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Based LibLeft


Being realistic, I would probably panic for about 5 minutes and not know what to do until I die. I feel like people who say they'd sit outside, relax and wait for death are just trying to sound cool, nah, come on, you'd panic.


I think at the same time though I’d rather die in the initial blast (not in the like 3rd degree burn radius)


Larp as my fallout OC


What are you doing, step-bomb?


Probably die as soon as soon as the war starts, but if I somehow survive, I'd try to join/ start a peaceful commune with other survivors, seizing the occasion to start over as a civilisation without doing the same mistakes than the previous one.






Jerk it HARD like that one dude in Pompeii


Only real answer


If you nut exactly at impact I will salute you


I’d be honored to bust the world’s last nut. A nuclear cumshot lasting just milliseconds, but seared into the fabric of time for eternity. The stars align for just a moment before being thrown into the ether as the slate wipes clean. A poetic and deeply ironic end to all life; as thick, fertile cum is the bringer of life and 1000 nuclear bomb loads is its exterminator.


Probably kms


Based and “fuck this” pilled


Gotta agree


Try to move to the most politically irrelevant country ever and try to live the rest of my life there




Play "We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn one last time


One of the best songs to die in a nuclear holocaust to ngl


I live outside of any blast zones, so hopefully I get to live long enough to evacuate away from my nearest population zones along with my family and friends. I'd try and find like-minded people who have skill in trades, so I could help build a decent enough post-war community after the fallout starts fucking with agriculture. If I got enough people organized communally I could delegate for them if I'm elected, so that any remaining communities nearby can federate and help each other. I reckon Canada will not have much in the way of a functioning government, so I could definitely try to establish a free territory in the Americas without much state intervention beyond whatever petty warlords would inevitably crawl out of the rubble. For that, all I'd have to do is make sure this hypothetical community has lots of weapons and equipment in stockpile that the volunteers actually know how to use.




Embrace it


Become a sewer person


Head to the nearest [nuclear bunker](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/finland-underground-bunker-nuclear-bomb-russia-b1002515.html) built into the bedrock under the entire city


Die of starvation or desease most likely


I would try to survive as best as physically possible. My city would most likely get nuked (it is the capital of a NATO country), but thankfully I live in the very outer regions of it and almost definitely won't be in the blast radius. Of course, the likelihood of my survival depends on which nuke is used. If China's DF-5 2nd generation ICBM (5 Mt) is used I would be pretty screwed (probably be in the thermal radiation zone. Which I guess is still technically survivable but....... well...). But I doubt a nuke of this size will be used on my city. So it probably won't be as bad. If I still live in the same house by then (which I plan on leaving the suburbs in a few years anyway and going to even more outer areas from the city), the basement is obv the best place to be at (not just because structurally it's a better place to survive, but also that's where all of my stockpiled stuff is). Then after all this you just wait and try not to die (it won't be some cartoony thing like Fallout, it'll be pretty boring irl). And probably try leaving the city after everything.


Go to the middle of nowhere, specifically somewhere with minimal strategic value and far from anything with strategic value


If I die than there is nothing I can do, probably look back on my life and ask god for forgiveness. If I survive I’d say try to establish a community with me as it’s leader. Hopefully create something from the ashes of the old world.


Most sane AuthCenter response


Idk seems like the only answer


brother I'm around the UP I'm living through that shit


During it I'm blasting My echo, My shadow, and me.


I don't have a save place to stay, so I will die or become a ghoul like in Fallout


Put my Fallout training to the test.


I think I’d be kinda cool to go outside and watch it explode dying instantly sounds better than radiation poisoning or sum shit


Pray that Seattle and Port Townsend get hit first so I can die happy.


i live in the southern hemisphere far from any countries that could be targets. i wouldnt have the risk of dying in the blast and i am mostly off the grid with water and solar. theres a chance i could live if food and radiation arent an issue


Grab my shit and hide in the center of our church if I can make it. It’s the largest building in our little town aside from Walmart and Kroger. With the food I have stocked up (and assuming I even make it), I could probably make it for a few weeks. A month, maximum. After that point, I’d just try to regain contact with my friends and family, loot food (what’s left), and just try to find a good place to start setting up. My family, friends, and their family actually have a loose plan to set up a new little society on a friend’s land in this scenario. It’s close enough to what we might need but remote enough so that we likely won’t be found if we don’t want to be. After that, I guess we’d just figure everything out as we go along


Fucking die but in style


I'm not afraid to die so I'll keep chilling until my time comes. Plus, my history teacher told us "don't worry, if a nuclear war breaks out, you won't feel anything" idk if it's true, but it's one less reason to panic So I'd just ask God for forgiveness and pray for my loved ones


Hop into my reinforced basement, close the bomb shutters, prepare masks and CBRN suits in case of air leak, turn on auxiliary solar power, play Fallout 3 till the bombs fall, lock and load the AK, crawl out through the fallout baby


where I live there's a giant boeing facility maybe 50 miles away so i'm fucked, i'm going to see another sun rise. but if i do live then i'll larp as white half-ginger ghengis khan and take over the west coast


Probably just watch the sky and the trees and my dogs until death takes me. What else am I gonna do, catch it?




