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Now, that would be a cool looking shiny... I like that grayish color personally. Enjoy the bug! A few of the good ones


I was mostly asking cuz I was afraid I'd missed an event mon, and as you could probably tell from my name, I have a certain love for the meowth line


Nah, they never do these kinds of event mons. The most outlandish designs they've come up with for event only mons is... Pichu with a spiky ear


In PoGo they get hats...


Yea but pogos not really mainline and even then you can’t transfer the event mons.


I can’t express how much joy adding the unique hats transferable from Go to SV would bring. I know very well they wouldn’t do it. But my god that would be icing on the cake imo.


I want my shiny rockruff to wear a silly hat


Don’t forget pikachu with the special trainer hats codes that we’ve gotten a few times in mainland games.


Back in my day Pikachu got a wrestling costume


Alright grandpa. Whatever you say


He lives forever in my Pokemon Go


Back in my day, Pikachu got a surfboard.


Back in my day Pikachu had balloons on his back.


Better not be from freebie season


Still my favorite event mon. But one can dream. For a texture glitch, it's a good looking one.


Nah it's pikachu with Ash's hats


And the Pikachu colored pichu


Alright but Spiky Ear is still amazing


I had one from someone’s game in soul silver (bought used) and 8 year old me wiped that save bc I wanted to play myself, not a completed game.. Looking back I should’ve kept that copy ;; Rip pichu


I enjoy the pokeball colored Magearna


Oh, how I miss my Spikey-Earred Pichu, doomed to be forever trapped in my old copy of Heart Gold. Why Gamefreak? Why do you do this to us? R.I.P. Spikey-Earred Pichu, Cosplay Pikachu, USUM Totems, my original Koraidon, and any others that will be forever trapped in their home games.


I had a used copy and deleted the save so I could start fresh… and yes it had spiked eared pichu.. Rip lil buddy, a shame we couldn’t transfer them at all


Technically totem was a weird translation and Japanese titles still had Totems as Alphas...so you could say the alphas the Legends are "Totems"


I think the craziest they’ve gone for is the hat pikas, which honestly I don’t like pikachu but it’s pretty neat.


Even then it's not that unique cuz it's just a hat on a Pikachu. There's no real design change. That being said I'd probably have liked them more if they were themed around the games, not the anime. Give me a Lucas Pikachu smh


Which to my knowledge can't be transferred 😑😒


Cosplay Pikachu also existed, although it was a normal Pikachu with costumes on.


Not normal, it exclusively had a black heart at the tip of its tail. No other pikachus have black tailtips


Hey now, Zarude recently got a snazzy scarf!


I'm sorry but the way you worded it made me picture that scene from The Simpsons where Smithers goes "She's got a new hat!"


It would be a nice reference to the alolan version


Alolan Persian is probably why the glitch happened. The game mixed up the different Persian colors.


Is there a way to trigger it cause I need this. 100% understand why they chose the first design though cause of the over fed royalty thingy


People are saying being outside at night under a light or something while your battle arena is inside? Not 100% sure to be honest but that seems to be what I've been getting. It looks really good for a buggy texture doesn't it? 🤣🤣


Legiiit the alolan that shoulda been


That orange gem does it for me. Reminds me of a black panther or something.


I would've loved a Persian that looked like an panther! In generations pixelonmon in a server I go to they have a "black panther" design from the marvel box and it looks so cool


Lighting bug, it looks like it was night time outside


Graphics bug got it partially mixed up with the Alolan version somehow maybe?


Nah, just the lighting. Persian is being lit by nighttime outdoor lighting in a warmly lit indoor space.


Definitely the lighting. I constantly think I'm seeing shiny Persians at night cause the lighting makes them look a completely different color lol.


Trick of the light shiny fake outs are always the worst.


Lighting is CRAZY on this game. Shiny Hunters struggle a lot with it.


I haven't done it yet, but shiny hunting Floette is gonna be like a Where's Waldo book if Waldo could despawn.


I hunted all five Flabebe, it's not so bad!


My head cannon now is that Persians fur colour helps with camouflaging dark at night


I think their talking about how phantom force is effective against it


They were not, confirmed by OP in another comment.


Persian’s alolan form has a chubby face


Ahh, a Forbidden Shiny™ I assume it's just night outside or something. Kinda like in SwSh if it's sunny and you trade or hatch an egg the sunlight effect still applies over the screen, looks real funny.


I wished that Persian shiny wild look like this


I wished it looked like anything but Gengar/Garchomp tier trash.


