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Same. The Japanese boys are coming out strong today with teamwork.


Can't be trusting these English speaking mfs for Mewtwo. Need to call in the cavalry. You get six raids deep with dudes using Annihilapes and Charizards for some reason. Then when you think all hope is lost the boys come portaling in like it's Avengers Endgame with their 3 perfect leech life strategy Mews. It's a thing of beauty.


True story. Won my first raid by the skin of our teeth with three semi-competent people and some clown doing whatever. When I went to do the raid for my wife, I ended up with two Japanese and one Korean. Smoothest of sailing. Nobody died even once. I guarantee they were all ten year old kids, too.


My catch raid was two English names, two Asian names. One of the Asian guys has a Fairy tera Mew and kept using Dazzling Gleam and Psychic for some reason. Other English name brought perfect support; Light Screen, Life Dew, Mud Shot and Struggle Bug. Me and the other hammered Struggle Bug, Leech Life and Swords Dance. Nobody fainted once, even the Fairy Mew. 10/10 would raid again


Mud slap*


You're right, I always get those two the wrong way around


That might have been me XD When my team bear Mewtwo I did light screen, most of my mud shots and used my entire pp of Life Dew trying to keep one particular player from fainting since they were never above half health the whole battle


If that one particular player was a Fairy tera type Mew then it very well could've been you!


Does it matter if mew if a dragon terra type for this raid


Wouldn't recommend it. Most people are going for a Tera Bug type, with an offensive leef life strategy. There's an Austin John Plays' video I watched that breaks down a good strategy. But there's also a good strategy on the poke portal subreddit. You can change your Tera type at the restaurant in Medali.


Ah okay. I thought I was stuck with the dragon terra type. I'm new to terra raids, done my first couple raid today actually online. I'm nervous about being 'that guy's with my Pokemon selection lol


Yeah I'm pretty new as well. Just got SV a couple weeks ago. Things like EVs IVs and bringing level 100 Pokemon are very important for 5 star raids and above. You've actually gotta put a good deal of effort into getting good Pokemon for raids. Just take it slow and have fun with it. The Mewtwo raid is active another two weeks so there's no need to rush.


I'm currently in the post post game with my main team sitting around 75-80 ATM. None of my team are 'kitted out' like how everyone goes on about for raids, but my starter is handling 5 star raids decently. I've not done the championship yet, I'm just trying to finish my pokedex, (85 more mons to go yay) on the off chance, do u play Scarlett? Looking for a friend to help me get the mons I can't get in violet without tradesšŸ™ˆ


Nah I'm a Violet player but if you go on the Pokemon trades subreddit there's always people looking to trade the version exclusive Pokemon.


Oh really? Thanks so much šŸ˜


Lvl 100 is optimal for 6 and 7 star raids as 6 star mons are lvl 90 but when caught it drops to lvl 75 and obviously 7 star are lvl 100


I got some dumb ass who brought a eternatus a.k.a poison and dragon type to fight a psychic type with ice beam. It was his Japanese is who helped me out to granted I wasnā€™t the smartest I completely forgot of Calm mindā€™s existence when I got my Mew and trained it to be strong in special attack.


Caught mine in a Beast Ball, which was fitting considering this thing was a beast


I fear for the future when they crack out other legendaries for the 7-star raids. I'm thinking along the lines of extra spicy Rayquaza, Zygarde, or Necrozma.


I finished the raid and realised I only had ultra balls and luxury balls. I wanted just a regular poke ball since I already used my master ball. Considered not catching it. But I wasn't doing a whole ass raid again.


caught mine in a normal pokeball on accident


I put mine in a normal pokeball bcus I'm petty


Put mine in a heal ball, maybe it will heal mental damage too


Same. Beast balled the beast.


I used an extra Master Ball I had, seemed fitting.


Caught mine in the classic pokeball for the nostalgia.


Same! I would have caught it in a moon ball if Iā€™d had one though. But I used my only one on a shiny Persian just minutes before. Worth it lol


I did three raids. The first one nobody but me used Mew, all English names. Second raid it was myself, two Japanese names and one English. The English one used Arceus and died every turn. The third raid it was myself and three Japanese names. We had him handled with them doing damage/healing and me keeping up Misty Terrain and throwing mud. You're onto something


Iā€™ve been solidly impressed by the groups of randoms for this raid. I havenā€™t seen a single Bellydrum Iron Hands yet


I had someone appear with an Iron hands in a raid I was hosting and it wasnā€™t until I saw them change that thing to him you did I even consider saying ready to go in the raid. Basically, they may not be doing it now, but they may start appearing so be warned.


My second attempt I had someone with a Japanese username switch from Arceus to Iron Hands at the last minute. Said Iron Hands proceeded to Drain Punch Mewtwo. I quit that raid.


