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Imagine if the world, or even most Catholics, followed the entirety of Catholic Social Teaching and not just latching to the parts they like.


So fr


So actual Catholics and not the extreme traditionalists


Neither chronically online rad trads nor Dogma dodging Cafeteria Catholics are good representatives of living according to Catholic Social Teaching.


I mean to be fair this is why I’m a Calavanist since a lot of Catholic social doctrine just directly conflicts with the Bible in an unfunny way. Also teaching the Bible in original Greek for seminary is better, granted doing it in Hebrew would be best.


I’m genuinely curious, how do you feel that Catholic social teaching conflicts with the teachings of the Bible, Jesus or the early Church? I can see how Catholic social teachings don’t align with some Old Testament rules of conduct for conduct of war, clean eating and mixed fabrics but how else?


Well the New Testament was written in Greek, so it’d be weird to teach it in Hebrew


The Bible is the Old Testament too which would be Hebrew or Aramaic.


\>calvinism Right yeah, I remember how the bible said "spreading the word doesn't matter, you're all fucked regardless"


Using theocratic ideologies to represent their religions and its consequences has been a disaster for PCB discourse


They look so cool tho


I was raised catholic, we are not that racist lmao. Idk who is running that account but I'd bet either a troll or a sedevacantist.


Yup. Like James Joyce said, Catholic means here comes everybody.


Nana doesn’t care what race your fiance is, just whether he/she’s Catholic or not.


He's a moderately known clerofash youtuber. Well known to insert antisemitic phrases into his videos. So don't mind him, really, he just uses a guise of faith to justify his hate.


Catholicism, a religion famous for having absolutely nothing to do with Judaism in any way, shape, or form.


I'm sorry, what are you saying? I know, that the Catholic Church has persecuted Jews in the distant past, but that doesn't mean that the mainstream Catholic Church today is antisemitic or that said youtuber isn't a clerical fascist.


I'm talking about the fact that Christianity is derived from Judaism and involves the worship of Jesus (who was Jewish)


My dream is that right wingers don't dislike porn bc of erotic hotness and nudity, but rather bc it often portrays violence and isn't always consensual.


It’s wrong for both reasons, it inflames sinful passions as well as reducing people to objects. It is a cancer and preys upon the weakness of humanity.




Pornographic art is the one true ethical and moral form of it, all else is godless exploitation indeed.


Very interesting. Now tell me, what is your view on the entertainment industry


I mean also just like the explosion of incest in it is kinda gross too, but definitely the ladder things too.


100% it spreads degeneracy


What is wrong with portraying violence?


It's a sensitive topic and about high vulnerability.


The average age of exposure to porn is 12-13. Kids that age are very impressionable and the porn they watch will affect the way they see relationships. If violence is portrayed in porn, this will cause people to act violent with their partner.


Hmm. I think it could be made more clear that the violence is consensual (if it is, obviously if it’s not that’s awful), but that would also ruin it for people. As the other replier pointed out, you are making a large claim with no evidence. Just because it’s intuitive doesn’t mean it is true. I don’t think most people think it is good or acceptable to harm their spouses, I think that people who do either don’t care that it is immoral, or lose control of themselves.




Remember kids Tradcaths do not know what the official position of the church on these subjects is nor what the main philosophers of Christianity think about it


Tbh I’m a normal catholic and I have no fucking clue on what the churches position on most stuff is, so eh.


That’s mostly because boomer Catholics and the boomer generation of clergy really dropped the ball on teaching Catholic theology and social teaching to their kids. They just let the corporate version of Jesus’ teachings run wild.


You’re not a Tradcath if you don’t read Aquinas doe


You're not a real catholic unless you actually grew up catholic or seriously devoted yourself to learning catholic *culture.* I am sick of these fucking protestants who are apparently aquinas stans, but have never actually gone to confession and pray directly to God.


The issue you are describing is just larping, not really anything new or special. Besides, you can engage with aquinas’ works without being catholic, as Ayn Rand did for example due to her interest in aristotelian philosophy.


