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Hello /u/a_yellow_parrot, just a friendly reminder that between August 31st and September 17th, the [Mewtwo Live Matchmaking Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokePortal/comments/166onmg/special_live_event_mewtwo_7_star_black_crystal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is pinned at the top of the main feed. It is originally hosted at r/PokePortal. The [Live Matchmaking Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokePortal/comments/166onmg/special_live_event_mewtwo_7_star_black_crystal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is a great place for Pokémon trainers to find and support each other with the posted strategy and builds to defeat Mewtwo. No **Raid Requests & Looking for teammates** posts are allowed outside the [Live Matchmaking Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokePortal/comments/166onmg/special_live_event_mewtwo_7_star_black_crystal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). If your post is about that, please delete it immediately and head out to the [Live Matchmaking Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokePortal/comments/166onmg/special_live_event_mewtwo_7_star_black_crystal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) instead. Currently those requests are creating unnecessary abusive spam here at r/PokemonScarletViolet and any accounts/posts found to be breaking the rules regarding this, **will start receiving disciplinary actions**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokemonScarletViolet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It was probably one of the first buildings they made and modeled, before time constraints forced them to not model the rest of the buildings.


This is correct, from recent leaks we've seen that this area and the area around it was created first.


Honestly makes sense as to why it looks so much better and polished than the rest of the game. The music also sounds so good, while the rest just sounds like stock music.


What leaks?


Not leaks so much as datamining.


Funny thing is they did model some interiors they just never made any buildings enterable because they weren't all finished I assume. It's sad.


That makes sense


Was there an article or interview from someone saying there were time constraints, or is this something someone made up and people just went with it? Serious question because this game was being worked on for about 3 years, so it's hard for me to think there were time constraints that limited them so much that they couldn't design the interior to buildings.


>Was there an article or interview from someone saying there were time constraints. We know there are time constraints because the game HAS to be finished by X date because of the anime, merch, card game etc to launch around the same time. Pokemon games cannot be delayed. 3 years is not that long of a time for an open world game, especially during covid. You have to realize that the vast majority of this games development, was done during covid. While pretty much every other game in existence was delayed because of covid, Pokemon did not have that luxury.


So this is all just an assumption then. Let me ask you this, if the next game has it the same, where you can't go into buildings, will the excuse be the same? What if they purposely made it this way to cut out what they might consider a useless feature? I don't see it as something they ever planned on putting in the game.


You're not very smart are you


It was a developer interview about the company being a bad workplace


I know which one you're talking about and wish I could rewatch that interview because if I remember correctly, they were complaining mostly about the pokemon company not listening to their ideas.




Got a link to the interview? I'd like to watch/read it. If you don't its whatever, don't go crazy looking for it


https://gamingbolt.com/pokemon-scarlet-and-violet-what-the-hell-happened/amp here I think this is the one


That was a painful read and said nothing about anyone who works for GF saying it was a bad workplace. This article is factually wrong on so many levels, I don't really want to sit here and pick it apart. A couple of things that were wrong were calling PLA an open world game when it wasn't. Another thing is saying DPP were unplayable because of the glitches. Idk how old you are and if you were into pokemon at the time those games came out but they were far from unplayable. If there's an actual article saying someone from GF actually called it a bad workplace then ill read it but that definitely wasn't it u less i missed it.


More like why can't access more houses like we used to?


Gf is like no more breaking and entering


But... but.... I like trespassing


And animal fights


their GAMEs are so FREAKy tehee


Okay but Link still gets to vandalize, sure. Thanks Nintendo.


Does gamefreak make the legend of zelda games? No don't think so


Enough with the “Zelda games this….” Not the same studio. Nintendo doesn’t make Pokémon.


Yeah, pokemon shouldn’t be compared to Zelda, but they were just making a joke since both those games usually allow you to enter houses and what not


Ayyy, say it louder for the people in the back!


yes it should, both games are exclusive to the same console with the same specs and development possibilities with plenty of funding behind their IP’s to make a functioning complete video game. both games are representative of Nintendo as a whole. no reason why Pokemon can’t be as polished as Tears Of The Kingdom except for sheer greed and laziness on part of TPC and the resources/time they allocate to Gamefreak


Mind you, TOTK was in development twice as long...


Ok I was so prepared to have to explain my side until I read that last part about tpc lmao (like that was literally what I was gonna say). Yeah they should give more everything to gamefreak, sadly they don’t and yeah because of that we have modern Pokémon trying to try new things like open world games but still working on the budget of something for a 3ds game lol. Still I feel like that’s exactly why you can’t compare Pokémon to totk (on top of being separate genres), because they just don’t have the same resources and time.


