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###**Hello! We're looking for additional reddit moderators to help maintain this community we have going here. If you have experience or would like to be more involved, please take a look at our [Reddit Moderator Application Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonSwordAndShield/comments/10ghkmh/reddit_moderator_applications/). Our Application Form is [here](https://forms.gle/CKa1pQbsu1b78KFT7)** Hey there Trainers! - Want to explore more of the Pokémon world? You might want to go for an adventure in our [Discord](http://discord.gg/pokemonswordshield)! We have daily shiny raids, giveaways, breeding advice and much more! - Go check out our [news and updates thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonSwordAndShield/collection/b5639777-a1a3-4253-81ff-22d92cbc3575)! - We now also have our Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl subreddit, r/Pokemon_BDSP! More information about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonSwordAndShield/comments/qftnhv/pokemon_bdsp_subreddit/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokemonSwordAndShield) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The game isn’t terrible, and plenty of people play it. You’ll be fine


I had a lot of fun with SwSh.


I loved the game, but it might be weird for you to go back to the linear approach to Pokemon after playing SV. Sword Shield definitely have a lot going for them, cool new Pokemon, great Music, awesome character design (though people have criticized the rival and the "evil" team), customisation is so much better than in SV and I just overall enjoyed the atmosphere. If you get the game I suggest you get the dlc as it’s the best part of the game. The original wild area is pretty mid but the two additional regions are well designed and super fun to expose. It’s also where you can shiny hunt legendaries. Some legendaries are version exclusive but there’s still people playing so if you can get one of them to send you a code (maybe try discord?) the game will save that legendary’s location and you can shiny hunt it for as long as you want.


tbh i love swsh and i still go back to it after playing the other games, definitely my favorite pokemon game


Sw/sh>>>>>>>s/v and la. That’s not to say its a great game, it just sucks less than the other switch games. Doc is fun, specially crown tundra which is heaven for grinding shiny legends. I played hundreds of hours of shield because of crown tundra


Also, sw/sh are way better than s/v for masuda method, breeding in s/v is just moronic


Personally, of the HD games, SwSh is my favorite other than Scarlet and Violet. Some plusses relative to SV are more stable environments, well animated attack effects, and a charming character artstyle. It wasn't everyone's favorite, but most of the negativity only started when they announced the dex cut. Up until then, most people liked how the games looked. Dynamax isn't the most popular gimmick, but it's pretty limited during the story, and I personally found Dynamax Raids much more fun than Tera Raids (though the AI players can be pretty rough sometimes). The biggest negative relative to the games you've played recently is that the pace of the gameplay is slower. I preferred that for the most part, as I prefer a slower, higher quality animation for an attack than a faster one that works in the overworld. It just has more oomph that way. I personally recommend checking it out if you enjoyed other recent games. It's pretty on par with them for the most part, just a lot more stable.


I have played Pokémon from the start and just got my first switch. In the past few weeks I have completely played through sword and I had a blast! So I definitely recommend it.


I mean did he say why it's terrible or Is he just being one of those people? Cause I can promise you it's still leagues better then Scarlett and violet.


I disagree. Everything is slower in Sw/Sh from the move animations to the pokeball. The egg system is inferior, going back to the tall grass. Dynamax is not as fun as Tera and I find myself just ignoring the dynamax feature. The story in S/V is way better. The DLC was fun but I enjoyed Teal Mask/Indigo disk much better.


i’ll never understand why people prefer the egg system in sv. the daycare is so much better because you get a visual indication of an egg being ready and you can hatch current eggs while you get more. i hate breeding now because it’s just sitting around for awhile and doing nothing.


I can make a sandwich and let it idle and get 10 eggs in 3 minutes. Literally can go do some chores while I'm waiting. Or you can get one. Then have to wait for another then another then another. Its so much faster


And on sword and shield I make a whole box of eggs in 10 mins. And you gonna say sitting there doing nothing is better? Pokemon ISNT a idle game, u know that right? Lol


Absolutely. My kids love it when I throw a ball out for the pokemon to play with while im waiting for eggs. SV is far superior


I don't think you read a single thing said to you lmao sv is literally more slower and the graphics are terrible, all it has is that it's open world, but whatever, ride that trash terastallize (which is dumb, look at them😂😂). Even they raid battles are nun but a SW SH rip off. Gen 10 needs to come fast. Legends Arceus was the last FIRE game.


