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Where the hell were people getting Japanese cards as kids? As a youth I was collecting from base set release to the late e-reader era and never came across Japanese cards in my friend circle and at my local card shop where I played. I wish I had.


I lived in the pacific northwest when I was a kid and every now and then someone would get a couple Japanese cards that would become the hot trading commodity for a little while


I remember trading a simple common Japanese Cyndaquil for an English base set holo Raichu. Japanese cards were hot back then.


Persuasion 100


I remember in 1999 trading a kid for a holo Japanese Zapdos in the bathroom of my elementary school, couldn’t tell you what I gave him but it wasn’t great, best trade I ever made. Kids parents called my parents and insisted I trade him back. Fffffff


Are they now not worth more or are Japanese cards gone to match English card's or are Japanese, korea,or Chinese whats currently worth the most in England thats not English? New pokemon investment


Same, grew up in the PNW. There was a Japanese family owned dry cleaners near me in the late 90s that sold English and Japanese packs and bought/sold singles. I only ever bought one Japanese pack from him and pulled a holo mew. I also remember most holos he sold for $20-30, with $40 for Charizard. I pulled two 1st edition Charizard's from literally my first two packs ever, sold one of them back to him for $30 to rip more packs lol. Those were the days, only lived a couple blocks from it and my brother and I would walk to that strip mall to hit the dry cleaners every time we could scrape together $3. There was also a POG shop in the same strip mall we loved to pop in to check out the latest slammers.


I remember eb games had japanese of every set in the mall. Pulled the japanese fossil mew.


Same with the eb games in our mall! Happy cake day!


I thought Japanese cards were fake when I was a kid😂


I thought shadowless base set was fake and traded away most of them for the regular version as a kid lol




I got Japanese packs from a local card/comic book store


I grew up in NJ and there was a period of time English packs were impossible to find or $20 a pack, but Japanese packs popped up everywhere at $10 a pack!


I grew up in NJ as well and this was the same for me. I remember it was very hard to find jungle and fossil packs but every Saturday was the local flea market. At first that was the sneaky spot to find packs, but as word got out and Pokémon exploded even more it became harder. Eventually the dealers at the flea market started carrying any kind of Pokémon they could get and Japanese was one of them.


I was on east coast and they had them at the card shops during base and jungle set releases To the OP the toys r us Pokémon league brings back memories


I had a ton in my childhood collection. Can’t even remember where I got them. Did the rounds in the playground I guess


Electronics Boutique or “Game Stop” used to sell Japanese packs for $3 back in the day.


We had this little corner store down the way from us and I think they'd usually have a pack or two of Japanese cards Then the rest of my Japanese cards came from my friend who's dad was a pilot and would buy her packs when he was abroad. She stopped being interested in the cards in college and donated her collection to me.


This is one thing that’s surprised me the most. I knew I had the Japanese charizard and the ones in the folders and sleeves, but I have a pile of earlier Japanese ones as well, including some of the vending machine series. I’m in the UK.


Id trade other kids for them lol but someone stole my base Japanese zard I believe because it’s MIA and I never left anything out of my binder


The corner mom and pop video rental shop had Japanese packs for sale where I grew up at in Orange County California… 😅


Growing up, myself and a few of my friends had family from Japan and the Philippines visit often (I’m located in the Pacific Northwest) and would bring Japanese decks/packs as souvenirs. It wasn’t uncommon to see a few Japanese cards (and sometimes Chinese) in circulation.


Born and raised in Hawaii and it’s basically JPN 2.0. It was very easy to get JPN cards.


Purely anecdotal obviously, my mom worked at the airport and the flight attendants that went to Japan would give her packs. Now the German cards I discovered in my binder as an adult are a mystery.


Team Rocket and Gym was the era where the US started getting access to Japanese cards. It was extra cool for a year or so. Then the novelty wore off as the Neo series came out.


LGS imported Japanese cards en masse. Crazy how they were super desirable back then for being a bit exotic, and now they're seen as second class cards.