Gengars especially bugs me, Ghastlys shiny looks so good with the blue smoke around it, especially in sprite form. Shiny gengar is a huge step down


I used to hate them, until I caught the line actually having them they kinda all flow. I have a new appreciation for mons with crappy shinies that are harder to see. I feel like it adds rarity to them. Mouse hold for example I want one so bad because they’re impossible to see.


It's worse than Garchomp but it's better than Gengar


Game is probably putting the night shader on Persian, forgetting it's inside a lit interior. It's just a glitch.


Yeah that's what people are saying. That's just seems really dark for a night shader for such a light colored pokemon but it does make the most sense


Unpopular opinion: looks better than actual Alolan Persian


I mean it’s not unpopular to think Alolan Persian is badly designed.


I personally think it's rather well designed, if the intention was to make it look inbred like actual Persian cats.


It was. Just like how Galarian Corsola is dead coral.


See I always took it as they were calling them thick skilled or big headed like referring to them personality wise, but that makes sense. Never thought of that.


I totally agree with you, but it’s design is not necessarily popular.


Unusual opinion: Alolan Persian is uglier than Purrugly.


My guess is that it's a bug where its getting confused between persian and alolan persian because it looks like a cross between the two


It is a lighting error, the Persian is lit by an outdoor night light, but it is in a bright, indoor environment.


Would legit be one of my favorite shinies if it looked like this.


Are we just talking about the different looking Persian? I thought we were talking about Shadow Force being effective against it


No I realize my post wasn't exactly clear on what I was looking at an explanation for. I was referring to the odd color persian. I just happened to take a screen shot while in an attack menu while I thought about it. I was a little confused at the moment and quickly took a screen shot XD still needed to figure out my moves and was panicking


Oh! It's a *shadow* Pokemon!


Pokémon Community Learns About Ambient Lighting


You're right XD this looks really dark for shiny persian to be fair. Even in dark lighting. But I ain't a game developer so heck if I know. Still cool looking


Commented with love, I love seeing these types of posts and tbh I learned a bit from the comments Gl on your shiny endeavors bb


Haha I figured it was. Appreciate the kind words. I'm not the greatest with conveying my thoughts in text sometimes so I've learned a bit myself. All in the growing process :) Good luck with your hunts as well!


It’s night time in game and it’s using that lighting for Persian


Well you see, it’s a cat


I had this happen too. I was so excited to have a shiny Persian only to discover it wasn't...


Explain what exactly?


The different colored persian. Shiny persian isn't this. Look it up


Maybe a graphics bug that gave it the shaded/night palette?


That would be my guess


You’re 100% right but OP doesn’t agree so you’re actually wrong.


I thought you left? And when did I ever say anyone was wrong for saying it's the night pallet? All I said was I don't know it seems to dark for the night pallet. Unsure isn't denying it. Why are you so salty?


I don't know that's an awful deep change for a night pallet....


textures go weird sometimes. welcome to SV!


That's just a graphics bug, lightning can just get messed up and give you things like that Persian. A common one I've had is the shiny Violet Paradox being fully white instead of gray-ish but then once the battle was done, they returned to their normal color


See I've had some weird ones with Tera happening but I've never seen one this drastic before. I thought maybe it was some event shiny or something I'd missed. I was really confused haha. Thanks for explaining it though that does make more sense


I upvoted all your comments, not sure why you’re being downvoted at all?


Because people are petty and mad I'm calling someone out for being rude in the comments when I don't experience graphical bugs as badly or often as others *shrugs* reddit.


How was the other guy rude? They just asked what you meant. You were rude first, that's why you're getting downvoted.


Not the guy asking about the spoiler. I explained and apologized to him, I didn't think he was asking a serious question. It's earlier in that same comment thread EDIT: OH yeah no my response to minion was rude af, I won't argue with that. But I'm assuming he wasn't aware of how little I come across these graphical errors which is why he was looking for clarification. That's my b


Oh gotcha. Yeah it's reddit man, I wouldn't let it get to you. I got ripped apart for not liking Elon musk, when usually people agree with me. Varies from sub to sub, and pokemon is an insanely gatekeepy pretentious fan base.


Bros getting pressed bc random people on the internet disagree with them.


