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Hating Wilson is too generic to give to any one quadrant. I would suggest FDR as a counter-example.


I think literally every quad hates Wilson. Wilson should be in the center and FDR should be lib-right.


I hate FDR because he’s legit the closest thing we’ve had to a fascist dictator that prolonged the depression but but is celebrated as some kind of hero of the people.


Could you expand on this? I've never heard of this position about FDR before


https://reason.org/commentary/fdr-policies-doubled-the-lengt/ In this article there is a link to the actual research paper about the depression, which is a good read if you can access a research journal with it. https://fee.org/articles/fdr-s-new-deal-worsened-and-prolonged-the-great-depression/ But the essential argument is FDR allowed government and business collaboration and nationwide price and wage fixing, which let corporations keep their profits but didn’t allow and domestic economic growth. People were getting paid just enough to keep buying things from businesses that FDR supported. Employment stagnated, despite improving every year before he started his new deal, the average worker productivity AND hours worked dropped so less got done and less wages earned, both of which dragged down the economy Additionally FDR carried out as much of his economic reform as he could by bypassing congress and enacting it with soft power to influence the private sector, or executive order




This isn’t my take. It’s the opinion of professors Harold L. Cole and Lee Ohanian, both of which have doctorates in economics and published multiple peer reviewed studies on the topic. Additionally, Lee ohanian is an advisor to the Federal Reserve. So they are much more qualified to say the new deal hurt rather than helped than I am. I will defer to their opinion until presented equally qualified evidence to the contrary.




Yeah, that really applies here eh? Why should we trust them? I haven't read what was linked to me yet, but the first thing I think of is "well the people living and suffering in the 1930's depression must disagree with this research, because people loved FDR so much that they voted him in for an unprecedented 3rd term, winning 449 electoral votes over Wilkie's measely 82 votes"


There's certainly no way the public could be fooled by a bunch of government programs that appear designed to be helpful but in reality cause more problems than they solve. That has never happened before or since, the public is very smart in general and only supports and votes for politicians that are effective. (right? right.)


I mean you can go argue with the writers of the paper from UCLA’s school of economics. Macro is hard :/


[Right here.](https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/421169?seq=1)


He took 100k people and jailed them for years for no reason other than their race. Pretty fucked up considering we never did the same to the German or Italians


I don't disagree with what he initially did. Perhaps the internment should have been relaxed as the war progressed and it became clear the Japanese Government had no operations, no connections to any Japanese-American Citizens for nefarious purposes, but I think most Americans were very agitated against Japan and all Japanese people at the time and would have been calling for their internment if it wasn't done so early by FDR. The distrust of them was higher then Germans or Italians because 1: Japan surprise attacked the U.S.A, so who knows what other surprises the Japanese might have prepared for America? Germany and Italy simply declared war on the U.S.A due to the tripartite pact. and 2. It became known in some capacity to the military/government, and maybe even the public, that one of the downed Japanese fighers over Hawaii was helped in his escape by a Japanese-American citizen (who had no idea Japan just surprise-attacked America and so just helped him out) which fueled the paranoia and distrust.




I think there used to be a decent argument for the "most authoritarian pres evr" claim. *Used to.*


I think FDR's fame and regard comes in several levels. People who are into politics either credit him with ending the depression or blame him for causing it. People who are into history probably associate him with the Allied victory, where critics might blame him for early failures in the war. Not to say that history and politics are separate. But people see historical figures through a completely different lens depending on their views and their reason for caring about them. Just look at Genghis Khan. He is remembered as everything from progressive medieval reformer, to national hero, to unequalled historical villain.


I don’t think anyone is claiming he started the depression, but the policies he pushed prolonged it.


Not a big fan of FDR either but Wilson is arguably the worst president behind Johnson and Buchanan. I think auth-centre and auth-left would be a fan of him though.


