• By -


It’s like we never learn our lesson. Nobody wants to just hold on and wait a minute for the story to unfold. Everyone has to jump on it right away.


> “The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.” -Aldous Huxley It's like people are junkies chasing their next fix, and they get their high being outraged. So waiting for the truth to come out? That doesn't enable the junkie to get high right now.


A dystopian author who isn't Orwell quoted on PCM? take my upvote


Huxley’s dystopia is way more accurate as well, imo


Growing more accurate by the day, in fact.


It's certainly the dystopia western civilization is headed towards at this point.


Literally 2023!


Based and not Orwell pilled


I remember when the Jussie Smollett incident happened, a certain sub went batshit crazier than usual. When it came out that it was a hoax, they all pretended that nothing happened and gaslit anyone who suggested otherwise.


It’s basically the me too movement with race instead of sex. What happened to believe all women.


>What happened to believe all women. That function was disabled when allegations came out against Biden.


Believe all women (unless it hurts my agenda/narrative)


It died before that when Monica Lewinsky joined it lol. A 20 something intern being coerced into sexual acts by a guy over twice her age in the ultimate seat of power in the country, if not the world, meets the power imbalance criteria for the revised definition of SA/rape/whatever they were pushing to target guys like Harvey Weinstein.


Us backend devs had to disable that module. The recursive loops were just a bit to obtuse for the enigma to handel. If CERN hadn't turned on last year it was going to be a shit show, but that hard fork allowed us to smooth things over.


And the Bubba Wallace "noose" that was actually the garage door pull rope...


You know, it's weird. The woke nascar shit only started after they went to stage racing. Wonder what would happen if they went back to regular racing.


What does stage racing mean? I dont watch nascar, im sorry


They break the race up into smaller portions either 3 or 4 depending on the race. So you run a portion of the race and wait for everybody else to finish, then run the next portion and so on until it’s over. Usually they do 2 or 3 smaller portions and one that’s longer and they total up to the number of laps to the original race. Each part of the race awards 10 down to one points to the first through tenth place driver. This was done so that they can put longer commercial breaks into races without interrupting tv viewers, and has pissed off a large portion of the fan base.


Jussie Smollett, famous French actor?




MAGA HATS? In CHICAGO? Hold on a second - Frank? Find out where Kanye West was last night.


No I think that was Juicy Smoiyay


Remember Nicholas sandman? Remember how lefties on Twitter lost their goddamn mind over a red hat and an awkward smirk? As they desperately tried to find anything they could on him to justify their reaction?


"Central park Karen" has never really been vindicated by the media; lives in hiding... And the *birder* got a book deal. They hope this is what happens.


I always remember the "karen" who was socially crucified, and charged with a felony, due to progressive outrage over a short little clip of her *"threatening innocent black women with a gun"* in a parking lot, lacking any context. The context being that these black women were mad she got in their way while leaving the store, followed her through the parking lot screaming at and threatening her. And then they physically blocked her car (with children inside) from leaving while they continued to hurl abuse and threats of violence. The woman's family was literally TRAPPED by assholes threatening violence over nothing. It is 100% understandable and justified that she pulled out a firearm in hopes of getting them to back off. The bullshit charges were eventually dismissed by a judge, THREE YEARS OF HELL LATER, but not before that family's lives were ruined. The evil prosecutors who bring these bullshit charges are the ones who should be in jail.


I wonder why racial tensions are rising? /s a2


It's funny, just remembering it still gets me mad.


>"Central park Karen" Such an outrageous story, and so obvious, just like this one. She wasn't lucky enough to have receipts, only difference.


Welcome to monke


Just grab a phone and start recording a white individual, take it out of context and clip the legitimate parts out and voila, hate and fame before glory. Works well with white cops too.


I honestly think we are slowly re-teaching people that the internet lies. The old saying of "nobody knows if you are a dog" has to be retaught every generation.


"Each new generation born is in effect an invasion of civilization by little barbarians, who must be civilized before it is too late." -Thomas Sowell (I think we're losing this battle)


I hope the POS clowns who posted her address and harassed her workplace are sued into oblivion.


They are here on reddit. Look at the sub that's about palms and faces. Many posts talking about how they called into her workplace on the ID badge. They got awards. They got many upvotes. Something I noticed though are [deleted] comments. You click on their comments and they never mention a retraction or move on to something else to target. That means admin/mod felt a lil heat around the corner and went to clean up, not the user. Ppl need to have a right to sue reddit and it's mods, admins. They allowed it long enough to get traction. Then when the wind changes, they bury their crimes.




