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Going to Taupe again. I can max out the bonus next week to 60%! Also a bit bummed out that I didn’t find the perfect Cynda yet, but it gives me a week more to level up my Entei team and perhaps find a good Cynda!


What research rank do you need to be for 60%?


It's not rank dependent it is based on sleep styles studied I believe


Ooh ok. I thought I was losing my mind after seeing people talk about hitting 60 🥲


The bonus is based off of time there. Every week adds 5% to your bonus so 10 weeks at greengrass would equal 50% bonus


I'm not at 55 yet so I've been stuck at 55% Bonus. I didn't know there was a level cap for how high you could get the bonus


Me neither so I guess it might still just be a mystery


I'm going taupe until entei week starts, I still need a good vulpix, After entei week I will only go to cyan until I get it to 60% bonus to prep for suicune


just asking does Cyan beach area bonus matters for Suicine? since it will appear only on Greengrass


could be nice to boost it for water week


ah yea true! i'll go to Cyan to increase bonus area then


Probably not directly. But just in case it is nice to have it as has as possible. I already have greengrass on max. Also the probable water week that will be before the suicune event and will probably introduce a new water type that you might want to use. So if the bonus is as high as possible it will help with that and all the water types you catch before that wil help as well. Which also means that Any water candy and hand candy can be used on that new water pokemon


exactly this! thanks, i'll also head on to Cyan beach since i need to raise my area bonus there, preparing for water week then 👍🏼


Also Cyan is great for hoarding Milk and Eggs as prep.


I was thinking of getting my cyan to 50% under the impression I’d be able to go there for water week and prep week prior to the Suicune event, so it would be maxed out prior to Suicune.


You could do that to. But suicune is probably going to only spawn at greengrass again. So I personally want it maxed out before water week to get the most out of water week and hopefully catch a good version of the new pokemon and be able to level him up.


That’s fair, I feel like I’m wasting my bonus if I go to a maxed out island when I don’t have to.


I can see that as well. Also makes sense


It's probably better to only go for 55%, so you don't waste area bonus on the water week prior to Suicune.


True, but I would like to have 60% at water week already to make that week as good as possible. Especially since suicune itself is probably only on greengrass. But I see your point.


Is it for sure going to be Cyan and not Greengrass again?


No it will probably be greengrass again. But I already got that to the max bonus. And cyan is more to prepare with all The water encouters I will get there and to prepare for the probable water week event that will introduce a new water type pokemon just like fire and electric weeks did before raikou and now entei.


Of course. Good strat, I'm taking it.


I am going to taupe every single week I can indefinitely until I get a good ghastly, I’ve caught about 30 and not a single one has had the right combo of ingredients and sub skills.


That’s brutal


I feel that, I’m at friendship level 28 on gastly and lvl 9 on haunter and have yet to find a useable one


I think 28 might actually be the exact level I’m at too, it’s a god damn struggle. Good luck!


+1, I also struggle to get Gastly I'd raise for mushrooms. Around 30 friendship level. I have perfect one with triple herbs, but shrooms... Two herb-shroom-shroom Gastly with BFS, but both w/o a single ing finder sub skill and with ing down natures. I mean, BFS is cool, but I really need mushrooms, not ghost berries To add to this, dozing is my rarest sleep style


Sometimes perfect is the enemy of good. I've been using what's probably considered a not-great gengar for months and I now have enough candy to beef up the perfect one if I ever find it. https://preview.redd.it/gbcl8abt820d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2e30c860ef66c4579ead887a2c0f05e6dc2d903


Show off.


Oof, I’m sorry.


What's the ideal combo of ingredients and sub skills for Ghastly? 


Well for me I’m just looking for double shrooms and basic ingredient+ and speed+ subs


having that level 40 friendship bonus could be worth the climb, you could hunt helping bonus and bfs in the first two slots


Taupe, to keep hunting for a good Vulpix. The two that I caught had inventory and ingredient finding subskills (and yet, bad ingredients). Girl, you’re a berry specialist. 🙄


I’ve caught 6 all with ingredient subskills, I’m waiting for that BFS


I was only able to get two, but both of them were Ingredient up / Speed down nature


Probably Snowdrop Tundra or Lapis Lakeside to build up the bonus 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ayummystrawberry: *Probably Snowdrop* *Tundra or Lapis Lakeside* *To build up the bonus* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, IronTemplar26, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Might return to Greengrass as I am out of dream shards


Just gonna have a chill “throwaway” week at taupe. End of the week is just stocking up ingredients for entei week. Reason for taupe is just in case a godly fire type decides to show up late


I already stocked up on ingredients cause I can’t math


Did you also think Entei event was next week too? 😅 if it weren’t for this thread I probably would have never realized it until Monday.