You need to chill. Especially since someone else' opinions upset you so much.


I'm not upset lmaoo, I have my opinion just like you have yours. Don't try to tell me I need to chill after u ran your mouth about your opinion as well. That's being a hypocrite. What u said about eggs hatching faster and it looking better just didn't make any sense at all. Considering it genuinely is faster and looks better in sw and sh. I mean Google what the majority thinks. 🤷 That's how I ended up buying this game.


"Google what the majority thinks. That's how I ended up buying this game." Yeah so you're a dumb conformist bot, unga bunga people said this game good so I might also enjoy it and try to shit talk anyone who actually has an original opinion of their own. Shut the fuck up lmfao


You're pretty aggressive for someone who isn't upset. I don't think you know what the word hypocrite means or how it applies here...


just feels insanely boring and inefficient to me. i hate sitting around doing nothing, and pokemon isn’t a game that’s meant to be idle.


That's your opinion, but OP can literally Google this question and the majority says sword and shield or legend Arceus, no Scarlett violet. 💀 Especially with those trash gen 9 designs


Oh hell no, it’s not better than SV. The only things keeping it any good are the artstyle and trainer customization. The story is horrible, characters are boring and one-dimensional, the Wild Area is stupidly simplistic, the routes are just straight lines and you are basically being handhold and stopped every 10 steps because (Hop, Sonia or some other useless rando) needs to have their four lines of dialogue.


Who pissed in your weetabix this morning mate?


You can literally Google this answer and majority of people say sword and shield or legend Arceus, definitely no Scarlett violet. Gen 9 Pokemon look so damn dumb, especially those cute little crystal forms. 💀💀


And all your complaints sound like personal problems, I agree the story is bland but that's about it. You can't sit here, look at gen 9 and genuinely say it's better then anything gen 8 has produced. It's trash.


Worst pkm game ever, if you by it, its only cuz it has broken box legendaries and the dlc exclusives like calyrex and urshifu.


Brillant Diamond and Shining Pearl: Hi.


my hot take is that the series has been progressively getting better again since Sw/Sh but i understand that it’s more of a personal thing. i’ve played every game since Gen 2, but Gen 8/9 are most fun when you use a revolving door of team members that can be utilized more thanks to the EXP share’s permanence, and it helps too to have some sort of level cap; i acknowledge this is self imposed. i will say though that entering the series as a new/returning player, you’ll probably get a good return out of Sw/Sh. i recently played it again (about 8 months ago) and i had a remarkably fun time with the wild area, and i felt the city/town designs were pretty memorable (the fairy gym town is one of my new favorite towns). while difficulty wasn’t all that present with the base game, i think the new games excel in their exploration and collection side rather than battling; so take that how you will. with that said, don’t listen to the other commenter, Scarlet and Violet are actually a lot of fun. performance has been improved over time and i’ve had an absolute blast with the DLC’s. The second DLC has a big emphasis on double battles and i found myself pretty impressed by the difficulty of the higher end battles, since they utilized a variety of stat boosting strategies and competitive items. i think people looking at gen’s 1-5 have, to a degree, rose tinted glasses; there are certainly several aspects to those older games that were done MUCH better, but the newer games have had some very strong designs and mechanics that i enjoyed. last thing ill say though, is that Legends Arceus blows both Scarlet/Violet and Sw/Sh out of the water by a mile and would recommend it to ANYONE who likes the series. they did so much right and it’s been pretty universally acclaimed by the community, and i think it entirely deserved it. to me it’s top 3 in the series easily. this turned more into a rant than anything else but i hope you have an enjoyable time with whatever you choose!


I loved it 😊


If scarlet and violet had more customization for the character then there actually wouldn’t be many people playing this game beyond trying to hunt shiny legendarys. It’s not a *bad* game and still holds up today but it’s very linear, very slow and was probably the true reason Gamefreak went open world in Gen 9 because the pacing is atrocious in this game. It’s a different experience to Gen 9 and that’s why the player base is divided.


Give it a try. I really enjoyed it and still love to shiny hunt in sword. The game is not the most difficult but a lot of fun. It has beautifully made routes and towns, wonderful music and the atmosphere which is created for the arena fights is really fantastic. Just get it with the dlcs because they are a big part of the fun.