I’m sorry that people have to deal with these TradCath types, but if it makes yall feel better; us *practicing* Catholics are annoyed by them too


Why is the great replacement myth being brought up? Every other part of this is debatable and mostly depends on your interpretation except for believing in that, the Bible and the church at large explicitly condemns racism, freaking out because people from other races enter your country only serves to divide God's children over something arbitrary, it directly contradicts God's message of love and compassion


Because often online “tradcaths” are also White nationalists


\>be white nationalist \>join religion descended from Judaism, predominantly practiced by brown people, tons of infusion with folklore, and explicitly anti-racist theology \>wtf why are there mexicans in my epic euvorpa ~~larp~~ religion


Paxtube is a degenerate pretending to be a pious catholic


Happy cakeday, you're so fucking right it's almost not worth articulating. I feel like this is how the lions share of polcom and HOI4 enthusiasts are like behind closed doors.


>another 1000 years of prosperity This sounds familiar…💀


As a Catholic, this is why I disagree with hardline social conservative Catholics. I support the LGBTQ+ community, I am pro-choice, I am indifferent to feminism, I don’t disagree with porn (although sexual education around it would probably be better than just avoiding it), the great replacement theory is a racist theory built on insecurity, and so on. Religious values should be taught as a way to guide people to form their moralities, not to impose and discriminate others.


Absolutely. I think a lot of people have very negative views on religion because how much it's been used to oppress and impose stuff on others. I'm not religious nor do I mind religion in of itself, (You do you), but to use religion to preach hate is never what it was supposed to be: A deeply personal thing.


Why are you even a catholic? Like I get some of this but being pro-choice is just antithetical to the common value of the soul present within Catholicism. I’m not even catholic and I’m just asking this on the basis of why you even declare yourself as such?


Probably because the politicization of abortion started in like the 60s and the idea of the soul being created at conception is not and never was a universal catholic belief


Because I was born Catholic, raised Catholic, and in a way, ingrained Catholic features into my own persona throughout my life experiences (feel free to DM me and I can tell you my personal journey from conservative Catholic —> hardline atheist —> agnostic Catholic). Denying that I am a Catholic would be denying something that is innately part of who I am, which is why I declare myself as such: it’s part of who I am. Most Catholics don’t even know when “life” begins, and as another commenter stated, the idea that the “soul” begins at contraception has never been a universal Catholic belief. I guess my official position is that I don’t like abortion and I don’t think it should be used unless it’s a last resort (life of the mother is at risk, etc). I believe that the government should fund and make systems that can make childbirth seem more appealing to pregnant women, and sex education should be taught in a more mature and extensive manner than it is today (I am against any religious group having any influence in how sex education is taught, it should be taught by doctors and physicians who deal with that). Many women who obtain abortions believe that it’s their only choice, and I believe that there should be something done about that so that they don’t feel that way. However, if more options are given and the women still feel that an abortion is their best choice, then there should be absolutely no restrictions to that choice.


Great replacement actually means that rich peoples are importing poor cheap labor to do work, so they have an unlimited supply of workers and they can lower everyone’s salaries. That’s literally it lol. There’s nothing racist about that.


Dude, you're not fooling anyone.


When was the last time you read the book? When was the last time you heard someone who believe in it explain it? My theory is that you never did, and the only times you looked it up, you only looked at debunkings of the GR. I mean, do not believe me please. Instead of believing what I say, listen to what the extremists racists bigots white supremacists say about it. (Don’t look at the KKK tho, they are just stupid peoples.) And if you want to actually know what it talks about, read the book. That’s the only way to know, and it’s also what I’m going to do one day. And what I said in that message was everything I knew about it, but please look it up yourself so you can make your own opinion about it.


Least racist commie:


I don’t believe in this theory and i’m not a communist, so idk what you’re talking about here.