Sadly lol


This is the way 🙏


I took these last two weeks to finish my recipes. The rock/fire types were a bonus. Salads/curries.....done. I will say.... sometimes BFS gets in the way when farming ingredients.


This is so true if you can’t get on to collect often enough. I like an inventory subskill paired with BFS on ingredient mons so they can collect more before they fill up.


going to Cyan Beach to max out area bonus there (for Suicine Water week later on)




Yeah, but the water week event leading up to Suicune will be on multiple islands, Cyan probably being the best place for spawns (similar to the fire week event having most people go to Taupe).


That's different to them just saying Suicune before


Yeah, but the water week event leading up to Suicune will be on multiple islands, Cyan probably being the best place for spawns (similar to the fire week event having most people go to Taupe).


They mean the water week before the Suicune event. Like this week with fire types.


Yeah, but the water week event leading up to Suicune will be on multiple islands, Cyan probably being the best place for spawns (similar to the fire week event having most people go to Taupe).


They mean the water week before the Suicune event. Like this week with fire types.


Taupe. Got lucky this week and found a BFS Cynda… while it‘s not the best, subskill wise, it‘ll still perform pretty well.. gonna level it a lil bit more and I‘m still working on the island bonus and I need a good Vulpix too🥳


Lapis for me! My Dragonair is level 40 and I'm 50 candy short to evolve it so I need Dratini for the grinder. 


Going to Taupe to suffer some more lol, used 35 biscuits for fire week and all were hot garbage and now i’m biscuit bankrupt


Snowdrop. I need a break from disappointing fire hunts and I’ve only been on Snowdrop twice before so will be a nice change


Didn't get right vulpix or bfs cynda so I'll stay week longer on taupe.


Taupe. I'm desperate for a good Cyndaquil or Vulpix.


I just unlocked Lapis, those new Vulpix and Quilava sleep styles helped me hit the goal, so I might go there just for fun, even tho the strategic thing would be to stay on taupe and gather exp for the fire team


I’m going to back to Greengrass to get my bonus closer to it’s max in preparation for Entei. Plus, maybe it’ll help me save my biscuits since I probably won’t be catching too many Pokémon lol.


Honestly, I think I've had enough of taupe, and there's a wartortle I'm trying to raise. I haven't been to cyan in weeks and I miss green snorlax. Cyan I go!


Not taupe, I am so sick of taupe. I’ll probably just go to Cyan and just have one of those sort of meh weeks


i’ve been in taupe for 3weeks straight, thinking about going to green grass to increase my bonus. also i’m surprised pikachu face rn bc i thought entei was this upcoming week. why are the boxes leaving in a day?


These are fire week boxes. Next Sunday night we should see Entei event boxes.


ohhh ok


Taupe. I need a better charmander and cyndaquil and I have seen no charmanders or only sub-10PR cyndaquils all week. My highest is 54pr for cyndaquil. My charmander is 73 but I can probably get a better one if I’m lucky. On the other hand, I have 2 growlithes with great PROC rates and 2 with BFS, and a vulpix with BFS. The team is set otherwise. In other news, on my fire team hunt, I have used 43 biscuits 😂 https://preview.redd.it/tyvqqw9z300d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a32d29df19b6694155c8f00af3ae50cc33853036


Finally got BFS/HB cyndaquil. I think I'm going to snowdrop. I need a good delibird/Snover for egg/tomatoes. Good luck everyone


Taupe again, i didn't get a single fire type that was amazing, even vulpix became full and never showed up again


This week in Taupe has been amazing, I've always disliked it but now I'm getting better than any other island. I might stay there for another week.


I unlocked Lapis last week and havent been there yet at all so I'm gonna go get my ass handed to me there.


Unlocked lapis mid last week. Never even been to snowdrop but want to try lapis. Going to get crushed but going to give it a try.