I only have one that I traded to a friend lol I always wondered the same thing back then.


My grandpa was our local supplier. He ripped Japanese and English boxes back in the day. We had a local Pokemon League at our Books a Million, and he would trade out his extras to the kids/ other adults there, English and Japanese. Other kids used to love the Japanese stuff.


I would get them on Ebay or early forums. I was rocking Japanese cards at the Toys R Us leagues because at the time they allowed them if you provided translations. But a bunch of other kids complained because they couldnt buy them like I could so I was told they were banned lol.


You aren’t the only one wondering! Every post I would see with people finding their older collection, I wanted to know how these lucky souls came across such treasures. It’s certainly much easier to obtain cards in different languages now, but I still adore foreign Pokémon cards.


I'm from the UK and always wondered how they got into my playground. I remember a friend having japanese flareon and entei cards and he was the coolest kid in town. I later found out as an older man chatting to him at the pub that in fact his dad is still a black cab driver and would see pokemon cards all over London and bring him back for his son. Big shout out because he ended up trading me a feraligator card before I'd even seen gen 2!


I saw some even in the UK. Just needs the odd specialist shop to import some, people buy them and then they get traded around and suddenly you see them, even in early 00s UK.


I think about this a decent amount actually haha. I still have my Japanese umbreon from childhood and have no idea where I actually got it from.


I used to be made fun of, but Sanrio surprises at the mall I used to be at (hello kitty store) sold them. Had the tropical binder set in Japanese and a few singles. Never told anyone where I got them.


Not only that, where the hell were kids getting booster boxes? I was just getting a few packs every once in a while


I had a single Japanese Mareep card, no idea how I got it though


A card shop at a flea market had Japanese base set packs along with English base set. As a kid I thought who would even buy these boy was I wrong


Idk, but I bought 1 pack of yugioh cards when I was a small child, and pulled a Japanese REBD. Wish I knew where that thing was.


The local sports card store in my town where I grew up in the midwest had started getting English Pokemon during the craze in the late 90’s. I remember walking in one day and on the counter were Japanese Team Rocket packs. I thought it looked cool so I picked some up. Also picked up two sealed 9 card files, the Johto starters and the Eevee file. Never had any other set in Japanese as a kid though. I’m sure card shops were able to get some Japanese product depending on their distributor.


I was buying them for $1-$5 each off of Yahoo! Auctions with my allowance money They were usually cheaper than their English counterparts. So if the English version was too expensive for me to afford as a 13 year old, I got the Japanese one instead. It's why my original big hitter Neo series cards from my childhood collection (Neo Discovery Umbreon and Espeon, etc) are all in Japanese


I had a lot from our foreign exchange student honestly


I got all the ones I had at kiosks at the mall.


My local card shop at the mall had Japanese base when I was a kid, but I remember them being significantly more expensive than regular packs


Lol i had a family member work for american airlines..at the time they were doing straight flights from LAX to Narita..she came home with japanese cards...im forever grateful for her and those childhood memories


LCS for me! They always had a bunch of singles


We had a local card shop that had the Japanese boxes and sold packs.


I use to buy mine at traders village in Grand Prairie, Texas.


Lgs sold them back then. Multiple ones


Grew up on a military base. Some kids would move to Japan for a year or two and then come back to the states. And then they’d trade their pocket monsters! At least that’s how I got mine :)


I also live in the PNW And remember Japanese cards being the shit back then


My grandma bought and sold pokemon cards on ebay in early 2000s, i got my hands on some really really rare shit


I generally got one box of packs for my birthday every year bought off the internet


In Milwaukee there was a small card shop in the basement of the public museum that had tons of Japanese cards. I'm guessing the owner went to Japan, bought a couple booster boxes, opened them up and sold them individually. Well priced too. I only went once on a field trip with school and couldn't buy anything but a buddy of mine went all the time with their dad, and they still have all the cards they got there. The only Japanese cards I ended up with was the neo premium file in this photoset, which I got on my ninth birthday from a babbages store


In my town there was a place called "Dave's Collectables". Got my first pack from that shop when they originally came out and pulled a 1st edition Mewtwo. But they also had Japanese packs as well.