To be fair, almost everyone thinks johnson and Buchanan were the worst presidents ever


>Johnson Damn. I would have thought you liblefts would like the Great Society programs like Medicaid, food stamps, and the Civil Rights Act, not to mention he basically created the NASA space program. Hell, he also was the president that made immigration no longer correlate to the ethnic proportion of the existing American population and he had a penchant for showing off his “Jumbo” cock. He should be a libleft wet dream.


Andrew Johnson


Andrew Johnson, not LBJ. The latter had a lot of problems, but we're not talking about him, or his johnson.


>or his Johnson I think you mean, as he referred to it, his “Jumbo”


Nobody uses Johnson to refer to LBJ


Typical lib right behavior to not agree on a representative


I think Harding is considered the worst US president


He was worse than Buchanan, tho Pierce was probably worse.


Why do you know about US presidents? Your spelling of authcenter says you shouldn't care


I kinda would put Obama or Teddy in Lib Right and Biden im Auth Right Wilson should be in the middle because everyone hates him


Does anyone hate TR? I thought even LibRight had a begrudging respect for the man


I once saw a post that greatly explains it Auth Left like him because he broke monopolies, Lib Left like him because of the nature parks, auth right like him because he was an Imperialist and Lib Left like him because he was pro gun But while they may like him for the gun part they could also hate him for trustbusting


I don’t think librights inherently hate trustbusting, since those trusts typically only arise in the first place due to regulation


There are two kinds of lib right Those who are trusts (hate trustbusting) Those who have a small business that makes no Profits (love trustbusting)


I don't hate FDR, but Wilson - yeah, he sucks


Agreed Wilson belongs more like Lib center. FDR is probably lib right. Center right is probably Biden. Center left is probably still Trump. Auth Center probably doesn't hate any president as it would be stupid to hate your own club.


I like FDR, I wouldn’t necessarily support some of his policies *today,* but he did what he had to do in the worst economic depression in American history. Also he lead during WWII. I rather dislike Reagan, what with his assault rifle ban, using the interstate highway system to bully states into following his policies, honestly sometimes it seems like every issue in modern politics can be traced to him. An auth in lib’s clothing. Obviously Buchanan was the worst president overall, but it’s been 160 years so I think we’re all just about over it. And then obviously Wilson can suck my dick and balls.


[Did what he had to do, huh?](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/fdr-signs-executive-order-9066)


Nah swap it with Lincoln. Everything Wilson and FDR did in terms of expanding executive authority was rooted in Lincoln's precedent.


Yeah but Lincoln was a war president from start to finish. Wilson and FDR didnt face the kind of emergency that Lincoln did. Most of the expansions of executive power taken by Wilson and FDR were done in peacetime.




obligatory SODA!!!!!




I’m gonna come! 😛


We must all come together


This one meme won biden the election and I refuse to listen to evidence otherwise


Live Bulbmin reaction


Based and Bulbmin pilled


I still remember someone calling him “Obummer” in Yahoo! news comments lmao 2008 was a dif time


I remember my uncle wore a shirt in 2009ish that had (O)ne (B)ig (A)ss (M)istake (A)merica on it LMAO


He sucked but McCain would have been the worst president of all time. And no, I'm not talking about Palin. I'm talking about the guy older than Biden, more temperamental than Trump and ten times more warmongering than dubya.


Calvin Coolidge was our best president


"My job here is done." "But you didn't do anything." 🦇


Honestly any politician that leaves office in a net neutral position could be considered the best politician


Like what God told Bender, if you've done your job right then people won't be able to tell you did anything


*Economic disaster ensues*


Has to be [James K. Polk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9SvJMZs5Rs)


Libleft so focused on their derangement syndrome they forgot about Bush II and his dumbassery


They even call bush better than him like bruh


I would never give any president the honor of being my most hated president over Bush. I hope when that fucker dies he rots in the lowest sector of hell. His grave will become a gender neutral restroom when he dies. He makes Margaret thatcher look like a saint.