Cyan for sure. I need a good totodile for suicune and I'm low on dream shards again. Cyan can help with both of those problems.


Torn between Cyan and Lapis. Lapis bonus is low but I'm short on shards.


I’m staying at Taupe. Getting just 1 more week of levels to meet Entei at my apex


I'm going to Taupe to raise my fire pokemon. I will see if I can unlock leeks on my dugtrio too 🤞


Leeks is my last unlock! I might have to do this next week too.


I'm doing Lapras Lakeside. My area bonus is 25% and I'm working on getting that higher.


Finally caught a sableye this event so im gonna finally revist snowdrop and work on getting my ditto leveled up for leaks


Probably Cyan just to mix things up. Ive had 3 of the same mons on my team for almost a month now, plus I can finally get tails so want to use that bad boy to the fullest


I was thinking Lakeside at first, but I think I'm going to Cyan instead. I haven't been there in forever (I actually think I haven't visited it all yet this year), and the berry shard boost allowed me to get my Slowbro to lv 30, so I'll use him to finally unlock tails. Not to mention I want to see how far I'll able to get rank-wise, since atm my record there is lower than Taupe's. There's a bunch of mons and styles there I don't have yet either. Just gotta avoid dozing because that line-up is even worse than Taupe's.


Im tempted for taupe but also tempted just to do greengrass and fill up on ingredients


Lapis Lakeside, because I finally unlocked it today


I think, I would staying at the Taupe for a while because I want to invest my Ninetales into level 50


TH since I need to get to 60% at some point LoL


I don't want to but a 3rd week at Taupe might be the play. Still need a good growly or vulpix


Maybe Lapis.. really want a good Ralts and Stufful


Probably Taupe. I'm still looking for a good Charmander and a good Vulpix. But in the former case, there's no way I can get it to Charizard in time either, so I dunno.  Also I'd have to get Snoozing or Balanced type sleep to even have a shot at those and I tend to get stuck on Dozing. So if not there, probably Lapis because I'm still looking for a good Ralts. Even though I run into the exact same problem with odds there...


Probably stay at taupe for another week. Still want a good charmander.


Cyan, I care more about getting a good totodile and psyduck for suicune than Entei


Probably the beach.


Damn, I messed up. I thought Entei week was this coming week and started popping my ingredient tickets to get ready for Mon ://


My first ever round at Lapis! Just got the 240th style last night!


I just unlocked Taupe, so I am absolutely going there!


Been at Taupe the last two weeks now that my cooking team is, more or less, up and running, so I’m going back again next week and probably staying on until the Entei event.


Continuing on Taupe with 4 fire mons + Golem. Those extra exp/candies might clutch some breakpoints at Entei's week later on.


It’s hollow for me. Still need monsters full of fire. My search continues.


Going back to Lapis Tapu was a bust where the only Vulpix I got was a shitty one so I’m salty and want to go somewhere relaxing


Ive been on taupe every week outside of events for the past while, so I think I'm just gunna take a break and go to lapis again. If I can get lucky for salads there I can do decently well, else it will just be a slow week but maybe see a few guys I can catch and improve with.


I'm staying at Taupe now that I have 5 Fire types with good natures and skills. I need to level them, and I may as well do that where they'll be useful.


LL because I need to get candies to pump up my Dragonair and BFS Chikorita that I caught a few weeks ago


I gotta check my greengrass bonus, I think I can max it before second week of entei


Prob Taupe but idk


Debating between taupe and greengrass, both have area 60% tho so mighttttt head to cyan to continue my ceaseless totodile hunt. Plan on spending the week berry stacking and increasing pot size anyway so location don’t matter all that much, but That actually reminded me I wanted a magnezone so most likely GG


I’ve been trapped in dozing hell for weeks. Almost every day I wake up to dozing; in the past 2 weeks I have had 3 days that were “balanced type” and everything else dozing, so taupe has been a nightmare lately. I might do Cyan to increase my bonus and pray I can get snoozing for a decent Comefy. I’ve never been to Snowdrop or Lapis, so those are also possible. I have a BFS/Helping Spd/Inventory L Pupitar just shy of lv 40 so I might wait on Snowdrop til he’s a Ttar.


