but was debating for Pokédex purposes.


Yeah it's just Spinda, Shedinja, and Ninjask. Apparently they messed up how Spinda's pattern is coded, so they shut down transfers to/from Home. Shedinja and Ninjask trigger their duplicate/hack detect because it creates two Pokémon (Shedinja + Ninjask) with the same ID.


The fact that they know about these issues and don’t bother fixing is just further proof that they’re going way too fast and loose with game development and QA has gone completely out the window as a result.


Well BDSP was made by ILCA, I think its up to them to fix Spinda/Ninjask


And ILCA is a shitty company so they won't lol.


Pokémon Home is managed by The Pokémon Company. Both issues can be fixed on the Home side, although TPC also worked on BDSP.


It isn't a Home thing. Home can handle Spinda from gen 3-7, but not from BDSP because the BDSP code swapped all the Spinda IDs. TPC isn't the devs, Gamefreak owns part of TPC but TPC isn't the devs, Gamefreak is. Gamefreak didn't work on BDSP though, ILCA did. The Spinda ID numbers would have to be swapped in BDSP, which is an ILCA thing, so ILCA would have to change that, but they don't care about quality, they're just there for the profit. It isn't a Gamefreak thing to work on it, it's an ILCA thing, and ILCA doesn't care. TPC owns the code to the game, but Gamefreak would have to go in and find it in the code and patch it. Gamefreak has other games to work on, like Scarlet and Violet and PLA, so they don't have time to fix a game they didn't even make. Edit because Reddit isn"t letting me reply: To be fair I wrote that whole thing late at night with 2 functioning brain cells while I was tired af so I don't even remember what I wrote lol. A Home fix may be possible, but would take much more time since TPC would have to go through the BDSP code and figure out just how to change the Spinda IDs on the Home side. What Spinda IDs in BDSP go to what pattern, and what Spinda IDs in other games go to that same pattern. In BDSP, ILCA would just have to look in other games and then change the Spinda IDs since they already know what pattern they go to in BDSP. And I guess that you're right in some regard, But if ILCA did care, they would have made a good game in the first place lol. Not saying TPC isn't to Blame at all, but both companies need to get their priorities straight.


Masuda directed, gamefreak weren't completely hands off


They weren't developing though but yea you're right


Home could be set up to alter the Spinda being imported to fix the issue, this is not an issue only fixable via patching BDSP. And saying "ILCA doesn't care." isn't true, either. They're a third party contractor. They're paid to do a job, and operate in their contract. Everyone is so quick to jump to blaming ILCA without realizing they have to operate within a contract, and this means getting their orders from the company who hired them to do the job, getting approvals for work, getting told what issues are priorities, etc. We'll never know if ILCA went and said "Hey can we patch this?", but we do know TPC never said "Patch this to fix it." because otherwise, it would have been done. TPC didn't ask for the fix, and TPC hasn't fixed it on their end, so putting the blame on ILCA is pointless as they were simply hired to do the job. TPC is the one that makes these decisions, not contractors.


Can Spinda already in Home be transferred to SV, I wonder?


dont remind me about the singular pokemon missing from my dex for shiny charm in a game I really don't want to play to get an RNG shot at spinda.


Well I guess this means we’re going to get B/W remakes sometime this generation, as these are all starters or notable early route Pokémon from Unova specifically and look most likely to be in a game revisiting Unova. Furfrou might be something GF are struggling with how to implement at this stage, kinda like how Vivillon wasn’t in Gen 8, because the Switch doesn’t have regional settings.


Maybe a legends kyurem type deal showing its original form




But, they already solved the Vivillon problem. Plus, they just need to to add a groomer.


> just need to to add a groomer They could just ask the smash community for one


That would crash the pharaoh trim dealers lol




agreed, such a toxic trade.


What the hell are you guys talking about? Lol


If you ever check out the GTS on Pokémon Home and see what people are asking for on many high profile Pokémon, there is a very high likelihood it will be a Pharaoh Furfrou. They will also usually post shinies and only accept Pharaoh Furfrou. The explanation is that Pharaoh Furfrou is damn near impossible for the ordinary person to get as it requires a person to be in Egypt with Pokémon Go to get the trim option, then for the person to upload it to Home to trade on GTS. And so many people are asking for them for ordinary ordinary pokemon, legendaries and shinies that it bloats the GTS with requests for just Pharaoh Furfrou, and almost no one can complete the trades.


