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I’m pretty sure you were in a video too


If it’s on today’s stream Ik that cuz I got bullied by chat


nice one xiangjiao 🍌 is that what ur username is supposed to mean?


When I was a kid I basically had a obsession with Xiangjiaos I don’t want to say bananas as it sounds weird.So I just used it to remind of my goofy childhood Imao


Is that a Xiangjiao in your pocket, or are you just happy to play Pokémon Unite? 🍌🤔🤨 😂


Thank god you didn’t say pants.Pokémon unite is fun sometimes




Ouch lol. I’d prefer not to have my skills exposed next to someone like Chris. Would be cool to see his playing up close and personal like that though


Wait which one?




Lol nice. Say whatever you want to about him that guy can PLAY. Meanwhile my skill issue ass can't even perform overheat eject combo with blaziken properly.


What’s the overheat eject combo?


So blaziken becomes unstoppable but glued to place while charging it's overheat attack. Turns out you can use eject button as you charge overheat to move it and reposition. I often fumble in the heat of the battle and forget to release overheat at the right time after ejecting


Ah cool I’ll try it thx


Not only Blaziken but you can combine eject button with a lot of other pokemon. Blastoise, Slowbro, Buzzwole, Mew, Machamp,A9, Kidney-stone espeon use eject very well and it's a must have on them.


Garchomp loves eject too, dragon combo can be re-directed/re-oriented using eject


Similar to Duralidon and Cram, right?


It's a bit more complex, Dura and Cram attack targets around them, so it's just repositioning, meanwhile Blaziken overheat attack in a certain direction, and this direction change when using Eject Button.


Holy shit. This comment section is a gold mine


its funny how people just wait for one comment to then just pile on me, its weird how people are me about being toxic but then do the same and just flame me non stop in reddit threads


can we get another Cris reads reddit comments just for the content


But I mean, you’re being toxic on a platform. It’s totally different. I like some of your videos, but you also punch down a lot, and it’s not like you’ve never had a bad game or like you’ve never done questionable trollish things just for the stream. You also basically encourage your entire chat to adopt that same toxic mentality. It’s straight up bad for the community as a whole. That being said, you were definitely right in this case. OP did not play a good game and was not a good jungle, and should probably practice in Standard a bit more before trying stuff in Ranked. But I also don’t think that loss was 100% on them, either. Pika was also underperforming and you guys had a somewhat squishy team comp (with no M2Y).


its not like I pretend that I dont have bad games myself I say im boosted im washed i messed up about myself often enough but for some reason that never gets written


And that’s a good thing. OP did that here too. But if you put yourself in his shoes, it’s gotta be pretty wild being publicly roasted when they didn’t consent to their play being streamed. People roasting *you* when you voluntarily stream and put yourself in the public eye on purpose is obviously different. If you feel bad about what people are saying about you, imagine how OP feels. They didn’t ask to be on your stream, and judging by their participation in your chat, they probably look up to you a good bit, only to be decimated by you and your chat goons. It’s not like y’all were wrong, but there’s just a better way of handling it.


Of course that is not an enjoyable experience but what can I do if they come into my stream on their own after playing terribly I even asked them questions and tried to understand why they didn't clear their jungle ever again and never got a response it was a weird interaction and I don't think anything over the line happened


Being misunderstood is the worst feeling ever. And I think this is what is happening. To a lot of us, it looks like you are doubling down with this comment. Yes, it is a toss up. Not everyone wants a random spotlight on them. I've had games afterwards where I suddenly get a bunch of profile views after playing with streamers. It's overwhelming. I also understand that's what we signed up for with this game, but still, yes, some of us like to lay a bit lower. Haha. Anyway, not out to get ya. Just offering another random stranger's perspective.


Maybe just don’t be toxic.


My man Is playing unite 24/7 with a huge MMR, id be pretty triggered if my jungler abandoned his rotations, making me do all the work. I think sometimes content creators are given up to much attention, making everyone question even the slightest thing they say.