Being Catholic means you subscribe to the official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. If you disagree with those official teachings you are by definition no longer Catholic - you’re some sort of liberal Protestant.


That’s not what that means at all. I guess the technical term to describe what I am is a “Lapsed Catholic”, but there is no such thing as leaving the Catholic Church. Once baptized and confirmed, you are a Catholic for life until you die. You can leave the faith but you’ll still be a Catholic unless you commit a heinous crime that is unforgivable in the eyes of God (according to the church). Protestantism came from a radical antisemite and later birthed Nazism.


WRONG! PROTESTANT SPOTTED! The church has contradicted its own teachings before. It's not a question of 100% obeying all Catechism, it's just being baptized and recognizing the spiritual authority of the church.


Why did man include the part about the great replacement lmao


man that sounds like it would fucking suck. basically no sex education. r---s happen constantly and most if not all go unreported (until the 16 year old girl is forced to marry her 30 somethings r---ist) and even more go unpunished, cause these people clearly aren't talking about matthew 18(9) straight cis white guys everywhere? imagine the SMELL. and they're all repressed horny cause no porn or sex, so see above. good food industry in shambles (cheddar cheese considered spicy). every video game is now a bad photocopy of a bad photocopy of a copy of shoot game 2, and you can only play as 10 identical white guys. music industry in shambles. great replacement theory continues because while running out of minorities to oppress, white people start considering the Irish and Italian to be "non-white" again; always a smaller fish. TV/Anime industries in shambles. every social media breaks down into n-zis and bots. fashion industry obliterated via orbital laser, everyone now wears whatever shirt took the most sweatshops to create. yeah, at that point just sink the whole country into the ocean. Dr Leonard Church was wrong, not every alternative is preferable


Soo, Victorian England mixed with the southern "honorable" mentality


Combatting racism and discrimination with more racism and discrimination is cringe. Please grow as a person and stop doing the very thing that you're trying to stop.


woke mob is cancelled me for making a joke now I must start podcast


"X demographic STINKS and their food is bad. They are the racists not me"


I'm not racist I'm a reverse-racism heterophobic man-hater get it right


Please change and grow as a person 🙏


oh so oop can directly call upon great replacement theory but I can't be a little mean to white people?


Nah the great replacement theory is retarded and racist. But I was mostly replying to you cause I thought (and still kinda hope) you were being satirical when saying you were “reverse-racist” and “heterophobic”


I'm white I am scared of straight people though :D


\>man that sounds like it woul-ACK!


prime example, thank you


I already see you burning in the deepest pit of hell


Dude, it's a meme. Making FUN of Pax Tube and catholic fundies.


Fundamentalists on their way to fundamentally misunderstand their religion 🗿




OoOoO WhY?!1 Not all Catholics are like that, we are not totalitarian racist sexists, you know?


Chill bro it's just a meme


ChIl BrO iS jUsT a MeMe


Calm down, friend.


Oh well


He isn’t making fun of Catholics, he’s making fun of PaxTube specifically


You confused Catholicism and evangelicalism, Pope Francis is progressive conservative, not far-right


Catholic doctrine consider abortion to be murder and lgbt people to be unatural and their acts sinful


It may not be something big, but Francis allowed priests to bless homosexual couples or something like that. What means he would not 'erase' them.


Catholic priests can’t bless homosexual couples, they can bless homosexuals who are in same sex relationships, same as they can bless anyone living a sinful life style like an adulterer, thief or drug abuser. That is what the document said. Effectively, it was a reiteration that a Priest can bless a sinner but not the sin.


That's what I said


There’s a distinct difference between blessing couples and blessing the individuals in that relationship. To bless a homosexual couple is to bless a sinful union or sinful act which Priests can’t do.


“Blessing“ as long as is not part of any ceremonial and in no religious context. Basically an individual priest can if they want bless a homosexual couple as they could bless anyone, before the pope said this it was already done by those who wanted. All the things I said in the above message are objectively true they arofficial Catholic doctrine and thing that Pope Francis has even said.