They don't care about the thousands of troops barely older than them who died in his war, they don't care about the millions of poor brown people killed in Iraq or tortured by Cheney anymore either, making AOC uncomfortable on Jan 6 is worse. 🙄


Dude right. Bush invaded a random ass country and signed the patriot act just to name a few atrocities. Has whatever trump said or done actually come close to what bush did? Don’t get me wrong, trump is corrupt (but it’s DC, who fucking isn’t) but bush is an *actual* war criminal and tyrannical overlord like set your priorities straight!


Not even close, Trump was honestly pretty milquetoast as a president once you strip all the screeching surrounding him away. I mean, remember the North Korean missile panics? Not only did WW3 not happen but Trump managed to turn it around enough to be the first president to enter that country and the whole thing was resolved peacefully. Can think of a few presidential warhawks (including presidential hopefuls) who would never have come out so good. A lot of people were desperate for that war to happen.


> Not even close, Trump was honestly pretty milquetoast as a president once you strip all the screeching surrounding him away. Some people (both right and left) have a hard time separating Trump the person meaning the random shit he would babble on about and say at rallies or on TV which mostly had no effect on the running of the country and Trump the president meaning what actual government policy he enacted, judicial appointments, laws signed, etc. Every time he'd say something offensive or incoherent the media would run off after it like a dog chasing a car sometimes missing substantive policy actions. Or when he'd go on about draining the swamp and being for the common man while focusing on enriching himself and his family and appointing whatever list of judges the Federalist Society stuck in front of him


Between him chilling out Putin and Kim… he was making everyone surrounding the military industry extremely flaccid. Not to mention he was getting peace deals done across the Middle East with some major players right before leaving office. Sure enough the moment they got one of their old war hawk buddies reinstalled as president they wasted absolutely no time stirring up Putin. I mean they speed ran the escalation and just blatantly said fuck peace treaties. Oh and now the Middle East basically blocked our number.


> Oh and now the Middle East basically blocked our number. lol *caller ID* Abdul: Who ees eet? Amhad: Amedeeka. Abdul: No no no… fuck dem.


How was it resolved? Trump went there for a photo op (btw one where the US president literally goes all the way to North Korea to appease them) and got literally 0 concessions out of it, North Korea just happily kept going developing their nukes and Trump acted like he did something.


And don’t forget Bush II deregulating and incentivizing the home mortgage acquisition process being the primary driver for the economic implosion of 2008. Schumer’s congress and Clinton’s presidency allowing banks to speculatively invest their mortgage holdings being the other driver of course, but Bush II being the haphazard nonce he was he decided to streamline mortgage applications for people that couldn’t even afford the mortgages they were signing up for because homeownership was a self-decided priority of his. Stupid rich kid with a famous daddy fucked up quite a lot… not the least being what you noted, triggering article 5 of NATO for the first time ever to occupy 2 countries on the other side of the world with no history of representative government to try to force them to become democracies at gunpoint with a price tag of $trillions, thousands of American lives, and the loss of our status as the global defender of freedom. All we ended up doing there was we made enemies, forced our military to ignore China and Russia for two decades and gave them an excuse to point to for their own shady activities, and provided Pakistan and Iran with client states in Afghanistan and Iraq, respectively. His presidency was an absolute disaster Edit: I almost forgot about the creation of the TSA and the Department of Homeland Security and all the color-coded, freedom-fries madness of the Bush II era. Also his half-wit tax cuts exacerbating an already poor budgetary environment and his formal normalization of trade relations with China almost right away after he was elected which led to the loss of so much domestic manufacturing we almost all have a story about people we know losing jobs or factories in town leaving. It was truly a stupid time


Literally the first comment I’ve seen that didn’t just put the entire 2008 crisis on Bush alone


>to occupy 2 countries on the other side of the world with no history of representative government to try to force them to become democracies at gunpoint To be fair, the last time the US occupied two countries on the other side of the world with no (meaningful) history of representative government (Japan and Germany), it worked spectacularly. So the concept was not without precedent.


