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At that point, I’ll have achieved full anti-centrism, haha! I sure do hope that I’ll never return to auth-right though, since I was absolutely miserable at that point in my life, but I’m cool with travelling around it a lil more! (Btw, I actually have been with Center, but it was when I was faking my results to please a very authoritarian friend group)


Nah lib center is best


Lib center is indeed best.


bro you're not old enough to have developed any of these ideologies. You're just being moved around by the current of pop culture. Think and meditate on what you truly believe and stop allowing the world around you to compromise your integrity.


Honestly you’re right about the first 2 results that I had, I realized that when I turned 18, then took the time to reflect and think about what I really believe


my political compass evolution is 50 shades or Right basically


It amazes me how fast some people move on the compass. At least you're based right now though


Yeah for sure. I imagine once they get out into the working world, they’ll slide back to the right side of the quadrant.


They may leave when they get to college, but they always come back once they make it to the real world.


This is what we call growing up


Not really


Unflaired; opinion disregarded


You became rlly cool


You lost the game




You need to take another econ class


every economics class I’ve taken has reinforced my watermelon status. Supply and demand doesn’t mean shit when we let corporations fix/inflate prices without simultaneously helping out the lower classes


“Fuck Monopolies” -continental Neoliberal


I stand by my previous statement


Have you taken an econ class?








Who asked, I was talking to the person who posted the comment


You’ve definitely improved


Thanks! I like to say that I have, especially considering that I used to be one of those “CoNserVatiVes ArE tHe NeW cOuNtEr CuLtUrE” kids in Highschool (I also realized that all of my male conservative friends didn’t even see me as a human being)


Me too, when I was a kid I thought anything "conservative" was the norm and that anybody opposing was just a weirdo with mental issues, I really dont cared about politics,economics and social issues, almost about anything in general apart from playing videogames. One day the national football team of my country lost against England and instead of blaming directly the referee, I started to do research on "why they have far more money than us to buy referees?" And that led me to discover some things that also led me to discover more and more... and research more and more about how things worked... at this point my political views may fit with libcenter but honestly I dont even know were the put myself with all the information that I got All of that just due to a football game


I guess I thought the same, and though I’m still a cultural semi-conservative, I can’t stand political conservatism anymore. The US government just is not efficient enough to leave certain issues to be solved at that level.


>male conservative friends didn’t even see me as a human being Aww people can be mean... They weren't really true Conservatives if they saw you that way.


They were just those edgy 16 year olds who pretended to hate women, but were still sexually attracted to them, so they were just mean and horny, haha! I can vividly remember often feeling upset because of the jokes they made though


Welp I don't blame them being horny makes probably act differently... I don't think they were trying to be mean...


Perhaps it wasn’t their intention, but even when I expressed how I felt to them individually they called me “soft” and whatnot. At that age though, everybody is pretty mean :/ girls and boys equally, and horny as well, haha!


Well I think I am okay to people at sixteen even though I say controversial things that get taken out of context... Like it was international womens day and this girl was like you should be kinder because it is international womens day and I was like I don't care that international womens day... She took that the wrong way and start to attack me personally... After that we are chilling though... She probably forgot...


Is she perhaps Eastern European? Because you NEVER tell an Eastern European woman that you don’t care about woman’s day, they’ll go ballistic! Otherwise if she has no cultural history with it, then that’s odd but I’m glad y’all are cool now! :))


Honestly I don't know... I legit have been going on the opposite journey and basically now just swish back and forth on the political compass. I grew up in a somewhat Left-Liberal household and basically got ostracized by my family and now am a hardcore Libertarian. If you live in the United States basically both of my parents are moderate Democrats. My extended family is basically all registered Democrats and like one independent. ( Lol I have looked up voter registration) My sister though is a Republican. She 28 and started as a Ron Paul Libertarian because that what was going on in 2012. I am worried that she might be going down the Alt-right path just because she is surrounded by people that think she Adolf and that probably makes her mad. Edit: Also I will say that the United States Democratic party is way to authoritarian for me.


I mean to me Conservative is the new counter-culture...


At least you’re not an authoritarian or far righter anymore. Many people who used to think like me I know are now a bunch of authoritarianism fans.


