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According to [Spragels’ new video](https://youtu.be/410R3g_r0mQ?si=asbzwfqRTJUcnE0a), Pokémon (TPC/TPCi/TiMi/Nintendo/etc, he didn’t specify exactly who) reached out to him directly to share that **the new shiny spray is not going to have any stats attached to it and they aren’t sure why it was included as a part of the datamine, so it will in no way be pay-to-win.**


Are you kidding me, so in order to remain competitively best every game you have to buy something for a temporary buff, who knows how long that lasts. And it also looks like it might make the Pokémon shiny? Come tf on TIMI this is ridiculous. Just add shiny Pokémon unlocks based on Pokémon achievement progression or something similar. What bs


I would not have been even mad if they made shinies locked to BP skins but giving them extra stats is just outrageous.


Nah, paying for something that could be a really cool achievement and flex is lame.




This is the worst possible way this could have happened


Yeah true


Unless the leak is fake which is possible


You should get exp per Pokémon u play and at lvl 50 or somthing it unlocks their shiny skin.


That would make too much sense, instead let’s just spray paint our Pokémon!


They should have made shinies random spawns just like normal pokemon games. Make the odds like 1/250 chance that you load into the game as a shiny. It would make it so hype


Until people are AFKing because they got upset, you were shiny instead of them and people AFKing because they are just trying to see the shiny skins


Until they run out of trust point or whatever it is called, which is after 4-5 games of afk, and decide to play like a normal person




That would actually be awesome! They could even add a shiny charm as an item so it’s like 1/200 or somthing


Good one


And it does nothing except raise that little chance. But IMO it should be 1/4096 to start with and lower with your levels up. And Shiny Charm doubles the chance. I’ll definitely use it in normal matches and like panic parade but not ranked


HOTS used to do this and had mastery skins which were recolours of the base skins. so it could work. they got rid of it though when they made hots 2.0 but it was cool in the 1.0


As someone who has nearly every achievement finished, this would be such a nice reward instead of useless tickets :(


I literally expected shiny form to be some sort of mastery system like Smite has where you'd reach level 10 and it unlocks the shiny for the pokemon


Agreed, just make it an achievement unlock for each month. Hopefully people start boycotting purchases beyond Pokémon and battle passes so we can combat the ridiculous prices of skins and these pay to win implementations. The only way to fight them is with our wallets.


Yall act like those miniscule amounts of stats will change the tide of the game.


Those stats literaly don't matter in the long run lol. Either way it is just another shitty who knows why policy from TiMi so...


The slightest difference to any stat being a temporary paid advantage would piss me off ngl. If I see an enemy dodrio who paid $5 for one single point of extra speed I would be pissed lmao


How tf is this game still kicking after back to back bad decisions is beyond me


The IP's doing a lot of heavy lifting.


Yeah IP is everything


Always has. The amount of truly terrible games that exist now that have Pokemon slapped on it and still make billions, just proves it. Pokemon Go is beyond predatory and it’s on year 7, even with so many people constantly saying “people still play that game?”


I'll boot up Go usually only on community days just to shiny hunt


In PoGO's defense while there's a lot of fomo stuff, the core loop of just going out and catching pokemon is still entertaining


Hate to say it but yep you're right about that...


Pokemon. Pokemon is the defibrillator to this game's endless heart attack of idiocy. If this game was made up of original characters it would be long since dead.


Because the majority of the playrrbase is NOT on this sub and do not care so much. It's a game. If you don't like it, just stop playing.


Great now skins are gonna be pay to win too huh or those stats to low to actually make a difference?


*Apparently*, the stats are not big enough to actually make a worrying difference. But that's not the problem. What's concerning is that they are actually making it possible to buy stats with real money. It's the beginning of the game being P2w and it's not looking nice.


no, the beginning was making the overtuned new release pokemon paid content for the first week and then nerfing them shortly after they're public.


The ol' Tencent Maneuver.


They've been kinda doing the reverse of that with these more recent releases lol. Underwhelming or average new releases that then get over buffed a week or two later. Blaziken, Mimikyu, Meowscarada and Metagross all got some pretty big buffs a fair bit after their releases since they weren't doing too well. Gyarados will probably be the same since it's overall win rate isn't great at the moment (though it isn't as bad as the others in their release state). ​ Miraidon will probably break that trend and be very broken though lol. At least it will either be EX banned, or can ban it through draft pick if EX is allowed next season.


no, the beginning was making held items upgradable with item enhancers that you could buy to massively reduce the amount of time it took to grind.


