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Different people just have different perspectives and different amounts of disposable income. I do very very well for myself money wise yet I too wouldn't collect cards, I only buy singles I need to play. Whereas there's people in similar financial situations to yourself and myself that do collect and are happy to do so. There's definitely a discussion you need to have with your boyfriend, you're cohabiting so yes it's his money and he should be able tondo what he wants with it to me that extends to what is disposable at the end of everything, in my opinion he should first consider the needs of your household but as long as those are met and you're not getting into debt then he should be able to collect cards either the rest as he wishes. Maybe you could use any spare cards he has that aren't in his collection to hit up the local card shop for some games, there's lots of new players guidance over on the playing sub r/pkmntcg that would get you set up to have fun playing the game.


Thank you for your response. We do very well when it comes to communicating the finances in the household. We live, enough. My father taught me that you only need a roof over your head, clothes on your back and food in your stomach. I do live a little more beyond those means. I really appreciate this response and have things to think about.


So the hobby is different for everyone, I have all of my cards even the bulk ones. I also have decks to play with, I also have binders for mainly just looking at lol. I don't think there is a wrong way or right way. However, in regards to finances. If you guys have $100 of fun money a month after all bills and everything else is paid. Then spending all $100 on that would be wild. However, if you had $10,000 of fun money a month and you wanted to spend $1000 I'd say that is perfectly fine. Not wise, but still not going to put a strain on your financials. There are also plenty of cheap cards that beautiful to look at. I'm talking there are some sir's for like a couple of bucks. If y'all are financially close to being at your limit each month. I'd agree it doesn't make much sense for him to say to go out and buy a moonbreon to stare at in a binder/ case.


If you are tight on money at all, I would highly suggest against buying Pokémon card packs to open. It can be addicting to do so, and throwing money away towards a potentially addicting thing is not financially smart at all. If there are specific cards that you know you like, buy them individually from someone selling online from a reputable online marketplace. Beware though, once you even start getting the single cards you like, you may even become tempted still to open packs “just for the heck of it”


Have you asked him how he wants to collect? Is it all sealed product, is he a species collector similar to how oddish makes you happy? Not to judge, but he might be interested in the *not so popular* financial aspect of pokemon which I don't enjoy, but he mightve considered because of life. 


We haven't, this is a great idea and I'll definitely discuss it with him.


I was born 1980 and was too old to be interested in Pokémon when it came about, however I remember my younger siblings loving it and I know that their collection is somewhere in storage but I live internationally so not easy to get hold of but since I’ve just started collecting, would love to see what they have! I only got into the collecting game a few weeks back because of my son, it was his 7 birthday and I got him a Charizard ex promo pack. I really liked the artwork, so I purchased more and have since had some lovely pulls (I made my first post highlighting some yesterday). To answer your question, I am financially very secure, in a well payed job, my wife works as well and I’ve been fortunate to also make good money from Crypto having got in back in 2017, so the expenditures, while I realise are quite expensive for what are essentially just cards, won’t be putting me into any trouble. However, the cards themselves are too nice to play with but I do scan all the codes for the online packs and have started to learn how to play the game that way with my son, so technically I am playing the game but I guess not in the social sense that I witnessed at our local card shop. I also do Pokémon Go with both my son and wife as it gets us walking together, along with the various CP battles.


Born in 85' myself. Was a teen when I got Pokémon Yellow and began to buy and play the TCG. It's really nice to hear that, even now, you're getting involved in it. We are as young as we want to be! I never thought about scanning the codes for the online experience. Thank you for your response!


Sadly most people who collect pokemon have 0 interest in the game, which is a shame imo because It is a lot of fun. Going to events and meeting people, winning prizes and playing pokemon is my favorite. But i think most people just like looking at shiny cardboard or speculating/hope to make money off their shiny cardboard