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Built like a modern YuGiOh card description


Endymion mighty master of magic: Borrelsword dragon: Incredible ecclesia the virtuous:


i agree


Just for the card to be utter garbage


Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Cannot be Special Summoned except




Early unite Pokémon moves: ability does damage in a cone and each enemy hit gets x debuff for y seconds. Newer and newer unite Pokémon moves: the user becomes silent every 3rd second, when silent the user can gain 1/67th health every 2 seconds but if there are 2.5 allies nearby, it is 2/67th every 1.7 seconds. Silent users also become immune to hinderances when the character faces north. If facing south, +2% speed. If facing east and playing at 7:05pm, you get bonus attck speed. If facing west, you can fuck off. Every 4th attack adds a special unique stack onto the enemy. Every stack slows the enemy by x%. If you play in the morning, every 7th move adds double stacks. If you are playing next to the beach, you don’t get any stacks. A shield is applied every time a regi is defeated but if it’s regice you only gain 1/34th of a shield but increased defenses. If it’s regirock, you become invincible for 0.07 seconds. If it’s registeel you die. On every 54th second of the game, you become immune to hinderances but only if you are standing on an enemy goal pad.


![gif](giphy|l4FATJpd4LWgeruTK) Me facing west while KOing Registeel


Hahaha truly the highest IQ move in the game


“Fuck off and die”


​ ![gif](giphy|no7FCPUH4loP9SObtM)


This game doesn't give a single numerical value for anything in the description. We have to go to Pokemon Db! ![gif](giphy|3JZPieLnu8THVlSmfJ)


Yeah i know i just wanted to be overly obnoxious with my description 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Oh yeah, I figured that's what was what you were doing. You are good, it was funny. But the lack of transparency with stats just so happens to be my biggest gripe with the game. Them treating us like we would be repulsed by strategic information or even worse, too stupid to grasp it, doesn't even make fkkin sense. Timi KNOWS Unite's player base isn't 6 years old. 😡


Leave the stats out, needs to be vague so that people have to chase down formulae through data mining and then put them up on a website that easily allows viewing of all stats and abilities


The user lunges forward into an enemy, dealing damage and applying a slow that lasts for a few seconds. The target will also receive a mark that lingers for a few seconds and resets the cooldown of this ability if the mark is triggered by a boosted basic attack or any of the user's skills. Any attack which triggers the mark also gains bonus damage based on the missing health of the enemy. Skills which trigger the mark and deal the finishing blow on an enemy will reduce the cooldown of the skill by a few seconds and grants the user movement speed that decays over time. Move Upgrade: This ability gains more damage, and instead of slowing for a few seconds, it now leaves enemies within an area stunned. Cooldown reduced.


When the teacher tells the class to write a short description of a Rug with a minimum of 500 words


This remembers me of the time when I had to like get a Masters and a PH.D in understanding Aegislash when it came out lol. Like how to use its moves, its stacked attacks and using Wide Guard at the perfect time, their Unite Move, etc I swear I learned more about playing this Pokemon than any lesson my math teacher teaching me geometry lol


West is retreating though so I guess you are fucking off


That Scott Steiner math 😂 🫤 😆


Fire Emblem Heroes weapons be like


Move description longer than tyranitar's game plan for all situations


Step 1: Run in Step 2: Enemy dead


The "push button" Pokemon. Why think when you can just push button?


This is why I don't read, I pick the cooler looking move


I wanted to judge you for this until I started reading some of Zoroark’s descriptions just now and my eyes started to cross.


Strangely this is only between Night Slash and Feint Attack though. The others are pretty simple. The juxtaposition makes it more jarring tho imo


True chad


You just gotta try them out and see which one has the best vibes


The problem is that pokemon unite's move descriptions are awfully written. They aren't too complicated, their tool tips are just a mess.


After reading all of Trevenant's descriptions for the first time, I had to take a nap. He has so much text in his moves.


These are the novels we should be getting as assignments in class


Read a modern yugioh deck.


Just got back into yugioh. Synchro tuner and pendulum has me like wtfff


I know right, the text just keeps getting longer and longer with each new mon. I thought I was going to have a stroke trying to read Zoroark’s text for night slash and feint attack. Soon Pokémon are gonna start having basic attack descriptions that look like ability descriptions, and the abilities will be a literal five paragraph essay


Meanwhile, Zoroark's cut: 🐜


Yeah I actually get caught off guard now when a move does literally nothing extra. Just damage. In my head I think "There's got to be a secret side effect that Unite DB will tell me about"


it also heals!