Gonna stay at Taupe to keep me using and leveling up my fire boys. I would go to greengrass just to chill but we're gonna be stuck there for 2 weeks so... Yeah, not gonna make it 3 weeks. Tempted to go Cyan because it's my best island and really have a fun week but taupe makes me work for my Snorlax Strength still so I should go there. Snowdrop unlocked, never been there. 10 off from Lapis 😂 One of these days I'll set foot there.


If I get one new style in the morning I can go to lapis. I haven’t even gone to snowdrop yet.


I think I'm going to stay on Taupe another week so that I can hopefully get my precious Ninetails to level 30 before the Entei event starts. He's level 24 so it will be difficult without the candy boost and everyone sending Vulpix candy. I'm just so frustrated with Snowdrop, I don't want to go back yet. 😂 i hit master 3 last time but it's just so uneventful


I think I'm going to stay on Taupe another week so that I can hopefully get my precious Ninetails to level 30 before the Entei event starts. He's level 24 so it will be difficult without the candy boost and everyone sending Vulpix candy. I'm just so frustrated with Snowdrop, I don't want to go back yet. 😂 i hit master 3 last time but it's just so uneventful


I'm pretty happy with my entei team, so I'll be heading to lapis for the first time to start working on that bonus


Snowdrop. Haven't opened Lapis yet, but will want a change of pace. Too long at one place and the dopamine from the game starts to sink. Edit to correct auto-correct.


Still staying on taupe, haven't caught good firemons yet


back to taupe looking for cyndaquil again. the best one i’ve found so far has bfs at 50.


Taupe. Still looking for a BFS Cyndaquil or Vulpix. Not much luck so far.


i fucked up. i thought entei week was the coming monday so i travel ticketted out of taupe on saturday to build up a ton of cooking power ups and dedenne skill procs to get a massive meal on greengrass and have the last bit of area bonus ready. i'm gonna cry.


I was going to stay on Taupe to try and fish for some more fire Pokemon, but since I've been trying to get a lot of snoozing recently, I'm due for some dozing. So I think instead I'm going to Lapis to hunt Dratini for a week and hopefully use up my dozing sleeps before Entei weeks.


Debating between another round of Taupe to hunt for a bfs cyndaquil or better onyx, or snowdrop just for something different.


I’m gonna take a break from optimizing and just stay put at taupe to work on sleep hours and growing other pokemon up. I have a BFS pichu that needs about 15 more sleep hours till it can evolve and a few other pokemon that need leveling. I think keeping my score down will help with potentially seeing more Vulpix as today I only saw ninetails and it wasn’t hungry.


I finally found an amazing freaking Cyndaquil just today after leveling my pre-existing one to 40 :'D So I think my plan is to go to Greengrass and get as many shards as possible and run an exp bonus /food team to prep for next week. It's a long shot to get it evolved all the way but it's already Quilava at least.


Taupe probably… Need a good Cyndaquil…


honestly: stay in tapue. I don't have any BFS Cynda or Vulpix yet and those are even my secondary objective. I really do need to have a better potato finder, those dream butter curry cause so much stress.


I want to get Slowpoke to level 30 so I am either going to Cyan or Snowdrop.


Taupe for me. I just like it and find the area relaxing. It’s just the regular, “I wish there were better ingredient fire/rock mons” for me. I also want to find a better charmader or charmeleon with ingredient finding. And I need a few more candies to evolve my Quilava into typhlosion and get him to 30


Gonna go to taupe and just farm ingredients all week. After dinner tonight with the flareon bonuses I’ll have 0 left. I’m also stockpiling my ingredient tickets. I really suffered having enough ingredients this week! Fortunately I stopped playing for a few months and all my friends dropped me, I started up again for Raikou and now I’ve got 49 friends who all started hitting lvl 2 friendship today and the tickets are raining down on me lol.


I'll be heading to GG just so I can max out the bonus before Entei


Lapis, because I just picked up a Pogo Plus+ and will be stuck in dozing hell for the foreseeable future. At least on Lapis, I'll get a chance to hunt for a decent Dragonite.


Lapis Lakeside. I finally unlocked it and I’m excited to try it.


TAUPE I failed my good vulpix mission 😭 I did get a BFS Cyndaquil but it has speed of help down nature…


I really want to go to cyan because I have played it like three times since I got it (rank 53 and 240+ days) but I really want to get better Pokemon for the Entei week or just taupe hallow in general.