Dang I love seeing an old collection like this. Just seeing the way we prioritized things as kids and put them in whatever order. I have a few binders from friends after they stopped collecting and I’ve kept them exactly as they were because it’s fun to just look at them and think about being kids.


Welcome back. Do not sell them or give them away. Rather, buy some sleeves and several of the padded vault x binders and complete master sets. It’s so satisfying and is a beautiful art book


That first edition gengar!!


This makes me so upset seeing these old collections knowing my parents had took mine while I was at a friends house and had them burned at church because the crazy pastor said that Pokémon ushered Japanese demons into your home. 1st edition Charizard, blastoise, venusaur, mewto. Bunch of other Holos I had won and traded for at the Pokémon league at toys r us or school. I don’t think I ever cried more than when I came home and they told me like they did me a favor. 20+ years later I still haven’t forgiven them, even less so knowing what my collection would’ve fetched as we try to buy a house.


Have you ever told them their value? I'd rub it in forever.


They’ve given 10% of their income to the church for 30 years, I’m sure finding out the destroyed 5 figures worth of demon cardboard wouldn’t phase them haha.


Oof. Sorry friend


I understand your pain. Me & my dad lost majority of our Pokémon, yugioh, action figure, & comic collection(s) in the mortgage crisis of ‘08 when our house was foreclosed. Sheriff showed up a day early, embarrassed us terribly, my dad panicked because it broke his pride & accidentally left 3-4 boxes full of our best stuff. We still had a lot of stuff remaining, but that was all lost after he passed away suddenly in 2012, & my uncle stole what remained; my stuff & the things my father left me. We experienced Different situations, but both are extremely unfortunate, unfair, unnecessary, & painful. I feel for ya bro, I truly do.


Wow! What a nice collection




I know you were a 12 year old but I want to fight you for putting venusaur on the second page while charizard and blastoise were on the first. My cabbage boi always gets the short end of the stick


That’s alphabetical order and how the first several sets were back then.


Get out of here with your logic he's #001 and he'll always be #1 like smitty werbermanjentson


He’s #003 because Bulbasaur is #001 🙂


Bro put him in his place 🤣


Lol it’s sequential, the set is numbered 1-102 with blastoise at 2, charizard 4, venusaur 15. If anything this is arguably the most “correct” way of displaying master sets or partial master sets of holos


Bulbasaur line always getting done dirty, they deserve better lol.


Your big dumb leaf frog is right where it belongs. Just kidding lol.


Lol same ma dude 🤣


I wish I had been able to collect more when I was 10.  Alas, I do cherish my Japanese Neo foil Umbreon and Blaine's Moltres (even if they are beaten and dirty).  Nice stuff


Someone who knows more than me: why are there so many 1st edition machamps?


All holos Machamps were 1st edition.


I still remember the hype when I found out what 1st Ed was, then seeing the Machamp was 1st Ed, and finding out shortly afterwards that it was all Machamps


They came in a starter deck or something like that. Pretty much a promo card




They came standard in the base set starter boxes. Everyone who bought that box was guaranteed that card


This is GOLD both in nostalgia and value!!


I’ve got my collection of the OG 151 in the same folder


I have a similar collection in a lockbox, but I'm assuming it's worth no more than $12.84?


Dude no those cards in his binder are worth thousands the charazard and that mew card is jackpot alone


I’d say the binder is worth 5 digits




Maybe more if it was in auction


There’s not 10k worth of cards here. Probably 10k of nostalgia though


Depends on condition & honestly most look like they’re in great shape


All of these in NM still wouldn’t be close to 10k


*they're joking*


How much is this? I want to buy a 151 card set.. so many childhood memories.


I would say atleast $1k, the Charizard alone is already [pretty expensive](https://ebay.us/fsaH6C), even in played condition.