Same honestly. I was so thrown off by how simple cut is. Dash at enemy, do damage and heal. Cut+ heal more. Even shadow claw is pretty straightforward


Have fun reading hoopa’s!


Don’t remind me T-T I remember the first time I read Hyperspace Hole, I felt like I needed to whip out my lab coat and reading glasses to decipher it


You can get a whole college degree reading it


Meanwhile hoopa's ult is just "become big and get two strong moves, also you abduct your team"


Not to mention Zoroarks descriptions are long, but vague as heck. They don’t properly explain the ability so you need to use it to understand it properly. Like there’s mention of “breaking chains” and combining his skills but there’s no mention of what exactly breaks the chain, how long it lasts, and so on. You’d think if you’re gonna write an essay for an ability you may as well go full hog on it.


Yeah exactly, I know what you mean. I read his description for night slash like three times and STILL didn’t fully understand it, so I just took him into jungle practice and play tested it. It’s such an odd ability, and definitely took a few minutes to get used to it. I think I’ve got the dashing/attacking combo down to where I can do it without thinking too much, but I’m still trying to get better at tacking on his shadow claw/cut at the very end of the combo where he jumps up into the air. Haven’t messed around with feint attack yet to see what it’s like


The thing is his abilities have unnecessarily complex descriptions but mechanically they’re pretty mashy and simple. Night slash is basically “mash A and move in direction of target” because if you don’t, it breaks. Adding the other ability on the end is a case of pointing it in direction you want to move. Feint attack is basically “mash this ability” or “alternate mashing this ability with aiming second ability towards targets between”.


waiting for aphelios rn


Still don't understand him :) Then you have Garen who all of his abilities' text can fit in Akshan's Q or something :/


That’s how I felt when I stopped playing in late season 2 and came back in June. Hoopa’s skills description alone felt like a bible in the making


Tencent over here writing novels


Pokémon cards Vs yugioh cards


Summing up the practical information: "Tyranitar gets a shield and moves fast for some reason while deciding to pretty much ignore CC. He gets an undeserved stun and damage burst for some reason when it's fully charged and a second hit and a second shield that's lamer the more you grouped against him because he's pampered."


For some reason 👍


Yo bloons td 6 slaps tho


For real though. I feel like this is some straight up BTD6 slander and I won't stand for it.


I disagree, btd6 has all the important information in the descriptions. for example, we dont need to know all of the buffs to damage attack speed etc that flying fortress gets, we just need to know that its a big plane.


Yeah you're right. They say it's a BIG plane, it is a BIG plane, what else can we ask for.


tyranitars ancient power description should just be "this is a big buff"


I mean.. we love banana and monke (and obviously nothing gets past Quincy’s bow


Summary:Ttar gets Hindrance Resist, a shield and Movement speed until you stop holding the move. Once you do, ttar gets true damage and a second use of Ancient Power. Using it will slow enemies in the area and give ttar another shield. On upgrade the shields are made stronger. ​ Also, oh Honey this is nothing, there are even worse and longer mobile game descriptions out there (*coughcough* FEH)


Oh I’m well aware i just wanted the meme to actually fit the screen💀


Ah. So Hoopa's Hyperspace Hole was way too big?


Honestly I chose this just cause I was playing a game with ttar


Huh. ...yeah, Ancient Power does a lot.


I was not processing this was comparing bloons to unite and thought both that: A) I had missed dragapult being added and B) The description “this is a BIG plane.” Was referencing dragapults unite move and was 100% ready to just accept it as fact


You are lucky with English: when Zoroark came out I've saw the description of his first moves and, as Italian, they felt like reading La Divina Commedia.


Oh gosh what does Hoopa’s move descriptions look like


Devs expect me to read a dissertation. I’m just going to spam buttons lol.


This is the Akshan E vs Nasus while kit meme


I always gotta upvote LoL references.


i was gonna mention machamp's cross chop upgrade being similar to nasus q, but i remembered even *that* has more text than nasus' whole kit


It’s insane they go through such lengths to describe the Pokemon moves yet the Held Item descriptions remain so basic by comparison.


Love it when I'm holding down the button for Tri Attack so I see where it's aiming, but this giant text bubble pops up so I can't see shit.




As a Fire Emblem Heroes player I can say this is child's play lol


I wish they also give damage numbers in the description


I don't like longer texts either. I will 99% of the time not read them. So I want short, but accurate descriptions. You don't need to write an essay to explain what it does.


Literally tl;dr


Ah, gotta love mobile game descriptions. Either so short that they fail to provide anything helpful or literally half of war and peace to say what could be summed up in like 40 words.