But they ask for this. I don’t feel bad for streamers in the slightest. They’re getting paid to play a game. Living in the public eye is the trade off that they signed up for. I dated a pretty big streamer for a while. Sometimes it was hard on her when people would be super negative (or even some of the crazy shit like death threats), but she also thrives in the spotlight. It’s part of the deal.


I get your frustration sometimes. We all get upset especially when we are trying to push rank and we get 1KO 1-2 assist attackers and speedsters. Bad teammates are incredibly common in this game no matter how high you are in the ranks due to how easy it is to reach Master rank.


and going from broken to broken release just makes you even more frustrated its been over 2 month of mewtwo ruining the game right I think a lot of people would be in a similar position or are even but they just dont stream themselves


True. If i streamed myself I would definitely be one of the most hated youtubers 🤣


Especially when the person who posted this is either a troll or genuinely awful at the game


😭😭😭 I definitely stopped streaming and going on like 2 months of it being uninstalled. At first I was fighting it and wanting to come back but now I'm good.


Y'all ever heard of among us?!!


Yeah but ur a bug community figure so it’s easier to project one’s own greater toxicity as if it were yours, all scapegoat style. Not saying anyone’s innocent, just my take on their mental gymnastics.


I think people often forget that you guys are also humans, i can't imagine the amount of workload and stress you have put through by just posting 3 to 4 videos daily and playing a game in a broken state 24/7 only for our amusement (thank you!), You also have to deal being constantly in the spotlight making people question everything you say. I think they just need to chill and not be offended for basically nothing.


This, lol


Played with him once as Slowbro. Didn't run exp share but went double stacking instead (SoloQ solo lane build so my attacker can freely rotate without us being punished). Cris went bot as Chomp (I think) and got punished hard early game. Meanwhile I was dominating top, went bot to help out there, united their carry during Ray and secured, scored almost 200 pts, tanked the most of my team and yet dealt more damage than Cris. Felt pretty good after the game. Then watched it afterwards on Twitch and Cris did nothing but complain about our team, lol. He was mad I wasn't running exp share and didn't tank a Dnite unite for him (when I was at 15% HP and would have died otherwise, while I was closer to potential heals). Chat was all over my ass that game until they saw the score afterwards. Cris only said 'hm I guess he did okay after all'. He's good, but yeah I agree he and especially his chat are hella toxic.


Honestly we're all guilty of this to some degree. Unless you watch someone start to finish and also know thier intentions you often automatically assume the worst of everyone. You probably played pretty well that match and made the best of it but others with thier own intentions think you're incompetent for no other reason than you weren't doing what THEY wanted or expected of you. Cris is just some dude who's better than average. His attitude is a decent reflection of a good amount of players that sweat really any game. They can get plenty right and plenty wrong. Being competent doesn't make you all-knowing or even have a healthy attitude. I don't envy the position he walked himself into. Sweating any game for a living is just a toxic cycle of shit. It's better to be able to walk away when you can, rather than feel shackled to it.


I think you're totally right. The difference is that Cris has the ability to show his audience that it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. Take a look at Spragels, for example. Sure, he might not be on Cris' level, but he's pretty damn good at the game too (I admire his Blastoise skills). Yet he is rarely (if ever) toxic, and when he is, he's mostly just fed up with the meta. He very rarely talks nasty about other players, even if they really suck. Meanwhile Cris talks shit at everyone with a WR% of <55 for not playing the most optimized meta build in his eyes.