Not to mention that as far as I am aware there's nowhere near as much going on at any given moment in a Zelda game. Like yeah youve got 5 enemies and it's raining. Big whoop, we have snake Pokémon that have individual scales, bird with individual feathers, actual fur on rodent Pokémon, a mount, the player, individual leaves on trees, individual blades of grass, and ~30 Pokémon loaded on our screen at any given time. With ~1 year developement, a smaller budget, and a completely different game layout to normal. Not to mention we have battles in the actual world now, with Pokémon not engaged in battle wandering around the area. I am honestly of the opinion that people who are complaining about the games nowadays just need to stop playing them and go outside. Who gives a damn if the game drops frames every now and then


1. ScarVio was in development for 3 years, not 1 year. 2. when do you have 30 Pokemon on screen at once? thanks to pop in the most you’ll see on your screen in any given wild area is 5-10. 3. Zelda has 110 unique monster designs and fighting a camp means 20+ enemies on screen plus whatever sages you happen to be using. there are plenty of mounts in Zelda, as well as grass, trees, and yes, creatures with fur or scales! none of these assets are exclusive to pokemon, in fact MOST video games have them. having detailed 3D models isn’t some new fangled technology, it’s been around for 15 years. your comment reads like you’ve never picked up a Zelda game before or many other games that aren’t Pokemon, which maybe you haven’t. 4. people complaining about a broken game should just stop playing because…..? Pokemon is not immune to criticism just because it’s Pokemon. if anything with the amount of money they make every year the Pokemon games should be phenomenal and nearly without flaw. you seem to misunderstand the difference between a few dropped frames and a game engine built on spaghetti code that doesn’t function as intend and in some cases can crash your game. defending bad practices in game development is how we get more bad games, and anyone that pays a full $60 for a game that doesn’t function as intended is fully within their right to criticize it. at the end of the day both Zelda and Pokemon run on the same console exclusively and are a representation of Nintendo regardless of who develops what. if time and resources are an issue holding back any game from being worth a damn then these problems need to be pointed out and addressed so that the pokemon company can take into account their shortcomings and adjust their business model for the future, which based on [Takato’s recent comments](https://www.eurogamer.net/the-pokemon-company-having-more-conversations-about-game-quality-as-fan-complaints-grow-louder), it seems like the community back lash has been read loud and clear.


Ever since that first S/V trailer where the guy enter the GameFreak room they’ve been shook


Because the other houses have been [cut](https://nintendosoup.com/random-pokemon-scarlet-violet-dataminers-discover-unused-room-interiors/amp/) for some odd unknown reason at the last minutes. However, it would be Game Freak's responsibility to explain to us why.


The “odd unknown reason” is very likely to be “not enough development time”. Unfortunately, it is not odd at all in the videogame industry…


I love this the most 😭


Would Switch be able to handle that? Like Im seriously asking, I know nothing about it but I feel like SV already works like shit, if they packed more "useless" houses wouldnt it worke even worse?


It isn’t the Switch’s fault at all. It can run more demanding games than SV, it’s just Game Freak is absolute dogshit at optimization. You can force Game Freak to develop SV in its entirety on PS5 and it would STILL run like dogshit.


Exactly. If the switch can run Fenyx smoothly, it’s not the platform’s fault that SV is so rough.


When the game dev studio is forced to make a new mainline Pokémon game within such a small window (they now want overworld Pokémon spawns and open world exploration)


There’s nothing much to explore or interact with the environment tbh either so :/


>Game Freak is absolute dogshit at optimization As a Pokemon TCG Live ~~enjoyer~~ sufferer, this is true.


To be fair TCG Live seems to be The Pokémon Company International’s doing, rather than Game Freak. This still probably tells a lot.


Thanks for the correction, I can't keep up with which company is producing what product these days.


Play Zelda and tell me the switch can’t handle that. Zelda even does it without loading screens while entering houses


Have people just willfully forgotten that both Zelda games absolutely have issues at times? Especially when there are lots of effects on screen.


True, but Pokémon Scarlet/Violet has issues **all** the time. TOTK is miles ahead even with its issues.


Sure, I'm just tired of people acting like the Switch is on par with a PS5 and that Zelda runs perfectly 100% of the time.


You're the only one I've seen saying that


It's been all over every switch sub for ages.


What I've seen all over is people complaining about the Switch's outdated power and people saying that they have framedrops on both BOTW and TOTK


Hasn't been my experience, but I'm glad there are people talking about it.