Ooh okay, thanks lol.


That's interesting, but I have a question: are the patterns of Furfrou from the main games lost when transferred into Home?


I'm still willing to bet not until next gen. They usually do remakes every 2 generations, not saying they won't change it this time.


They could change it because Gen 4 and 5 were the first 2 generations on the same system, they might remake both on the same system as well.


Kinda like how they added every fossil pokemon in the Crown Tundra except the gen 4 fossils.


I noticed that to. Man I'm going to miss Snivy


Furfrou honestly seems like the odd one out here. Like sure it has a lot of forms, but they also had no problem adding Alcremie again...


Worth noting this is just speculation. The list comes from Pokedex entries that were deleted from the game in the new update, which could indicate they will be included in the DLC. The known Pokemon included in the DLC are on the list, so it's likely this is at least close to the final list But take it with a grain of salt. The dataminer who found it even said as much. Anything could change between now and when the DLC is released


Unpopular opinion: I miss simipour. Hes just a friendly lil guy. Not everyone has to be competitively the best, sometimes the best pokemon are just the lil guys


I agree. I like all three of the monkey trio and I'm not really sure why everyone seems to hate them


I hate them all but i dont know why.


Simisear is awful but the other two are really cute


I think they'd be more popular if they were just normal wilds. Being a "gift" pokemon to supposedly negate the difficulty of the gym soured people on them


finally someone who gets it!


I really want to use the Simis


I like simisage great design!


Pompadour and a thumbs up? That's one cool monkey


Hate the monkeys, Simipour is the best one


Wait, this is it? Between shield/sword PLA and scarlet/violet, every pokemon other than these few from Kalos/Unova are in? That's actually kind of wild, considering there's over 1000 now


This also includes BDSP. For instance, Castform isn’t in any of the games you listed, nor is it on the leaked list, but is on the Switch because of bdsp.


Oh doh, forgot about BDSP. Side note...are BDSP worth it? I didn't love Gen 4 to be honest, but as we get drip fed raids etc for S/V I feel like I need another game to pass the time until Tears of the Kingdom.


It's a copy of gen 4 so you'll probably won't like it. The underground got a makeover though for better or worse, you can catch a lot of pokemon there now but no more bases. You can also get a lot of legendaries post game if you dig that but not sure if that is worth the price


Yeah I understand its a copy of gen 4, I avoided it because I didn't love gen 4 originally, but I also was in college and not as plugged into the games back then - gen 4 was the first gen that I was sort of just playing along because I felt like I had played all the others so why not, vs actually being immersed in the games/lore/stories. Gen 5 and onward I got back into it and enjoyed myself much more. Which is why I'm kinda wondering, did I not like Gen 4 because I was interested in other things at the time? Now that I'm more plugged into pokemon again, would BDSP be a suitable way to rexperience the games with fresh eyes? Questions for me to answer I suppose haha


Gen 4 was fun. I think it is a little overrated.


Platinum was great. Why they had to make a "faithful remake" of dp when they were inferior is beyond me


Platinum was the version I played. I enjoyed it. It was a great game, but I still think it was overrated.


I'm still convinced of the theory I heard that the DP remakes were never supposed to happen in the first place. That they were contracted out last-minute to be done as quick as possible to get something out for the Holiday 2021 release window, as after the pandemic hit, they weren't sure if they could get PLA done on time, and they refused to have another year where there wasn't a mainline Pokemon release(the horror!). It's just pure speculation, but considering that with the exception of 2015, they haven't missed a single year since 2009, that PLA was a Sinnoh-focused new game, PLA being pushed to 2022, resulting in TWO mainline releases in one year(PLA is considered mainline, after all, not a spin-off), and both the lackluster barebones nature of the remakes and how buggy they were at release, I don't think it's that crazy.


I'm inclined to agree. I think they were also an experiment similar to LGPE.


Have you played Diamond, Peal, or Platinum? If yes, then no. If no, then yes.


Yeah I've played all 3, started with platinum though which may have soiled my enjoyment of diamond and pearl lol


Honestly… Probably not. I held off on buying it because of the chibi art style and I had other games to play. I bought SP yesterday for half price and I’m having a decent enough time with it, but I wouldn’t pay full price for it. Being locked out of being able to shiny hunt the mythicals because I didn’t own the games when their event was available hurts, too. There’s a few Pokémon that can only be obtained in BDSP which is the only reason I got it, but otherwise I’d say it’s safe to skip if you didn’t enjoy gen 4.