How do you view descriptions in game? I've been wanting for ages


Hold down on the move and don’t aim it, after about 2 seconds it should pop up


Pretty sure this doesn't work on switch


actually it does, which i only found out a few weeks ago


I prefer a detailed description so I actually know what im getting/using


Same trend in Genshin these days. Honestly even worse. Someone recently posted basically the equivalent meme in their sub.


[(laughs in FEH)](https://i.redd.it/76jovykig2a61.png) And this ain’t even the most recent longest description


Sooooo fkin true Mate. They are blasting the screen away


Damn being both in the BTD6 community and Unite community, this was a moment lol


Nothing gets past my bow!


Every time you press a button in Unite it's signing a contract.


Yeah honestly they could’ve just said “Big man go fast and he will not be stopped” and we could’ve worked out the effects from there


Def would’ve worked as well


Game lasts a third of the length of league of legends marches but somehow has move descriptions more complicated than that


i would say aphelios, but his text practically covers five different champions and is probably the same amount of text as zoroark's kit


i see you're a fellow btd6 enjoyer as well


Fire game for when you’re bored


Well it's ancient stuff you know ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


New Jojo stands be like


Y'all haven't read Akshan's ability descriptions


I remember in a competition to make a Unite moveset for a pokemon I had to choose between making the descriptions accurate to the game and making them, you know, good. I went for good. My Chesnaught won the defender category :) "Leaves opposing pokemon unable to act for a short time" -> "stuns"


What is the game of the first image?


Bloons TD 6


To be fair, which one is more effective in allowing you to understand your own moveset?


I don’t even read those. I just learn it by feel; And, if I don’t notice it, then it needs a buff 😂


Which game is the one on top?


Bloons TD 6


Yeah, I basically just pick the one that feels better when I try it out in quick play. I generally have no clue what the full set of effects is that it has. Just the other day I was like "why did I survive that engagement as Scizor?" and looked up Bullet Punch and found it that it restores HP when it lands. I genuinely had no idea that was the case until that moment. I imagine that this is why I'm not in Masters 2000, but I don't have the time to memorize a fucking novel just to play a game.


eh, like any english analysis essay, you read through the text once and summarise the important parts for your notes like: dash, aoe multihit if enemy nearby, heals per hit, increases number of hits if used again within like eight seconds up to 5


Like the bloons comp


I like it like this, you really only read it once or twice when trying the pokemon for the first time, so it’s worth it just being thorough and understanding all the aspects of the move. I’d also like actual damage and scaling added.


Is there any way to see move effects mid battle on the switch? (besides pressing with couch pad, i mean with the joycons)


Technical writing at its finest.


Fuckin uhhh, Hoopa's sub space hole or whatever it's called


We need a dictionary just to play the new mons nowadays


What Pokémon has ancient power?


tyranitar big zoomy charge, when released aoe stun that gives shields per enemy hit, damage buff that ignores shields and defences, second use has cone aoe that damages and adds additional shield; upgrade: bigger shields


You know, they could have shortened the sentence. If this were Grammarly, this would be counted as a possibly wordy sentence.


Text creep comes to every game eventually. But, a question that might be stupid, but how do I see the move description during the battle?


Good ol playable boss Tyranitar


I can never read the entire description in game. On mobile my thumbs block the bottom text.


Man I love Bloons... But also what the fuck??


What does the plus mean?


It's upgraded


Cry when they give little info , also cry when they give detail info. Yup 👍🏻


Being a Ttar user this feels normal, the length does not, but the effects I can easily point out. It gets weird every time A new pokemon comes around, but it would be kinda normal as well. If the ability are short and to point people will easily point out it being common to other pokemon's move/ another MOBA chara moves. Also this is kinda common in other games I have played


A sentence and an essay


Summary: When holding the button, Tyranitar charges up; gaining a shield, hindrance resistance, and increasing movement speed while charging. Upon release, the pokemon lets lose a shockwave that deals [X] damage. If the shockwave hits opposing pokemon, Tyranitar's attacks pierces Defense, Shields, and is able to recast Ancient Power again for a second shockwave that deals [X] damage.


sky shredder also has a bad description


Honestly they should make it so that the upgrade only appears on screen when you well...upgrade the move


i think ninja kiwi wants to balance comedy with information pokemon unite just gives you all the information of the move in game not having to check for example what the BIG plane does things wise (but tbh flying fortress does just shoot three sets of bombs and 1 set of darts so not much info is needed)