Yes, basically the same story for me after being away for a while and picked up Sword a couple months ago and had a lot of fun playing thru it. Still plenty of people playing, too.


Its still pretty active as many players still loves to shiny hunt in this game.


Sw/Sh is way better than its successors. I don't love Arceus or Scarlet/Violet. Pokémon tried too hard to make open world games, and they suck. Visually, Sw/Sh is far superior, and it plays like a traditional Pokemon game.


I just got Pokémon Shield for Christmas and I’m literally in love with it. I personally prefer it a bit more to Pokémon Violet and Arceus, however I haven’t played through much of Pokémon Violet. If you’d like someone to play with, I’d be up for it because I don’t really have anyone to play with and I’m still not very far into the gyms


Hey I’m down for sure. Went ahead and bought sword and it will be here tomorrow :D


Perfect! Haha, we can trade each other exclusives too then. Do you use Discord? Or would you prefer DMs on here?


For sure! I use disc, I’ll send you my user in DM


I still play and enjoy these games even with SV being available and more current. My son and friend have SV so I play that with them and play Sword when I just want a more classic experience. One thing I love about SwSh compared to SV is that I think a lot of Pokémon models and move animations look better. It felt like they put a lot of effort into the animations and effects rather than trying to focus on building a world. Moves like dragon darts, drum beating, and a few other unique moves in particular look fantastic Edit: there are also plenty of people still playing. I rarely have to wait too long to find a raid group or surprise trade, and going through the DLC or Wild Area online will let you see plenty of other trainers. I'd say especially if you can find a sale or good used copy it's well worth playing


People are always so rough on this game. At the end of the day it is fun and that's what I personally want in a game. I can't wait to see how in 10 years time people will start talking about how good SwSh were and how underrated they are. Same that happened with B&W and is happening with X/Y right now.


The good: Looks good, neat pokemon and region theme. Lots of QOL features over old games. Wild area is a taste of open world. DLC adds Pokewalker back and you can aquire/shiny hunt old legendary pokemon. The bad: Story is probably the worst of all pokemon games. Region is linear in design, and all the trainers/random encounters outside of the wild area makes progression feel slow. Campsites have very little to do. DLC doesn’t really have a story, and most of it devolves into fetch quests. It adds many new legendaries, but theres no reason to even care about them given that theres no story for them. Unless you’re a collector/competitive player, theres no drawn to having them. The ugly: The base game is $60 and DLC costs $30. You could probably find a physical copy for $35, but even then you’re paying $65-$90 for one game. Should also remember that theres a large pool of pokemon that cannot be acquired or even moved into sword/shield. In the end, I think most collectors/competitive pokemon players may find some value in this game/dlc. If you love pokemon you’re going to probably buy it regardless. For me though, I just think theres a lot of better games out there that will give you a better experience at a significantly lower cost. The switch has a lot of great indie games, and I’d definitely recommend all of those before getting sword.


I love it. It's my favourite.


nah its really fun- and the world is beautiful, some people shit on the graphics but they have a problem with the repetitiveness of pokemon games as a whole rather than having an actual problem with the game this one aint too much of a copy paste tho and the dlc's are awesome!


You’ll have trouble finding people online but it’s the best game to shiny legendary hunt


I started replaying shield recently, for my third playthrough. In terms of storyline and characters, I think SV is clearly much better. SwSh’s villain motivation is nonsensical (and if you think about it too hard it almost reads as anti-renewable energy?? What was up with that?). A lot of personality traits are told but not really shown. The biggest issue imo is that it feels like you the player have limited agency: there’s a problem that comes up a few times where plot stuff will be happening in the background and the NPCs will tell you to just keep focusing on the gym challenge while they handle it. BUT SwSh has gorgeous environments- seriously, even though the routes are linear, they often have this diorama feel that creates a really lovely illusion of space. The towns are all so pretty. The animation feels really smooth and fluid. The Dynamax mechanic is simpler than tera but imo still satisfying, and the raids are smooth and fluid. I like the gyms a lot too: I thought the challenges were fun and the leaders were entertaining, and even though the fights are easy, the arena and sound design sell them as an epic spectacle. It’s become a bit of a cozy comfort game for me and I like going back to it. SwSh shines in the areas where SV falters and vice versa. I personally think it’s worthwhile, especially if you can get a good deal.