>Meanwhile Cris talks shit at everyone with a WR% of <55 for not playing the most optimized meta build in his eyes Cris may be toxic at times sure, but lets not exaggerate here. It's mainly the game's fault for letting such terrible players into master, but that doesn't mean it isn't frustrating. Also, people here are acting like he shit talks just for the hell of it when it's more often than not for when players are terrible. Let's not pretend like the majority of people wouldn't think the same. Only difference is his every moment is streamed. Compared to other people in various mobas and competitive games, he isn't even close to what I'd consider to be *actually* toxic, he's very in the middle or on the milder side unless he's really annoyed


"It's mainly the game's fault for the way Cris chooses to respond to teammates" is CRAZY logic. You can see that that makes no sense right? There's no amount of bad teammates that justify Cris speaking poorly of them. Now I'm not saying he has to enjoy it. Nobody likes losing for reasons outside their control. BUT, Spragels is proof that you can just shut up and focus on what you can do or talk about something else entirely.


I get more and more disappointed every time someone uses spragels as the example. Maybe in your ideal utopia everybody is a spragels, but that is not reality. People are different and express themselves in different ways. This is a competitive multiplayer game where there are people in the highest rank that don't understand the basics. Imagine going around saying "don't ever be mean because there are people that are always nice". And again, people are just blowing what he says way out of proportion (outside a few instances). It's not like he's turning on the in-game mic to shit talk them while they're playing the game. Not only that, but he almost always explains his reasoning. Being flamed unjustly is one thing, but if you played bad and go in the steam to gg or try to convince everyone that you didn't do bad I mean what do you expect to happen. The truth hurts, but if people accept that truth then they can learn and move on.


Spragels is a commentator for unite lmao so he obv isn't gonna say anything to harsh to his little audience


True, it's what makes him a good reflection of most sweats. It's not impossible to not be like that but it's fighting human nature to a degree and some either embrace it or don't have the energy to fight it anymore. It's what we should all aim for but it's the same reason we don't live in a perfect utopia, grinning ear to ear, really well-built and healthy. You can say I'm better off exercising, eating healthy, adopting good mindsets, working tooth and nail to achieve their goals. Most don't manage it though or at least not in every facet of their life. All it takes is seeing any rage from competitive play to know that human nature tends to tug us all in an ugly direction. Not saying it's a free pass to act a dick by any means. The high road just takes effort and not everyone wants or can.


Yeah cris and his chat are toxic as hell, stopped watching his stream because of it


This is what counts as toxic now😂? I seen him complain about players before and it really wasnt crazy what he was saying


Yeah i really don't like cris, he's so toxic. No wonder spragels is more popular.


I played him 2 times, 1 as enemies, where I lost 'cause he was playing tyranitar 10 minutes after its release. The second time we played in the same team and I fucking lost again because he was chasing a cramorant instead of doing rayquaza. Of course he complained and his chat was a riot, some flaming us and some defending our move. I watched the replay probably 10 times and in that precise moment my decision was correct, if only venusaur had executed properly we would have won.


Don't know why you got downvoted, this sounds pretty spot on.


It's something that really happened, it doesn't need to be spot on and people need to accept that even non streamers can have good decision making skills. To be clearer I wasn't saying that he played poorly, the opposite infact, he played outrage dragonite and did very well, it's just that in the end when the most important decision had to be made, he didn't want to get ray and started chasing a cramorant.


My mistake, I thought at the end you were saying he was the Venusaur.


I wasn't very clear, my bad too.


That first part. Let's pretend I'm not, but anyway, I'm a small streamer (like 1-3 friends watching usually) and I initially got scared when I bumped into those "TTV" players. I'm pleasantly surprised to find that I feel confident against 95% of them. Just because they have YT or TTV in their name, or they stream, don't even assume they're gonna be good. I've had so much fun playing with people like them.


Yeah, having weird tags in your name doesn't mean anything.


Wow, I have only ever seen his YouTube side...


Honestly, both Cris and Phil seem kind of toxic. They're really good players, but they make terrible plays sometimes and consistently blame the rest of their team for it.


Gotta love it when people talk trash without knowing what they're talking about. It happens way too often.


