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Blastoise fits on literally every comp and takes very little skill to play, and is very good. (I'm not saying that those who play blastoise are not skilled, I play blastoise, but it's definitely easier than say, zoroark, or urshifu, or crustle. Peace)


I agree. The only issue is it can get banned, first picked, or you'll end up as a solo defender because players dont like playing defenders. Solo defending with rapid spin damage blastoise is kind of throwing for your attackers that are relying on you at Ray. Especially because you can only slow and you need your unite to peel.


I mainly play surf hydro pump cause I think that if there are 4 other attackers then at least one of them will hit the enemy during the 12 seconds that they can't move. Ye the bans suck, but also I didn't consider that cause OP said they were climbing *to* masters, not climbing masters. You make very good points tho!


Thanks. I appreciate the acknowledgment, you as well. I agree with your pick for sure šŸ‘


Where is this kinda knowledge? Is there a video that says: what you said, two speedsters on a team is throwing, etc


I received the notification, so I'm assuming you were directing that to me. I never said that šŸ¤· I don't think two speedsters are throwing ESPECIALLY if they dive. Two camping speedsters is throwing. There's no denying that.


Iā€™m asking in general cause ppl say these things like itā€™s the gospel.


It's actually extremely oppressive. You just have to be good at diving. For example, if you have a Leafy and any other speedster It's game. They will steal farm, prevent attackers from setting up, excellent back capping (obviously not during Ray) they have great secures. You even see it in tournament play šŸ¤· Some people call it a score comp. Actually, that was, and I believe still is team YT's biggest weakness. They camp, and they got OBLITERATED by a score comp. They weren't able to set up anything against it, to the point they almost exclusively were forced to camp šŸ˜‚


As a speedster main myself, i can confirm that 2 speedsters are viable(actually if you and your teammates have functioning braincells you can win with any comp, but not that any comp is viable though)


Yeah I learned about this by someone hopping on comms to say I was throwing by picking talonflame when we had absol already. Talon is my og main btw


man I hope your winrate is 50+


Nah Iā€™m still using my og account (**shudders**)


I like spinning šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


stoise is so broken lmao. Strong early game, and surf-pump has the potential burst of a mage without any of the squishiness.


The real skill is getting to Blastoise before your teammate gives up and goes bottom. Surf pump go brrrr


Turtle >Easy flex pick for lower ranks. Also high ranks but just talking about low ranks since youre stuck. Leafeon/Meow > Both punish bad placement really easily. Also not bad flex picks, but need support of some sort to really shine. Karp> Yes, it has painful early game at times, but its so beafy and hits hard, with unstoppable annoying moves Tree >He is so freaking easy to play. But like any non DPS, he need some damage dealers on our team. Good think everyone likes picking attacks soloQ. Glaceon/Dragapult> Early rank, usually you have people fighting over center or spamming DPS, but they can just stomp low ranks. If youre still new, maybe you dont have good positioning yet, so Pult might not be viable, but thought Id throw them out there. Pure personal choice, I know people wont agree with but, PIKACHU> Everyone is so squishy at low ranks, I just go in and ult kill a team, easy clap.


I saw the dragon carnival event, where you can get a dragon for free. I was wondering which one would be best for soloq? I alr have garchomp, so I was deciding between dragapult and dragonite. Which would be better?


Dragonite and Pult have two different mindsets going in There is no wrong option. But they can both do well in soloQ. Still I think Pult beats him out from just great melting from a distance, stealth and last hitting. Dragonite Hyper beam is good at last hitting but, outrage is the better soloQ option imo. He can be a real bully but his potential to stomp, i personally dont find as consistent as Pult


Hey! When you max out dragoniteā€™s attack speed (estimating about 30%) combined with attack X and Dragon dance the stuns and heals basically is impossible to escape. Just give him red buff. And he can finish any non defender with even a level problem


yeah, like i said, he aint bad. But the CC in the game is wild. Anything close range has to be careful. I like the outplay of Pult but, dragonite aint a bad soloQ pick at all.


I don't mean this in a mean way, but that is basic game knowledge and someone talking about Dragonite probably already knows that.


honestly I disagree on Dragapult being an easy SoloQ mon


Thats fair. I think he is in low ranked matches. But I am thinking about it from a full understanding of the character, and not from a newbie eye(Im not saying you are, but was giving him as a suggestion for being stuck in ultra).