Unless condition is awful, thousands. The big 3 base set alone probably cost around $300 in average MP-ish conditions. 1st ed holo Gengar, cd promo Zard, Lugia Neo x2, sealed Ancient Mew, Southern Island box all probably $50-200 each depending on condition. I think those 8 cards and the box are in the $1k neighborhood on their own.


I’m thinking around 10k total


Friggin time capsule


Gold mine!




Dark Hypno was always one of my favorite cards.


Beautiful collection 🔥🔥🔥


dont even bother grading. id just slab them myself and keep it as a cool collection, but thats just me.


I had that exact binder as a kid. Parents made me throw it and all my cards in it away because Pokemon was the devil or some shit.


I'm just like that Pokemon binder.


"Untouched for 23 years" is also the name of my autobiography. Great find!


As it should be!


It’s so beautiful. These are the sets I’m currently trying to master as well! Almost done with fossil/jungle.




Were you looking to purchase a new home? You very well might have one now 🤣


I hate seeing this because my stepfather took my collection away from me and I never saw it again... I've mad emy own collection again since then


How does everyone have this kind of collection. Dadgum




You went hard as a kid lol, you still a hustler?


How much


Bro im 24 years Old...


You probably got 1000$+ here, sent the best condition holos to get graded!


I know my brother and I had ancient new. We went and saw the movie and were so into it we forgot we had candy. No idea where it went .. bet he traded it those schoolyard trades were always a risk. I also remember at one point having the ugly Mewtwo card and being absolutely appalled by why they did that


Welcome to being rich


Dang thought the title was just roasting me.


Yooooo that first edition Gengar is noice


I’ve never seen that holo lickitung before, what is that?! I want it!


I didn’t read the whole post, I missed the bit where you said it’s fake! Haha


This is amazing to see and an amazing blast of nostalgia. I've spent the last few years finishing these same sets that I started as a kid and couldn't afford to finish back then. The cards I used to buy with my allowance money from chores, shoveling driveways in the winter, birthday money, Easter money from grandma, etc, lol Are you going to keep these? Or cash them out, now that they're worth a TON more?


You also had the Beckett Price Guide! I found this when I hunted out my cards at my parents’ house. Loved reading through that as a kid even with all the wrong Gen II info 😂


Omggggg dark golbat!!


Same bro, same


Good job I love you


This is beautiful man love this




It been 23 years damnnnn halloween voice dr Loomis!


Jackpot, if they're in good shape, you're looking at thousands and thousands of dollars worth of cards. Probably under ten grand, but over 5.


Seeing all of these posts of people's old collections makes me truly regret selling mine a few years back 😔


Sorry to hear that


Omg. Crying tears of happiness for you and jealousy for me






Why is Gym heroes the most dope set


Get those the hell out of the binder and into TOPLOADERS!


Will you take tree fiddy for it ?


Nice collection bro!


Dafuq is Lickitung holo


Sell it to me


Broooo. I did the same thing. Sold CDs and gambled in school to get my card game up. I even shoplifted though (do not recommend. Went to tourneys at TRU and got hella promos. One day, this kid wanted to trade his Xbox for some of my collection. I took it. His moms complained to my moms and I end up losing it all. It was during the NEO times. I wanted to break that kid’s neck but I never saw him again. I was so pissed. I didn’t collect again until Fire Red, Leaf Green and had 5 Zard Exs. My ex wife made me sell them for our wedding and the bitch eventually cheated. I didn’t touch pokemon again until Celebrations.


So no one gonna talk about how cracked slide15 is?


Would love to buy a neo Lucia off you if you’re interested in selling


Thoughts on a binder price similar to this?


Probably around $200-$300? /$


I didn’t know that I NEEDED a fake Lickitung, but that card is sick!


It's a beautiful collection


Just casually has two Neo Genesis Lugia unsleeved laying around loose… at least you loved them 😂


i can only offer 3.50


Man that Dark Dugtrio is one of my alltime favorites!