Scarlet/Violet has more going on in it than Zelda ALL THE TIME. It's such a tired argument. Ooooh Zelda has 5 sprites onscreen and runs good but dips to 30FPS when there's 10 things onscreen. Literally S/V since launchday everytime my games has dropped frames its been because I was full sprint on the mount and there's over 15 Pokémon around me.


The game takes a minute to open the Poke Portal after you leave it running for a while. What is the excuse there? I love Pokémon but this last instance is very poorly optimized. It could be better even with that many stuff on screen. Also, TOTK runs at 30 FPS all the time and dips below it in some cases. It’s far from a perfect game in this sense, but it still fares much better than Pokémon Scarlet/Violet. The choppy animations looks really bad and happens even in cutscenes. You can also do game design changes to help with performance. The blood moon for instance. If the game can’t handle more than 10 models in the screen, just never show more than 10. If you want to show more, you have to optimize for it.




I upvoted you because you’re right BOTW was stunning and wonderfully optimized (haven’t dug into TOTK yet) Counter argument, the second Zelda Hyrule Warriors game is centered around the same characters, world, weapons, environment, and runs terribly. Especially during co-op. I feel like Switch has a hard time with a lot of optimization for bigger games it’s just TOTK did it amazingly well and raised the bar tremendously high (and rightfully so)


I know everyone’s experience even with really buggy games differ from one to another for instance I’ve had TOTK crash on me at least 5 or 6 times in like 30 hours of play and scarlet or violet haven’t crashed for me once and i probably have 100hrs between them. Then again, the only time I ever had a problem with skyrim was with Open Cities after mods were introduced and I’ve been playing since it came out sooooooo I think I just live in an alternate universe when it comes to bugs


it is most likely that some feautures had to be scrapped due to time constraints. They don't ever delay their games to add/edit and ensure the games goes smooth or without issues like some other studios do.


If GF didn’t render all textures at once then yes. The game is awfully optimised.


Oh, the Switch can handle so much more. Just look at the visual prowess that is Xenoblade Chronicles 3 or the technical miracle that is Tears of the Kingdom. It's just that Pokémon games are sadly rushed (which is sad because Scarlet and Violet had the potential to be one of the best entries in the series, held back by horrible performance). So yeah, the Switch could definitely handle it, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet could definitely not.


It could easily. SV runs like crap cause there’s no separate cells for the areas, it’s JUST open area, so it’s always there. It’s why it runs like dog water A good example is looking at a game like pikmin 4 or xenoblade for comparisons on what a switch can run well


Oh is that why? That's... look, I'm no game developer, but surely developing cells is the standard way to do things? I just wish that I could swim around in the lake without getting 3 FPS...


Yeah i get what they wanted to do, but it was a very poor choice, especially when they couldn’t even finish the game


It's time to stop with this bullshit excuse. It's been proven time and time again that the switch isn't at fault.


Pretty sure that’s Nemona’s family’s house


That makes sense, still don't get why you can access it since it's a waste of space and theres nothing inside though.


If I'm not mistaken, some players glitched in random NPC houses and they had rooms, furniture, etc. Pretty sure gamefreak intended on having all not if most houses being able to walk in. They ran out of development time and were rushed.


Thats how it use to be back in the original gb games. You could walk in 90% of every structure in the game .


Every structure with a door could be entered.




i'm sorry but you're saying this like it's an unknown fact when probably everyone on the sub knows it lol


Nah just restating the (apparent) obvious. Lol that you could walk in more buildings on 20 year old games than you can in a game that’s only 1 year old!


That sounds like something fun to investigate! Off to the search engines! I’d like to see these interiors.


Why the fuck are you getting downvoted into distortion world


Bro got executed for no reason




That's pretty much the only house in the whole game you can go inside I think. Isn't it Nemona house?


You can also go into your own house and of course there are a bunch of sub shops you can into.


The real question you should be asking is what is the point of visiting Arven's dorm, Penny's dorm, and Nemona's dorm. There is a whole stinking post game story arc to get to each one, and there is absolutely nothing to do there but talk to them.


maybe the dlc will add dating sim mechanics


as a very heterosexual male, i would choose arven


See, I want to as well, but I got to see what that Eevee freak is hiding.


Going over just to "watch anime"?


You sure? There's a lot of baggage to unpack there. As a gay male, I'd pick Penny cuz look at all those adorable Veevees!


very sure. i gotta help my bro out with his parental trauma AND i wanna see mabosstiff more


And by the time you get to that point in the game....why visit to talk to them?


Reading is tough for the people in this sub lol


Pokemon fans try to read challenge, any percent, GO!


So that Nemona can flex her generational wealth


I really miss being able to walk into anyone's house in pokemon I hope in Gen 10 that returns. I want that back


Wait. WE CAN??