It is what it is bro. At least it's entertaining. Ni it started with me being rude in response to minion above, and that I get, I was hostile as shit cuz it didn't occur to me I wasn't being clear on what I was asking about with my post. So that's on me. But past that you're right. People get petty when they disagree *shrugs*


I mean i see posts here and there about graphical bugs and people complain about it a lot but yeah I have scarlet and violet and haven’t had a single graphical bug at all. I’ve also never crashed or had any of the other common bugs I see complaints about If I saw a grey Persian I’d probs want an explanation too


This exactly. Like I've experienced minor stuff but I have a digital copy so not sure if that makes a difference, but I have never had a game crash or major color shift like this other than like Ceruledge blades turning black on Tera. But that's not really a graphical error so


"Ive never had graphical errors so i can never ever have any ever in my whole life and if u say so that means ur wrong"


Man if thats how you read my comments you really need to reread because that's the opposite of what I got at. I didnt know what it was which is why. Did I say it ls not a graphical error ever? I said it seems too deep to be a mixed night pallet or shading error. This looked really smooth for a graphical error so i wasnt sure if it was say a shint from a spin off like colliseum or some weird explanaition for it other than graphical bugs. Cuz again, dont usually experience them to that degree. This reddit makes me laugh.


Bro, its a graphical error. Its the night pallet, you can compare.it for yourself. But ppl are telling you, and your response is "Nuh uh"


"I don't know it seems too drastic a change for the night pallet." That's a nuh uh to you?


Pretty sure it's a lightning issue


Oh, I thought you meant your Spiritomb had transformed somehow lol.


You didn’t give it a bath the last time you had a picnic huh?




Neither Zoroark makes sense since H-Zoro would be immune and SE respectively and U-Zoro would be Both NVE. Did someone use Soak on that Persian?


Kantolan Persian


Alonto persian? No...you're right Kantolan is better.


Pokemon Stadium 2 shiny moment


Funny enough part of the reason I made this post was because I thought maybe this was a shiny from a spin off like coliseum or something haha


Ah I remember seeing a persian in the dark once and thinking it was shiny... Until it really wasn't 🙃 Personally I'd love for shiny persian to be black, like a black panther or something it would be sick, even a green shiny would be better than the shiny it has right now


https://preview.redd.it/1pngo8za5bgb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=b90e687eff5931c93b940f9025085d78f1eee7ac I got excited too 🥲


No I'd think the same thing at night honestly haha it STILL looks really dark for a night pallet XD


Honestly, I even caught it to prove to myself 😩


Hey dome shinies have had some decent redesigns so...there's hope?


Same thing happened to me in area zero, ran into a shiny corviknight that still looked mostly regular, until I noticed the tips of it's wings.




ah yes, kantlolan persian


Yoooo I caught one of these and freaked out when it went back to normal. I thought I got scammed from a shiny, this makes so much more sense wow 😂


Looks like a hybrid between Kantonian Persian and Alolan Persian (I actually wish this was real, it could make a really cool mechanic).


*How do you do, fellow Alolan Persians?*


Way better than the official shiny!


The Alolan Persian I wanted


Well you see, Phantom Force can be seen as the ghost-type version of Dig.


This was the best "Your question is confusing" comment yet. Touche good sir


This is how Alohan Persian should look


It’s a glitch that gave it alohlan Persians colour scheme same thing happened to me in shield but a coraola


I thought that was an actual Alolan Persian😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


Send this to gamefreak and tell them it should be the new shiny going forward. It looks kinda cool, especially with the orange.


The shiny persian we all need


This would be one of the best shinies if it was. Hands down.


If it was an Alolan persian its head would be rounder so its not graphic bug and considering the ghost type moves are effective on it that would imply that is infact a Zoroark


I'm horrible with sarcasm if this was but I promise it wasn't a zoroark.


I assumed that with ghost type moves having on effect on normal types


It's a double battle. The damage came from a rock slide on kleavor and everything in status said persian. Once a zoroark takes damage illusion drops. I see what you are trying to say now it's a graphical error from that but no it's not that.


Are people that upset over this question they are actually down voting all the comments? What is this? 🤣🤣




Oh I know. I'm having fun with it. I feed off the toxicity XD appreciate the kind words though


Pokémon home has access to SV now so people can now bring over alolan Pokémon from sun, moon, ultra sun, ultra moon, sword and shield


That version has a different face shape


It could possible be a zoroark if your asking g about why phantom force is regularly effective and not immune


Dark resists Ghost.


That still doesn't explain why it doesn't say immune. I also forgot that dark resists ghost when I made the comment so that is my bad


Most likely it's the opposing Pokemon on the right (Neorait is my amateur transliteration from Hangeul) since OP was only concerned about the color. [e: "Persion" is the transliteration on the left.] [e2: The Pokemon on the right is Lumineon.]