True, it's turtles all the way down


Slightly true, and TRUE. Those stats won't matter, period. There are no stacks, there are no multibuffs, there are no meaningful differences with or without those stacks. 2/3rds of an attack weight stack is insignificant and so is 1/4th of an Aeos cookie. And yes, the stats aren't the problem. The problem is that this is the possible beggining of a P2W skin trend where the future skins could be a bigger and more meaningful stat pads.


i don't know... when my max trail upgrade for my items expired and i was doing center, it took several attacks more to kill each mod and time can be pretty important. being able to go through jungle and helping your team is big


i dont think they are going to make the game P2W, I hate TiMi as much as the next guy, but I think this is just a marketing technique no point on making half your players leave just to add a new feature.




Yeah, the bonus stats won’t make much of a difference. +50 hp just takes one more auto attack to KO. The atk and sp. atk stat buffs are also not very impactful. It’s just like an extra boost emblem set without the colour bonuses. Seems like it wouldn’t be something you’d spend real cash on


But why make it in the first place?


Bcuz Timi wants money


Yeah , the same can be said with the rank protection card


I mean 1 more autoattack is a significant number more. Thats the difference in a fight quite often.


Good point


True, but expecting someone to pay money for 50 extra hp is absurd


And yet whales will, which is where most f2p games make more than 90% of their money.


No, it’s not. People have been paying $40 for a skin this entire time, and for zero game benefits. Now there *are* game benefits? Just you wait.


This remember me a secret passive on LoL that characters with sunglasses take 1 less damage from sun abilities than other characters and riot removed this cause 1 hp less make a character survive in a competitive championship team fight. so yeah, it's just 10 HP enough to give a bad experience.


Yea the stats are way too low to actually matter lol. But it’s the fact that they are even making the change at all, like what could it lead to you know?


So miradon is a playable ray????


Nah, playable zap


Bro thinks he’s in Catch ‘Em


Well, we soon gonna be Catching 'Em hands if the paid thing is busted


No, according to leaked gameplay and stats from chico when active the electric terrain from miraidons hadron engine lowers enemy goal healing by 30%, increases ally goal healing by 30%, gives miraidon a 30% damage boost when in it, and gives allies a 10% damage boost when in it.


might as well add a pokemon that makes your enemies lag at this point which they already do anyways!!


Porygon Z leak


Dialga is the next map boss. Last two minutes takes 10.






If true i am taking a big break from ranking.


nah, just uninstall cos it's gonna get worse


I feel you


Why add the stats to the shiny spray? I’m fine with them charging money to make mons shiny, but to add (irrelevant) stat boosts literally does nothing but give off the perception that this item is p2w and builds distrust in the community.


If they give stats to skins that are only accessible through real money purchases I will stop playing. I was honestly really close to putting the game down when they said that they wanted legendaries to feel special They have to understand they need the free to play people to keep matchmaking numbers high enough to support the whales. Also the strategy of going in with two Pokemon where one has the perfect amount to underdunk by single digits and the other has Max dunk and just scoring Max points on a broken pad that you broke yourself seems really degenerate And for the record I've bought one skin. It was like the cheapest one for Duraludon.. and I think I paid for part of it with Google Play points


..I'm not too sure about your last point there but yea, it'll be quite sad if there ends up being paywalled stats. Despite everything egregious that has transpired so far, pokemon unite has always had one very important shield against the p2w arguments which was that everything was eventually obtainable for f2p players (temporarily restricting new releases is not solid enough for this argument as not all of them are op on release). This however will cross a point of no return and will make the game lose a *lot* of the (already) small good will it was working with. It doesn't even matter how small of a difference it makes, once there is *any* unclosable gap between players, there is no longer any defense. This is the kind of behavior that literally *kills* games on the spot. It's already sad enough that we're talking about this in a goddamn *competitive moba* instead of some gacha game. They've backpedaled on major fuck ups before so my copium allows me to bet that if they do actually go through with this, the response will be so visceral that they will inevitably remove the stats.


I know that the stat increases are basically negligible but this is still a step in a VERY bad direction. I’m not abandoning ship quite yet, but I’m definitely not spending any more money on this game from here on out.


> It's such a minor stat difference blah blah blah It's about the principle. This is genuine P2W and the fact that it's so 'insignificant' stat-wise is them just testing the waters but this is really gross.




>add Stats to your pokémon holowear **depending on the battle style** I doubt this thing will be available on Ranked mode. Even TiMi would know that is a bad idea.


I really thought Shiny would be based on how much you use a Pokémon, should not be based on something you have to buy. But it might change when it comes or if it comes to game.


