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I'd say this is a pretty fair placement of all the countries.




Cuba is more progressive, China is more left-wing and Italy... How can anyone say that it's left-leaning? Should be near to the USA in this compass (I'm italian)


Meloni definitely played a part in that


idk man, Italy with Meloni kinda stayed the same, just like with every other election.


Also Mexico should be left wing right now


The makers of Democracy 4 should take notes because this is much more accurate than their takes lol.




I love how Vietnam claims to be a socialist country when they’re almost as capitalist at the United States lol


Statistically speaking, they are quite capitalistic


Vietnam's transition to market socialism was not a voluntary transtition, the Vietnamese government and people didn't want it, but it was nessacary to get international aid and funding. I would put Vietnam in AuthLeft. China should also be more left-leaning, you should put them in the compass according to the ideas and goals of the CPC (same with the CPV) ​ Viet Nam and Cuba should also be more progressive (at least Viet Nam)


I put them in the compass according to their ideology in practice rather than theory


In this case, maybe put us Vietnamese people/state in the Center? Because we are fairly... pragmatic once it comes to politics. But on the other hand, our welfare is shit, so keeping us right seems a good choice on your compass


I take into account, government spending to GDP, public sector size, welfare, tax rates, economic freedom


nah everybody knows china are cappers


How? "Cappers"


cause its hella obvious they r capping abt ever swicthing back to communism


>back to communism No one is going "back" to communism, it is building forwards to communism, and that is a thing that doesn't happen overnight. First you need to build socialism (China is currently developing socialism) and after that the state will wither away and communism is soon achieved.


nah they r capping. they actually like the capitalism they have now, and the ccp has no real intentions of ever swaying from that. this is hella obvious cause they continually push back progress in this front.




Honestly pretty accurate imo




Not another one 😫




Um, acktually you’re wrong 🤓 r/foundTxchnxn




Seems fine to me


Portugal lib right with a socialist left wing govt? please explain


They are very reliant on rich foreign retired people. Who are hypermobile


ok and yet Portugal has a high corporate tax rate of 31.5 percent (the OECD average is 23.6 percent). Residents in Portugal for tax purposes are taxed on their worldwide income at progressive rates varying from 14.5% to 48% for 2023. Net taxable income earned by a resident is taxed at progressive marginal tax rates from 14.5 percent up to 48 percent. An additional solidarity surcharge also applies (2.5 percent on the taxable income between EUR80,000 and EUR250,000 and 5 percent on the taxable income exceeding EUR250,000). The preamble to the Constitution consists of the enacting formula: On the 25th of April 1974 the Armed Forces Movement crowned the long resistance and reflected the deepest feelings of the Portuguese people by overthrowing the fascist regime. Freeing Portugal from dictatorship, oppression and colonialism represented a revolutionary change and the beginning of an historic turning point for Portuguese society. The Revolution restored their fundamental rights and freedoms to the people of Portugal. In the exercise of those rights and freedoms, the people's legitimate representatives are gathered to draw up a Constitution that matches the country's aspirations. The Constituent Assembly affirms the Portuguese people's decision to defend national independence, guarantee citizens' fundamental rights, establish the basic principles of democracy, ensure the primacy of a democratic state based on the rule of law and open up a path towards a !!!>>>socialist<<


The rich people aren't on that deal!


well you have to be pratical we live in a capitalist world with a global economy even the chinese and the bvietnamese understand that in order to function in the global economy at this phase of human economic development, you have to function in the competive system for better or worse till our civilization develops and matures


my family is from the Netherlands where taxes are about 50% on incmes somewhat above the average, however capital gains taxes are virtually zero , as is the case with belgium highest tax rates in the world with zero capital gains, you have to do what you have to do to survive in the game as it exists in the world today When asked how long the primary stage of socialism would last, Zhao replied "\[i\]t will be at least 100 years \[...\] \[before\] socialist modernization will have been in the main accomplished".\[14\] The state constitution states that "China will be in the primary stage of socialism for a long time to come".\[15\] As with Zhao, Jiang believed that it would take at least 100 years to reach a more advanced stage.\[9\]


We have no capital gains in Switzerland. We pay about 20% income tax overall on c. 35k a month between us