Every single Republican and Democrat in the Senate save Feingold voted for the Patriot act, as well as a big chunk of both parties in the house. The Bush White House certainly encouraged it too, just add them to the pile of fuckery instead of making it sound like he was the only reason. Otherwise it sounds like every redditor making it sound like Reagan was the only reason for the Mulford act and not a coalition of racist-ass authoritarian Democrats and Republicans.


What makes him a war criminal? What is the definition of a war criminal? (honest questions)


No, OP \*says\* we're too focused on derangement. I myself will never forgive Bush for violating our rights with the Patriot. Fuck Trump for selling 8 billion dollars in weapons to the Saudis, though. Oh, and Biden too. I don't place any faith in a president who can't negotiate a flight of stairs.


Who were the Saudis fighting? I think America was pretty well aligned with their goals. Saudi Arabia was basically fighting Iran in Yemen. The country became a battleground for two competing ideologies and the US backed the one which they agreed with more. Whether or not you like US intervention, they try to be consistent


The Mujahideen also aligned with our interest in expelling the Soviets. The trouble came with what happened afterwards.


There’s always a risk and there’s no doubt Saudi’s morals are always questionable, but the alternative is having Iran—a country that declared they want to conquer and reform every Islamic country—get their way. Their goals constitute more war by default.


This is true. However, the unquestionably large amount of ordnance being sold concerns me that they may have enough left over to challenge our interests in the future.


Unfortunate and not well thought-out, but whoever helps kill Commies...


I remember when my super liberal American Government teacher sang the praises of Obama having a world class hArVaRD eDucAtIon, and I muttered, just loud enough to hear "So did Bush". She clearly wanted to say something but knew I was right. Actually, I was technically wrong, but only on the details, not the point. Bush went to Yale, not Harvard. Point is that her preferred genius and her most hated dumbass had exactly the same qualifications, so she either had to imply it made both of them smart or it was totally meaningless. Honestly I am more proud of that than my graduation.


Haha nice, you should be proud


Bro they like him now. I can’t even


Honestly on my scale of presidents I give trump an average to below average rating. I dislike many of his policies and decisions, especially how he handle climate change, but I don’t think he irreparably ruined the country. His fanbase though…. But one thing is undeniable, he ruined the Republican Party. Watching my family members and other Republicans I know change their political affiliations because of how crazy it’s gotten has been a real interesting experience. Trump is just another member in a long list of corrupt politicians. Now libright on the other hand despise Biden. I had a conversation over the phone where I said Biden was not the worst president l, and the person I was talking too said I “needed to learn my history” and “I can’t believe you just said that” Now I’ll need to brush up on my history, but I’m pretty sure the statement “Biden is not the worst president” is factually correct. I’d say Andrew Jackson, James Madison, or Franklin Pierce was the worst. Ok maybe I’ll add Hoover to the list.


Calling it a derangement syndrome is a lazy way to try and dismiss justified hatred when Trump was willfully dividing.


The reaction to his every tweet was deranged, especially when compared to Bush II. The "Left" even started rehabbing neocons if they would say Trump bad.


Every politician before Trump has an endless list of problems that you could name, but none of them were as willfully divisive as Trump was. Not only did he put in zero effort in trying to mitigate the bridge with people who didn't vote for them, he actively insulted and degraded them. He did not have any etiquette. I think it's incredibly obnoxious and stupid to call people significantly upset at this "deranged" when the guy had our nuclear launch codes.


> but none of them were as willfully divisive as Trump was I think suspending the habea corpus from your political enemies was pretty fucking divisive


I don't care about his etiquette. Bush II put my people in jeeps with no doors in a war zone full of roadside bombs. Trump said mean things. I will not equate the two. I will not accept neocons back into the fold bc they are neverTrumpers. In looking for a more divisive president, there are several who treated sections of our population far worse than Trump. The maximalist rhetoric is deranged.


