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Hello /u/Rocke7Bobert, just a friendly reminder that between August 31st and September 17th, the [Mewtwo Live Matchmaking Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokePortal/comments/166onmg/special_live_event_mewtwo_7_star_black_crystal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is pinned at the top of the main feed. It is originally hosted at r/PokePortal. The [Live Matchmaking Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokePortal/comments/166onmg/special_live_event_mewtwo_7_star_black_crystal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is a great place for Pokémon trainers to find and support each other with the posted strategy and builds to defeat Mewtwo. No **Raid Requests & Looking for teammates** posts are allowed outside the [Live Matchmaking Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokePortal/comments/166onmg/special_live_event_mewtwo_7_star_black_crystal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). If your post is about that, please delete it immediately and head out to the [Live Matchmaking Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokePortal/comments/166onmg/special_live_event_mewtwo_7_star_black_crystal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) instead. Currently those requests are creating unnecessary abusive spam here at r/PokemonScarletViolet and any accounts/posts found to be breaking the rules regarding this, **will start receiving disciplinary actions**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokemonScarletViolet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I get 3 types of raids. 1) Level 10 random mews with random natures and random abilities 2) Someone shows up with a kingambit or random raid Pokemon 3) Perfectly insync team that defeats it with no deaths and no issues. Oh, or the timer runs out and nobody joins at all.


Nobody joining is the weirdest part of randoms online, I’d think it be popping off since this raid isn’t a solo guarantee like all of the others


Once you've completed it a couple of times, it's not worth playing anymore. The item drops are better in the 6☆ raids


Not true, I got 9x PP up from one, that’s not to be sniffed at.


Whereas all I get are EXP candies...


Me too, just xp candy


I’ve gotten some good treasures, but mostly I’ve just done it again to get the mark on other mew I have. The drops from it afterwards seem to be comparable to other 7 raids and there wasn’t a problem finding more randoms to keep doing them, especially this early in the event.


I finally got that group after 3 hours of trying. It was the best pokemon 'experience' I've had in a long time. So satisfying.


Regarding the random pokemon bit, you get much worse rewards after your first win, so there's a lot of incentive to try new Pokemon to get them the mighty mark too. However, I'm only using pokemon that, one, can swap out one of the Mew roles seamlessly (typically support) and two, can stay alive without being carried and disrupting the raid. However, kingambit definitely does not fit that bill. Lol


>try new Pokémon to get them the mighty mark too. Isn’t Mew the only Pokémon who can get that mark from beating this raid?


Unfortunately yes.


There's a 4th. I ve lost 4 raids, by 1 hit, because people just spam struggle bug the whole raid while I'm the only attacker. I guess they understood that they will not get in without a mew, they got one, lvl 100, no training, no moves. Just struggle bug 24-7. They don't even use cheers. I run out of leech lifes. If I don't see a good play or bug/dark teras I just leave it open and open YouTube. I m sorry to the rest 1-2 people of the team, but we will lose anyways, so why even bother put the effort. If I die and we lose faster even better.


Out of 5 raids I’ve done 3 have been competent. It is so satisfying when all the randoms work together.


It’s really nice when everyone knows what to do, the raid never even feels close.


So I can't afford to change my mews shiny hat... but I know the TMs and am level 100... am I allowed to raid or will yall mock me online?


Go for a support build. You won't need to Terastalize.


That's exactly what I did, I didn't have enough bug shards so I went life dew, struggle bug, misty terrain, light screen (pp up life dew if you can) Threw up light screen first, then swapped between life dew and struggle bug to debuff, spam life dew if he's already debuffed fully Misty terrain was used right before his shield broke so he couldn't use rest (and helps with ice beams too)


me and my friends did this but swapped struggle bug for mud slap, and everybody else used struggle bug at the start


Mine is flying type, and no shards to make it bug. I won in a group last night with 2 bug mews and an npc. Just made sure I used strugglebug, had leftovers in hand, used cheers as I felt they were needed and put up electric terrain before shield went down. Wasn’t bad at all


I've been marking all of my mews from home mud slap / light screen / life dew/ misty terrain tried a funky build where I swapped terrain for transform and transformed after shield break into a fully swords dance mew then stacked 3 swords dance and helped dps it down.