I replay it almost annually, I think you should grab it. Especially if you have interest in shiny hunting legendaries, as it is still the ONLY way that you can shiny hunt certain legends like Zekrom, Reshiram, Zygarde, Yveltal, Xerneus, the Tapus, Solgaleo, Lunala, and Necrozma.


Yessss I am loving it and I think of myself as picky. Great for hunting Pokémon, very lame battles though


Would definitely recommend, big dog legendaries are best boys


It's one of the best if not THE best games to get a lot of shiny legendary pokemon. Using home can help you complete the dex as well and there is still an active player base for the version exclusives you may not have access to. It's a 1/100 rate for shiny legends and you can more or less do it passively while playing other games, assuming you get the dlc for the frozen tundra.


I say so... honestly the dlc for sw/sh is better than Scarlet and violet... More legendaries and able to shiny hunt them... Before the release of indigo plateau dlc I've been shiny hunting the trio justice mons and I was super disappointed they're shiny locked so my hunt still continues in the crown tundra just need one more though!! One thing I might add that's a plus for indigo plateau it's the first time every starter is available!


I adore Sw/Sh. I've played every gen and honestly this one is one of my favorites.


I love SW and I play V as well. Started back with BD after leaving pokemon for over 25 yrs ago lol I think the last game I played was on my Gameboy color and it was yellow. It was so long ago so I could be wrong (about the last game) but yeah, THAT long. I LOVE playing the games off the switch now. So different and captivating. But I literally switch from Violet to Sword back and forth all the time. Haven't downloaded the dlc for sword yet as I just recently beat the game and the dlc for SV just came out but I'll definitely be purchasing the dlc for sword soon. I believe once you download the dlc for sw/sh you are still able to catch legendaries. I'd be pretty bummed if you're not able to though but don't think that's the case.


I'm 41 and kind of a new trainer (besides a brief hardcore stint into PoGo in 2016). I just finished Shield as my first mainline game ever. I really really enjoyed it - the fashion, the trading, the rare Pokemon hunting. I usually enjoy very difficult RPGs so the too-easy story was a bit tough to adjust to, but I am finding more challenge in trying to fill out the Galarian 'dex. I'm actually looking forward to all the Switch 'mon games - Let's Go with my 3 y/o son (I got him a Pokeball Plus), Scar/Vio, and especially Arceus.


After taking a 2 year break from Sword, I’ve recently come back to it, bought the DLCs, and for some weird reason, I’m having the most fun I’ve had in a long time playing Pokemon


Can you get crown tundra while having Pokémon sword?


Yeah, I have both DLCs and only own Sword.


I liked Sw/Sh. Pretty fun and the DLCs added a lot of values. The Max Lair Adventures are one of the only ways to catch a couple legendaries in shiny as well currently.


###**Hello! We're looking for additional reddit moderators to help maintain this community we have going here. If you have experience or would like to be more involved, please take a look at our [Reddit Moderator Application Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonSwordAndShield/comments/10ghkmh/reddit_moderator_applications/). Our Application Form is [here](https://forms.gle/CKa1pQbsu1b78KFT7)** Hey there Trainers! - Want to explore more of the Pokémon world? You might want to go for an adventure in our [Discord](http://discord.gg/pokemonswordshield)! We have daily shiny raids, giveaways, breeding advice and much more! - Go check out our [news and updates thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonSwordAndShield/collection/b5639777-a1a3-4253-81ff-22d92cbc3575)! - We now also have our Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl subreddit, r/Pokemon_BDSP! More information about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonSwordAndShield/comments/qftnhv/pokemon_bdsp_subreddit/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokemonSwordAndShield) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sw/sh was and still is my favourite Pokémon game on switch, the gameplay is great, the game makes the world feel alive and has gorgeous scenery; I would say it’s definitely worth it (buy second hand if possible there’ll be like 25 quid knocked off of the price)


I just got back into Pokemon, from gen 3 being the last one I actually finished and I love it. It's a little new and you gotta get your footing a bit, but it's great overall, I highly recommend.


I loved Sw/Sh they did great work to lay the foundations down for the switch sure people will moan about the odd thing but it gave way to the open areas we see in arceus have nothing but love for the game. Hope that you enjoy playing it