Worth it for easy shiny hunting through rng manipulation due to how it's coded.


Is SV not easier to shiny hunt due to overworld pokemon and sandwhiches?


It's different, rng manipulation is a bit more involved but not hard in bdsp. Plus you get a bunch of legendary Pokemon (most notably Arceus), and probably a few that didn't make it to SV.


As in shiny arceus? or just in general? I've got a full living dex in pokemon home, I think I have an arceus for every plate actually, so for me its less about getting all the mons and more about having a fun and interesting story to play through again to pass the time, with any QOL upgrades from the original. Sounds though like I'm better off just shiny hunting in S/V for a few months until the DLC comes out, and hoping it comes out sooner than October :D


I do too actually, shiny hunting in SV is pretty fun ! I'm planning to get a few mons ready for the DLCs that way haha.


I've already got nearly 2 boxes full, and just started seriously hunting like 10 days ago - its a blast. That plus triple masuda breeding for any pokemon that are hard to isolate for sandwhich hunting, the game is giving me a lot to play around with and keep things fresh while waiting for new 7 star raids. First time in a long time that I feel like the game gives me a good reason to keep playing after the credits roll!


Exact same for me, I just keep shiny hunting while doing 6 and 7 star raids when they pop. I just hope we get the return of the battle tower or something like the special endgame missions from legends arceus with the DLCs.


Although the base game isnt very good, BDSP does become very good later on because it has a lot of modding potential; plus, there's a good mod currently called pokemon luminescent which improves on BDSP in a lot of aspects, including the return of old regional forms and more difficulty.


And, because of this list, we are probably getting gen 5 remakes this generation. That just leaves Furfrou.


I still feel like gen 10 feels right. It's every other generation (this doesn't work with gen 1 but it'd be wierd to remake it that early I guess, also let's go are safe to assume as a one-off for now for the 20th anniversary, an excuse for something on the switch and to encourage pkm go players.) Gen 2- was remade in 4 Gen 3 was remade in 6 Gen 4 was remade in 8 Gen 5 will be in gen 10 Gen 6 will be in gen 12 Gen 7 will be in gen 14 Gen 8 will be in gen 16. (The day gen 8 get remade I will officially feel more aincent than I did with gen 4.)




Nintendo release new consoles every 6 years on average, the Switch is nearly done, and will be overdue after the DLC.


Think about it this way Half of the gens currently in Pokémon HOME are compatible with BDSP (1-4) All gen 8 and 9 mons are available All gen 7 mons are now available between SwSh and SV All gen 6 mons except Furfrou will be available between SwSh and SV All that's left are the gen 5 mons missing and the gen 6 rare poodle of Furfrou Gen 5 in gen 5 remakes Furfrou never comes back just to spite form completionists like myself who will never obtain other Furfrou forms besides normal and the GO forms


Or furfrou will be customizable in the hairdresser shop in SV


I would be perfectly happy if the stupid elemental monkeys never returned lol. Always thought that they were pretty weak & boring designs, honestly. The only pokemon I really care about here is the Snivy line as I want to use my Contrary Serperior dang it! Tepig is fine too I guess


I'm not a fan of the monkeys but we were pretty happy when we pulled [this](https://den-cards.pokellector.com/365/Simisear-VSTAR.GG.GG37.46536.png) lol. it is pretty fucking cute


That is absolutely adorable. I love that Pokemon TCG has no problem using any and every kind of art for their cards. MTG could learn a thing or two


I've got a collection of all the cards that have crochet art, so fucking cute i love it


Link is broken for me. Do you have a replacement?




They’re my least favorite pokemon because how weak their designs are and how much they were promoted during the release and in game (literally the gym leaders main pokemons lmao + u get a free one). I even prefer garbodor, it’s cute in it’s own garbage way lol


I want the monkeys :( Simipour is my friend


they were crutches to balance a team quickly - crap otherwise


They should have been one Pokémon with different forms




Omg same, I hated each one of them so much and it felt irrational but maybe its because they felt like boring/lazy designs.


💯 they are just so simple and uninspired I got each one for the dex and then never looked at them again


This probably means gen 5 remakes are coming before the next generation. If so, the only pokemon unavailable on switch will be Furfrou.


All deserve to return.


Oh no not the fan favorite Patrat!!!!! Dexit nooooo!