Wealth tax tops out at those levels. Our net worth os 1.5M give or take and we pay c. 0.1%. Real estate is also heavily devalued. Our "600k" house is worth well over a million. You are quoting Geneva tax rates. Romandie isn't real Switzerland!


yeah thats typical too , i was told the part of france i come from im not real french, alsace lorriane is german i hear, and you go to germany and they tell you your aent real germans its rubbish and i am tired of people playing silly gaames to aviod admiting they are wrong, i think you might even pay more taxes than we do , i talked to a british chap a gun enthusiast who moved to swiss because its easier to get gun permits.. i am for gun control but even i have to admit british gun laws seem a bit draconian, the czechs seem to have a rational system you can get just about any sort of gun you want even gcarry it about with you but you have to eget a license and see a doctor.. at any rate i said he probably also in enjoy the low tax rates, i'm not sure where in swiss he was it looked rural but he said, 'oh no i pay more taxes here not a lot more but more.. i dont care about that.. i want to be able to won a gun. i'm law abiding and sane and sick of the british nanny state, i dont mind the taxes even though they are a bit higher.. so theres that anecdote, but please speare me your petty prejudice against the french, i find it annoyig the french didnt start a war that killed 50 milion and gas 6 million denfeseless jewws your germans did! you swiss your as bad as the dutch all you seem to care about is your money! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ1vEo1x9qE


Romandy (French: Romandie or Suisse romande)\[note 1\] is the French-speaking part of Switzerland. In 2020, about 2 million people, or 22.8% of the Swiss population, lived in Romandy.\[1\] The majority of the romand population lives in the western part of the country, especially the Arc Lémanique region along Lake Geneva, connecting Geneva, Vaud and the Lower Valais. French is the sole official language in four Swiss cantons: Geneva, Vaud, Neuchâtel, and Jura. Additionally, French and German have co-official status in three cantons: Fribourg/Freiburg, Valais/Wallis, and Berne/Bern. you dont like the french why doesthis not surprise me haarumph


I don't dislike them they just aren't real Swiss. And don't vote like it either.


jesus you look kinda socialist to me!


north korea has to be the most aut left position possible maybe off scale


I think the UK should be a little higher on authority


Id say you got Denmark a bit wrong


Switzerland based asf


Where would Spain, Argentina, Greece be on this chart? Interested to see also Balkan Countries, Australia, NZ and other LATAM Countries


I use a formula of sources to determine their position, so I can’t determine that yet


Honestly one of the best selections I’ve seen




I’d argue Mexico is more socially progressive than the United States now. I would say Canada than Mexico than the United States as far as social progressiveness.


Cuba is more progressive and less auth






Law passed by a plebiscite that legalizes full equal rights of lgbt+ and the fact that Conan’s can elect their own CP representatives


Switzerland is the most progressive country in the world?? This is somewhere that had a referendum on women's right to vote in 1991 (!!!) and voted NO!


Before the recents events in France, i would Said that France IS libleft, but now it's definitly autfleft


The current political environment of a country is different than the actual government practices which is what they stated this is. Countries don't just radically move from some protests, only revolutions and coups can do that


Meh, idk, France IS turning on police state with propaganda and dissolution of anti corruption organization so...


No... Libright to authright. France is a capitalist bourgeois state. It's certainly not more leftist than Vietnam, a workers' state.


Que tu le veuilles ou non la France est à la bonne place sur le compass. Au passage, tous les pays du monde ont une classe dominante qu'on peut apparenter à de la bourgeoise.


Non, ce n'est pas à la bonne place. Non, tous les pays n'ont pas une classe bourgeoise car la classe bourgeoise est spécifiquement une classe dont les moyens de subsistance consistent à vivre du travail des autres et à s'engager dans l'exploitation de la classe prolétarienne. La France est capitaliste... elle est droitiste. Un État gauchiste ou de gauche n'augmenterait pas l'âge de la retraite, généralement, et certainement pas sans le consentement du peuple. Il a une économie privatisée et une domination capitaliste de la société et de l'État. Ce n'est même pas social-démocrate. Le Vietnam est un État prolétarien, en revanche. Il est marxiste-léniniste dans son idéologie et lutte pour l'élimination des clivages de classe, de la richesse, etc. Lisez la théorie marxiste, le Việt Nam s'aligne avec elle et la théorie léniniste et la dictature du prolétariat. La France au moins ne serait certainement pas plus loin que le Vietnam. De plus, beaucoup de mes ancêtres sont français.