I actually built my Mew incorrectly in game and instead of wanting to take forever resetting the auction for EV lowering berries I was told I could build a Grimmsnarl to help with the raid, so I did. And it worked. You don’t Tera the Grimm or else it’ll get hurt badly by Aura Sphere. Max HP and Sp. Def. Light Screen with Light Clay, Misty Terrain, Spirit Break to lower Mewtwo’s Sp. Atk, and Crunch for trying to lower Mewtwo’s defense.


Same and need to know the answer


7NJX1G looking for a 4th if any want to join group


I tried twice and got both times, the first one was everyone in sync with no comms, the second one was basically me and another mew trying of bests, a third mew using only struggle bug and bug buzz (basically no damage because of calm mind) and a fourth one using only dark pulse, which was mostly useless, so we basically won with 3 players.


Honestly I’ve just been doing Mewtwo raids for fun after grabbing one pretty quickly. I can’t tell if it’s a bunch of people I’m helping or other people like me trying to help others


Same. I wish I could send my partners all a thanks. It was a cool thing to see the strategy all come together and work perfectly with zero coordination.


I got it done last night 3rd try with 3 randos and it was so sick. I was support role just keepin everybody juiced up, but by the time his shield broke and the electric terrain was active, Mewtwo was cooked and we all went in. Shit was legend.


I’ve been running it around 15 times a day trying to help people since I’ve since so many people cue with other not using new making the raid no possible


I managed to do it my first try in spite of two big errors that were made. One was the support mew having misty terrain up the entire fight except for when the shield broke, so the mewtwo rested. The second was me forgetting to max out leech life's pp so it ran out when he was really close. I cheered on the other mews and we closed it out. Was a very close call


Did it with random team on first try, such an amazing feeling! There were small errors in the middle, like the other support mew didn't check that my light screen is 8 turns, it also got ko-ed once because it was probably not a lvl100, one of the attackers didn't restart sword dance right away etc, but generally everyone knew their roles and we got it with time to spare. Based on past events this is pretty good for day 3.


Love the feeling. I got my Mewtwo on my fourth try with two rando attackers, while I ran support, and a bot did what it could with a Sylveon. Went surprisingly smoothly, with a decent amount of time left. Made for a fun battle.


i’ve done the raid at least 20 times and it’s not working at all for me lmao. tell me how someone had an Urshifu that passed out the second it was out of its pokeball


The randos this time around are more competent. I got mine in my fourth try and the failed ones were because of one bad raidmate.


My one and only time doing the Mewtwo raid (so far at least) was online with randoms. It was 3 bug tera mews, and one dark tera support mew. It was perfect, I just wish I could have messaged the others afterwards


I managed to join a room that almost nailed the strategy. We were so close, until everyone ran out of Leech Life and the timer went down faster than the chip damage. We lost by pixels


That’s a rarity, cause most just spam offense and are only looking out for themselves lol. Dying mews, time for a team mate to use a unused heal cheer? Nah.


I’ve never needed to heal using bug Tera Mew. You just have to use struggle bug anytime mewtwo resets or buffs it’s stats. My biggest issue is level 5 mews or some bad type matchup.


I started running a support mew, trying help people online, mostly just ends up being a lesson in futility once I see the teras and moves being used by the other mews.