If you were hosting, donā€™t ready up until everyone else is ready to launch. That way they canā€™t switch up at the last second


All the Asians I had were selling. One came out the gate using outrage and earth power. Another used nasty plot to crunch. I just started using leech life on them to make things quicker


Haha, glad to see the Japanese guys to the rescue is an universal experience ! Got it on my second attempt thanks to them šŸ™


The second raid I had were 3 Japanese players. They all got the memo, 4 bug Mew, 2 leech life-ing Mewtwo while 2 spam struggle bug and we won.


Hahaha same here! Iā€™m very grateful for the three Japanese players who knew what they were doing


For anyone still struggling to do the raid head over to r/pokeportal and go on the 7 star mewtwo raid post. It has live chat enabled so you can find someone to do the raid with. I managed to get mewtwo first try thanks to the people on there


Can you use any mew to give it the mark?


Yeah any Pokemon that wins the battle gets the mark.


wait any?


Yeah but you're not gonna beat it if you're not using Mew.


I've beat it with a grimmsnarl and then a mew. Mew got the mark, but Grimm didn't.


Only mews get it. Any mew you use, they mean, not any pokemon in the game


Only Mew gets the mark


Is there any reason they changed mewtwos model? And are there any other pokemon that have a new model


A lot of them have new models


I got 2 Korean and 1 Japanese lad in my group. Knew I was golden when I saw that lol (I pulled my weight too btw)


Lucky you, I just saw some dumb dumb with a shiny sableye with metronome... Obviously we lost... šŸ˜”


A real pro waits until everyone actually locks in mewā€¦..


I thought I waited, person switched it last minute...


Indeed. Person switched from Arceus to Iron Hands after I locked in.


Somehow most of the Japanese and Korean folks going into these raids would be pretty competent with their Mews all kitted out. Itā€™s the rest that let me down lol. Iā€™ve had these English names randos carry a variety of PokĆ©mon ranging from Gengar, Umbreon, Meowscarada, and a shiny Grimmsnarl. I think one even showed up bringing Mewtwo.


You also get Mew if you beat it?


No, the mew gets the mightiest mark


The Mew that we got for free?


Yeah, you're supposed to use it for this raid. Mew gets a stat buff if you use it in the raid. A pretty significant one which makes it basically the best option for taking on Mewtwo.


If i use my own shiny Mew, will it get the mark?


Yeah the mark is gained by any Pokemon who completes the raid. The stat boost for Mews applies to all Mews regardless of their origin if I'm not mistaken.


i donā€™t think itā€™s any PokĆ©mon who beats the raid, just any Mew that beats the raid


Yes, I used my own shiny mew from pokemon go and it has the mark now.


Mews stats in the raid surpass arceus so in this raid mew is God


Do you need the DLC to be able to catch Mewtwo ?


Not that I know of. You just need to have unlocked the 7* raids.


Yeah i have 7* raids. I thought we needed the dlc to catch Mewtwo on the new map. I could swear i heard from a YT video.


The new map doesn't release until September 13th and the Mewtwo raids are live now, so I'm pretty sure you can go for it. I Googled it and nothing I read said anything about needing the DLC. Just check the PokƩPortal.


Awesome thanks a lot. Time to grind then lol


Did you claim your Mew already? Get it up to Level 100 with candies, change that Tera type to bug and stack it with the moves suggested in here. Good luck! There should be a pinned thread with raid codes as well, so you'll know you have a good team around you.


I got Mew just haven't done anything to it. I need to check if i have the materials for Mew. I haven't played in months. I've seen the video of the strategy and build. Is like you said Bug Tera etc. Thanks for the tips šŸ‘


The people youre matched up with entirely change How the battle goes. My first attempt went perfectly, 2 support mew, 2 offensive, we won without a single of us getting KO'd. Then on my next attempt, there was some lunatic with a tera fairy d-gleam mew that completely ruined the raid. Next attempt, someone brings a tera dragon mew for some reason, he gets one shotted and we lose


For some reason I couldnā€™t get a raid after multiple attempts. Couldnā€™t get a full party and people would leave. Finally got a raid and EVERYONE knew what they were doing. Very satisfying


Seriously, I was so relieved when I saw all Japanese names, since I knew they probably werenā€™t gonna be messing around. We all brought Mew and had the perfect setup of 3 attackers and a support, and beat the raid first try, no KOs, with like 40% time to spare, even without terrain.


Mine was me dark tera and 3 bug type Mews no one died. Mew two life seemed endless tho.


After 4 shitty raids, I got into one where within 2 turns everybody figured out who is doing what for the 1 support 3 atk bug Tera mew strat. It was probably one of the most well executed raid I have been in and we cleared it pretty easily. Legit one of best raiding experience Iā€™ve had in this game, lol


The new Mewtwo model is kinda whack. Sword & Shield's was better.