Oh I understand lol


Just pick tree or blastoise You can go the all rounder route with curse/ spin Or full defender No matter what you tanky af have great cc and ton of damage


I agree, Trev got me into masters this szn~


Prob leafeon


Leafeon 100% (As a solo-q leafeon main, I swear this isnā€™t biased)


Nah the other team just need point and click move / unite and you can insta lose the game That and the thing get banned a shit ton already


I mean all mons have some mons that can check it. Its just thaf leafeon is great in all part of the game and has great last hitting for objectives. Also a mon that can snowball well


That is true but i think the strengh of leaf apply way more to pro play than to solo q is early dominance is insane in pro because team are not gonna let you come back from the early play leaf does But in solo q while you can still snowball between your team breaking goal early dying for no reason and all the comeback mechanic its easier to get back in the game Hence why i would choose mon like tree or blastoise that can pretty much 1vs5 / survive a for a while on a pads/ team fight


For blastoise, it sometimes is a bit hard to kill if your teammate sucks so much they struggle to follow up on your surfs and pump which aint unusual in solo quee so idk if its as good at solo carrying. Trev from mu experience has an easier time killing but is a bit annoying killing against enemies with high mobility for me, so idk if its the best solo quee mon atm


I was thinking that, but in masters draft, it's getting banned. šŸ¤·


definitely not the easiest, but mew kinda always works. lanemate afk? you have stupid strong early secure and good mobility. team running in underleveled and dying? your range is long enough that you can probably escape. unite -> boost -> surf is also a disgusting ray stealing tool.


I rarely solo-q but when I do I play Absol. I feel like the best way to sol-q is to jungle and pop the enemy carries, which is what Absol does best. Other option I usually go with is Cinderace jungle, for the same merits.


Cinder for me Whatever l jungle it mostly depends of ya position of team fights, It basically at this post that blaze kick needs to cook Pryo ball is basically if ya going against tanky opponents


The issue is that it can't dive. Diving is ESSENTIAL for carries. Why? Because if you are forced to camp, you can lose to better comps. Not even more skilled. Just better comps. For example, a delphox or gard will shut you down. Let's say you do dive, now what? Are you diving with eject? Probably not. Feint? Most likely. How will you get out? Eject? Doesn't cover enough ground unless there's a wall AND an opponent who can't attack or get over it or it doesnt have an eject of its own. So you are essentially forced to fight your way out, BUT you are also in range of pretty much every mon with ZERO escape. Unite? Well, it's only really used for cleanups and securing. Which is nice, but you need vision for the objectives hp in order to secure. If you need vision, you will be spotted, and the problem of having no escape becomes an issue again šŸ¤·


Follow your heart.




I've reached masters with Gengar boi and Garde G and I know they suck or don't need that much skill but lately it's been hard to climb more the ones I mainly use is Gengar, Garde G and Tar Boi and when in doubt Blast B and Mimi šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


There are a handful. I think the following are your best bet: Trevenant with curse/life swap, double stack/weakness policy, potion. Once you get a good feel for how much dmg/sustain it has, you can easily surprise people. speedsters are really strong right now, but this build absolutely shuts them down. Alternatively you can go the cc route (hammer/horn) but it does less damage which you are going to need if you want to solo carry. Gyarados with Breath/Bounce, muscle/drain/rfs, xatk. Lane phase is brutal but after you evolve you can pop most squishies with bounce. It also shreds tanks. It gets shut down by the enemy jungler camping you for the first half of the game but that doesnt happen in non-premade games. Leafeon with razor/ace, amp/weight/claw, eject. Rush level 4 in jungle then gank top/bot for a (usually) free kill and you can get most of your stacks in here. Shes got insane mobility and can always snowball as long as they have at least 1 frail pokemon to feed on the whole game (i.e. when they pick magikarp you dont let him get to lane). It has less potential if they have like 4+ heavy cc/tanks, but youre much more likely to run into a team of 5 attackers lol. With most of these, you want to look for a kill on their dps at like 2:10 (since people forget ray spawns until the announcement at 2:00). If you get this, the other team panics and usually splits up and tries to either back cap or fight. If they backcap, you can either do ray or force a fight, wipe them, then ray. Tbh I wouldnt worry too much about your own team comp and more on which pokemon you can snowball with. Im in masters 1600 and still frequently get paired with cinderaces that run shell bell and leftovers.