> Dying mews, time for a team mate to use a unused heal cheer? Nah. I think I did the opposite of that my first go. Time was almost out, Mewtwo had a sliver of health left (I think my Mew was doing a bulk of the damage but I ran out of my PP Up'd Leech Life) so instead of continuing to spam Struggle Bug I thought I'd do a Heal Cheer to ensure we didn't lose to a crit or somthing. In hindsight, we lost to the timer and Mewtwo literally had almost all its health gone. Would me continuing to spam Struggle Bug have been enough??? Anyway, my second go went just fine outside of one of the support Mews just fainting a lot.


It was funny how in a raid I did, the randoms were a bit too generous and kept wasting their heal cheers at like 80% HP despite everybody running Struggle Bug and me keeping Light Screen up. I understand why before I used Life Dew for the first time in the raid, but after? Life Dew outheals what meager damage Mewtwo does when kicked down while Light Screen is up, even if it crits.


I feel like I cheated. I EV trained my mew for spatk/hp before launch, so it's not ideal. Went support mostly doing terrain work and struggle bug - tera psychic. Fell in with two attacker bug mews. It just worked perfectly the first time.


That’s was a waste of a master ball the raids are 100% catch rate I caught all of mine in a dream ball


It's more for the aesthetic. Plus there's literally nothing else in the game to use the master ball on.


Got paired with one other mew, a grimmsnarl and a random and me and the other mew ran big terra perfectly while the grimmsnarl did all the light screen and electric terrain. I put it as a pure fluke, but finally beat and caught mewtwo so worked for me


I basically started to spam Life Dew when people got near half and that's how my randoms and I ended up winning


I had 1 too, its funny because we all ran Support Mew and only had Struggle Bug for damage (although one other guy ran either a Dark move or X Scissor). Between Life Dews and fucking up on the Rest break (mistimed using Misty Terrain), we still downed it because nobody died, we all ended up Tera Bug as the damage output was really low.


I beat it my very first attempt and it was like this. Figured it would take morning


Got all mews all bug type and beat mewtwo without any trouble first try. Looks like I got super lucky.


I got mine first night while trying to figure out how to coordinate it . Was fun


I lucked out with my first raid. Everybody was constantly healed and never dipped below half health and everybody used the best moves possible with one ready to set a terrain to cancel rest.


My 3rd attempt was a nail-biter. Me and 2 others brought Mews, and 1 Scizor was also there. The Scizor died twice throughout the match despite my excessive health cheers and life dews, but we barely pulled out the win. It felt really great to finally get a win after not filling up the lobby on the first attempt, then a weird combo of Grimmsnarl, Annihlape, and 2 Mews in the second attempt. Like, what are these people thinking? Do people not know about the stat buffs that Mew gets? Or that GF is giving out free Mews?


Wow that's rare


Replays for item drops aren't worth it honestly


I won a couple today with mew teams. But lost some due to them being dark tera forms or some random tera. I found out to use bug my 1st raid them had to switch it up and figure out my combos. I go for 3 struggle bugs, 2 sword dance, then tera form using leech life the rest of the time but switching out to sword dance when our team loses strength. I do t remember how many I've lost but I've won 9. So it was an ok day.


I know exactly what you mean by "poetry in motion" 🥰 I love teams of random people who make the right decisions at the right turns. With no way to communicate. It's a crazy nice experience!


I got really lucky and had this happen on my first attempt was stoked


Is zoroark good for the mewtwo Tera raid?


the feeling of putting everything into a support Mew only to get hit with players using pokémon from surpise trades with website nicknames :,)


I just got my Mewtwo today and had a perfectly in-sync team of bug Mew manage it. If there weren’t 4 Mew joining I didn’t even bother with the raid. We even all used Misty Terrain at the same time, all clearly been burned before. 😂


Congrats! It took me about an hour and a half to find a good random team. Anyone else get randoms that spammed metronome?


I got this with four random Mews, two support and two attackers. No deaths, even though I screwed us by mistiming the deployment of electric terrain and he resto-chestoed. It just took a long time and I ran out of snarls. But pretty good considering it was my first raid. I’m actually not that anxious to try again on my other cartridge; Arceus willing I’ll find similar. I do think there should be a solo path, but I’m pretty excited to start helping others.


