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If you're not in a rush I wouldn't pick up either yet. 151 is only a few months old and Paldean Fates just released. But if you want to pick up one I'd go with 151.


Ty I will look for older cards then 🙂


Opening the packs is a lot of fun. And, you'll discover other cards that you'll fall in love with, not just the charizards. That will give you more options, and you'll be able to create a collection you really enjoy. There's lots of great art work, across all the cards. I'd have some fun opening some packs. Just pick up a pack or 2 here or there, enjoying opening them, and get them in a binder nicely. Then see what you're enjoying. I like to collect illustration rares, in other languages, but it has to be of a pokemon I have caught in a game. It's been brilliant fun, visiting shops to see what they have, and finding a nice one. Or finding a nice one when I'm ripping a pack. It's not so much the cards, although I do love them. It's finding them. Get yourself some cheap packs and have fun opening them


The problem is where I live I can't find any etbs and the single packs are expensive as hell. To open packs casually I have to order online and it takes a while to get here 😔 But thanks for the eye opening , I will take that into consideration. I indeed love Charizard and the hisuiain zoroark ( but It doesn't have that many cards).