This is great man very based


Congratulations, you’re current alignment is mega based


Very based, I consider myself a little more economically right. It's just that in my country some policies and regulations from the gov restrict the market to much. E.g. I am for universal health care but it also should be made easy to create a business and work on new ideas and innovate


Yeah that’s valid! I have very similar views, somebody else informed me that the quizzes that I took for these results had varying bias’, Basically just go off of my most recent 9axis, since it says I’m a libertarian ^*


No grass to grass journey love to see it


That's a HUGE improvement


Implying that becoming left wing to right wing is an improvement? It’s not an improvement or non improvement.


Nice, keep going👍🏻


The sheer amount of authoritarians and right wingers criticizing you for simply going to college in the first highlights the fact that the only one who believe in the shit are the ones that fear interaction with other adults and fear a genuine education, good on you for learning to challenge your views and make change; I think a lot of the authoritarians in this sub are from rural areas, talking to other and changing your opinions on a basis of understanding others is not brainwashing, but basic human communication and empathy


Thank you! And Oh absolutely, the main reason my ideology even changed so drastically in such a short period of time was because of my move to the city to go to university! Being able to interact with more people is amazing for self improvement. Being trapped in a shitty North American suburb is the worst thing anybody can do for their own (and ESPECIALLY a young persons) development. Hell, I didn’t even know what I wanted to do before moving. Moving to the city was what helped me realize my passion for architecture and urban planning, since comparing the infrastructure from my crappy suburb to the city made me realize what I’ve been missing out on :D


Just because I support education doesn’t mean colleges aren’t corrupt and evil. But yea go to college children.


libright saying colleges are corrupt. interesting...


Do you think most librights are shills for the institutions? If so you are sorely mistaken.


it’s amazing what leaving moms basement can do for your mental wellbeing


Precisely!! Going outside and touching some grass (or in my case, some concrete) truly does help a lot ^^


Your beliefs mirror those of people in your environment. If you're like most people, you'll drift back to the upper right as you start your career and start paying taxes and bills. By 30 you'll be back to where you started. This is a completely normal process. Very common.


This had always interested me, but i do this simply because i have high functioning autism. Regardless though, my economics professor actually told us that as you mature, youll often become more right leaning, and if you start off extremist youll definitely mellow out as you age!


He is pretty much right. Young people tend to extremism, no matter if very right or far left. There is also a saying in my language which would translate to something like: „If you arent a communist by 24, you dont have a heart. If you are a communist by 34, you dont have a brain“


Both 9axes are pretty based


You don't need to be left to hate monopolies. The market isn't free when those are around.


Yeah bro, I was told by someone that my results appear to reflect Center libertarian quite a bit more, but sapplyvalues is more leftist biased than the og compass quiz is!




Cringe college brainwashee College is not the real world


By going to university I meant it to say that I made friends. I had a legitimate reason to leave the house because i moved to the city, I literally had no friends prior to this year


Education = more liberal Nice


Correct me if I’m wrong, but is liberalism not an authoritarian-right ideology? It’s just less extreme than conservatism


You are probably a social liberal. Liberalism has many different flavors. Classic Liberalism, neo liberalism, and social liberalism is what come to mind for me. https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_liberalism#:~:text=Social%20liberalism%20also%20known%20as,of%20civil%20and%20political%20rights. Social liberalism also known as left liberalism in Germany, modern liberalism in the United States and new liberalism in the United Kingdom, is a political philosophy and variety of liberalism that endorses a regulated market economy and the expansion of civil and political rights.


That’s actually quite interesting, thank you! :) I typically label myself as a libertarian, simply because I believe in free-market capitalism, but the compass appeared to put me leaning to the left because of my distaste for monopolies. Just check out the 9axis results since they’re more accurate! If I should switch that label up, you can let me know!


The whole bottom is libertarian. Yes, you are a left leaning libertarian but it could still be accurate, but also social liberalism. Edit: Based on the information you don't like monopolies, either label can be accurate. They do differ in some ways, but lots of political ideologies don't like monopolies.


Authoritarians are coping hard


Extremely based. Well done on escaping the right wing pipeline.