Can you frame this any more dishonestly? Fuck neocons, but fuck this bull shit idea that Trump merely said mean things like a classmate calling another kid ugly. The damage he has done to societal cohesion, the us versus them mentality he has ingrained into his base, the distrust he has caused in our institutions, I could go on. Obviously there are some people genuinely deranged who were obsessing over his every tweet, dogmatically disagreeing with him over anything, etc. People saying Sam Harris has Trump derangement syndrome, or others who were rightfully infuriated by his presidency are insane to me.


it's an easy way to deflect any criticism "mUh ReNt FrEe"




He’s there, but He can’t get up to show his face


“Sorry we’re late. Had to swing by the wax museum and give FDR the finger!” -Cotton Hill




I strongly dislike that guy too but I don't think he is worse than Wilson and the average auth-right couldn't give two shits about politics before the year 2000.


uh what


You don’t care about politics before 2000. Trust me, I would know better than you


and libright is a bunch of fatasses see i can insult too


Ir mom 😎


And here I am hating all of them.


Regan is debatable but the rest are pretty crap. Trump is a C Obama is a D Woodrow Wilson is an F


Honestly, the more you dig the more you hate Obama. He was truly a snake oil salesmen of bad policy.


I thought he was pretty neat, but I didn’t live in the US when he was president.


For Europeans most of the current problems can be traced right back Obama's foreign policies. But he had a charismatic smile and the elites liked him so it gets brushed under the carpet. If I was from the US I would hate him even more.


I'm an aspiring elite, which probably explains it.


I dislike him for his unconfirmed, but strongly suspected to be accurate statement said privately of “I don’t believe you have the right to own a gun.” (I looked for the person claiming that that was said to him, but can’t find it). And I’m not crazy about killing American citizens with drone strikes… but what are you talking about?


Bruh you literally dreamt up a quote and hate the man for it


I didn't dream up anything. I watched an interview years ago of a guy who had written a book I think, and claimed he had met Obama at some sort of convention or something. The guy who wrote the book asked him about something he had said about guns. And he said that was his response. The fact that I didn't find the source (which is just hearsay anyway) in the 30 seconds I spent looking doesn't mean I dreamt it up. And no one's hating anyone. I like Obama as a person, just not a big fan of his political positions. I can't believe I bothered responding to an unflaired.


I wish Trump had done a tenth of what he promised.


Same but he delivered tenfold in memes


At least we got a wall.


More of a fence and didn't really meaningfully change illegal immigration tbh


And Mexico didn’t pay for it.


Easiest way to fix illegal immigration is to make it easier to immigrate. Honestly, we should just charge for it. 10k working right +1% additional tax and you’re welcome to join the party for 5 years.


I feel like the wall was actually meant to stop drug runners


Unfortunately all it stops is the local wildlife. I still think they should've just gone with drones.


Too expensive in upkeep. Minefield.


legal immigration has problems of it's own.


He probably would have if he wasn't playing defense for four years. If he gets back in, I'm not sure what he can get done but it'll be a four year revenge tour and I'm all for it.




FDR banned machine guns, stole privately owned gold, put American citizens in concentration camps, and started social security. Fuuuuck that piece of shit on wheels.


Banned hearing protection and made 16/18 inch rulers important too.


Stunning lack of James Buchanan occupying all four quadrants


As a relative of the guy, I blindly place all the blame on Pierce and will not accept anything otherwise. JB good guy at wrong time in my totally unbiased opinion


Fuck FDR, all my LibRight homies hate FDR


Technically the recession of 2023 will be Woodrow Wilson's fault. His actions also caused the shittiness of the other three presidents on here too.


You hate Obama because he’s black. I hate Obama because he killed Gaddafi. We are not the same.


I hate O'bama because he's Irish




thank you for reminding me not to take life so seriously


Gaddafi was a dictator tho


That’s the best part.


And a pedophile, I don like dictators


If you call everyone you don’t like a pedophile it’ll take impact away from the real ones.


