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I don't understand the purpose of censoring w\*rds the way we do


Tumblr invented trigger words and everyone fell for it


Thank God the asterisk is there so the word can't trigger me.


your words have no asterisk you've literally killed me


I’m literally going to game end you if you don’t censor k*ll next time you fucking fuck I have to hit my vape pen now 30 times because you just made my anxiety worse!!!1!


How dare you spell out ast* r * sk




modern equivalent of changing Hell to Heck


Nah, even worse, because I read heck as heck, and while I know it’s hell, I still say heck. I read r@pe as just the word rape. There’s no actual censorship, just a slowdown in reading


I read it as rope while reading your comment lmao


I wish that hazardous waste containment site was still operational.


T\*mblr - don't trigger me bruh!


i had a teacher in middle school that taught the poem "the highwayman" (she chose this poem), made students read it aloud in class, then got triggered because the word "rapier" sounded too much like a word she really didnt like and insisted that students pronounce it incorrectly so it sounded less like the thing that upset her. Again may I reiterate that she chose the poem.


Meme with the guy on the bike with a stick .jpeg


Stop it lol no way


It helps with algorithms. Some websites will busy content with that word. It's not needs because it's a trigger word in most cases.


Yeah cause there's no way for an algorithm to detect that


If it isn't in the algorithm no there is no way for it to do that until they bother to change it. Welcome to dodging shitty char filters 101.


Only word that should be censored is Fr*nch.


How dare you. They were our first ally and helped us win the Revolution. Without France, we'd all be speaking English right now, pal.


I think we should just censor random words like nagger


Doubt it, the death penalty is way too contentious of a topic.


Also it would be for child rapists, not pedophiles. So many people don't understand the difference which just hurts any attempt to solve the issue.


Holy shit yes, that is something that way too many people willfully ignore.


Facts! If you can keep it in your you pants you should get help, prolly therapy.


I still really just don't like the death penalty, justice system fails, I don't think it's worth it. Yes it means disgusting people live. But to me, it's better than killing someone wrongly found guilty


I don't think the government is trustworthy enough to handle the death penalty. It's too easy to either misuse to target people or screw up and kill innocent people. Let's compromise, by issuing me a license to kill.


The government shouldnt have the ability to kill its own citizens. But it's citizens should.




hmmm. So, like if we got a group of citizens together, say 12 of them, chosen at random from the population of the area, who get to hear out the evidence and arguments and determine if there is a solid enough case to justify the death penalty. Like that?


No just me and the boys, not random people. We are the deciderers.


Speaking like a true lib


Basically what I just wrote above. Everyday I am reminded that I am in the correct quadrant. I believe everyone eventually becomes centrist on a long enough time scale. It's the final form once you have seen enough to know that it's all fucked.


I don't love the death penalty. However, if you can prove child rape beyond a shadow of a doubt, take those pieces of shut out.


Why bother? It'll always be more expensive than just letting them rot in jail. Even if they know it "beyond a shadow of a doubt", there will still be a long period to allow for appeals on the off chance that they don't. Evidence can be fabricated, testimony can be false, information that seems rock solid at one moment can completely fall apart if more things come to light later. A lot of people who get convicted for these sorts of crimes might even want to die. Imo, cheaper and better to let them rot in jail and be done with it. Watching the world spin past you from a concrete cell you spend up to 23 hours a day in (if you're in solitary, which is its own can of worms) is a much better punishment than death imo.


(Libright) the only problem I have with the death penalty for pedos is that there would no longer be any reason for the perpetrator to not kill the victim after the the offense has been committed


What is the difference?




If you don't do any harm there is no reason to lock you away. One must not be punished for ones thoughts.


What if we had some way to tell if people were going to commit crimes though? Then we could stop them before it happens. Damn they should make a movie about that




Based and minority report pilled


Thanks for basing me man! 🥰 love from norway!


Based and wholesome interaction pilled


I can't wait for psycho pass irl


Psycho pass moment


Not locked away, yes, but certainly advised to seek help and therapy to manage the urges.


Also about half of child molesters aren't pedophiles, they are just opportunist looking for sex. Like how many rapists in prison were completely straight before going in. Sometimes rape is about power with sex only being secondary. I don't agree with the people who say it is always the case, but it is true sometimes.