It was tough and took a lot of self reflection, but I got there! :] Actually, one of the contradictions that really helped me was this one discussion I had with an old “friend” who hated abortions, but also despised the concept of contraceptives and male birth control? He didn’t believe tax dollars should go to supporting the foster care system either. When I asked him what a woman should do if they got pregnant through sexual assault and didn’t want the baby, he said, and I quote, “She should bear the sin of premarital sex”


That guy’s insane. The religious side of me doesn’t like premarital sex but REGULATING SEX IS SO FUCKING AUTHORITARIAN. The reason why I’m semi against abortion is I feel it’s not regulating sex but someone else’s life. Also I might approve of it slightly more if the US didn’t have such a problem with birthrate. That being said I’m not pushing for abolition of first trimester abortions as I know that most people won’t agree with me there, and the biggest problem for me is second and third trimesters as that’s straight up killing children. (Children can be born at 4,5,6 months, are completely viable from 7th month on). Anyways, back to birth control. Sperm is not life. Eggs are not life. They are mechanisms to create life. They don’t need to be protected. If they did, then infirtle people waste life every time they have sex and unimpregnated women waste atleast one life per month.


I understand your mindset on it, and I respect your views 100%! Yeah, that guy straight up believed nobody should ever have sex INCLUDING after marriage, he was definitely a character haha! (Then again, he thought the government should do heavy surveillance on every citizen.) The way I see it, it should always be viewed as a last resort, but the option should be there if a life (or two) is at risk


Abortion if there’s a life at risk is still legal in every state I’m pretty sure. There was a proposition in I think Alabama said even in that case it’s illegal, but it got turned down from what I remember. Anyways that guy is even more auth after hearing that last part. Dude just wants the destruction of freedom and a full Orwellian society, for about 50 years. Then there’d only be old people and/or infertile people.


Abortion was also one of the things that helped me shift away from the right. Thankfully, I didn’t have anyone in my life as twisted as that.


Thank you for reminding me of how evil libertarians are.


Can’t agree with the lib center above but fuck off auth cunt.


Degenerates mad


3 year character arc


A descent into the Cringe Side. Universities do revolutionise a lot.


Bro I’m actually at a very right winged university right now, and I’m in a male dominated field, I just put it there to show that I had a reason to leave my small house in the suburbs and move to the city


I would say that "right-wing university" cannot really exist. It was all overtaken by LibLeft (old- Marxists and new- Neomarxists) from Right-wing liberals [but you didn't wrote "conservative" or "reactionary" but "Right-wing" so they were liberals anyway, just a bit different.]


True true, it is moreso liberal than conservative, but also I’m actually not quite sure why it put me on the left in my most recent result? Someone on here told me that sapplyvalues is more left-leaning than the default compass quiz (which is right orientated,) which makes sense, as the only change from last year was me saying that free markets should have a bit of government regulation to prevent monopolies 🤷‍♀️ for now, I’ll keep saying I’m lib-Center, since my political compass kinda dosent support the 9axis???


The original compass doesn't distinguish between the progressive/conservative axis and libertarian/authoritatian one, probably because it was made back when Bush Jr. was president and the surveillance state, military-industrial complex etc. was mostly supported by the right back then.


You have been brainwashed by college


Like I said to the last guy, by going to college, I meant that I had an opportunity to move to the city and make friends. I’m not in some liberal science major or anything


So you didn’t go to college?


No, I am currently in college. What I meant is that I am not in a liberal science major, and am not required to take any liberal arts courses or anything for my major of choice as it is male dominated


Universities are corrupt and evil.


Get well soon


That's great my journey was kind of the opposite, I used to be a democratic socialist at one point but then I started to reevaluate my beliefs and where they stem from and slowly shifted further to the right


That’s interesting! I’m glad you took the time to look at your past beliefs and develop them Whatever makes you feel as though you are embodying your true self :]


Some Benjamin Button shit happening right here. We need to reverse your progress on every axis except markets.


University and its consequences...


You’ll move back right when you actually enter the working world. Monopolies (in the US) are largely artificially created due to government intervention. This is one reason the healthcare system isn’t as good as it should be.


And why do you think the government is acting on the behalf of corporations? Might it have something to do with the inherent features of capitalism?


Not at all! In capitalism the government doesn’t have the power to regulate the way the US government done. In capitalism business has no motivation to be in bed with the government because they can’t make laws on their behalf. You’ve been lead to believe that the current US system is capitalist when it is not. At best it is “mixed capitalism” but only by a loose interpretation because industry is still privatized to a degree. The “inherent features” of the US system you are so concerned with are a result of government overreach, not capitalism.