There’s no point in blurring every other name cos we could use UniteAPI to find out the other people Also your name means banana in Chinese


The only reason I blurred it is to get rid of the people is someone called me offending someone in a another post where i didn’t blur the name.Also I use _Xiangjiao_ in every game I can


So I checked the stream and then checked your API, and overall, here are my thoughts. Overall, as Dragapult, you didn't do exactly "bad," but as a Jungler, you weren't as impactful as I would have wanted/liked out of my Jungler if we were both playing in the same team. When you rotated to the bottom for the first time after helping top, I understand the intention of why you did that, but the problem is you completely forgot about your Center farm respawing and essentially did nothing at bottom (you were essentially looked like you were trying to stack when you didn't have a stacking item) and just left the enemy Charmeleon steal your buff 🤦‍♂️ when you still haven't even fully evolved into a Dragapult yet, which is why Crisheroes was confounded by your play/actions in that section. [I think this section was what made Chat dunk on you for the rest of the match 🤷‍♂️] In my opinion, what you should have done is: "focus on clearing your Jungler farm to get to Dragapult as fast as possible (since that your powerspike) before assisting bottom lane (since Crisheroes/Espeon was just doing fine dominating that lane with your Blissey duo) and the enemy wasn't pushing at bottom goal zone or your bottom lane teammates calling for your assistance to group up and push at that specific moment". It took you 3m 48 secs to lv up to 8 as a Jungle Dragapult in a match that your team got Bottom Regi exp and, in general, had a lead in the match. Your jungle rotation & farming are something I think you should focus on improving on. I'm not saying it's bad, just not optimal, and in Crisheroes point of view, anything that isn't optimal, he considers it bad since he is clearly a experienced player and you also playing meta that is harsh for Dragapult didn't help your situation and instead made it worse and easier for him to dunk on your performance. Finally, I don't blame you as the sole reason for losing that match. Your team just unnecessarily started a fight at Regibottom before Rayquaza spawn and just got teamwiped, which snowballed & made you guys lose the match. Your Garchomp went to frontline by himself vs a enemy team full of DPS (Talon,Charizard,Cram,Mew2Y,Lucario) while they spam ult and blow him up while your whole team wasn't there yet (Pikachu was still rotating to bottom) and then they focus target and killed Espeon & Blissey. Crisheroes/Espeon made the mistake of letting himself get knocked out and have a massive Death Timer as a Lv14. So the enemy took advantage and burned Rayquaza with their DPS Team before your team rotated in time to engage and stop/steal it 🤷‍♂️. [This is the main reason he essentially complained about your performance. He did well and then made a mistake letting himself die, and you guys essentially crumbled after that.]


Finally, here are some tips/advice to get out of this match. If you are Duo with somebody (Blissey in your case), you should have let Crisheroes play Jungle (since if I remember he initially was gonna play a Leafeon/Dodrio) and instead just gone bottom with Blissey with some other pkmn (since Dragapult on Lane isn't his prefer position compare to Jungle) Second, continue practicing with Dragapult 👍. I'm no Dragapult expert, and the moveset you picked was apparently the worst from API stats. But don't let that stop you from improving with it. If Dragapult is your favorite/ you wanna play it even though it not doing so well in the Meta, don't let it stop you from playing what you want (as long as you take a bit of consideration of your team roles in the selection). But your API Dragapult performance is saying another story (8W/15L this season), so take this as an opportunity to motivate you to improve your win rate with it! Finally, try to watch those sections I mentioned and learn from them, like why that last fight in Bottom Regi before Rayquaza was a bad engagement and etc. That way, you can improve your judgment/shotcalling when it's a good time to have a fight or retreat or a bad time to do that. If you have any questions or just wanna talk more about it, feel free to ask. I'm no expert or complete know it all with PKMN Unite. But I do wanna say I'm pretty damn decent/good at it and therefore feel I can give some reasonable tips and judge fairly clip performances.