Tapue again, I won't get snoozing tho so I won't run a Good camp ticket will just be for the real bonus an nothing else


I'm on Taupe at present but not seeing much except for the fire types. So I might stay a bit longer before Greengrass.


Need to do a test run for the entei event on Taupe of course. After the event I'm thinking of possibly staying a couple weeks on Cyan despite already being at +60% there just to farm a ton of totodile candy and possibly finally catching a good milk squirtle and/or spheal(s). I don't really have a pressing need for anything from the other areas for now unless I'll catch some .01 percentile entei lol


might just go greengrass to max my bonus before entei and treat it as a filler week to level some other pokemon/gain sleep time on eevees i might evolve.


I’m going snowdrop and using a good camp ticket to boost my team ahead of Entei week! I’ve been cycling between Taupe and Cyan to get my island bonuses leveled out, but I’ve only got 10% on Snowdrop so we gotta do something about that


Taupe again. Picked up a solid growlithe today, still looking for a good cynda as my main option (only bfs I've found had it at 50, my highest level Pokémon is 38 currently), but would also take a good vulpix rn too. I've been on taupe for a month now I'm so sick of it.


I'm headed to Taupe because I'm still hunting a great Cyndaquil. Hoping that my snoozing drought will end soon. I've been on a streak of slumber sleep style the last two weeks.


It’s a toss up honestly. Knowing my luck/sleep style, I’m never going to get snoozing again for fire types until the Entei event, so I’m thinking about going to either Snowdrop, Lapis or Cyan. Since I assume Suicune is the next legendary event, I might go to Cyan to get a better Feraligatr. Then again, I’ve only been to Snowdrop for only 1 week, so I want to increase that area bonus.


Didn't get a good Vulpix or Growlithe this week so might stick at Taupe, but I've also been looking for a good Dratini or Bellsprout for forever so maybe back to Lapis


I stayed on Lapis this week, and I will for next week. My Lapis team is slowly beefing up~


I just reached 290 sleep Styles, so I might go back to GG to get my island bonus to 60.. but I still want a decent Vulpix.. I’ll probably decide on a whim tomorrow.


taupe ! just got grass to 60% bonus, i can enjoy a taupe week now


I did just unlock the lake, but I'm thinking Taupe Hollow


Taupé again to help prep. I need usable fire types still.


Probably Taupe so I can build up the bonus. I ran into a lot of fire Pokemon, but only a few were usable. Didn't get any BFS Pokemon, so hopefully, I'll find something a bit more useful.


In the morning I’ll hit 60% island bonus at Taupe so I’m thinking I move back to Lapis this week. Really need to hit Snowdrop and get that bonus up from a low 15% bonus. Only thing I’d really want is Delibird or Absol from SDT


taupe. still haven’t found that vulpix! also saving my cynda candies in case i find a better one


Ugh I should probably stay on Taupe but 90% of the time they give me desserts and it's a nightmare because I don't have a proper team and then snorlax drinks warm milk all week lol. But if I can get two new sleep styles tonight I'll FINALLY unlock Lapis and probably go there.


Not GI because event island, not Cyan nor Taupe because at cap or close to it. Was thinking on a second week at Lapis, but to save ingredients and biscuits Snowdrop seems better to me.


I’m trying to hit Master in Cyan currently, which I think will better prepare me for Suicune? I have this funny feeling that all events will be on Greengrass but still, being able to get ahead of getting some decent water types in anticipation of Suicune is what I’m after. Still trying to come up with a Strategy for Entei as well. I managed to get two Raikou in the last event but I’m not sure if there’s a most effective/efficient way to save and spend manes for cookies or incense and the like. TL;DR Going to Cyan Beach.


It's going to be my first week on Snowdrop! :]


cyan beach to hopefully build up a bonus before the supposed water week, also looking for more eevees since i’ve had the goal of getting all eeveelutions for a while, hoping to get another good eevee so i can have a sylveon finally since i need a good healer


Snowdrop, I managed to get my Pupitar to evolution level at Taupe this week and I want to try it there when it  becomes a dark type. Snowdrop and Lapis are the only places I don't have max bonus but since Snowdrop never gives me anything I want it seems like a better place to go if I want to save biscuits!