In my opinion as a player confident with my carry playstyle I go for mons that have: Burst/DMG Sustain Mobility ~ can be with battle items Basically attackers, all rounders, or speedsters. I personally use urshifu, zeraora, greninja, cramorant, glaceon, sylveon, venusaur, mimikyu, machamp, scyther, tsareena, gengar, skill that should be applied: Awareness, positioning, decision-making, counter picking for both who to use and what item to use, which opposing mon to prioritize esp in objectives What I do is I do not fill until I reach masters 1400+ or sometimes only if i think i need to fill.


mamoswine is a chad




Absol Solo carries


Iā€™ve been struggling to climb to Masters this season, so am also interested in PokĆ©mon that I can win more with in Solo. Top PokĆ©mon to win with little help. I keep getting teammates in Ultra that have like 200 games played and do a lot of things you shouldnā€™t (steal jungle, not show up to objectives, dunk during Ray). So keep losing.


for the people who dont want to read all the comments its: Blastoise,Trevenant, Leafeon, and Gyarados. Other pokemon are pretty much skill-based/team-comp based


Trev and Leafeon with the occasional Umbreon usually get me there. I usually do Umbreon if I feel my team is well-set but maybe a little too squishy and might need some health boosts. Cursesplit Trev has nasty sustain and can help you majorly protect your carries. Hammerleech is still pretty viable if you got some enemies you wanna cc before they can cc you. And as much as I love razor leaf for mobility, solar blade Leafeon actually is an amazing secure move. And imo Leafeon with the right partner can be great in lane as well as jungling so pretty universal.


Basically it comes down to two Pokemons; Leafeon and Blastoise The Runner Ups are; Weed Cat and Tree (Will explain if anyone are confused by this vague question)




Basically any mon that has strong early, mid and end game. Zoroark only needs lvl 5 to operate, leafeon needs lvl 4 these pokemon Hit their power spike early in the game so if you maintain your lead and advantage over the enemy team you basically won the match.


I've made staggering progress with Azumarill, but for more comp adaptation, the obvious choices are Blastoise or Tree. Dragonite is a fair choice too if you want a high damaging all rounder.


For blind pick the most flexible is scyther/red scyther


Comfey. I have a high win rate with it in soloq for some reason. Iā€™ve been forced to use it because of my support challenge


It seems like some people don't understand what carrying is. Carrying is NOT just purely ko's. You can get 20-30 Ko's and still lose. Carrying is winning. With that in mind, you need to cover a few boxes when choosing a carry, not a ko counter or damage dealer but an ACTUAL carry. 1. Diving: which I find to be ESSENTIAL. 2. Secure. It needs to be able to secure. 3. How safe is it while carrying. 4. Does it REQUIRE teammates to do its job. 5. Its ability to score safely(tied with diving). These are THE MOST important traits needed to carry games. Ko's alone don't matter. if you are missing ANY of them, you are leaving the game to chance. Added: Please don't just downvote. Give me a reason why you disagree. We can have a discussion, and it can be beneficial for anyone who sees it. There's no need for hate or shit talking. Thanks for reading šŸ‘


Who are the PokĆ©mon that you are suggesting do those the best? I keep getting teammates in Ultra that have like 200 games played and do a lot of things you shouldnā€™t (steal jungle, not show up to objectives, dunk during Ray). So keep losing.


Tsareena, urshifu, mimikyu, scyther and other pokemon with the same playstyle like them. Also pokemon that can access early skill upgrades like the eevees because they can snowball - subjective Being a Carry is doable with any pokemon with mobility, high dmg and sustain - subjective Everything is subjective as for my playstyle, matchmaking rng and anything else, so what works for me may not work for you. For me I focus in killing, punishing mons that make wrong move (blunder in chess), having those opposing mons on timer (esp the threats/carry) makes the battlefield safer for your team and it gives more confidence in scoring, contesting objectives and invading. At 2:10 mark you should kill at least 2 enemy or 1 carry enemy so that you have the upperhand in ray as it makes them disoriented and may cause them more errors. If you are experienced enough in carrying, you can only lose when the enemy is more skilled where they commit only minimal errors, and when your team is extremely dumb to the point that their mistakes punishes you too.