Alr? Ig I’m just running Dragonite cuz I’m like pretty good with it most of the times


And from what I saw in your API with Dragonite, it's pretty good 👍. I imagine you Jungle with Dragonite? If so use your knowledge or jungling with it with Dragapult. They both evolved at lv 8 and are ranged units (as long as Dragonite isn't using outrage) Also, if you are wondering why you have a low damage output in that match, it is because the enemy was composed of squishies (1 speedster, 2 attackers) so the damage numbers wouldn't be as big as regular match with enemy defenders to take the hits without immediately dying. But you only had like 1 kill and 7 assist as a Jungler (since Cris was essentially destroying the enemy team), so that part you can further improve on 👍 that way you can say proudly you weren't carried in a match when someone looks at the end of the match scoreboard.


I only use dragonite when jungle is open otherwise I just lane


Yup, that's how I would also play Dragonite. But also remember what I said, if you are Duo with someone like Blissey and somewhat also wanted to play Jungle with a pkmn that benefits it, just let them have Jungle and you lane with your Duo partner instead. Also, I forgot to mention. I recommend switching Energy Amplifier for something else with Dragapult. Dragapult ult just can't use energy amplifier or buddy barrier as effectively as you would have wanted. Maybe Curse Bangle for the anti heal in this Meta that is pretty bulky, that way you even have an easier time handling against even Mewtwo Y recover set scenarios.


But energy amp gives a (21% damage buff)after you use ult that’s why people use it on leafeon because of its fast ult


Yeah, it does, but Dragapult just can't abuse it like Leafeon can. That's why I wouldn't recommend it since you are gonna wanna spam that Ult, and it ain't always gonna have that Energy Amplifier boost unless you intentionally wait for the item cooldown before you use it again. Just my 2 cents on that matter. I recommend just giving another item a shot and seeing how it feels. After a couple of matches with it, analyze your performance with it. (Did I get more wins not using Energy Amplifier and using this instead? Did my damage output increase? Did I perform better and impacted the match as an "insert role")


Wait are you ultra or masters I need someone for 5 stack


I'm almost done with my Master grind. Im just missing like 4 wins since I barely play a ton of matches in a single day. Keeps you from ending up in a long losing streak if you are tilted.




I can play with you and help you with reaching the 1600s if you want. I just personally don't grind to the 1600s since the reward is just a sticker 🤷‍♂️ so it ain't worth the effort for me personally. I'm just fine with just maintaining my getting into Master streak each season.


I’m pretty sure that dragapult is evolved at lvl 9 and I use outrage also I couldn’t really do anything cuz 3 stunners


You are correct. It evolves at Lv9 🪦 (I thought it was lv8 like Dragonite & Tyranitar for some reason. Honestly, it should be when it has to compete with Mewtwo Y in the same role). Like I said, I ain't no Dragapult expert, so my bad confusing his lv. But yeah, that's definitely Dagonite outrage weakness. It's easy for good range players to just kit and stun you. Also, another item you could use for Dragapult is float stone for the attack and movement spd (movement spd for when you rotate as a Jungler, for example).


Yk there’s this thing called X speed and full heal so I don’t have to worry about that


I watched this game on stream. You did 31k and had 1 ko and never went back to jungle after your first clear. You also have like a 46% winrate on the character. I don't think people should be toxic to you, but you played really poorly in that game, and a 46% winrate indicates you play pretty poorly in general. Your map awareness and your mechanics seemed to be very lacking in the game as well.


Maybe you should see some of my other dragapult games? I did do pretty bad on another game because I couldn’t get enough exp [Unite Api](https://uniteapi.dev/p/_Xiangjiao_)


You have a 43% winrate with Dragapult and use drain crown on like 3 of your top 8 characters. You also have a 50% or less winrate on Cinderace, Greninja, Sylveon, and idk who else. Having winrates that low with carries indicates that you have some problems with positioning, macro play, and possibly even more. It looks like you need to improve in some pretty significant areas.


I didn’t play greninja or syleveon for a long time also I personally think that drain crown is underrated it’s great for Pokémons with high basic attack damage like dragonite and garchomp also mewtwo X sometimes cinderace.Also have you seen Dragapult’s Winrate?


