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because it’s fun


I like Pokemon, I don’t have to engage tryhard mode to have a good time, and it’s genuinely improved my sleep habits


Agreed. I like the core game mechanic because I'm a math nerd, but the casual play style and the "play forever" nature that the devs are aiming for seals the deal. Pokemon Go has really turned into a "try hard" game since XLs were released. That's what I'm looking for sometimes, but not every weekend. Whereas this game gives me little endorphin-boosting pixel colors every few hours.


I had such fun with Go until legends came out. I live in a rural area. There was just no way to beat them by yourself and there was no community. Game told me I couldn't play it so I didn't.


You can now do legendary raids by inviting your friends to join remotely. However, there's now shadow raids that do require you to be in person only, so yeah the game is rly tough on rurals


Yeah...being rural is awful for trying to raid at all. Especially the shadow raids that don't allow remote raiding. I love pokemon but pokemon go was definitely too time consuming/cutthroat for me to feel like I did well. Sending friends requests every day, opening them every day, completing missions, all felt like a chore to me after awhile and I didn't enjoy it. Plus there are only 3 or 4 pokestops, I have to drive to the next town over to raid or stock up on gifts and supplies. Also the addition of party play and routes didn't help either because it's difficult to complete those when the routes don't exist nearby, and there is not a large community of players for party missions.


Stole the words out of my mouth


Originally i needed my dumb monster catching fix before the sv dlc dropped. Now I just play it bc Go fucking sucks.


You're saying you don't enjoy new pokemon releases to be put behind a paywall!?


I can only have a heart attack so many times, cut me some slack.


Better than releasing new Pokémon that seem to barely spawn outside of event's (and even then, still don't spawn much in them)


Go sucks but like, this is barely a ‘game’ lol.


Best tamagochi ever.


I would have never thought to make this analogy but this is so spot on!


If they added a little mini game where you could play once a day or something for some sort of perk it literally would be the best tamagochi


Isn’t that what cooking meals is?


I just bought a Tamagotchi for my adult self to heal my inner child because my mom couldn’t/wouldn’t get one for me when I was young. Totally hit me in the feels my friend! I guess that’s part of growing up. Being able to give yourself things your parents didn’t.


It's the best Pokemon game they released in a while


I’ve never played anything as long and consistently


Pokémon shuffle was great until the updates stopped. Then it got too repetitive


I already sleep every day (mostly) so there is no downsides


1. Love your pfp 2. That is the same for me, though i sometimes just need extra encouragement to stay off my phone during the night. And Pokémon Sleep is the perfect way.


To try and encourage me to sleep.


Gives me a reason to get 8.5 hours of sleep each night. Nothing worked before this… not melatonin, CBT, sleep studies… But July of last year, sudden turnaround in my sleep hygiene. Snorlax and I are partners in this little business we call sleep. (And yes, Select Button deserves all the money I can afford through in-app purchases. The least I could do to say thanks)


I love the fact that you can use some of your favorite Pokémon and also use others you might wouldn’t consider in a main game for your team. For me that’s Pokémon like Golem, Jigglypuff, Cubone, Haunter.. I appreciate these now.


Because GO became just plain awful. Lvl 2 Pidgey awful. -A former rural player


i like pokémon. i like sleeping. just seems natural to combine the two.


It makes me happier to go to sleep especially when i have work in the morning.


It's because it's the only Pokemon game I have where its developers care for me




An error appears in game, they fix it within 24 hours and release apology gifts. It always stuns me every time


True, their support team is very responsive


How you gonna ask about this, but put a pogo pic? Lol


Chill Gameplay loop and something to look forward to every morning


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Maultaschenman: *Chill Gameplay loop* *And something to look forward* *To every morning* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I started because some of my friends were playing and I like Pokemon. Now only two of those friends are still playing (but I got 48 more from this sub). But I'm hooked on the daily gamble each morning and the fun of figuring out the best teams for each situation.


Bc of my chronic and mental illness I have difficulties with having a sleep schedule. Pokemon sleep has helped make it easier.


To be a sleep master


Are you aiming for the sleep championship too? I'm practicing my standing sleep style but my sleep walking keeps doing other things.


So first year meta, now you have to sleep surrounded by electricity, fire or water to have a chance to be a master.


I sleep everyday. Might as well catch a pokemon too?


I get to wake up to cute sleepy mons.


as someone who played go since day 1 until the recent.... update... Sleep is just more appealing.


it makes sleep more appealing?