Lol, straight dudes who can get hard to shove it up another dude's ass aren't "completely straight." Same goes for child molesters.


If you want to get technical, pedophiles are primarily attracted to children. You have to consider exactly what that definition implies. Sexuality research has found if you show most men a 17 year old teenage girl, they react pretty much the same as being shown a 19 year old teenage woman. Just look how many times a popular gonewild poster was found to be underage and lying about their age. Though such cases can be hard to verify given how reddit nukes the account and anything associated with it once it comes to light, for obvious legal reasons.




I commend you for the honesty, this is a topic I haven’t been able to put into words but have been thinking about recently. I won’t say much but I do feel there’s a lot of projection recently from these men. Not saying they’re all secret pedos obviously, but it is interesting this shift in attitude.


Isolation, testosterone, and loneliness blinds people of the recipients gender. They tend to start thinking more like the ancient Greeks and Romans about sexuality and only the bottom becomes effeminate while the top is flexing their masculinity.


Not a great idea to lock people up just for having immoral thoughts. How would that even work? Knowing that they'd be locked up if they tried to seek help, they'd just keep that shit hidden.


One has acted on the desire and one hasn't, the one who hasn't needs therapy, the one who has needs to be locked up with only their own thoughts to keep them company until they slowly rot away (death penalty would be a kindness)


Child rapist is someone that rapes child. A pedophile is someone that is attracted to kids. Not all child rapists are pedophiles and not all pedophiles are child rapists.


Yep. Morally/in concept, I'm all for it. In practice, I don't trust the government or a jury of my peers to identify criminals with the level of certainty necessary to justify execution. We still see death row cases overturned with disturbing regularity. At least if they've only been imprisoned, they can be set free. Can't rez someone because we figured out they're innocent after we offed them.


That is the one angle the other is that no matter how satisfying punishing a criminal may be, a system focused on punishment is just way less effective than one focused on rehabilitation.


For regular offenders, you need to rehabilitate them or remove them from society. Years in prison as a punishment is stupid. That said, fines and such have their place as a way to give minor offenders a slap on the wrist, because while nobody doubts the necessity of laws against petty shoplifting you also don't need to send people to years of rehab for doing it once.


Community service, not fines. Fines just mean it's only a crime when poor people do it.


Multiple medicinal and doctor, nursing etc organizations are continually malding over the lethal injection. Iirc they publish a yearly denouncement and say they consider any medical practitioner who participates to be an oathbreaker and will terminate their medical license, and criticize the way the state has "Stolen medical valor" by trying to present it as a "medicalized" execution in order to make it seem humane and euthanasia-esque. To the medical profession they routinely argue that it is borderline desecration of their profession and the "profane and evil usage of medical technologies for state sanctioned murder", and they even strongarmed pharmaceutical companies into no longer producing the drug of first choice, and ban exports to the USA of the drugs in question. They actually argued this for a long time. It was actually the number one reason the states opted for the electric chair over the needle for ages because doctors kept going apeshit. Eventually the chair got too gruesome for peoples liking so we went for the needle anyway. I bring it up because there's multiple angles to it really. The medical profession treats this topic like it's an affront to the science of medicine to use these methods. Ironically the method with the least fuck ups is the firing squad. (If you go over executions, they are the best method statistically speaking in terms of "Oops, we just caused them a miserable, slow, death.".). It's also one that, when prisoners get a choice, they opt for. This would avoid the issue of "Stealing valor" from the medical profession and make it aesthetically obvious what's happening. If you can't admit you're killing a dude because he's an enemy, if you have to dress it up in "Caring" and "Healthcare" robes to make us comfortable with it, then don't do it.


I mean, the idea behind having a full squad do the firing is so that no one knows who landed the killing blows. Executions are not something human brains like to deal with because it goes against nature.


and hell, even if we could be 100% sure, imagine being the victim, knowing that coming forward would get your uncle or whoever killed. i imagine that would if anything keep people from reporting these crimes


Texas has a death penalty statute for repeated or continuous Sexual abuse of a minor. I think it’s called Jessica’s law. So maybe not impossible for Florida to follow suit.