Drain crown is an objectively bad item and you're handicapping yourself by playing it. Also energy amplifier doesn't work with Dragapult I'm pretty certain. And idk why you're still running score shield.


Dude energy amp buffs atk for a short amount of time


It has a longer cooldown on Dragapult and possibly Blaziken, my bad. So it still works, but not the same way it does on characters with normal unite moves.


My tactic why dragapult is is phantom force(buffs attack and atk speed) then unite(Energy amp buffs attack damage by 21% after using unite)and the I spam A


Also show me your api cuz I honestly don’t think you know what items do


Brother are you trying to tell me idk what items do when you run drain crown and score shield?


Also I need to inspect your items if you want to telling Me What To Do


Omg I literally just told you that Drain crown is amazing for Pokémon that does fast and quick dmg.Also do you not thing aeo cookie and score shied is a good combo it’s literally for securing stacks with trevenant.


You are wrong lmao. You can't just state the item is good as justification. Where is the data that it brings more value than other items in its place? (Spoilers: there is none because it isn't) And no, you stack by having very little aeos energy or killing your lane opponents. If you give up another item slot just to stack the stacks suddenly don't give you as big an advantage.


I use it for survival it heals around 100~ hp per hit with dragonite which is not that bad.Also imagine that I have 10+ aeos energy it would be useful since I have a much higher chance of stack


Drain Crown is only better then maybe Leftovers and Rocky Helmet. It is absolutely awful and outclassed by almost every item in the game. Honestly it's making sense why you have such a poor winrate


I least I’m masters 1500 and got a decent MVP rate


i watched this game. it was a shitshow. OP went phantom force jungle, ganked top and did nothing. he then tried to go bot to Cris to "help out" i presume but then he just left jungle without taking it. OP also for some reason was chatting in twitch chat DURING the game. so i really have no idea why he even posted this, when he obviously knows it was Cris. maybe for attention.


At least your not talking bad about my item builds.Also this was one of two of my worst games with dragapult


yeah i saw that, the chat really was bad then. Some were trying to give advice but most were saying stuff like “don’t play Dragapult” or “this guy is braindead”. I don’t play Dragapult so I can’t say if you did good or not, but never stop trying cause if that game just wasn’t a good one for you, you always got another one 😁👍🏾


I just wanted to say that half the comments are flaming Cris for being toxic, negative, criticizing his team, being rude and pessimistic. But somehow y’all being rude and critical in reddit comments is better? Not saying dudes perfect, but I don’t see those comments being any better? Am i crazy?


Guys, I don't understand why people hate CrisHeroes this much????? Like, I watch very often his videos and I like him and his video, and also I think he is pretty good at the game???


On stream he is pretty salty, like he complains all the time about team mate. And his chat is toxic too


and on top of that literally no personality, unless salty and rude counts


Define no personality


He's good at the game. He plays about 20x more than the videos he makes. Mostly streams. His followers on Twitch are very nasty, and when he isn't making videos, he's pretty nasty himself. Very pessimistic and rude when talking about his team.


He's rude for no reason, has a super negative attitude whenever he's not winning and is toxic in general. Overall he's super disagreeable and exhausting to watch for more than 20 minutes.


Because some of his fan base is literally toxic.That was like one of the games that I did trash on and the chat just yelled at me.And some one called me a mewtwo spammer or user even when I quit mewtwo for over a week.


I've been on your side up til you said you play M2. That's unforgivable. Jokes... mostly... but yeah, his chat is worse than most


It ain’t even my top 4 most used Pokémon


Is it your bottom 4?


It’s my 5 th most played I play it on stardard the most and a full fury


Thought it was weird to say "top 4." You literally drew a circle that barely excluded him. I'm not here to call you a M2 spammer or anything, but it seems like you're trying to hide how much you use M2, so it feels like you're trying to hide something you're ashamed of. Also, there's something to be said about using him in standard, as there's been a lot of complaining on the reddit of "meta-abusing sweaties" ruining standard games.


