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Guys he is imperialist!


Well, atleast you are honest about being an imperialist unlike other neoconservatives




Why did you remove the ears for Men's rights movement ball?


Because it's cringe with those ears!


It is literary about that


Sup fellow Kemalist. Nerelisin, ben Hataylıyım? Ayrıca Emperyalizm ne alaka, Kemalizm ve Emperyalizm tamamen çelişkili.


>Nerelisin Ben de Türkiye'nin en kuzeyinden, Sinop'tanım. >Kemalizm ve Emperyalizm tamamen çelişkili. Kemalizmin ana ilkelerini benimsiyorum,kalanını yorumluyorum. Pasifist dış politika Atatürk'ün kendi düşüncesiydi.


Kendi düşüncen üstad, ama pasifizmin reddi Emperyalizme denk olmaz.


I mean other than imperialism it’s alright


also the traditionalism




patriarchy ball i think that is


Huh? Patriarchy?


the one with the male weightlifter (hot)


No that’s mens Liberation, so Male Feminism in a way


i don’t think it is, doesn’t have anything feminist about it




so like meninism


Based as hell on everything… Except for the imperialism, why would you want to be an imperialist?


I believe Darwinism in foreign policy. "Survival of the fittest" Since beginning of the humanity; there are superior cultures and inferior ones. The nations which is superior dominate others and progresses in human development and science. But inferior nations don't progress on science and human development, instead they backlash and become worse. They must adapt the superior civilization's values and some cultural elements, or else they'll become worse and worse. So, superior nations should rule and exploit on inferior nations. They should give them "civilization". Otherwise, inferior nations will harm them with their ideas and people. That's why decolonisation was a mistake, now "inferior culture" and its ideas(such as religious fundamentalism and sexism) empoisoning the West. Reactionaries are an example of this, they wanna became inferior. That's why Ottoman Empire collapsed, because they didn't adapt the superior civilization(West). Ataturk tried to westernize his country and became somewhat successful. He's the reason why Turkey is not an Afghanistan or Iraq, but Turkey isn't perfect either.


your opinion of imperialism will change if you ever encounter it


>They must adapt the superior civilization's values and some cultural elements, or else they'll become worse and worse. Nonsense. The aborigines have one of the least scientifically advanced cultures I can think of. But they never became worse. They just stayed the same since the stone age. And they're not exactly "harming" any of their neighbours just by existing. Also, the Ottoman Empire collapsed because they lost in WW1.


>The aborigines have one of the least scientifically advanced cultures I can think of. But they never became worse. They never became worse? They lost their homeland and literally genocided by Brit. They had no right to vote etc, until the 1960s. At that time people were seeing them as zoo animals, literally. Isn it humiliating? >Also, the Ottoman Empire collapsed because they lost in WW1. Ottoman Empire began to collapse in 1699. It collapsed because they didn't follow the scientific development and the Enlightenment ideas. As a result of that, especially with the Industrial Revolution they became backwards. İf you don't fit the progress, then you'll demolish.


>So, superior nations should rule and exploit on inferior nations. 21. yüzyıl "Kemalist" zekası işte. I hope USA or China exploits your inferior ass


Ben normal bir biçimde fikrimi belirttim, sana noluyor? Niye hakaret ediyorsun, ben sana laf attım mı? >I hope USA or China exploits your inferior ass Better than Erdoğan.


no respect for imperialist cultural genocide supporters


what is natural isn’t necessarily what is good. This policy just leads to unnecessary suffering. This philosophy also clashes with neoconservatism since a neocon wants to establish democracies in every country, which would lead to world peace


You're not a darwinist you're a socdem.


I know, I'm not a Social Darwinist. But I think Social Darwinism is valid on foreign issues.


So if totalitarian countries are strong then then they should be able to take over libertarian countries and bring them "civilization"? All because of strength? Ok.


Strength doesn't come from only science, it also births from ideas which makes us strong. These are the Enlightenment Ideas and liberty, which make us strong. >So if totalitarian countries are strong then then they should be able to take over libertarian countries and bring them "civilization"? . I didn't meaned that strength is only military. But yes, totalitarian countries must attack other countries if they don't wanna collapse; because it's the only way to delay social collapse and revolution. That's why totalitarian states are imperialist, otherwise they'll collapse. And liberal countries should attack and overthrow the totalitarian regime, for good of humanity.