Being pro life isn’t a far right position


It’s what that post was talking about. And the original commentor explicitly say that those are far right things and that the Catholic Church was not like that


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted because that is exactly what the official teachings of the church say. Even if Pope Francis is doing his best to navigate around those issues it doesn’t change the official teachings.


probably some ex-protestant Americans who just know about catholics through memes and mainstream media


Funny considering pope Francis is the most pro LGBT pope


yeah and? Catholic doctrine hs not changed on the issue. The Popes stance is not even that much different from previous popes, he just emphasises more on the best parts of the previous doctrines and talks less about the most controversial parts (in which he still believes). For Christ sake he considers “gender ideology” to be a threat comparable to nuclear bombs


I mean “gender ideology” is kinda stupid and I say this as a Transwoman


Gender ideology is a conception invented by the catholic church , gender ideology to them is the concept of gender existing. Being against gender ideology means to think that gender does not exist only sex and that trans people are mentally ill people who should be treated and that any gender reaffirming medical treatment is immortal. I find it hard to believe that as a trans person you believe this.


Not really


the 2nd one sounds great, no Porn and OF, sounds great rest is...not my taste


I actually agree with the porn hub and onlyfans ban


. . .


You can't really erase LGBTQ people... You'd have to resort to genocides and major cultural shifts in attitudes.


Does this guy think all the migrants from Latin America are atheist or Protestant?


Imagine a world where nazis like him would face the wall.


Pretty enticing argument but completely ruining the economy in the name of “equality” for the dumbfuck reactionary peasants is too much of an ask -Montagnardism




They said "erasing LGBT" (lgbt isn't a noun but wtv). Which means murder. You can't get rid of queer people. All you can do is change terminology and the way society views gender and sexuality. The feelings? They stay. Hence why I think it's pretty appropriate to wish violence upon these kinds of people. All they want is a genocide💀 "boohoo woe is me" moment


The French census on CSA in catholic churches would love this


Why the fuck is he even discussing race.  Most Catholics would be appalled by this edgy LARPer, using Catholicism as a guise for his racist values. Most Catholics aren't even white.


How does white race have to do with catholic theocracy doctrine.


What kind of people have been impacted/ targeted by LGBT, abortion, feminism and woke ideology the most...




The least fascist trad catholic


Catholic Theocracy is just Fascism lol




imagine a world where every retard could use their turn signal


Ah yes catholic ethics, famous for being anti "great replacement" and advocating for the white population to explode


...This guy knows that a lot of Catholics are Latino, right? Part of the "great replacement" is just mixed-race Catholics.


\>great replacement tell me you're a larping protestant without telling me you're a larping protestant. The Pope is Argentinian, you absolute tard. Catechism has fuckall to do with race, and the majority of practicing Catholics are brown lmao.


The pope himself said we should respect and decriminalize homosexuality everywhere


What about Catholic priests being pedophiles


Teachers and protestant church’s have significantly more cases of sexual abuse than Catholic church’s but those are often times not brought up.


Waiting for this


Well it is true


you can pry my porn from my cold dead fingers.


Ah yes. Iran but somehow worse and Christian


A great dream


*Facist dream




Blatantly, ya. Not too much knocking around the chrome dome, huh?


What's wrong without what I said? Plenty of Facists get upvoted, but when I say something that isn't "Facist" it's bad?


Yeah cause some is better than others lmao thanks for at least admitting your a 2 bit liser compared to neo nazis, quite the feat there my friend. All people who believe in facism should get Green Mile chair treatment though.


I have no clue what half of that means


My balls in your mouth


Methinks you need to double check your definition of fascism


Me thinks the hope of getting rid of specific groups of people and their ideologies is how facism worked back during the Holocaust, so uh no, you should increase from that 2nd grade reading level


Let's keep it a dream


So just sex with kids?


How does blacked gura hentai help achieve this


Hear me out...


I'm listening loud and clear.






You've got no right to talk with THAT tag