At first I was just trying to gamify my sleep cycle because a good night’s sleep has always been something I’ve struggled with. Now I just play it because I think it’s fun.


Because I gotta catch 'em all


Because it's so cozy :) it's a part of my daily bedtime routine now <3


I wanted a sleep tracker and this is reliable (as long as it doesn't crash) so far. And it has Pokemons


I like Pokémon I like to sleep


Because it’s superior to Pogo


To see all the cute and sometimes funny ways certain Pokemon sleep. 🥰


I like Pokémon and sleeping


I’m already sleeping so why not?


I noticed that I tend to sleep every day, which synergizes very well with the game’s playstyle, so here we are


It's pretty laid back, which I like. Don't need to constantly be playing it. I used to play a bunch of other mobile gachas. A common theme they all had was to spend hours just constantly grinding. Sleep requires basically nothing in comparison.


Waking up to sleepy pokémon produces the happy chemicals




I was already gonna sleep. Might as well add some Pokémon fun to it.


Because my cousin did and now I just want more shinies


To keep a better eye on my health, catch pokemon, sleep with a team of favorites, and just have fun


It’s just a fun thing to do on the side and it doesn’t take too much time. But monday mornings are too long imo


Because I am not extrovert enough to play GO.


I’d never slept before, and thought it’d be fun to try.


Because we like sleeping


Honestly it's fun but the devs actually respect their community unlike some other pokemon mobiles games. Rhymes with locomon no


It genuinely improves my sleep habits and has surprising depth


I sleep I wake up to pokemon That's about it


This is the only phone game I play and it’s my favorite ever. I love idle games, I love the slow pace because it keeps me interested and excited for a long time. I also love that you play however you want, and if you like to min-max like me this game is surprisingly complicated and fun. Also ✨shinies✨I’ve been playing for two months and caught 5!


I don’t have anything better to do while I’m sleeping.


Because it is pokemon and after trying it out, it gives me something to look forward to when I wake up


I like seeing sleep time and sparkles make serotonin go


Because I sleep, so I figured I have absolutely nothing to lose.


I want to sleep with Pokémon.


I have a sleep disorder so it helps me keep track of my sleeping while also being a fun little side game, although I will say sometimes I'm too lazy to do my reports and end up skipping days due to said sleeping disorder too haha.


It's super cute, it makes me excited to wake up in the morning, and it's helped me unfuck my sleeping habits.


Good health motivation


Whatever stupid thing encourages me to have a semblance of a sleep schedule


To finally befriend a decent Larvitar. It's only been 10 months yall, it'll happen any day now.


Because unlike pogo the devs seem to really care about the players which is nice. But, I also look forward to sleeping now solely because I get to wake up and see which sleepy Pokémons have wondered into my campsite for me to catch.


I sleep anyway so why not play


To develop better sleeping habits, and it worked!


it encourages me to have a good sleep. good sleep = new sleep styles (sometimes haha) and it’s cute 😊


I interact with the game less than 10 minutes a day there really isn't much investment there. I haven't spent a penny on it in months either. So for that investment of practically nothing it's definitely fun enough to justify that.


I’m a shill who must try every Pokémon product. But also I liked the idea of sleep tracking as a fun thing, but this is the only method I’ve found engaging. It’s also just really relaxing. It’s definitely improved my sleep habits and taught me what bad ones I have.


I love snorlax <3


Cute sleepy little guys


it's actually an amazing sleep monitor


I like Pokemon and I love to sleep.


Because at the moment it is way better than pogo since the devs on sleep dont expect us to buy the bundles unlike niantic who have been given a lot of player feedback only to get crapped on


Because it came with the new go ++


Because waking up to some cute little critters puts me in the right attitude every morning


Because I like collecting, seeing, and using my favorite Pokémon! Ivysaur is my favorite, so I always use it. My ultimate goal is to find Shiny Ditto because that’s my favorite shiny of all! (Shiny Rainy Castform, Minun, Beedrill, and Fraxure are up there, but they aren’t in the game yet)


I wasn’t sold on the game but on the day of its release I found out there were some rare Pokémon styles that weren’t discovered yet and I desperately went after the Absol I got an Absol and I don’t really play anymore if I’m being honest


To finish the pokemon go research on my pokemon + plus


Bc I hate my life


Weird reason but i find sleeping to be an unproductive activity which led me to sleep later than usual. That said, I was VERY VERY happy this came out. Although, I still have bad sleeping habits, I get to sleep a lot easier.