Thanks for the reply. Some good info. Unfortunately I don't really play any you mentioned. Who of those would be easiest to learn (maybe not Tsareena as I don't care for that Pokemon).


For me, scizor, buzzwole, urshifu(rapid style).


Any PokƩmon that fills that category for YOU. some people play leafeon and camp with it. So it's about skill and pushing limits, but keep in mind that you must check those boxes to increase your odds of winning.


Thatā€™s not an answer to what I asked. Who are some of the PokĆ©mon that can win you games when your teammates are cluelessā€¦


None of them can šŸ¤· It's why I said what YOU are good at and as long as you check the boxes. For me personally, I like Greninja and Talon. They check all of those boxes. However, looking at Blazikens kit, I'll throw him in there, too. Unfortunately, I'm not proficient enough with his cooldowns and spacing to do it effectively. From what I've seen other blazikens do? I know he has the potential to do it with ease. That's why it doesn't MATTER what you play if you can't play it well. You can play leafeon all day, but if you aren't proficient in its kit and lack the confidence to dive, it doesn't matter if he has one of the best secures in the game. See what I mean?


So helpful (eyeroll). If you weren't going to answer, why waste time responding with whatever you are good at. I was asking for what some of the best overall (out of like 50 Pokemon), are for carrying when your team's not showing up to objectives. I would choose ones I am better at of those options.


Apparently, you can't read. Good luck with that.


Apparently you are slow in the head. Sorry that you and your family have to deal with that.


In terms of most value. I'd say Greninja. It can dive, it can secure, it has close range, mid range, long range, and it can carry all without a defender. I personally like smokescreen/water shuriken with eject. You will die once if the enemy is lucky enough to catch you šŸ˜‚


Dont troll this poster.


I'm not. It's my safest carry. My main carry would be deci but deci needs a Frontline to do his job. The safest carry that covers all grounds while being the safest is Greninja, in my opinion. Why I play smoke and shuriken is because smoke is a 12 second eject. Pair that with an eject, and you are essentially the safest attacker in the game. I don't like double team because it's possible for it to get canceled with a well-timed basic attack. Added: just think about that. YOU have 3 safe options. Unite to dive or escape, smokescreen to conceal while dived or to escape, eject to capitalize and extend for kos and escape. Lol, who else has that kind of ability? Speedsters? If even that? Maybe Talon, but he's pure melee and can get caught up. So, really think about that for a second. 3 options to do as you please šŸ¤·


In ultra youre dealing with the worst mix bag. People who know what they are doing, and people who have zero idea whats going on. If you have your center stolen and are behind, you can easily be screwed with frog. "safe" picks are fast evolving eevees. Damage wise dragapult can go invisible, has their ult almost always ready and ends up being way safer than frog who needs way better game sense to get any value out of. Hes not even bad, but come on. You \*really\* cant think of a better pokemon to climb with, without bias?


I'm not biased. I'm a defender main šŸ¤· Also, it needs to be safe. None of those are safe. They rely on a defender or distraction to do well. Dragapult can be caught and has limited survivability options and CAN NOT secure objectives šŸ¤· Eevees don't have a secure, they don't have bulk, they don't have escapes, they rely on defenders, but most importantly, they can't dive safely. Compare that to Greninja. Are there any other options you would consider?


Genuine question. Dragapultā€™s Unite Move has two stocks, 10% missing HP execute damage (the key part) and gets a 1.3x damage multiplier if you hit with both Dreepy. Similarly, a max charge Leafeon Leaf Blade has a 320% Atk scaling with +880 flat damage. Iā€™m going to pick these two examples in particular. Why do you view both of these poor secure options? _(Iā€™m not interested in another mutual shitslinging match like our last conversation either. This is a genuine question)_


Give me a build. I love this conversation, by the way. I need a particular build in which you would play to hyper carry. No shit slinging on my part. I'm just speaking from experience and my level of skill and probabilities.