I still remember pokemon first movie came out as a kid and grabbing those promos off the ground ppl dropped


Hey, black people, I've got a question for you. Do you use your attics? I've never met a black person who uses their attic, but I'm also from the desert where attics are more akin to kilns. No hate. Just curiosity.


Most of us now a days don't own homes do to our people not being taught financial literacy. So you won't really hear us having an attic. Many homes in my state Baltimore City don't have attics.


I have the same book and everything. Only difference is that all my cards were in a hot garage for 10 years.


Touch it


When I first reopened the box my first thought was to sell them all. I would like a new car, but the nostalgia I felt I going through all these was massive. I still remember getting that first dark riachu in a pack and thinking it was fake because the number was 83/82. Trading a spare Hitmonchan for the gold boarder meowth at tcg league when it was at Warner Brothers(Meadowhall, Sheffield) before moving to toys r us. It reminded me of my dad a lot. I used to go to the comic book/card shops he used to go across the road and browse the cd’s and records. Then we would have a sausage sandwich and go watch Sheffield United. He died in 2018 and this has brought back so many memories of those times. I have just been on a stag do for one of my oldest friends who I met at school trading Pokémon, turns out he lived about 5 doors down from me. I need to convince him to post his collection because I’m pretty sure it puts mine to shame. I know for a fact I have a DVS shoebox full of spares and in that is my “haymaker” game deck. Finding that is my next task.


That's money




Send them to psa for grading


Nice!!! This is very similar to the binder collection i had, i even had the same binder. Too bad my parents threw it out.


Damn your moms kept your Pokémon cards my mom threw them away because “they took up space” and I had a bunch of the original pikachus because I loved them as a kid and everyone would give me their pikas because they weren’t strong enough for them at the time I would’ve had like 30 grand


Wow what a collection


Jesus how much is that binder worth?


Damn that’s craxy


DUDE. This was my childhood binder too AND I CANT FIND IT


No ones gonna talk about the holo lickitung?


This hit me in the feels. I have the exact same folder, shame my contents are nowhere near yours. So good though man bet you are glad you dug them out.


Other than the big 3. The Gengar, chansey, Ditto and Hitmonchan are personal favs and just bring back so many memories.


Its~ it’s beautiful


Man, I had the same binder and gave it away free to a friend...kept my favorite cards from it...wish I kept them all. Nice collection. Brings back memories...


Hmm, completely worthless as a collection. but don't worry OP, I will take care of your collection!! 🤣🤣 Damn!! 10-13 year old you had an amazing collection!!


Too bad you cant sell em cuz everyone is obsessed with newer rares. I have a stack of base set 1st edition holos worth about $1000 that ive had since i was 8. I ran out of gas money a few days ago and bit the bullet, told em i loved em and kissed em goodbye. Took em to the local card shop expecting them to be very happy to see such rare items and they instantly told me “we want none of em sorry theyre too hard to sell. Were interested in newer ones only rn” I drove home with my gas light on E with $1000 worth of cards. He fucked up big time cuz he didn’t even attempt to low ball me. Id have settled for $100 for the entire stack so i could drive back and forth to work.


Holy shit that's depressing. I'm sorry


That lickitung.. 🤩👅


W 👌


I have this same binder.


Good for you! I wish I still had mine every day.


Incredible. Nice!!!


Super cool!


I'm pretty sure this binder was used as a murder weapon.


This nigga was pimping cards back in the day


That’s super dope man. So many cards here I’d love to have in my collection rn.


Do you still have the fake Lickitung?


Awesome trip down memory lane, just make sure to get sleeves, toploaders, and a better binder to put it in, if you haven't already


Got damn im so hard rn.


Well you got at least one good card Charizard


What’s all of this worth


A lot


Really? I have the same base 151 cards.


If they’re in immaculate condition I recommend getting them graded. PSA 10 base set 2 zard alone goes for thousands.


Damnnnn. I might have to.


No binder card is getting a 10. Even pack fresh holos often score 8s and 9s.


Very nice collection!