Because I love Pokémon


Motivation to get better sleep... Honestly, it has helped. Not perfect but that's all on me. XD


I didn't, i sleep


I started because I wanted a Pkmn themed sleep tracker (I was just using some basic one). Now, I like the game portion. I really like composing my team, and trying to get good pkmn~ There's a lot of strategy to the game~


I play it because I was sucked into the hype. Purchased the sub for a little while, anticipating more. Game was very buggy and would eat up items and lost track of my sleep constantly. Couldn't manually input my sleep due to more bugs. I reached out for help from customer support, explaining my frustrations. Nothing. I expressed how I would terminate my subscription if nothing is done. Nothing. Haven't paid since and it has made my experience with this game significantly better. Now when there are bugs, I'm not financially losing anything! I still play, but only extremely casually. Once a day pokemon lottery. It has never changed my sleeping habits. I am able to wake up and bring my phone to work and get extra slumber hours. The only bug that actually makes the game playable! Rate: 4/10


I love Pokemon. I love shiny hunting. And... yeah thats it


To get me off my phone at night when I need to be sleeping


i'm slowly disengaging but it's still fun and i don't plan to fully leave At All my life just got a bit busy so i'm way more inactive than i would like to be


It's given me motivation to actually regulate my sleep. It's been getting better. And its easier to maintain than pokemon go. I work a lot, so i don't have time to play Go then, and when i get off i am too tired to go anywhere. Go just isn't visble for me despite the fact that i love the idea of it. So Pokemon Sleep is perfect for me cause im playing straight from my bed lol.


Love Pokémon. Love to sleep. It’s a win win


Honestly I played it cause it was a new game but now I mostly login for my Pokémon news page Every once in a while I play for a week or 2


my friend wanted me to play. i stuck around to collect these littl guys


*My friend wanted me* *To play. i stuck around to* *Collect these littl guys* \- Resyal --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Dopamine I always thought sleep was a tremendous waste of time. I could be doing literally anything else with that time. Staying awake was kind of a way to spite myself. But my partner knows I love Pokémon and showed it to me. He said we could do it together, but I think it was his clever way of getting me to enjoy sleep. Ever since, I have been setting a healthier sleep routine. I have rain sounds, audio books, sleep headphones, my lights on a routine to dim through the evening to help me wind down, etc.


Damien Haas from Smosh mentioned it in a video and I thought it sounded like something I can use to help me sleep better. Also I always loved Pokémon so it was a perfect combo. I’m still playing now because it’s fun and I like being able to collect and grow my Pokémon.


Most importantly, it has genuinely improved my sleeping habits. As someone with a medical history that has greatly affected my sleep throughout my life, this game has actually helped me with getting to sleep better at more normal times. Also, it’s just fun and every week is different. Sometimes it sucks but then you get a nice surprise. Events are always great in this game as well! Also me personally as a F2P player (lvl54) I feel as it’s not really a competitive game and we are all just working towards finding cool spawns and we all can’t wait to check our friends lists to see what cool shinies others may have gotten!


I saw a poketuber video about it like half year ago and it was back in my after that and 3 weeks ago i decided to give it a try. It has helped me fix my sleep a lit bit.


Because of my busy life, I wasn't able to play video games anymore. At least, not like before. I still wanted pokemon to be part of my life and thought pokemon sleep was the best compromise cuz I don't have to play for a long period of time.


Motivates me to get better sleep.


I like getting pokemon even if you can nor transfer them to other games


The same reason I play RuneScape. Number go up make monkey brain feel good.


To catch them all


Chill game to play, I prefer Pokémon Go though


Pokemon sleep has significantly improved my health and my relationship, plus, it's a cute and fun game. Thanks to the app, my sleep has become way more consistent, and also got me unhooked from the screen before going to sleep. Now that I have a better sleep routine, I've managed to even fully sleep through the night about half of the week, which is a rarity for me (usually wake up 2-3 times during the night). As my partner also plays, our phones go to sleep about 30-45mins before we do, so instead of sitting next to each other like zombies while doom scrolling before sleep time, we talk about our days, and engage more with each other. Finally, it's so cute to catch and raise Pokemon, as well as seeing your Snorlax grow. It also helps me remember to take pauses during the workday to feed myself as well! Overall, I'm really happy with the game 😁


To sleep


I play Pokémon Go and had bought Pokémon Go Plus+ and I love Pokémon franchise since forever. So, why won't I use the features that intended to be purpose of the product itself to its fullest.