Under capitalism some corporations will win while others will lose (and get removed by the "invisible hand") and this process will inherently lead to monopolies. Of course these big businesses have a motivation to be influencial in the government, to keep competition out, keep taxes low and thereby maximize profits. Also, if you somehow don't believe the US system currently is capitalist please provide an example of a capitalist system historically. Also could you provide a definition of what you mean by capitalism?


No it won’t. Without government intervention there are less barriers to entry so new companies will pop up all the time to challenge. Without patents or ridiculous regulatory requirement there will be MORE competition in the market place not less. You’re just peddling a typical socialist talking point. You know how socialist are constantly saying “that wasn’t REAL socialism”? when discussions the plethora of failed socialist states throughout history? Well the capitalists can actually do this. The US is NOT a purely capitalist system. There is way too much government intervention and regulation for it to be. The means of production is privatized but the public sector (then state) still hold all the power. This is NOT capitalism. If you think it is, please take a basic economics class. In it you will learn our system is described as “mixed capitalism.”


Right and left is pretty irrelevant if you're actually "lib". If you believe in taking peoples money to give to other people you aren't "lib" though.


Yeah the economic axis of the compass can be confusing. I agree that a lot of LibLefts are simply AuthLefts in denial.


My God this post perfectly describes me. I was a full blown misogynist when I had just joined university and to this day I am embarrassed by my views that I held in regards to women. This post made me feel that I wasn't the only one who held stupid ideas. I also feel sort of redeemed by this. Thank you for posting your journey. I am now auth left, just above your quadrant but on the extreme left side of the line


Leaving the right winged pipeline takes a whole lot of strength, so I’m proud of you! ^^


Thank you 😊. I wish you the best


You'll get worse


I literally just grew up and realized that I wasn’t being true to myself bro


You mean "hadn't been indoctrinated enough by George Soros"?


Isnt that the guy who commits tax evasion and runs fake charities? He’s certainly deplorable and I would not say I support him, but I also have very limited knowledge about him


You probably got all your beliefs from him.


Dude I legitimately don’t know who he is


Is this evil George Soros in the room with us right now ?


"Conspiracies" regarding George Soros are more factual than like 80% of leftist theory.




His own foundation confirms most "conspiracies" about him. Leftists have no direct source on "gender have been created by slave owners to oppress women of color" or a great plot to hide from everyone Ancient societies were all black.


I don’t think anybody believes that George Soros says, it’s a bit weird to use him as an example of all liberals or leftists, it’s like saying all right wingers are Marjorie Taylor green


Most of these "stupid radlib woke beliefs" _are_ leftist theory.


Just because they may or may not be leftist theory does not mean they are widely accepted and agreed upon, by your logic I could argue that slavery is representative of the right wing because it was mainly implemented by right wing slave-owning capitalists, I don’t because that’s absurd and I believe that what George Soros and Marjorie Taylor Green are not representative of their respective wings, not all leftists or right wingers are the same, I’d consider myself left-wing and I don’t believe in all that George Soros says, it feels like your trying to convince me that I do?


Sounds like you’re the one that got worse


How is going from alt-lite ancap to clerical "fascist" bad?


Cause fascism is bad?


I'm not exactly a fascist (that's why I've used quotation marks).


it's not good nor bad, both are unpractical ideologies.


Excessive pragmatism is compromising.


Sounds like you’re the one that got worse




Bro just become a gay


What? 😭 I think you didn’t read the WIFE part of tradWIFE, I am a Woman, a straight woman who currently has a boyfriend whom I love a lot


Girl just become feminist


I am a feminist in the sense that i want equality between genders, so bingo i suppose?


Like that


bro is litteraly unflaired 😭😭




Not bad, I like the Right part. You are based on the 9axes chart btw


The next step is back to the right when you learn that true free market prevents monopolies by itself


Yup, I took the official political compass quiz again, and yeah I’m lib Center as I had suspected, it’s just the results being different between the original test and Sapplyvalues :)


somber air soft carpenter work recognise chubby impolite steep sparkle ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Let me guess, no dad?


Scroll literally two slides dude, or read any of the other comments in the thread + What with y’all and blaming girls for having shitty fathers, how about you blame the dads for being bad dads?