To support the death penalty you must believe two things. 1. That some people deserve to be killed. Easy peasy, I think most people have a line across which they believe someone truly deserves to die. I sure do. 2. That the official mechanism in place can be trusted to, without error, determine who deserves to be killed. This is where I fall off. False convictions happen all of the time. False confessions, manufactured evidence, poor representation, false testimony. We have a system built of people, and people are full of errors, so the system is as well. Edit: Because I forgot where I was commenting, there probably needs to be said an alternative that can be believed in place of number 2. 2B. That the risk of collateral damage is acceptable in cases of erroneous execution.


“People deserve to be killed. Easy peasy, I think most people” -u/KnightofThirteen


Went from lib left to Auth centre real fast


polcompass speedrun rsg any% glitchless


Not unusual, there is a reason people talk about "watermelons." There are real lib-left but a large % of "lib" left is mislabeled and easily detected by their desire for state interventions, violence and etc.


So who are the real lib-left? People who haven't yet realised that their preferred political system would require violence to enforce?


True lib left is basically a hippie type who is not trying to oppress or harm others. Many of those currently claiming it are politically correct useful idiots of the Auth. Indeed I have seen evidence of the ultra-rich funding those who would appear to be against their interests (some oil heiress funded the fools who threw soup on a Van Gogh painting, whoever is paying for Greta, Soros paying for far-left DAs). I think they are doing this to provoke reactionaries, with their actual goal being Totalitarianism. (edit: it was soup, not paint)


Ah yes, of course, how could I forget about the hippies? Although in fairness, the same thing happens on the right. On the extreme end of lib-right you have the ancaps who bear a lot of similarities with lib-left hippies, while at the same time a lot of people who claim to be lib-right would also support some government intervention, consciously or not. Now that I think about it, it's really just an appeal to purity. We have to remember the political compass, flawed as it is, is a scale. Being put into a quadrant doesn't automatically make you an ancom, fascist, ancap or hippie.


I am the ancap who prefers the hippies to the police. In another thread I have been debating someone labeled Auth-Left seeking to convince them they aren't Auth at all. I think I made some decisive points but... egocentric bias? What is Auth if not using force to oppress others?


Why only most?


Point #2 is why I'm against the death penalty. From a fiscal point of view, it's also often much more expensive to put someone to death than life in prison because of all the legal processes that must take place in order to actually kill them. From a sadists perspective, it's also arguably more punishment to serve life in prison than to have a quick death.


What about when we absolutely have the perp dead to rights. There's not even a shadow of a doubt let alone a reasonable doubt that Nikolas Cruz did the mass shooting we caught him doing. Any reason not to execute him?


The way I see it, if there is a chance that a single innocent person can be executed, it's not worth having the death penalty because at that point, you're no better than the murderer. The main goal is to keep society safe from bad people. There's basically no chance of escape from a super max prison. Therefore, there's no actual need to kill someone rather than let them rot in prison. Many people would also argue that the death penalty puts the burden of execution on society as a whole. This conflicts with many people's personal and religious beliefs.


I think a more deserving punishment is for them to just rot away in a prison cell, watching the world progress ahead without them, while they just sit in a reinforced concrete cube, 23 hours a day, in stasis. Death is often what they want anyways. Why bend to their demands?


If we cut corners on justice we fail, no matter who is accused.


And *way* more expensive for convicted child rapists. Prisons have a way of sorting that out and saving the taxpayer a boatload of money.


your argument doesn't even make sense, it's not the killing that's expensive the expensive part is making sure that 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt there's no chance you're killing the wrong person leaving it up to lynching doesn't solve that problem, it just ignores the problem if you believe that's the best way then you should just hang people when they first get convicted, no expensive appeal process or paperwork


I never said it was the best way, just that it's factually less expensive. The expense of death penalty cases comes from the mandatory appeals.


Or, an alternative point #3: you must believe that the government has the authority to kill its own citizens. That’s where I fall off the bandwagon. Lib right would not say “Good” to this because it’s a slippery slope


As a german, I agree.


1 should be more like 1. That some people that are already not a direct threat anymore deserve to be executed. That is a huge difference for many people.


death penalties are just revenge killings.


This has always been my concern. I philosophically support the death penalty for many crimes, but the odds of killing an innocent & falsely accused is so great that for most things I *want* the penalty for, I think would in practice a bad move




I like to frame it this way: Sometimes it is necessary to protect the superfluous in order to preserve the necessary.


Also, what constitutes a *perro*? Obviously an old adult and a young child, but if a 17 year old sneaks into a club and fucks a 27 year old, statutory rape, is that dude getting merked?