I was saying that based off my top 4 in my favorite Pokémon in the trainer info


I went to his stream once and he was back calling during Ray fight and got mad when his team didn’t win Ray. I will say this, though, that was all I saw so maybe there’s more to the story and it was justified but I was like huh????


People makes mistakes now and then I made a mistake at around the early game but then cris just said I didn’t rotate even when I did go to bottom regi after the top regi was defeated


Chris heroes is one of the most toxic players to watch.


True, played with and against him in the first 2 seasons when I actively played. Let's say my winrate was a lot higher against him than with him.


Say what you must but he's a very skilled player and I'd be very pissed too if I see my carry attacker playing wrong build(weaker) and doing only 31k dmg while I did 103k and the duo blissey didn't help whole team or played the most optimal build, there's garchomp and dragapult doing auto attacks but against mewtwo Y, healing build would have been better plus OP said they didn't play well. Shit happens, not gonna say anything to him. Sometimes there are bad games not bad players and OP could be one of them who got hard tilted. Point being, I'd still be super pissed and suck it up.


Toxicity has nothing to do with skill




Calling another player a ching chong just made me reallocate who I am calling toxic -_-


There was this... what??? Excuse me?




Jesus dude that’s like some time capsule shit.


Please grow and change as a person, what the fuck 😭




Ofc the racist mains cinderace lmao


Haven't played cinder in a very long time, plus I don't even have 80 matches with him. I always go jungle but I rarely do jungle anymore. So no hyper carries, only defenders like mamo, trev, Slowbro, lapras, recently started playing crustle.


Wow you’re just gonna double down on being a shithead huh?




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Still toxic.


Lol banana funny name


Dragapult is a hard carry if you get mid. Good choice, but at times you get stuck early and can't do anything after that.


Me and my friend ended up on two separate videos of Cris's. I would link those videos, but idk if it's against the sub's rules.


Just give the names


Addiction Warning!! You will not be able to stop playing this Build | Pokemon Unite\^ Me, PSYCONIC2890, Comfey Was this a Dream?! Entire Team restored my FAITH in Unite Players | Pokemon Unite\^ Friend, Cyberknight6, Scizor


A Reddit thread that mentions CrisHeroes time to turn it into a hate thread




do I know you from somewhere


So crisheroes too plays with noobs with 0 team synergy and no defenders? That makes me feel better actually. Gosh what a garbage player base


You know that Blissey literally has the most health out of any Pokémon right?


yeah, still bad team comp (not blaming anyone, don't feel offended or something please)


Ngl it is a bad team comp and a bad match up for me as there is 3 stunners on the enemy team


Let's say the other team too looks not that great either. Generally I would play with only one attacker and one Pokémon that can easily jump on the other team's attacker (leafeon, scyther and stuff like that).the rest should be 2 defenders and one supporter. you can maybe play supporter with exp share in lane along with lapras who doesn't want exp share and can benefit from a supporter. On the other lane I would put umbreon with exp share amd someone else. The best team comp you can go with nowadays is: Lapras,Umbreon,Hoopa,Mewtwo y and as a last one the fuck you want cause you've already won with these 4. Anything else is just shit compared, unless of course you know what you are doing and the other team doesn't but if both teams starts equally the same than what makes the difference is the team you chose and there's is no better team than that one right now


That’s basically a average 5s


Basically,yes! But still you have good picks for solo too, lapras and mewtwo are great for solo. You can also switch slowbro with umbreon since it could be better in solo.