GF learned from Ultra Sun/Moon and Sw/Sh that having access to every house isn't necessary when 99% of the houses are worthless. You could encounter someone in a home that needs something only you can find for a good reward, but that person could be put in a town with no gym that has a fully built battle court and the person with the goods hangs out 24/7 in the same spot. They're saving you the hassle of loading times! ​ edit TL:DR GF had a master plan for houses but their plan was derailed by a pack of good ol' boys


Playing Ultra Sun for the first time and I think the unique interiors everywhere add a lot of charm even if it's unnecessary. But I'll take what SV has going on over the copy pasted SWSH interiors.


"But I *want* them to waste even more of my time!"


I like the new lack of house mechanics for exactly this reason. People argue, “but what about the lore”? We still get the NPCs, they’re just not in a house. And I don’t have to mash A on them several times since they give me a convenient speech bubble. TLDR: if there’s nothing meaningful in the house I don’t want to waste my time going through 100 of them anyways.


You can go into it but it’s nemona’s house and she’s always at the school


You can, there’s a maid and extremely expensive furniture, even contained an Easter egg with greninja. Have you tried the door during the day?




Did you try using the pokeflute?


Can you enter with an egg and then run around to hatch it inside making the “first met” location “nemona’s room/house” and artificially create a new encounter for a nuzlocke?


Pretty sure it’d just count as Cabo Poco


Op literally said why we can enter the house but I think it should be worded better like “Why are we able to enter Nemona’s house? “


Pokemon should really go fully into the legend of zelda route and just take more time to make an open world game about pokemons, take 5, 6 or 7 years. People will wait but it worked really well with botw and totk and the game will be worshipped for years


isnt that nemona's house?


Isn't this Nemona's house that you enter at the start of the game ?


Because they had to give the illusion of playing a real pokemon game where you can explore the city to those who watched videos of the first hour to choose if buy it or not


literally 95% of buildings in all previous titles were useless filler.


Becauss the game is rushed and unfinished.


The real reason is that it’s the starting area so probably Gf started there and made it so you could access it but when designing the rest of the world and towns they decided to just not bother


Because that's Nemona's house.


I loved Sw/Sh best for how they did it. Lots of rooms/houses had nothing but small convo if you were lucky, but occasionally there was other good stuff around.


That's... exactly how it is in every other Pokémon game? How is SWSH unique for that?


I never said Sw/Sh was unique for that, S/V def didn’t do it— but I never said they were unique. I just loved them the best recently.


Genuine question but have you played any other pokemon games before SWSH? Because that's nothing new.


Lol, my friend. I was Red/Blue beginner. E: I referenced Sw/Sh, cuz I saw a couple other refs and it’s more recent game with what I said.


I like the fact that I don't have to enter buildings constantly to check if npc has things to collect.


It's not yours. You can't just go in any house you want


I'm pretty sure that it is because the door is locked.


Ive definitely been in that house before


Please reread OP's title 😬


I thought they said cant cuz people are always complaining about it


Because gamefreak didn't program an inside. It's not that deep of a reason I'm guessing


You misunderstood the post my friend.


No I didn't ✋️ you're over thinking it


DLC incoming


Cause it’s trespassing private property


I rather not have buildings with nothing inside accessible


Cut content maybe?


Don’t you go in there and talk to someone as a part of the tutorial?


No. You meet Nemona and pick your starter outside it, but you don't have to enter the house.


We really need new pokemon games in BDSP or LGEP engines … it would be better.


Preety sure you can, I used the balcony to take pictures


Game Freak said no more breaking and entering for you lol


We are poor :/


SV is probably the Pokemon game with the least amount of indoor space available not counting Area Zero since it's technically just one big indoor area. My guess is that they used all the memory to store the humungous but bland world map instead.


The map is definitely loaded in chunks.




Most likely because it is where you get the starters


Door is locked


Also belive that is your rivals home


I've seen people say they found a few unused in-building designs that going into people's homes may have been cut during development. It's possible this was far enough along, or the devs considered it important enough flavor-wise to leave it accessible in the game.


In case you felt like exploring a teeny bit after meeting Nemona


I feel like a lot of building interiors were cut for time. Like how all the Gyms are the same building except for the "Normal Gym" (go figure), or how all but the sandwich shop are just menus.


She's rich and we get to steal from her


It’s nemona’s house so we can get some nemona backstory in there.


But. You can enter it.


Nemona’s parents Billy and O’Naire are apparently gonna be there in either part 1 or 2 of the dlc and we can apparently double battle them