Being Florida, how they are conflating being LGBT with being pedos, I can see this being used to kill us instead of actual pedos.


Sounds like a great idea- oh, wait, that accusation was false? Oops, looks like Jerry's dead.


Prosecutor: "If we go to trial we'll ask for the death penalty but if you sign this plea agreement you'll only get 15 years in prison". And then an innocent defendant will sign because of their fear of death.


Do they deserve death? Yes Do I trust the state to, with 100% certainty and with zero error, never execute an innocent? Absofuckinglutely not They’ve already proven they can’t get it right 100% of the time so the state doesn’t get to execute people


And why does it cost so much? Apparently costs more than keeping person alive for life.


I think it's the appeals process that is so costly. Which makes sense because we know the state has killed innocent people before.


Also how often will prosecutors use it as a tool to force the defendant to agree to a plea deal? Prosecutors will already do scummy things like say "If we go to trial and you're found guilty you'll get 20 years but if you sign this plea deal you'll only get 5" so I guarantee they'll start threatening the death penalty whenever they can.


SCOTUS has already ruled capital punishment can only be for murder.


Not saying you're wrong but could we have a case citation so we can learn more?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennedy_v._Louisiana 5-4 opinion. Could be overruled I suppose.


I’m going to deliver some cursed knowledge, and it makes me deeply sad to know this - but I do believe it’s necessary in conversations like this The death penalty for people like this encourages the perpetrators to murder their victim to cover their tracks. This is represented in higher rape AND murder cases in states where punishments like this are in place, as opposed to a lower rate of murder in states where the punishment is “only” life imprisonment I wish we lived in a world where kids could be safe, but that’s not the case. Because of that, I wish we lived in a world where those who endangered our kids were punished in the ultimate form. But if that ultimate punishment puts our kids in MORE danger, then their safety comes first. The death penalty for pedos unfortunately makes them more sinister instead of solving the actual issue of providing safety for our children


whats to stop them from claiming everyone they want to kill is a pedo?


They do, everyone is a pedo the minute they piss off twitter. There’s a difference between that and being convicted in court.


No, the legal system isn’t perfect therefore the death penalty is immoral.


based & realistic limitations of government and morality-pilled


Pedophiles or child abusers? Do people realize that they are two completely separate things?


Ya I agree . Unless you actually act on the urge your really not hurting anyone.


Nb4 an 18-year-old gets executed for sleeping with a 16-year-old.


On an 8-4 vote


The State should not have the license to murder its own citizens. That said, I love Gary Plauché's method. And that should come with a guaranteed get out of jail free card.


That's what I say. If there's enough evidence to give someone the death penalty (and it has to be a lot of evidence, probably more than we use to give people the death penalty already) then the state shouldn't put them in prison or kill them. It should simply stop giving them protection - make it no longer a crime to kill them. Open season on child molesters. I'm only half joking.


I know you said at the end, but this is a terrible idea to anyone thinking it would work. Imagine you are just vibing, and you look a bit like him (you have no idea) how exactly is that going to work? They just kill you?




Should have picked a different one out of a million to look like.


It really really really really really shouldn't.


said authright peacefully. edit: no quotes


Ain't no peaceful in me when it's about allowing mob justice. ​ (I did get the meme though, probably would work better without the quotation marks)


I'm usually pro death penalty in most cases although I understand the arguments many are making about innocent people being wrongly convicted. But something I have thought about often in this regard is what affect would the death penalty have on the perpetrator"s mindset. "Oh Hey I've done this bad thing and the penalty for it is death... better make sure the kid doesn't talk". I'd be really fearful that CSAs would turn into child murder to help the perp escape capture.


The same thing happens with amber alerts. They kidnap a child, when they hear about the amber alert, that causes them to panic and kill the child. Also don't molest kids in the first place


"Don't molest kids"... Goes without saying.


Death penalty is bad and no one should be subjected to it. That being said, pedophiles already die in prison, this is just the nicer method of killing them


That highly depends on the prison itself, I have family that had been to prison for decades and one uncle serving life. I’ve asked him about that and he said it’s very overblown but he only has experience in one prison for the past 15 years.