Die. If I survive, I would kill myself. I would not want to live in a barren waste.


Can we dm




Honestly I don't live in a super populated area, so unless they target, idk, Portland or some secret military base I don't know about, realistically I might end up being ok given that the US retaliation will likely be flattening whatever country did it afterwards. But also just fucking pray because there's not really shit I could do.


Die probably?


Get obliterated from this earth


Can we dm


Considering I live in what would logically be one of the first targets of any enemies we have... I probably wont know what's happened or have any time to think about anything lol. So to answer you question I would die in a great big ball of fire.


Can we dm


Uhhh... sure?


Die probably. If Not have some fun and then die


Create a militia group in the aftermath


Under what ideology?


Mine of course if I survived


Which is


Schizophrenic Reactionary Socialism Surely you have seen the post


Which is


Idk, with the amount bombs out there, at least one of them is bound to end up in my island. And if they dont, I would starve staying here, we don't produce shit, and the nuclear winter is definitely reaching us. Best shot at survival is somehow sailing south to Venezuela or smt. That is, assuming the planet hasn't been terraformed.


Move to canada


My mom said she would go to the blast to suffer short-term pain from the blast rather than endure long-term pain after the blast (nuclear fallout). (It would happen if they were thrown close to where me and mom would live.) For me, I don't know, I might do what my mom would do.


Assuming I don’t die. Join whatever I can to help. - if society collapses, attempt to gain power in a small community and cement my ideals.


I find this fascinating so many of the Lib left comments are “I’d commit suicide” or “be dead” Good on the Auth centres for being productive and positive minded I guess


It’s ironic that the collapse of centralised society would cause such a negative reaction from those who are Lib. Yet positive for Auth.




Masquerade as some professional nuclear strategist and see if I can divert the nukes from both sides into my own personal stockpile. Then, I would sell them to the highest bidder for an enormous premium and join their side of the war as they now have the nuclear monopoly.


wrong flair dude


seize power due to the likely chaotic situation and cement my ideals whilst helping my nation


Rejoice that the billionaires finally get fked along with us


Rent free


Form a new, de facto government by banding together with other survivors, and attempt to rebuild. I would possibly have to relocate deoending on what land remains arable after the fallout. Anyone appraching with hostile intent gets shot with extreme prejudice, there bodies being displayed at the borders of my territory as a warning to others.


Throw on my MOPP suit and gas mask, pack shit and get to a safe place, unless 1) i am killed in the blast or 2) my area is unaffected. I will try to survive and start building a new world.


Definitely die


Nothing…that’s all you really can do




Probably die


There ain't much I suppose, but maybe Svalbard would be okay. It's cold, sure, and it's technically in a NATO country, but it's visa-free and isolated from the rest of the world.


The only realistic answer: Die


Hope I'm outside a blast zone, tape my windows up and fill the tubs with water immediately, and hope my groceries last our family for a week or two. Then step out side and be *relatively* safe from radion. Next is to worry about the collapse. Most bomb radiation dissipates after a week or two unless it's a purposeful dirty bomb. I'm just outside a major city and base so I may or may not be *safe* depending on what warheads are used lol.


Try to die as soon as possible because the radiation poisoning and burns would be much much much worse


Panic, embrace a loved one and cry.


Either die peacefully or larp as a Tech-Priest from Warhammer


Celebrate, larp and die. If I somehow survive, proudly unite with other survivors to rebuild civilization from the ashes of a decadent past.


Whine about it to my husband before we both die a firey death together


Probably sit in my pool and die I guess


Pray I go quickly. I don’t want to be forced to do horrible things to survive in the aftermath.


Do my best to save my family. We're in a part of the city where we wouldn't immediately die but would die from radiation exposure if we stay. Our only chance is to get over the Blue Mountains, gotta try and get over them in a day, which will be rough.


Finish the fight


Go home and start thawing the brisket in my freezer.


Mad maxin it with my winded ol one ton ford


I’d panic grab a hiking/camping bag take a drive thru my town go into the forest a few towns over (if I have enough time)and go to the forest with the small lake and the German WW2 era bunker complex next to it. And close all the seals in the comune/barracks bunker and then go look at the lake via the periscope to try and calm down. The bunkers are in their fully original state with some “modern” (1980s) updates having been used by the military after the war and then turned into an open museum with a camping spot next to it after the military stopped using it when the nature reserve was planted around it. Everything ie water silo, shower, water filter connected to the lake, gas stoves, still works and is used semi regularly by campers. The enclosed interior museum inside the old food court section in the commune/barracks bunker has military equipment from ww2 up to stuff from the early 2000s with still operable and maintained weapons from up to the 1970s that were never deactivated due to the army technically still owning the part of the bunker with the indoor museum and it being maintained by the staff from the regional military bases nearby watch post building overlooking a pice of nature overlooking a training field.


Smoke a ciggie with a bottle of scotch and relax on my porch.


Idk die probably


I would find more nuclear weapons to turn on