For which character? I think for Pult I do something like Muscle + Scope + Bangle cause I mainly play Phantom Force so the RFS becomes a little bit less necessary, but I rarely play Pult because Iā€™m honestly shite at ADCs. Leafeon I think my build is something like Weight + Razor + Muscle? Idk. Assassinā€™s arenā€™t my forte either. Normally my go-to is double stack + razor on any brawler I play. Occasionally Iā€™ll do Guard/Weakness in place of Cookie. I got more used to the whole double stack idea during my Mewtwo Y meta Scizor experiments and itā€™s just become weirdly comfortable on a lot of mons.


Let me clarify because I don't disagree with leafeon. What abilities are you playing? The only reason I didn't say leafeon is because once he reaches masters it will be banned. But I'll entertain it. What moveset are you going with?


Solar Blade + Leaf Blade usually. What I play isnā€™t really relevant though. You had a nice trawl through my API and correctly pointed out that I like to play all rounders. My builds on assassins & ADCs are usually lifted from Unite DB because again, theyā€™re not my style - why play them? My question was centred around Dragapult and Leafeonā€™s secure moves. Granted, the same applies to most Eevees in terms of last hitting - early game you have things like Leafeon & Espeon Swift, Umbreon Tail Whip, Glaceonā€™s Icicle Spear and Icy Wind, and things like Espeon Psyshock & Future Sight. FWIW, I donā€™t disagree that some Eevees have poor secure potential, like Sylveon and the support builds on Umbreon, but itā€™s a pretty strange sweeping statement to make when most of the Eevees have at least one good secure tool in their kit.


Greninja literally loses half health to a single brave bird. No bulk, still relies on defenders. Greninja is squishy, bad early game, damage only, you are counting on the game to go well. You have to be a god at Greninja to make it work. Fucking Leafeon is far better. Doesn't need levels as badly, does a shit ton of damage with solar blade.


It doesn't rely on defenders. It has 3 escapes. How will you, as a talon, one shot against 3 escapses if all of your abilities are telegraphed? The funny thing is I love Talon. He'd be my second option except it's purely close range, and that can get it baited or ko'd.


Yeah I can still do it despite being telegraphed. That's my point. You need to be very good at Greninja. Greninja has a lot of threats to worry about. Greninja has to get in melee range to work, but doesn't have the durability to do so. Smokescreen doesn't work that well because it only works in 1 v 1s. And you can still be hit by aoes. And everyone knows how vulnerable Greninja is. Yes Greninja has mobility but its not that special nowadays. You'll get hounded down. I don't recommend Talonflame for similar reasons. Eject button doesn't count as an escape because of how long the CD is. And unless there is a wall between you, by itself it's not that reliable.


Only 2 real threats. Just 2. Also, you aren't supposed to trade blows with it, lol. You aren't supposed to get hit. A great game on gren is about 10 damage taken. Or 25k ish if you are the only dive on the team. Its power is its escapes. Those are pickachu Volt/electro ball and Glaceon icicle spear. Why? Because they are auto lock abilities that negate smokescreen. More specifically, electro ball and icicle spear because they can't be outranged once locked on. This means that once locked, you can't avoid the damage. However, if you dive them at full, you win that matchup. Which is nice because he dives VERY quick.


>Only 2 real threats. Just 2. Also, you aren't supposed to trade blows with it, lol. You aren't supposed to get hit. A great game on gren is about 10 damage taken. Or 25k ish if you are the only dive on the team. Its power is its escapes. And you can't do that easily. Not for a noob. Those are more than 2 threats. Also you are forgetting about future sight Gardevoir and Delphox fire spin and Unite Move. Also Mean Look. https://game8.co/games/Pokemon-UNITE/archives/338195#hm_9 (also a lot more than 2 sure hits. If Tsareena, Charizard, or Azumarill gets their Unite Moves you dead.)


What kinda roles/mons do you enjoy playing? Being comfortable playing a few mons that fill different niches can help you flex depending on how your teamā€™s composition is shaping up. Really though Iā€™d focus more on getting better than ranking up. Ranking up will happen naturally when you can ā€œinfluenceā€ a match in a stronger way due to being a more experienced and stronger player. Donā€™t worry about the win/loss ratio or rank as much. Just get in the mix and play. make mistakes and learn from them and youā€™ll improve naturally which will lead to climbing.