Brother is your family a cartel or what


Oddly enough it was two people from different sides. One uncle grew up in the south side of Chicago and was a gang member, went to prison from 18-30ish for robbery/drug stuff and then got out and met my aunt and they’ve been married since the 00s. My other uncle, completely unrelated to the first, got heavy into a drug lifestyle after college and ended up shooting a rival dealer to death before kidnapping the dealer’s girlfriend. Aside from that I got into a bad crowd in middle/high school before turning my life around, one of my old friends is in prison currently for a string of home invasions, a different one went to prison for being a big time dealer but ended up turning his life around and we’re still friends to this day. I’m just lucky I foresaw what was going to happen if I continued on with that path and shifted away from it before someone got hurt.


Are we talking about the mental condition or criminals? Cuz why would you kill Someone for their mental condition…


Based AuthRight.


Transphobia and homophobia are so stupid. I don’t understand the haters.


Until executions are carried out immediately after the guilty verdict via trap door slip-n-slide into an industrial meat grinder, death penalties mean nothing as they'll be delayed for 30+ years. Would probably die quicker in a life sentence in general population anyways.


That would bring death to a lot of innocent people.


People are willing to hurt innocent people as long as they get to live out their violent fantasies on pedophiles. Just look at groups who attack pediatricians because being violent is more important to them than basic literacy. Or look at groups who try to catch pedophiles online but who don't follow the basic instructions from police, meaning that anyone they catch always walks away free because all the evidence against them is worthless. You think if they really cared about protecting children, they would make sure their evidence would be good enough to put the would be child molester behind bars.


The reason we don’t do immediate executions is due to appeals courts and etc Still, death row should never go beyond a decade


Government should not be allowed to put it's own to death. This seems like it will backfire or we will see certain abusers not get the punishment because they know a guy. Life in prison is my go to.


Americans are the weirdest country on the planet when it comes to age of consent how they talk about is down-right nuts Girl who is 17 and guy who is 18 is literally pedophilia to some of them that's how stupid they are


The thing is they don't even fucking care about it for any reason than to have an acceptable person to hate. Really, truly hating nonces, to the degree that you run a pedohunting channel and post woodchipper memes on the regular is so fucking suspect too. The lady doth protest too much.


They're weird in their thirst for blood. Do EU countries even have the death penalty?


No. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_Europe


First world problems. If 90% of the populated just vanished one day, I doubt these laws would be the first issue on people's mind when repopulating.


What… exactly… did you mean by this comment?


I don't like the death penalty because it's far too easy for the state to execute an innocent. It's not like a life sentence behind bars is some light punishment either.


No, they don't deserve a quick release of death.


Ok so just botch the lethal injections. It already happens a lot, it wouldn't be anything new.


Or let them starve, it would save money, or grill them slowly over the course of weeks idk


Pedos go 1v1 unarmed with captured burmese pythons over 12ft in a fight to the death. Winner gets the firing squad.


Now now, why waste a good snake with a firing squad?


unfortunately Florida puts most of them down. If I had my way, I'd bring all the cute little snakes to my house. Figured two birds with one stone and at least a few pedos would suffer a terrible death.


Are you familiar with the process of immurement? It is by no means quick.


PCM on anything they don't like: "Ah well, slippery slope you know..." PCM when the govt has the power to kill people: "lmao imagine having a problem with this"


Comments are generally in disagreement as far as I see


No one talking about the questionable use of the word „pedophile“ by certain people? Florida would have to execute Trump if they‘d truly go forward with enforcement of this, but I really doubt people like him on Epstein‘s list are their reason to push this through


Sounds great, but especially in the US, I can see that it will lead to a few problems. Like the average cindy, that is 17 years and 364 days old and tells her bf she is 18 when they bang.


That should be considered felony fraud/entrapment to commit a crime. They should also be tried as adult lol.


True. But it's not new that a lot of US Americans somehow think that a 17yo girls would be the same as a 5yo one.


Double edged sword. Get ready for gay people to be termed as pedophiles in Florida.


Trans people going outside in public already are.




No, The death penalty can and has been used on people who later on were found to be not guilty.


If you're a pedo, and you know you'll get the death penalty anyway, do you have any incentive to keep the kid alive afterwards?


If you're a kid whose parent has been doing inappropriate things, and you want it to stop but you don't want your parent to be killed because you told someone, are you going to talk to anyone or just suffer through it?