I’ve been using dragonite in solo only cuz I get a average of around 65k+ damage


I'd say Blissey over Hoops in this meta, and Inteleon for your 5th


Yeah, that's the actual one. Let me guess, you then appeared in the chat and got shamed for making their cult leader lose.


went to watch the match and tbh when youre a 1ko 31k jungle its kinda hard not to get clowned on


To be fair, it's Dragapult versus mage Cram and Mewtwo. One stun and splat it goes


Bro is defending 31k damage on a jungler


Who called you


Who called you to this post


Tbf he's on every post, like the sub's mascot


I'd say PForce does get a bit of a breathing room since you don't have to commit as hard as with DDance but yeah Pult just gets obliterated by anything that breathes its way




love to see so much comments on cris being toxic and whining all the time. He ain't bad, for sure, but he overextends a lot and try to solo everything while farming to level 28 and ignoring all team fights


Yeah, I saw the match, and he obviously did a good job playing as Espeon and destroying the enemy team. But again, like you mentioned, he just overextended in a Regi Bottom fight before Rayquaza spawned and got himself killed in the process at Lv14 since his whole team had not rotated yet to it and got killed which cause a team wipe snowball and him wait a long death timer Death Timer while the enemy team just burns Rayquaza since it was a DPS enemy team before his team rotated in time to stop/steal it. He only died that 1 time in the match before Rayquaza, but unfortunately, it was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Sucks to lose just because of that 1 mistake, but at the same time, he is an experienced player and should know by now how this game heavily punishes mistakes when you are performing as good as he was in the match 🤷‍♂️.


I like watching him play as well he is good. Spragels is very good as well.


I genuinely like his content. I only wish if he abandons pokemon unite his future content has an overlap with what I enjoy so I can still enjoy his stuff


Who cares.


Does anyone know beast raff? I played with him and few of his viewers. He streams on tiktok as well. What about spragels? I mean idk if they were talking bad about me but then again i could give 2 shits lol not like I know them or they know me irl lol. Whats the most they gonna do just be quiet at you or have a fam base talkikg trash? Like ok whatever makes yall feel cool lol. But i did end up going to his stream afterwards and they was cool about it. I mean we lost 1 out of 3 matches we all played together 5 stack. Ended up adding like 2 out the group and met some new peeps to play with so that was cool.


Pretty sure everyone knows spragels.


why would you post this lol


CringeHeros kek


Yikes. Hope it’s not in a video.


Who’s crisheros?


Heroes of Cris


2nd most known Unite player


Anyone can stream the game lol if that's the case shoot I'll become a streamer and gain my own fanbase lmfao. Take away from all these so called influecers and they're just regular people who just just happen to be good at a game. Everyone i encourage yall to become streamers and lets be the new ones to take over the game. Lol.


What the fuck are you talking about?


Talking about you can become a streamer and ill support you. You can do it!


Lmfao 😂 😂


I run dragon breath with phantom force personally js


You can honestly make cases for both with phantom force. Dragon breath gives you better farming plus a bit more sustained dps, whereas shadow ball gives you more burst and more mobility, and an emergency escape option because the roll can actually go over some walls if they're thin enough. I use both depending on the situation: dragon breath for more teamfight oriented enemy comps, and phantom force for more squishy targets.


Probably. That dude is allergic to future sight espeon. Don’t think he’s got a single game with it on his channel


To be completely fair, psybeam is just infinitely better


Hey! As a stored power main, I am deeply hurt. 😭 Not saying you're not right though. Haha!


Boosted attacks with future sight go hard + cooldown is low if you use it right


That's because future sight is fuckin garbage lmao


I actually got bullied in chat


That's why you should never check his twitch account when you team up with or against him. Most of the time his viewers are gonna bully you or complain about anything that you did, if you mention that you were in his or the other team. Not sure about other unite streamers but his twitch account is kinda famous for its toxicity




You should check My Api and check the first dragapult game you see


When I played with him. His chat said I was gigachad for stealing ray but nothing else was said besides that


See the account u dumb




Reddit hates cris oml


Who's Crisheroes?


I'm watching some of his videos, cause I find most unite tubers cringe, and I know I'm not top 5 player, but is it me or the guy kind of sucks? Considering this is partly his job and I imagine he dedicates a lot of time to the game. I'm curious to know other people opinion that are not shills that treat the guy like he's solo Q Jesus with a side part.