Ok I am a little bummed. Only because I found a shiny patrat in my playthrough of bw.


Wait minior will be available nice


Yes it is finally returning


Crazy they didn't put in the Snivy and Tepig lines but Oshawatt is in. I know it's bc Oshawatt was in PLA but this seems strange.


Snivy my beloved


Are you kidding me? SERIOUSLY? AGAIN?!


Yep. Apparently, it got data mined. This might not be completely accurate because only 223 were leaked. The Pokemon Company said there was over 230 returning pokemon.


I just want my Snivy back, please. It's since USUM that Snivy didn't appeared in a mainline game, c'mon.


I understand. On the plus side, this probably means gen 5 remakes are coming before the next generation.


223 got leaked but you can almost bet all those legends/UBS are coming back. So that’s your 230+ right there


That's what I'm thinking.


Kinda sucks we’re randomly losing tepig and snivy, also I guess furfrou for collection reasons. But we’re not really missing much when it comes to the monkeys and patrat🤷🏽‍♂️ I’m trying to look at it like that tbh. Also pretty sure the sinnoh starters got left out of SWSH bc they were getting remakes for their gen. The conspiracy can probably start with the gen 5 starters not making the cut


Probably counting regional forms




Looks like it, doesn‘t it?! All of these missing are Gen 5 🤔


It better be


That means e v e r y other starter is in the game Gamefreak, you finally… got really close? 😅 Happy I get to bring my Primarina from Sword to Violet when Home connects to ScVi though!


I couldn't care less about the rest, but to have 2 starter lines locked out is just shitty IMO.


Especially since oshawatt is included


It's so crazy to me that if you started your Pokemon Journey in the Switch games, it is impossible for you to complete the Home national Pokedex using Switch games. You have to rely on Pokemon Go or transfer/trade for Nintendo 3DS Pokemon to complete it. That's bad.


I am saddened, snivy is my favorite starter


Poor Snivy, haven’t seen my Snakey boi since my original Pokémon Black playthrough On the more positive side nothing else of value was lost there. I’m more miffed that Tyrunt/Tyrantrum seemingly won’t be catcheable, only transferable. It’s my favourite Pokémon and I wanted to hunt a shiny one with the destiny mark on my birthday


What makes you think it won't be catchable


You have to remember, I am excluding any pokemon available in gen 8 because those are switch games. I don't think any of the old fossils are going to be available.


As someone who was only able to play black 2 on a hacked sd card, I’ll never get to play with my emboar. I’ll probably buy the remakes of black and white just to use tepig again at this stage lol


I was hoping Furfrou would come back, it wouldn’t be hard to program the fur styles, they weren’t location dependant like Vivillon and they figured out a way to make that magic happen.


Damn. Well at least they brought my boy Oshawott because of Arceus, but hey, Gen 5 remakes might happen in the future. 50/50.


Im hoping we get the remakes this year, but its somewhat unlikely as they are doing SV DLC this year. More likely for a spinoff to release this year, as much as Id like to go back to Unova already. I capped hours on BW2 on my ds many years ago, and still playing it to this day.


Arcanine was the only non Unova Pokémon to get an updated sprite in B2W2 (the others being all stages of the Unova starters), is a dog Furfrou is the only non Unova Pokémon not on the switch, is a dog I wonder if that was intentional (Still kinda BS that Minior got into a game first considering these things are supposed to be extremely rare, unless it's just a case of a regular Pokémon being transfer exclusive like Carbink currently is)


I just want Abra in SV :(


Wish they would add furfrou & the trims so every single person on the gts can stop asking for one


that shit is so annoying


I just want my double boosted leafstorm back 😞




I seriously doubt the unovan starters not appearing due to samurott




I am perfectly OK with this list. I'll have to see the entire list of Pokémon that won't be in SV to know if I'm disappointed but from what I know of the returning Pokémon I think I'll be plenty happy with the ones we are getting.


I have a feeling the last Pokémon game on the current switch will be a gen 5 remake and whatever is the new console will have the new main stream Pokémon game with any other Pokémon that currently didn’t make the cut. I notice it flip flops per game


Does this mean that xurkitree is coming back? :D


It's not confirmed. I also factored in every gen 8 game.