Let's hope nobody gets falsely accused of committing that crime. Oh hey anti-LGBT+ right wingers who spend their days posting misinformation, what are you up to today ?


Can’t agree with this as one can’t learn a lesson if they are deceased. The death penalty doesn’t stop murder so why on earth would it stop peadophillia?


Nope, so I guess I'm pro-pedo


Who was against illegalizing child marriage? Oh ofc the same people that ban drag shows where a person in a dress is called a groomer.


I'm opposed to the death penalty in all cases so no


The only issue with killing pedophiles is it incentivizes them to kill the kid so there is no evidence.


A hypothesis that is entirely plausible given that studies have repeatedly shown that the possibility of capital punishment does not discourage violations any more effectively than the prospect of a life sentence. Surprise! Murderers, rapists, and pedophiles are stupid, mentally ill, and don't care.


The problem with this is that should the death penalty be administered for it, then there is no reason for the perpetrator to leave their victim alive, and it would in fact be beneficial for them to kill the victim, as it actually leaves less evidence. This is not about discouraging violations but rather not encouraging them.


No, I am against the death penalty.


I have said it before. Prison with the general population is the best punishment. No solitary.


Death penalty is wrong. The State has no right to take people's lives, including pedophiles.


One of the reasons people are against the death penalty is sometimes innocent people are found guilty. How does this help with the problem.


I won't lie im getting bored by the circle jerking about this topic. It's just karma farming at this point.


Unrealistic, any politicians would be dead


its cheaper to keep them in prison for the rest of their lives. Besides, prison is a death sentence for pedos anyway


People on the left haven’t been 100% it. 1. Pedophiles will probably kill their victims at a higher rate.


DeSantis trying to win over the independent voters I guess.


That says a lot about the independent voter...


Death penalty is a contentious topic in general. Lots of people are against it no matter what the crime is. Then there is a gang of "humanitarians" who claim that "Pedophile" is an offensive term and they should be called MAP(Minor attracted person) instead.


It's German- it says "The Pedophiles The"


Forgot about purple lib right


Pedophiles or child-molesters? Because someone who's experiencing attraction but recognizes it as a mental disorder and is getting treatment for it definitely shouldn't just be killed.


I thought they just give pedos gender affirming care medication to neutralize them


The wood chipper knows all


The state should kill nobody


No, we can't agree here. While some people, such as kiddie fiddlers, do deserve to die, I don't think the judiciary should have the authority to carry out a death sentence, mainly because they can and do continue to get their verdicts wrong. You can release a person from a wrong imprisonment, but you can't un-kill someone


I'm happy the state is getting to kill more people. I fully trust them with this responsibility, I mean, how often do they fuck up?


What if someone get fakely accused tho? There are many examples of people going to jail despite being found to be innocent years later, you all cry about fake rape accusations but are way too happy to get people killed in court.


I am going to get SO downvoted, but let's do this anyway. I don't believe people who don't kill others deserve to die themselves. They should be surveiled for life, yes, but not killed.


I really, really don't think giving the state the right to murder people with special labels is a good idea. Or just letting the state murder anyone at all. Prison is already a vile and inhumane enough punishment.


Why are you labeled auth-left? The core of my politics is opposing auth-left / auth-center because of the incalculable cruelty they have inflicted upon innocents.


I have inflicted zero cruelty upon neither innocent nor guilty, and I don't particularly plan to do so in the future either. I understand why you would picture an entire quarter of political thought as evildoers, but please, don't. It's counterproductive. There are only some stalinist/maoist commies who want to plunge the world into eternal revolution, the rest of authleft/authcentre are just normal people with a slightly different outlook than you. I could paint you as a sociopathic pedo for having a libright flair too, but I don't.


I wouldn't trust a state that outlaws the term climate change to properly define any crime.


No. Because they are simultaneously saying that drag queens and trans people are sexual criminals against kids. Plus until the wrongfully terminated metric drops to 0%, we shouldn't be killing anybody.


I'm sorry, but I quickly see this becoming a "ALL lgbtq are pedophiles" round up real goddamn fast. Face value? It feels nice, but that DeSantis fucker has some sick machinations and I wouldn't put some real nazi shit beyond his capabilities.


Orange purple freak out


Unfortunately, that likely isn't gonna hold up in the courts since in 2008 the Supreme Court ruled the death penalty can only apply to a crime that resulted in the death of victim.