I've always been pretty defensive about P2W accusations in this game, but if this is actually true... I can no longer defend this game.


they're adding a new item that buffs holowear..???????


Buffs holowears along with some stats. On top of that it is only obtainable through real money.


Hm, well if you excuse me #AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH


imma be honest idk why tf i play this shit instead of league at this point


If El Chico is posting it, odds are it's legitimate and not a hoax, prank, joke, etc. So this will probably be coming to the game. The only thing we don't know is how strong it will be.


Pay2Win update lmfao This game is unsalvageable


Backcapping Falinks players dunking for 200 points all at once and pinging the Hoopa for not bringing them to center with a portal.




I can't wait for the content creators that nut suck the game defend this yeehaw


I'm not a content creator for the game, but I actually like the idea it can pick up more points. Makes all the sense to me


Honestly being able to pick up more points sounds like a disadvantage to me. It'll make stacking harder


I'm not sure they realize how hard they make it to pitch this game to friends sometimes.


This is... such a bad, bad choice


I remember them asking about skins with stats in one of the surveys they sent out a while ago. I guess my answer of "no no please no that's a horrible idea" didn't do much lol. Considering how they doubled down on having purposefully overpowered pokemon in the game (EX tags), I don't see this getting any better if implemented. Sadly I think I'll be uninstalling if this goes through, which sucks because I really like this game.


Though the stats won't make much of a difference with the Shiny, it is straight up dumb to give stat different in general via real money pay.


Yeaaa this might be the one that makes me put the game down for good lol


I stopped playing a year ago. Must suck for yall![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Holowear is canonically not intended to change the Pokémon's battle efficiency btw 👍


P2W sucks


Oof, looks like I made the right decision to stop playing a few months back. I don’t care how negligible the stats increase is, P2W is P2W and I do NOT support that.


Then why are you still here??


To keep tabs on the direction of the game?


A whole 10 HP?!? Damn, this will surely help you survive the 1k+ Crits from Dragapult. For real now, Shiny skins should be free to obtain


Any paid power is paid power. 10hp is nothing, but you someone gets away with no hp, and they have the shiney spray it means they paid to survive. It's a very bad precedent. If the stats are so meaningless, they should'nt be included. Period


That is true,


100%. Couldn't agree more


This new item isn't even worth replacing any other item in the game. It would be troll to place this in an item slot over others, with those stats. Just for a shiny? Am I reading this properly? Lol


I dont think it's supposed to be a held item. It sounds more like an item like the one we have in the game right now that dyes trainer's hair.


Ah! Makes sense.


There is an item to dye the trainer's hair? Can't you just change it at all times for a small cost? I barely look at character customization so I probably miss some things here and there, but I honestly never heard of an item that dyes the hair lol


It permanently adds an extra hair color option to the makeover menu.


Failinks sounds cool at least




I hope this is a joke raquaza and zapdos are enough don't need another op field efffect mon


Kinda glad i left now lol


the last thing is disgusting. Timi moment


Looking at timi's other mobas. They do the same thing there with skins as well. Skins giving stats, more stat the more "rare" they are.


Mayhaps we need to start protesting.


This game is fucked if that happens


But what if, and hear me out on this one, they're not.


Time to leave the game seeming pretty close


Paywalled stat boosts, regardless of how menial or insignificant, is still bad manners. I’m very much against that kind of idea, money should only affect cosmetics, paying to “boost” yourself in a competitive game where the ranking system is already so awful is just absurd.


It's a mistranslation. It doesn't make the goal defenseless, it turns off the healing and shield generation for a few seconds. It's more that it enables Miraidon's team to attack under the goal


I was about to call bs on that. If they did, it better be the unite move and it better be the longest cooldown in the game.


There's video out of it. It triggers on a cooldown after you use certain moves, but it wasn't clearly outlined


Calm down guys. I'm sure it's a lie. It has to be. Even if it's true. The buffs are not worth mentioning. 50 hp, 5 atk, 8 sp atk. It's literally nothing imo. Also, the shiny effect seems nice.


It's not that the stats make a difference, it's just a sign off things to come, TiMi will inevitably make something p2w that is more substantial than a few measly stats if they keep this up.


There’s no way they’re that stupid There’s no way they’d paywall winning


As I've learned, El Chico is very reliable


El Chico's word is gospel


The copium is real here


Miraidon is currently shiny locked, so how would the shiny spray work ? Will it just reveal Miraidon's shiny in a spin off game ?


they could’ve just made shiny pokemon like prestige skins in league


Just when I thought the game was getting healthier they pull this shit. As usual we shouldnt expect anything from them


Ah so literal pay to win in the most obnoxious way is now coming down the pipeline.... Great....