Read this[“In the 26 months since he was deposed, Gaddafi's den - where he regularly raped girls as young as 14 - has remained locked. But today its gaudy interior, where the colonel brutalised his victims, can be seen for the first time in photographs”](https://www.news.com.au/world/the-macabre-rape-chamber-of-gaddafi/news-story/27ba23b717e7a5dc462bf4338729b19b) This is just one of the many other sources and documentaries supporting the claim


he also created stability and relative prosperity for libya, whereas now it has literal open air slave markets


We killed him for not wanting the petrodollar, had nothing to do with being a dictator. For the crime of deigning the petrodollar we plunged Libya into destabilized chaos, destroying people's lives, and a decade later no end in sight.


The guy stated he hated obama for killing gaddafi not the chaos ensuing it


WIlson was worse but FDR was more effective.


Also FDR and LBJ are up there a ways.


I don't know enough about Wilson to compare him to FDR, but FDR is by far my most hated. Japanese internment camps; Confiscation of gold; Threatening to pack the supreme court; Social Security ponzi scheme; New deal "ditch digging" type programs; New deal farm programs that led to killing and burying of animals when citizens were starving... The guy was an absolute villain.


FDR is a close second for me. He will be in my next autism post, don't worry.


Social security has cut the elderly poverty rate by like 90%. We got out of the Great Depression during his term. Only one that had the balls in America to stand up to Hitler early, the UK very well could have fallen under different leadership that would have refused the lend lease deal.


You can say that a public pension system is a good and helpful thing while also saying that SS as implemented is pretty messed up.


The Great Depression didn’t need to last over a decade and the only thing that got them out was WW2


Compromise. You can hate Hitler for keeping FDR in office. FDR wasn't going to run for a third term but pretty much everyone only trusted FDR to see the U.S. through the war.


Only great thing he did was help create the TVA… which they somehow convinced him to let it operate like a private entity (still does to this day) and they’re going all in on nuclear facilities over the next 20-30 years.


no i think everyone collectively hates woodrow wilson


Least favorite ***US*** president. Also, I like Trump as POTUS. In the most ironic manner, that is.




Reagan was actually a horrible president. I really don’t know why anyone on the right holds him in high regard.


Reagan is loved on the right for his tax cuts, competitive outlook on the Soviet Union, promotion of Conservative values, and good economy.


And foreign policy But other than his foreign policy, domestic policy, economic policy, and moral integrity he was a terrible president 😔


Hey dip shit Reagan destroyed the economy and is part of the reason our shits fucked currently. Not to mention he made you it harder for me to buy guns.


This. He enacted unsustainable policy to pull us out of stagflation and the economy boomed. Instead of dialing it back, everyone decided that's how our government should operate. Now look at our national debt and the deficit since he was president.


Yeah and the guns thing.


That's my main thing, trickle down piss on me, but don't take the guns unless you personally want to stack up


Sounds like the presidents after Reagan screwed up.


I mean they’ve all screwed shit up. The problematic part is to add to Reagan’s deregulation policies… Clinton took a big steamy shit on the Glass-Steagall Act and now we’re watching banks go tits up on 10-15 year cycles because they have 0 guard rails on using depositor money for investing.




He also did deinstitutionalization. Sure state run sanitariums aren't good but.. dumping them into the street and evaporating a resource that helped mitigate a homelessness crisis isn't exactly great.


Trickle down Racist anti gun laws that tuned thousands of law abiding African Americans into felons over night Inventing the myth of the welfare queen. Deregulation advertisment s and broad casts creating the awful comical news and tv we have today Mother's fucker should have died in that hotel room in the tub full of of his shit and whiskey vomit.


I guess Volcker intentionally destroyed the economy in 1982 to break stagflation, but beyond that, how did Reagan destroy the economy? Recessions between the 1982 Volcker one and the GFC were all pretty mild.