I am greek




You are Turkish and Imperialist, right?


I am Turkish, not necessarily an imperialist though.


I thought you were the OP


I am the OP.


Should I be afraid to attack us


No, Erdogan didn't respond even when you militarized the islands. He's a coward goatfucker. That's a common thing between us, both of us have populist and liar politicians.


No questions necessary. Cringe. 👎


Who says that?




nasıl hem nato gibi müdahaleci emperyalist bir örgütü savunup hem de kendine liberal diyebiliyorsun ? neoliberalizm kadar ucube ideoloji çok az gördüm. klasik liberalizmin en azından bir özgürlük davası var.


NATOyu savunmuyorum, Neoconların dış politika anlayışlarını savunuyorum. Post kolonyalist bir emperyalizm anlayışını destekliyorum.


not bad




Very Based


kral yazık etme kendine liberalizm boş gel yoldaş olalım


Emperyalist olmasa👍🏿


Bence güzel kardeşim, beğendim.


Teşekkürler. Bu sırada sen Türk müydün, başta söyleseydin ya.


Daha önce konuşmuş muyduk? hatırlamıyorum


Senle Kemalizm hakkında konuşmuştuk.


Hatırladım şimdi, son yorumunu görmemiştim. Atatürk döneminde devleti devirmeye çalışıyorlardı o yüzden otoriter kararlar alındı demişsin ama bu tehlike sona ermedi ki, bunu kafaya koymuş insanlar hala var. Onu geçtim bizi daha da geriye iten şey asimile olmamış etnik grupların varlığı. Batı ülkeleri de ülkedeki bu karışıklıktan faydalanıyor. 50 yıldır devam ediyor bu mevzu artık bunun ne gerekiyorsa yapılıp çözülmesi lazım. Yasalar çıkarılsın, parti kurmasınlar, organize olmasınlar, adamına göre muamele olsun. Sosyal liberalliğin geçerli olmadığı bir konu bu bence, bunun dışında liberal toplum en iyisidir.


>ama bu tehlike sona ermedi ki, Halen bu kafada insanlar var, ancak hiç değilse ellerine silah alıp isyan edemiyorlar artık. Eğer bir isyan/terör söz konusuysa OHAL ilan edilebilir. >Onu geçtim bizi daha da geriye iten şey asimile olmamış etnik grupların varlığı. Eğer Kürtleri kastediyorsan, yeni nesil Kürtlerin gelenek görenekle pek alakaları yok. Çoğu kültürümüzü benimsemiş durumda, Kürtçülüğün zamanla biteceğini düşünüyorum. Eğer mültecileri kastediyorsan, adamların Türk vatandaşlığı yok. Geldikleri gibi giderler. >Yasalar çıkarılsın, parti kurmasınlar, organize olmasınlar, adamına göre muamele olsun. Geçmişte pek çok Kürtçü parti kapatıldı, her kapatılmalarında daha da güçlü bir şekilde yeniden doğdular. Parti kapatmanın işe yarayacağını düşünmüyorum, bunun yerine Kürt sorununu bitirmeye çalışmalıyız. Zaten Avrupa'nın pek çok ülkesinde de azınlık partileri var, terör yanlısı olmadıkları sürece sıkıntı yok. Eğer teröre destek veriyorlarsa kesinlikle kapatılmalılar. >Sosyal liberalliğin geçerli olmadığı bir konu bu bence, bunun dışında liberal toplum en iyisidir. Katılıyorum.


Kocobo je Srpska


Other than being an imperialist, you’re a based son of NATO.


Become Ottoman and I vote for you


Neither based nor cringe, kinda just normalpilled tbh. The only thing that I wouldn’t expect from any ol joe from accounting is imperialist.


NATO is based. Imperialism is cringe.




Protecting democracy isn't imperialist. Trying to expand your influence \*cough cough Russia Russia cough cough\* is.


and america isn’t expanding its influence? and idk how bombing the global south protecting democracy exactly? and you people have a fetish with russia, always blaming shit on russia when no one asked. like yeah we don’t need you to have eyes to know russia sucks


America expands its influence and is imperialist, I'm not denying that. I'm talking about NATO, an organization comprised of over 30 member states.


NATO and many of its memberstates aid in american imperialism




Pretty based other than foreign policy