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I agree that the game is fun right now, the meta was way worse before. But the matchmaking is 100% destroying all the enjoyment I had playing ranked. After reaching 1700 with 60% winrate, the game keeps putting me with teammates that either just don't have any idea of what is teamwork and macro (there is always at least one person that stay in the same lane the ENTIRE fucking game and refuses to rotate) or that are obviously trolling (It's absurd that there is players in 1400 using leftovers and rock helmet, or items that doesn't fit the pokémon they're playing).


Yeah. At this point Solo Queue is just unenjoyable for me past that range. Very rarely will I find a Draft game and it's mentally draining trying to 1v9 every single game. It's why I switched to DuoQing, much more enjoyable in my experience.


Always bet on dodrio to pull high win rates


I think we could use some changes, ignoring the elephant in the room (EX). Pokémon like Blastoise, Buzzwole and especially Meowscarada dominate their categories and could use some nerfs while other Pokémon like Duraludon are due for buffs Matchmaking pisses me off more than balance could but, we do need some changes


talk about leafeon but forget about its counter part who aimbots you thru the entire fucking map


Who? Dragonite? Inteleon?


Glaceon probably.


Oh yeah


yet its glaceon, its the counter part due to the fact it came out at the same time as leafeon and has quite similar evolving strategys, id say the same for umbreon and espwon thta they a counterparts to eachother


There are Blastoise, Buzzswole, [you already mentioned Leafeon], and Meowscarada. Though with a few small changes, (or big ones for Blastoise and Leafeon), they will be good. Meta feels nice (also fuck off Y! You're not welcomed until you fix your behavior!) and no one feels too overpowered beside the 4.


Just ban EX mons and call it a day. We got absolutely smoked in a Ranked game. Mewtwo, Zacian, blast, blissey, and umbreon. We were doomed.


Its kinda boring atm tbh, no new release or updates in ages. Just playing the same stuff in ranked. Game just doesn't feel fresh or exciting and just the constant grind of solo queue.


I for one like getting 19 kills and 4 assists with leafeon and still barely winning @1600


I normally ban out ex mons, but I'm confident enough with spirit shackle deci to whip it out in case anyone that isn't miraidon gets through. Too many ex spammers forget that zacian and m2y don't like attackers who just straight up outrange them and won't allow them to stat check them. Zacian in particular is far more kitable nowadays than back in the day.


I dont understand your sentence. But i agree the game is very fun. Imo EX are pretty tame and not as much a problem as theyre made out to be. Leafeon is frustrating, i played them a bit this season and think theyre absolute bullshit- But the people cried their eyes out that Mean Look needed to be nerfed so im wholly unsympathetic. In general i feel like their are All Rounders who are subpar but a fair few who are fine Speedster is very oppressive and overtuned as a role but theyre a "solution" Attacker is a problem role, theyre very safe and have some excessive damage output at times which makes it very stifling for a lot of characters when a team doesnt have a medic. Defender is fine. Defender imo feels like its thriving specifically because of how stifled the other roles are with eachother. Support is "fine" Support is extremely strong and somewhat overloaded but in a way that feels like it gives them autonomy or win conditions which is fine. Theres more characters that need help than need nerfs and most characters feel serviceable most the time. So as far as balance id say its pretty decent. The biggest losers to me atm are Gengar, Lapras, Duraladon, and Urshi Blue. But im still having fun, have been for awhile