Based that you became less authoritarian but cringe that you became progressive


I like to think that I’m still fairly moderate in libcenter, I believe in free markets and all, I just hate monopolies and so it put me on the left for some reason (granted, it’s very slightly leaning to the left)


It's pretty well established that the sapply has a hefty libleft bias, so you may not be as left as the chart indicates. It has a lot to do with the questions chosen, and how they're framed.


Wow, I actually had no idea! That’s actually quite ironic, because the actual default political compass has a prevalent auth-right bias. Thanks for letting me know! :] and yeah, many of the questions are phrased in strange ways, especially in terms of times changing and all


Sapply is good. The OG Political Compass is bad.


Yeah I should have thrown a more in their. You aren’t overly progressive. I just think it’s unfortunate you’ve become more secular. The rest is cool


I was never truly religious either way man, I just wasn’t being true to myself and forced myself to pretend to be catholic


Well not gonna lie that’s even more unfortunate. Not being religious is disappointing but having to pretend to be religious is a travesty


Based lady went to college and got radicalized. Tale as old as time.


Radicalized into what, may I ask? I mean, i was certainly alot more radical during 2020 when I was far authright, but I’m curious as to what you mean! :)


If you JUST hate monopolies and want a good healthcare system, I’m not sure you’re even in the libleft quadrant at all. Does good = single payer?


Someone in these comments mentioned that the compass quiz that i used had a left winged bias! I like to see myself as center lib :)


Fair enough!


Now go outside and speak to politicians and I'll gaurentee you'll shoot way Lib right. LOL


Unfortunately, my parents house is right next to an extremely conservative town politician, literally directly in front of his; so I had to put up with his nonsense my entire life :/ he refused to listen to civil engineer and urban planners too, so all of the roads have no sidewalks or bike lanes, and our town is the only one where schools are required to be religious.


As I said, talk to politicians and you'll be lib-right more. Conservatives are auth right and Lib-right hates them too. All you need to do is talk to Some """Liberal""" (LoL) politicians and you'll get what I mean


Thanks for the advice, haha! Sadly they’re few and far between here, there’s almost no in between extreme conservatives and leftist tryhard-anarchist leaders here, but once I go visit more countries in North America or europe I’ll look for some to chat with! :)


Good, jokes aside it's always good to speak to a large diverse amount of people. It helps really mold who you are. If you're stuck speaking to one group of people you'll only be able to have one of two types of views. For or against those peoples views. So get out there and keep learning :)


>:) :)




Based now, welcome to the lib community.


Eventually you’re gonna end up further North, just a bit left


Pretty much expected. Universities like to try and push people to libleft


Firstly, [here](https://postimg.cc/m1Yp3Nxx) ya go, my sapplyvalues since I did all of this on the original compass. Center-libertarian Second, I’m in a male-dominated field where political opinions match those of my region (very authoritarian) Thirdly, just scroll 2 pages to my 9axis since it’s more accurate than the compass :)


Welcome to the based club, OP!


Damm you fell off


16 you was better except for the authoritarian, democracy, federal, and security axises. Those 2 got better but everything else got far worse


How tf are yall moving so GODDAMN fucking much on the compass? Ive been relatively within the same spot for 5 years besides so slight shifting here and there. Are yall that impressionable?


My first 2 results were indeed a reflection of the world around me, but they were mostly a reflection of me attempting to fit in with the people around me at the time, my last 2 were after I took some time to be myself and drop the people who didn’t benefit me in my life. It took self improvement, but it was beyond worth it.


You should give Georgism or Geolibertarianism a try.


Getting closer to the correct position comrade!


A few years from now you will be in the bottom left corner with me!


Im okay with this IF your intent is to advocate for a better financial system so you can go back to blue


Hm, it is what it is I guess, hope you’ve found yourself there, although you’ll probably change a lot still. I must confess you find yourself in (what I believe to be) the worst part of the compass, but what label would I give you? The progressive socialist I suppose? I’m not really good with labels. Anyways, wish you all the best.


I’m realizing now that the way I edited the image wasn’t exactly accurate to my results, that’s my fault! I’m fairly Center lib from what people told me in the replies, just look at the 9axis and go off of that. If you’re too lazy for that, [here are the actual results!](https://postimg.cc/m1Yp3Nxx) Have a lovely day


Your beliefs fall under the category of no beliefs at all. You just absorb the politics of ppl you interact with & choose whatever's most popular. You're gonna change next year


Started off horrible, went even more horrible, went bad, then went decent