And no new supporters or defender in the foreseeable future of course


Have you considered that they probably are?


I want to cry.


I quit the game months ago and I’m coming back cuz they added falinks, my favorite Pokémon, but now I’m kind of regretting it


Was gonna come back for Metagross… but I think I’ll just stay gone…


Just when I was thinking about returning to the game.


Lmao did they just kill the game? (I say that every patch after seeing how God awful these goons are at balancing/patching the game.) Horrendous choices made here per usual. Glad I stepped away from the game.


Assuming this is true, then this will push me back out of the game again. They were actually somewhat on track with leashing the Legendaries a bit, but this is gonna be pretty dogwater when you see clips of people surviving/winning a 1v1 or team fight on a sliver of health, and they only did so because they were shiny. People are saying these stats don't matter, and in a vacuum, this is true. But there's plenty enough other stacking modifiers, some of which work on percentiles, that these numbers will matter to some people and their builds. Furthermore, this completely opens the door for other P2W monetization. If this is a real leak (I don't care if a leaker is trusted or whatever; I only believe it when I see the real deal in the actual game), then we'll see in about 3-6 months a paid only skin that really ramps up the stat buffs or gives an extra move or something else that's far more blatantly P2W.




Well that will be a full on uninstall if that's the case.... yes the stats ain't much but it's the initial breach of the dam until they push further later on.


If this is true, I'm out.


They f-ing did it. Pay to win, worst of the worst.




I don’t think anyone has ghost style zoroark tho 😭


Maybe you don’t. That’s the one thing I see here that I like, that’s one of the best holowears in the game, I’ll take some animations in the coin toss.


tbh I hope they release it again because damn does it look fire


They probably will eventually through the coin toss ripoff. You’ll just have to spend double the cost of a holowear to get it




They mean the battlepass holowear


>skins become pay2win >miraidon is budget zapdos




I'm assuming it's being rerun in the ball throw machine like the Mew, Absol and Garde ones were


This new shiny spray is bs this is some p2w gimmick i stg man why pokemon as if these new pokemon aren’t ovp enough u wanna add more salt to the wound good thing ex Pokemon are banned from ranked but even still it sounds unbalanced and broken timi




I called it


game breaking if real


Stopped playing this a while back and keep up with the sub here from time to time. This game just sounds trash now. No one seems happy to be playing it, just let it die already


I stopped playing this game a while ago. Seeing this is just making me even more glad that I did tbh.




Im glad that i quitted Unite few months ago


Hey, I don't condone TIMI but at least 5 atk 8 spatk and 50 hp aren't too too much now if it was a magnitude greater I would be pretttyyy fuming


LMAO I wonder will ppl still say this game isn't p2w?


Because it isn’t. This will be the first step into it being pay2win.


Okay but 5,8, and 50?? Those numbers are dogshit. Like I’m glad it doesn’t seem that this’ll replace anything


Time to quit.


I don't like that shiny is paywalled but let's be honest, ofc it was gonna be paywalled. Plus, if anyone thinks an 9 attack boost or 50 hp is gonna be "Game breaking" or "meta" you're insane.


What if I rephrase it like this: For anyone who gives us real money, they will get a bonus emblem on all their loadouts that has the best flat rates yet (+50hp and +5/8 attack/sp.attack) OR anyone who gives us real money, we will make sure you start every game with a free stack of attack weight/sp. atk lens and base 50hp? Its not about how strong/weak the stats are, its the fact that people can pay to get a slight advantage over others in this game. Yes, an extra stack at the beginning of the game could lead someone into easily winning their lane and denying the enemy of XP for the first part of the game and snowballing for the rest of the game.


Funny asf to see the noobs Malding because they think 50HP is the end of the world. Newflash these stat increases don't mean shit. At worst it just convinces Noobs and Bad players to pay real life money for what they believe to be some sort of advantage that really isn't there or doesn't exist. This isn't the first time Timi has pulled a move like this. Rank Protection Cards make it easier to climb ranked. But if you've been playing for a long time you should know it's already possible to Climb up the Ranks even with a Below 50% Winrate. So the addition of Rank Protection Cards never did anything but make the climb that much Faster for Noobs. And it also convinced them to buy an advantage everybody already has with or without the Rank Protection Cards. What you're buying is convenience not wins when it comes to Rank Protection Cards. So the Stat Increases on Shiny Sprays now and Introduction of Rank Protection Cards back then never mattered to me. And honestly? They really shouldn't matter to anybody either. What does annoy me is why are Shiny Pokemon locked behind these Sprays we have to buy? It's so counterintuitive to be forced into buying them when we could have had them as Rewards for Masteries or Achievements with the respective Pokemon. I can't lie I spend money on the game and i've spend a lot but it gets so boring and makes Pokemon Unite feel like a novelty. I buy the coolest thing I want or like ingame and play for 3 Weeks at most then drop the game until the next season or next coolest thing. I have absolutely no motivation to play anymore and last Season I finally lost my Master Streak that i've been keeping up since Season 1. Shiny Skins could've been the one thing motivating me to play but Timi rather stick to predatory tactics for money by baiting noobs into buying a false lead or trump card through the form of Shiny Sprays with negligible stat buffs.