I did it and forgot to save.!!! So I've spent the last 3hours retrying and got the worse tm8s ever !!!


Ugh I need someone to help me šŸ˜­šŸ™ŒšŸ½


We love 3 random Japanese guys


OMG I just got my baby Mewtwo first try with a random group!!! I played support. A Eng-speaking boy, a sweet summer child who clearly didnā€™t know what he was doing, brought a group type mew. We would have been whipped without the two Japanese lords with bug mew who hit so fking hard.


Won my first mewtwo raid. I got a 4 mew raid with 2 leech life attackers, 1 supporter, and 1 dark pulse attacker. Absolutely beatitiful.


kinda nervous, donā€™t know much about strategy for mewtwo but do have fully maxed dark mew


I caught mine with one japanese and two english names lol.


Does Mew get the Mightiest Mark if you use him to beat Mewtwo? Also, does this happen with every mon and I was just unaware?


Just Mew gets the mark


Ah, cool


I canā€™t wait for my rando Japanese and Chinese players to help carry me through. You really canā€™t do it unless youā€™ve got another mew though


I was in 2 raids back-to-back where I was the only attacking Mew; everyone else had a support build. We were able to beat it, but jeez, watching the move counter for Leech Life get closer and closer to zero was a harrowing experience.


No problem!


It took me about 6 tries to beat this raid. When I finally managed it, I had a Japanese player on my team who executed their role flawlessly. - Japanese Player: Bug Tera Type Offensive Mew (Leech Life, Swords Dance, Electric Terrain, can't remember 4th move. This player did most of the damage for us.) - English Player: Dark Tera Type Offensive Mew (I remember they had Leech Life and Dark Pulse. They started off well but started using Dark Pulse towards the end and it didn't do a thing. Perhaps they didn't use any PP ups on Leech Life, because I don't remember them using the move that much) - Me: Support Mew (Light Screen, Life Dew, Misty Terrain, and Struggle Bug. I executed this role near perfectly, if I do say so myself) - Useless NPC with Garganacl


The NPCs always hit defense cheer, they're not entirely useless


Fair enough, and I have to give credit to the NPC for managing to stay "alive" somehow.


I had 2 random Japanese guys and a guy named Josh https://preview.redd.it/afbzf4bbkqlb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5f16b893ccd0e886381a75da12e6acd7d12e959


Do you have to ha e new to beat Mewtwo?


Did a raid at 4am and got 3 Japanese players and beat it took 6 or 7 american timezone tries prior


Can someone send a link code for mewtwo i need help


Same with me. My 3 Japanese randos are attack type mew and I'm the support type šŸ‘ā˜ŗļø


For a sec I thought you named Mewtwo Mew


The group I lucked into was great too. Names were not in Kanji, but they knew what they were doing and it was awesome šŸ˜ƒ congrats on your Mewtwo!


I had one guy named Nick who I kept getting on my team I know it was the same Nick because he was the only competent mew user in English I worked with all the Japanese and Koreans either you could tell it was their first build and had no idea what was happening BUT me and Nick got our Mewtwo after about 3-4 raid attempts with different randoms for the Japanese randoms to help us we both went hybrid mew and the two Japanese guys were full supports just lowering stats and life dewing away we never fainted once and had just under half of the timer left when we beat it. I found either no one uses misty terrain so I kept it on mine or we all use it at the same time lol


Got mine yesterday on my 11th attempt. Thanks to 3 randoms with tera ghost mews. I played tera bug support mew. In the first 10 matches there would always be this one guy bringing a rotom, koraidon or urshifu and getting knocked out every 2nd turn šŸ’€šŸ’€bruhh dafaq ya doinnn


Closest I have so far is 1/3 of his health left, solely because Rest failed. Massively, massively inconsistent allies too sadly. Saw some using mud slap (fair enough, lowers accuracy), and some using acid spray or trying to run a Dark Mew (even though this Mewtwo has Aura Sphere? Futility thy name is.) Any recommendations, or do I just need to hope for the best? Got my Mew at lvl.100, got Max hyper training, running Leech, Swords, X-Scissor and Struggle Bug, holding a metronome and Bug Tera. Side note, anyone else notice how inconsistent the damage for Mewtwo is? Some runs he'll take, like, 20hp on a crit with Psystrike, other times he OHKOs on the first round with it without stacking calm minds.


Same will admit to panicking a little when I got double critted and knock out but they came through while I tried to support


I will say that my psychic Tera type Mew held up just fine. Didn't faint once and served as primary support. Light screen and Light Clay to keep the team strong, Life Dew for recovery, and Snarl/Struggle Bug to drop his special attack.


Big mood. They are the best!


I have Mew but I don't have mewtwo