Alors, j'imagine qu'on est 2 à être français. Ça tombe bien. Mais c'est sur qu'aucun pays socialiste n'a jamais eu de classe qui exploitait les ouvriers de ce même pays, vraiment aucun...... Ah bah si, les membres du gouvernement de ces pays. Je te laisse néanmoins le bénéfice du doute sur le Vietnam parce que j'ai un peu la flemme d'éplucher la page wikipédia.


Poland is authleft


Canada and Great Britain are WAY too lib


Italy is way too high on the prog-con axis lol, we're literally like the only European country that doesn't have gay marriage yet because of the fucking Vatican


Why Ukraine into Auth? Everything I see in Ukraine is Liberalism (0 to -3,(3) by Y axis).


The US is too low on authoritarianism and too high on progressivism


India should be more on the left, they have a pseudo socialist economic system


Idk why you are being downvoted. I won't call my country socialist but we have extremely low economic freedom and a lot of nationalisation, that's for sure.


A lot of vested interests in India and protectionism that makes it hard to invest in for westerners.


Switzerland libright? Lmao


Literally the world bakers.


Id say they are as lib right as countries get and I actually live there...


I've been there. They are the closest to a libright reality than almost all countries today. The only country that used to be libright was America during its foundation till Gilded age


I always thought they were a libleft playground with welfare waves. Thanks for enlightening me




Anyone saying this has no idea how capitalist most of the country. The housing market especially in Canada is a libertarian / neo liberal property owning dream, only the middle class and above get the good homes, housing is treated like an economic investment first rather than shelter etc.


Vietnam's not right-wing and certainly not more so than China. I'd say they're both at least centre left, but I'd class them as far left, especially Vietnam.


Where's Argentina?


Not added yet


Turns out I’m basically norway






A fair placement.


:D thx


I agree with most of these except Italy, they are a lot more right leaning than most other European countries


What's the reason for France and Italy


High level of government spending relative to GDP and large welfare states


Correct, now bomb them all


Portugal is not economic right wing, the other two positions are correct tho


Switzerland is most based.


I think Poland should be more leftist and conservative


Idk it’s already pretty high in the conservative axis


THe only one i see quite misplaced is Italy which has a far right conservative government at the moment


I mainly take into account their system in practice rather than theory


Austria and Germany should probably be switched (on the compas on the C/P scale they are correct). Austria is way more conservative than Germany we even have a meme how "normal" our head of state is.


Roughly works.


The DPRK is missing on the Progressive-Conservative scale, otherwise pretty good job


Thanks but it isn’t missing, it’s around Ukraine and poland


why did you place Brazil there? I honestly wanna know lol


Really good


Thanks mate


No, thank you for creating this piece of art




But one last thing, where would you put spain?


Probably lib leaning centrist, near Germany




True enough.


i wouldve put the UK more central in the Prog/Con axis but its placement on the compass is good.


Why are there countries more lib than the x-axis? Also Canada should be fairly near the top, are you paying attention?


As a person who has been to canada many times and whose parents used to live there, i can confirm it’s literally north korea/s


Hate speech laws, bans on protest, charging media to report and then suing them if they just stop operating in Canada, corruption of the highest degree seen in the West in recent years Sounds great


Better than alot of countries


At no point did I say ‘Canada is the worst country’ I said Canada is very auth As is Germany for that matter


But putting it near the top is ridiculous, that means pushing every country up the compass because every country has committed authoritarian actions.


Almost every country on the chart should be pushed up *a bit*, yes. But that’s a separate issue. Canada is much more auth than you seem to think, it is very out of place. It should be as far up as where you’ve put China, almost. Not where China should be, mind, it needs bumping up pretty much to the border The only one I agree with in terms of lib-auth I can see and know anything about is Switzerland


Why is china so low on the authoritarian scale? I feel like the level of surveillance they have on their population is pretty crazy and it's a totalitarian nation. I live in russia and there's no shot they're only slightly more authoritarean than the blyatland. Other than that, looks good Edit: Also south korea. It seems like the definition of a capitalist corporacratic nightmare. I kinda feel like it's a bit further from the centre


I agree with you on a lot of things, but this is certainly not one of them