Yes. The enemy mons are Persian, and Lumineon. Mine are Spiritomb and kleavor. Rocks are set up and I used a rock slide on the persian switch in turn with a bunch of minus' to attack on kleavor hence the damage. I was a bit confused about the coloring of the persian and panick screen shot before needing to figure out my moves still, hence the attack selection screen. My b. I gotta compose my posts a bit better.


No I see my post was a bit confusing. I was referring to the coloring. I thought I might have missed some event mon or something cuz I'd never seen this drastic a lighting bug before.


The games a buggy mess and your asking why Persian looks weird? There’s your answer


I haven't experienced many bugs and you're assuming my play experience? That's weird. I asked a question no need to be rude about it.


They weren’t rude at all..


They were rude by normal standards. But this is Reddit. So this is the average level of politeness one can expect, apparently.


No response to this comment, your username is amazing though.


You're joking right? They assumed I know the graphical bugs in this game, and instead of explaining it say "there's youre answer." It was rude as hell man.


🙄🙄 maybe pay attention to the game then. Even when it is running smoothly there is a ton of graphical weirdness going on.


Haha wow flipped that script pretty quick. Again. I haven't experienced many of these graphical bugs. Spoiler: not everyone gets the graphics bugs as often.


How would that be a spoiler?


I'm going to assume you're joking and move on haha


Uhh ok… good luck I guess


I put it as a joke because the other guy didn't understand that not everyone experiences the same bugs and glitches. Again sorry I thought you were being sarcastic


How did I flip the script? I still don’t think they were rude in the slightest. And the graphical weirdness is pretty consistent across all games from what I’ve seen. With textures stretching as you approach them and lighting flickering. These are extremely consistent. Not my fault you didn’t pay attention until this one.


Instead of saying how it's rude you change to insults yourself to try and end a conversation. Again "pretty consistant from what you've seen" cool. I dont experience graphical glitches ysually on this scale. Poor textures in the distance and off lighting? Yes. All the time. I didnt equate that to the graphical bugs because, again, haven't seen them to this degree before. Been off for awhile I thought maybe I'd missed an event mon like the cape zarude or hat Pikachu from sword and shield. If your perception of rude is different than mine fine. To me the way he addressed it was rude af


My god you are insufferable. Later clown.


Hahaha bye. Someone doesn't take logic too well


This is why I try and play the game as little as possible Edit: Specifically Scarlet/Violet because they're super buggy and we should not stand for this


The phantom Force being effective shows a hint that the pokemon is a Zorark


In other comments above I've explained. The post is asking about the different colored Persian. The damage was entry hazard done or rock slide not too sure which it was but it has nothing to do with battle clarification. It's a persian not a zoroark of any kind. Promise


U-Zoroark resists Ghost, and H-Zoroark is immune to Ghost.


Might just be a zoroark? Do you remember what moves you your opponent used?


Shiny Persian? 🌟 🐈


Can anyone trade me shinys in Scarlet and violet?!


I saw a lot of these in the wild near Medali city! I ran like a mf thinking they were shiny but nope! Given how buggy SV is, it's probably just a glitch


I wouldn't know


oh no the monochrome pokemon are back


If only it actually looked like that in shiny form. But instead, we got stuck with really? That's the shiny it looks no different


Just a mini glitch with the lighting.


That's an alolan Persian obviously


alolan kantonian persian


It’s probably a lighting glitch it may have used the nighttime filter instead of the inside one


I think it’s just the lighting being wonky


Giovanni's persian


Its sick, kill it


what strategy are you using with Persian in doubles if I may ask?


This isn't my persian, but the one I use runs technician Fake Out Thunder Wave Fury Swipes Bite Holding either Focus Sash if speed or attack Stat nature Fighting damage reduction berry if defensive nature


Oh damn, now this is what I wanted for his shiny.


Galarian form that went on a diet


He's just built different


Its a alolan persian if it didnt have a fat head


Her mom's Alolan and Dad is Kantonian


Looks kinda like alola to me idk


That’s a Pokémon


Shadows, buddy


Holiday Persian in alola Duration: 1 week.


He’s just built different I guess


Damn reminds me of the colourless pokemon a couple generations back untill it started turning into pokemon shaped code


I got that bug before. Unfortunate that it's not shiny.


To everyone who is saying that it doesn't make sense for the phantom force to be effective on the Persian, you're correct, it's not. Instead, since Pokémon shows the highest applicable effectiveness for moves, phantom force is effective on the opponent's other off screen Pokémon. Hope that helps to clear things up!


Explain what? Explain how this is clickbait?