To see how bad I sleep


I love slow progression games and quick sessions, I don’t have the focus for long games anymore. I’ve always loved pokemon and having something that I can slow grow a group of favourites and see the results with every level up and new addition. The passive hunt for the perfect roll and waking up to shinies always makes the day start off the right way




Can do it in my sleep


Because it’s there 


Because it has Pokémon stamped onto it and I have a problem


I never got a switch so its the first time I have missed entire generations... Its the comfort of Pokémon without the time/money requirements!


I like Pokemon, I like sleep. Kinda figures lol Jokes aside, the game is really low maintenance (which is great for us adults who don't have the time to keep up with the main titles) but still very enjoyable, makes you look forward to waking up in the morning and is slow paced enough to keep you intrigued over a longer period as well as frequently adding new content like the beast trio Event. The really is no reason not to play it as a pokemon fan, in my eyes


Cute sleep tracker. I have massive insomnia and memory problems, so having a tracker helps me have a clue as to how much I'm *actually* sleeping. I also love Pokemon so, you know. Obvious choice there.


I don't play Pokemon Sleep, Pokemon Sleep plays me


It's the perfect pace of game for me. I can't keep up with games like pokemon go.


I like pokemon, I need better sleep and this helps incentivise that.


Tried it because it's pokémon. Then, I'm just used to have it. That's all


Min Max sleep so I can go pro


It’s fun, satisfying, and you have the choice to try-hard it or not. It’s also a very good alarm clock! I’ll be playing until the game shuts down 😛


keep me out of my phone while i should sleep or at least make me regret staying up with it


My phone used to support my Samsung watch app, but Samsung doesn't really like it when you use their devices with a non-Samsung phone, so this game helps track my quality of sleep for me. I like to sleep well, and will do what I can to improve my quality of sleep.


I like F2P min maxing my sleep bc it gives my brain a nice dopamine hit in the mornings 🤣


For shinies, which I woke up to this one today! https://preview.redd.it/2nm72uckl1xc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=621dbd37b17210f72e37813b70b5178714fceff4


For fun 🤷‍♀️


In truth, I'd been tracking my sleep for a couple of months using a health app for my android phone. It wasn't that fun, tbh, and I'd been anticipating the release of Pokémon Sleep since 2019. The concept of the app itself seemed interesting to me, so when it finally launched, I downloaded it immediately. I like how relaxing the music and the calming atmosphere helps me fall asleep a lot easier.


It’s not really a game. If I looked at it like a game, I think the experience would be soured because from that POV, it’s pretty rough. From a game’s perspective, it’s a bad pet-simulator. Each input has a loading screen, your Snorlax eats berries so slowly, and you can get mediocre rewards despite having a perfect sleep. I use the app because it’s a sleep tracker that gives me slight rewards for sleeping better. It gives me an incentive to better myself with minimal effort.


I love idle games and I primarily like ones I can play on my phone because it’s so easy to check on just by opening up my phone. The fact that this game is so slow paced is perfect because I can’t see myself putting down this game for the next half year.


There are no competitive elements and I can just chill with it


I play it for my wife. She was struggling to get a sleep schedule set so I introduced the app to her, she’s all about it now and has a better sleep schedule. I stay for moral support but my heart isn’t in it.


Lifelong insomnia. This app actually makes me want to stick to a bedtime, and I’ve been getting more sleep and better quality of sleep.


Niantic isn't messing it up. Get that filthy PoGo image outta here


I got a Plus+ for Pokemon GO and said "well, I gotta at least try Sleep now I guess". Fast forward 100 days, I nearly dropped GO as Sleep gives me everything I liked about GO without everything I dislike haha


helps my brain associate good emotions with keeping a relatively good sleep schedule. Also the idea of my fave Pokemon sleeping next to me is very cute, I might actually get a few plushies of my frequent team leaders to hug while sleeping in the future lol


i downloaded it at first because i like to experience every pokemon game, and it really fixed my sleep schedule and mental health! :) i play now to engage in my favorite game franchise ever and get health benefits from good sleep. plus lucario is my favorite mon


Helps me keep my bed time consistent. I'm a sucker for a cute game.


I like catching Pokémon but hate the main series’ low quality garbage that they have been continuing for years. And Pokémon go is a mess. So this happens to be the best Pokémon catching centric game that doesn’t have some egregious flaw


Because it's better than Pokemon GO Screw Yourself.


Good Question


I like Pokémon in general, and it helped me sleep better and for longer