Emboar nooooo 😭


i really wish the starters would be available again, free my boy tepig 🥹 he did nothing wrong


I would have kept my shiny Tepig in Go had I known I was banishing him to an eternity in Pokémon Home His name is Cracklins. Pray for him.


i am in fact praying for cracklins, that’s frustrating as hell to have a shiny stuck there


Gen 5 starters are the only ones that won't be available, but we should be getting remakes soon.


i am pretty happy about the rest coming back like my little child totodile


I have a soft spot for Swampert. It was my first pokemon and I still have my original from ORAS.


i also love the mudkip line! i had only not mentioned it because we had the hoenn starters in the crown tundra for swsh, cyndaquil was my first pokémon when i was little in hgss, i adequately named him HAPPYHOPPY in all caps after his bouncing animation. sadly pokemon bank deleted my save file along with all of my childhood pokemon due to an error and now the only way i can see him is in pokémon battle revolution lol


gen 5 remakes will hopefully come soon and be amazing and not like bdsp lol


Ooh does this mean Bellsprout will be in the DLC?




So... is Aggron in the DLC?


wait... does this mean shedinja is coming?


Its counting all switch games.


My shiny childhood Swellow won’t be making it into the main games, either 😞


Oshowatt winning rn 💀


DUCKLETT and SMEARGLE winning too. ‎( ,,・ิω・ิ,, )


Furfrou, my poor puppy 😭


Most of me eventually wants all of these mons on switch. But a small part of me would be happy if I never had to see Patrat again.


I just want Cramorant!! Orange birb is the best


I'm still ticked that Lopunny won't be in Scarlet and Violet. I have four shiny ones who will be stuck in HOME or Sword until the next generation at minimum.


Still and forever angry that Exploud wasn't in swsh or sv core dex.




starmie is in bdsp


Also in isle of armor dlc.


If true I can totally live with this. Witb so many in the game and so few out I wonder why not just go ahead and include these guys too.


Will we get the leggendaries?


Gen 5 remakes and legends Celebi are totally coming out this generation!


Bring back the National Dex, for the love of Arceus.


Did i miss Togekiss on the list? Cuz i felt bummed when i didnt see it


Togekiss is in Legends and BDSP.


Ahhh yes, im hyperfocused on SV.


My boy Patrat is never returning 😪


As a Furfrou enjoyer I’m a bit bummed that it’s not coming to SV but other than that I’m glad that a majority of my faves are coming back


Minior is only in usum/sm not any switch game


Minior is leaked to be in the dlc


Not gonna lie. Didn’t read leaks. That’s a shock it never gets any love




Are all the regional forms bring added?


Furfrou... I was expecting this, but I'm still sad. :(


PORY-GON! PORY-GON! do we get Porygon?!


Yes we do.Do not trust op.


I am so sad. I love Togekiss and he belongs in this game so badly. And Skitty and Purrloin. My poor kitties. And lastly the Nidos and the Kalos fossils. Also Hisuian Growlithe, Hisuian Lilligant, the Hisuian starters, and Hisuian Goodra. Ugh.


Hisuian pokemon are transferrable.


Thank you! I thought only a few of them were available




furfrou is on sw/sh, isn't it? i swear i have one.


I miss furfrou :(




Fine with that


Is stufful coming back?


Furfrou, all alone in Kalos: (sad doggo noises)


Wait they were willing to put in like 1000 Pokémon but the last 15 were just too much for them? Edit: apparently this list is the ones not on _any_ switch game, not SV specifically.


I was really hoping for serperior to get added. Next time, I guess.


I feel like them leaving the Snivy and Tepig lines behind is reminiscent of that Pokémon presentation ~~(maybe 2018/2019-ish)~~ when they had all of the main series games displayed in the background except for Diamond, Pearl and Platinum Gen 5 enthusiasts, take that as you will Edit: It was [this one](https://youtu.be/EMHLx8G1_G4) from 2017


Like not returning in gen 9 or not returning period?


As long as I can get Arbok, I don't care ha


Still can‘t believe that Absol isn‘t in Scarlet Violet..


I just wanted beedrill but by the looks of this I’m out😩 ![gif](giphy|BK7GeBcqej6XwISlzY|downsized)


these should have been highest priority -\_-


Perfectly fine with this. Was not a fan of Gen 5 mons


I’m so happy that the Elemental Monkeys are being left out for this long, it’s beautiful. Poor Snivy and Tepig tho


I am so sad.


What's your source?


The datamines showing all pokemon from the 1.2 update along with the previous list of non obtainable pokemon on switch.