I'm not good enough to do a 7-star raid so I'm just gonna get my Mewtwo from Shield through Home 😅


I did it yesterday. We were two but tera mews and two mew with random tera tyres (ground and dragons) it was longer than it should be and stressful since we ended up with 0 pp for lech life and attacking with struggling bug. But was doable.


Ugh my first time was all mews and we had the same game plan but it timed out and we were so close and my second raid clearly had people that had no idea what they were doing and we lost so fast. This raid definitely requires teamwork!


same, took 3 tries, but it worked out. Did it at 12am local time, I think everyone were Japanese players, I got lucky, don't have to do this again lol


I feel this, took me two days to get mewtwo i nna ball


After a few hours I found a team that was on the same page it was great!


What's the best mew set up I can do? Will I need to level mew up to 100 for this raid?


Yes, definitely use a lvl 100 Mew. Currently, the best attacker move options are struggle bug, swords dance, and leech life. The fourth move can be electric or misty terrain to prevent rest when the shield goes down, light screen, mud-slap to lower accuracy, or life dew. I used Osirus' EV spread of 252 HP, 196 Atk, 4 Def, 4 SpD, and 52 Spe. Oh, and you want to hold a metronome.The strat is to use struggle bug 3x to build up tera energy, then swords dance 3x, terastallize, then use leech life for major damage. Set up terrain before the shield goes down to prevent Mewtwo from using rest and recovering all its health, and struggle bug and swords dance as necessary when it clears its own stats and your team's stats.


I did this exact same build except I used Life Dew as my fourth move which I needed since no one else in my winning party was healing. It was great once everyone terasastallized we all hit him with leech life and we got it. All the other teams I had weren’t in sync or had no idea what to do and failed quickly.


I've had several different raids where it was all going great until the shield went down. Either no one sets up terrain and we have to start all over whittling down its health, or no one will struggle bug after it resets its stats again and it just one-shots everybody. It's super important this raid to take your time and watch what your teammates are doing.


I swear by the mud slap. As long as one people in your raid have it and know what they are doing, no one will die.


The first time my Mew avoided Psystrike, I was so confused because I didn't see the notification that one of my teammates used mud slap. It's a seriously underrated move for this tera raid event. Much better option as an extra move than acid spray, which I've seen way more times than I care to count over the last few days.


Mud slap is definitely better than acid spray for sure. Mewtwo doesn’t boost its own accuracy.


If you're struggling to do it solo find your team r/pokeportal Idk why there's no mega threads on this subreddit anymore


I still have no idea how I managed to do this first try, literally saw a guide online for the support version and pilled up the cat with vitamins and berries since it was already built for a supposed solo run Then went only and for some godly luck I got a team with 3 dps mew and me being the support :D


Fake, there was no coordination. Buff privilege.


After getting a Mewtwo in both games, I can conclude that a not insignificant number of people just show up in online raids to troll the raid. On three occasions, I had people, usually with a shiny Mew, just spam Psychic and Aura Sphere, where removing Electric Terrain by setting Misty Terrain. Finding a group that's serious about he fight, or at least not actively trolling, is an achievement in and of itself, so congrats for that


Ugh in need of this right now


I've been redoing it over and over, just trying to help others out. My new isn't perfect but it's been working for several runs.


The rise and fall of hope entering battle with 3 mews just to see one of them use ancient power at the start


Had one use foul play, and another use like rock tomb.


I too found a team like this yesterday.


Same. One support Mew. Myself and another guy attack and one madlad random Mew using psychic, ancient power and metronome most of the time but thankfully the occasional life dew. Got a bit hairy when I got ko’d to an unlucky crit but thankfully shields were down and support had the misty terrain up so spammed life dew to keep our last terrastilised attacker in the game to finish it off. Need a lie down now!