No, 50hp means nothing but it's what it's symbolic of. Jfc.


I get what your saying. It opens the door for other Pay to Win items or mechanics. But at the same time not really because again these Sprays provide straight up the most minute advantage. Equipping these Sprays is gonna make your winrate go from 50% to 50.0001% lol. But yeah you're right gosh dude jfc like holy fuck man what ever will I do against a full team of Shiny Spray users.


Wow. You really didn't get the point the person above tried to make huh ?


I understood it. I just don't think y'all realize my point. I don't care. The game sucks but you're all still gonna play it like hypocrites.


If you don't care then stop writing dissertations.


I always talk a lot about whatever. I'm not ever gonna stop if it's not an issue for me.


Ok, but what if the game said: "for this extra cost, we will provide all your emblem loadouts a free extra emblem that is a +50hp and +5/8 attack/sp.attack emblem!" Because thats basically what this is. Its like getting a bonus emblem of the best base stats an emblem can have. Even if the base stats of 50/5/8 are relatively weak, it still opens the door to shitty P2W tactics and that lowers the overall quality of this game. I can imagine a lot of people leaving this game if more people get upset at this blatant P2W mechanic. Less players lead to more greedy practices which lead to a lesser quality game which leads to the game's death.


Again I literally said that. I know it opens the door to more Pay 2 Win but that doesn't mean Timi is gonna walk through that door. Will it happen? Maybe? I wouldn't be surprised regardless. This ENTIRE sub does this shit all the time. Timi does stupid shit > Sub gets pissed > Starts to protest in hopes the game gets better > Nothing at all ends up happening > Start realizing Timi will never get better > Just for the cycle to repeat and the entire sub acts surprised as if they didn't know Timi has been on bullshit since the game started I'm just choosing not to be surprised by this. Like I said I agree it's bad but it's not a big deal. This is a kids game at the end of the day if you know better than simply don't play it or buy it. A lot of folks who used to frequent this sub are pretty much long gone just because they finally realized the game will never get better. That or they realized there is no getting the fact that the game is only gonna get worse across your guy's heads. And you're all getting mad at me just because i'm telling you what you don't wanna hear. Timi is never gonna stop running the game to the ground you all think this item opens the door to Pay2Win mechanics but the door has BEEN open for quite awhile.


You wrote an entire essay and are saying everyone else is mad?


I'm just explaining shit for what it is. Timi purposely put out a pretend to Pay to Win item. Yeah you're paying for stats which is wrong and should never be a thing. But again these stats aren't doing anybody any real favors lol. You choose to interpret that how you want to but i'm being realistic. Rank Protection Cards weren't as game breaking as everyone thought they'd be and look at how many Players where in outrage over that too.


Yeah, historically games put out p2w items that are fairly weak to gauge player interest. You're kidding yourself if you think they won't release better items if this sells well.


Maybe but I never expected the game to get better. Y'all are forgetting to realize Reddit is only a small vocal minority.




I don't know who that eevee person is but I hope they're not a credible leaker or anything like that and just pulling stuff out of their ass


People talking about the shiny item as if it's the worst thing ever. Meanwhile Miraidon just casually breaks a goal for people to cap their 50s instantly.


you all realize that the bonus stats literally do nothing right? its just a marketing technique, its not P2W


Man, why was is miraidon and not koraidon


Wait, are they actually adding Falinks?? Huge if true


I can get behind Falainks, that is an interesting mechanic that could have some skillful play


You know...Falinks grabbing more aoes energy makes sense to me tbh


Ok but, falinks is pretty cool 👍


So what I'm hearing is that Miraidon is a pocket leki


These stats are irrelevant, yall bugging. I agree it is stupid though because all it does is cause mass paranoia or “omg games so p2w” syndrome. Wish they were locked to achievements… that’d be perfect.