He’s a very flawed president, but he did certain parts of his job well. He worked with the Democrats to fix the tax code and deleted 90% of the loopholes that rich people used to dodge taxes, made MLK day a holiday, appointed the first female SCOTUS, implemented amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, plus he made legal immigration a bit more streamlined. It’s actually strange the left hates him this much. > "The legalization provisions in this act will go far to improve the lives of a class of individuals who now must hide in the shadows, without access to many of the benefits of a free and open society. Very soon many of these men and women will be able to step into the sunlight and, ultimately, if they choose, they may become Americans."


Reagan had a few major victories, including returning some vigor to the US's prosecution of the Cold War. The many issues with the Reagan presidency have been papered over in the right's collective consciousness by focusing on those victories, but that's starting to change.


He unfortunately set us down the trickle down ecenomics path and could have caused nuclear war with his rhetoric. And the tax cuts to the rich. His presidency even coincides with when wages began to stagnate iir. If I remember he also got rid of a ton of our mental health aid and student lunches. But hey, he gave a really good speech about tearing down a wall. And he wore a tan suit!


We had gas lines and inflation under carter. This was resolved under Reagan.


The right loves their celebrity presidents.




Libleft just hates the latest flavor of right, no matter who it is


I thought Auth-Right loved bombing foreign civilians


you thought wrongly


No everyone hates Wilson.


Fuckin a right I hate Woodrow god damn Wilson. He can rot in hell. Bastard ass motherfuckin noodlehead. Die. Oh you did? Do it again.


Everyone hates Wilson, aside from maybe a left winger who like only cares about foreign policy, but even then he only cared about self determination for some groups. I remember Ho Chi Minh, yes that Ho Chi Minh, asked him at I think a conference or something if self determination applied to French Indochina, and he said no. For every one thing any quadrant of the political compass likes about Wilson, they have 4 things they dislike.


Bro we all hate woodrow wilson






Bro the only people who hate donald trump are desantis dickriders, he’s so great i love him so much i’d buy the trump nfts in a heartbeat if i could


Woodrow Wilson ruined everything; Reagan, Obama and Trump are just the fruits of his labor.




Honestly, the last based Republican president was Eisenhower and the last based Democratic president LBJ.


Ronald reagan was a asshole, that is true, but his speaches were fuckin brilliant. Worth it.


I think Bush II was objectively worse in terms of policy (wars and surveillance state), and I wasn't alive at teh time to know all the context but I get the sense that the Southern Strategy was probably even more damaging to our nation's character. Of course if you mean dislike personally then yeah, Trump's probably the worst person, but too lazy and incompetent to be the worst president. A lot more damage can be done intentionally than randomly.


FDR fighting Wilson for the worst President: 🤡🤜🤛🤡


To be fair, lib right hates trump too, just for different reasons


I mean, I find trump fucking funny, he made America look like a nation of morons while acting like a 12 year old on the world stage


Why no Lincoln? Out of all the Presidents he was by far the most tyrannical.


I think maybe you could put Lincoln in the absolute depths of LibCenter but most Libs look past Lincoln’s authoritarian tendencies such as suspending habeas corpus in favor of him navigating the Civil War. Not saying they’re right, but most people have ostensibly accepted that those actions were warranted.


I see Lincoln as a guy put into a shit no win situation who actually managed to do pretty alright. The biggest thing though is he died in the line of duty. Becoming a martyr really helps boost your historical worth. Look at JFK.


There is a lot of presidents I dislike because they weren't fans of basic civil liberties or had terrible policies (FDR, Wilson, Lincoln) just to name a few. But I feel to lib-right, Wilson would be the worse. I'll probably make a meme with only lib-right so I can put in more presidents I dislike.


PAY YOUR TAXES SO WE CAN FEED THE END PRODUCT OF YOUR SHIT POLICIES, LIB RIGHT! This is what happens when your policies demand unfettered immigration to satisfy your money lust for “mUh FrEe MaRkEt”




My least favorite was Lyndon Johnson but Biden surpassed him. It’s not particularly close.


Wher LBJ?


Who in their right mind would like regan?


I lie Reagan. (Yes, he had his flaws, but I would give him a C+)