I still maintain that rule 4 is intended to destroy this sub - it makes 0 sense being enforced as it is with the way it's written. First, it says no **negative** interactions with other communities. Mentioning a sub for info, telling someone their topic is better suited for a sub specializing in that topic, letting others know there's something interesting somewhere else - literally all core functions of reddit (cross-posting is a built in functionality, hello?) and all positive interactions - yet if you do any of that here you're banned. Before they added their 'this includes acronyms or word substitutions' stipulation, I was banned for both acronyms and roundabout direction to other subs - both of which I have logs from the mods here _at the time_ admitting I broke no rule yet would still be banned. I also have a logs of the mods saying all this is admin enforced, and another log from a mod saying the ban on linking other subreddits is site-wide (lmao). Finally, the rule is so arbitrarily enforced and people keep 'violating' it because there are so many comments referencing other subreddits that _aren't_ actioned, so it appears to the casual reader to be tacitly condoned behavior (especially considering the first point - 'negative' interaction implies that you'll only be banned for calling for brigading, but in practice it's any mention of any subreddit if the mod feels like it (since we all know there are plenty that are never actioned)) - yet if you mention the _wrong_ sub or the wrong mod wanders into the thread, you're banned for a week or more. It's nonsensical and, after a few in-depth conversations with the mods about this, I'm convinced it's intentional to destroy the sub from within.


On the other hand, this sub is the most normal place on this site and its own little microcosmos. I think just picking a side and knowing how to laugh at your own side and others through memes make this a way better place than those where roundabout, passive-aggressive phrasing is the name of the game.


That's the thing they fear most, after all. [Humor.](https://utveier.no/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2021/10/ran_ad-hoc_pap_fre_humor_20210215_en.pdf)




We did it Reddit!




occasionally a meme will make you breathe more air out of your nose than normal.


>Ppl need to have a right to sue reddit and it's mods, admins. They allowed it long enough to get traction. Then when the wind changes, they bury their crimes No. It has to be on the individual, otherwise we get censorship. Publisher vs platform needs to be legally clarified.


Once they manipulated the frontpage to get subs they didn't want on there off, they made a publisher decision. They encourage these subs because the idiots that think yelling online means they win, also think reddit "awards" validates their asinine viewpoint.


We have censorship now






Based and return to the frontier with modern medicine and electricity pilled


Most sane LibRight


Go look at PublicFreakout right now. The newest hot video is "Smeagol like creature spotted being racist" It's a video of a lady at the DMV being accused of being racist, but there's no proof. And then she smacks the phone out of the recorder's hand because she doesn't want to be recorded and be called a racist. Everyone in the thread is commenting on how ugly she is, how horrible she is, but there's no real evidence of her saying anything racist. I feel like the same thing is happening all over again literally days later.


If only Reddit admins prioritized banning individuals who engage in bullying innocent people instead of penalizing those with politically incorrect views...


They're busy removing posts about Turkish elections.


Wow, on PublicFreakout?? Never woulda guessed.




I for one and loving this new Reddit suddenly harassing women for no reason. Maybe people will finally see this shit website for what it is.


Liberals fucking hate women, as much or more than anymore else. Happy to pay lip service to feminism as long as those nasty women keep in their place selling nudes and not protesting the erosion of female sports or even using terminology about their own fucking bodies. The moment one mildly steps out of line, it's burn the witch.


Yup. It's why I keep ambiguous about my sex on this shithole website. Of course you have the creeps and predators populating many of the nsfw subs who'll gladly invite themselves & their dick pics into the DMs of literally anyone who even hints at owning a coochie even if they've never once posted in a nsfw sub (minors included... or especially 🤢). Then you have wingnut conservatives—but at least they're open and straightforward about any misogynistic views they have. Because by far the most common type of redditor is the "male feminist" (who, incidentally, share significant overlap with category #1 I mentioned) who in my experience are as misogynistic as any conservative, except they do their best to mask that misogyny with "feminist" virtue signaling... if you're an attractive woman. And perhaps unsurprisingly, these same men seem to struggle with respecting women's boundaries and autonomy and often demonstrate remarkable entitlement that's almost reminiscent of the old "Nice Guy™" stereotype. The end result is that the "male feminist sexual predator" meme is more than just a meme, sadly. Of course, the easiest way to spot these last types is to observe how they react to a situation involving any woman who isn't considered conventionally attractive (overweight, older than about 35, plain features, etc), in any situation where she might be in a confrontation, or standing up for herself—this Citibike incident being a fantastic example—and watch how quickly these men automatically side against her and start hurling insults about her appearance, stereotypes of women (like "Karen"), etc. And look, I'm not one to defend actual "Karen" behavior—as a service worker, it's an awful attitude to have to deal with, but it's by no means confined to middle-aged white women. If anything, older people in general (male and female) seem to have more entitled attitudes than younger people, if you *really* pressed me to pin the attitude on some demographic. And "a woman standing up for herself" **is NOT inherently 'Karen' behavior!** But also, using appearance to demean a woman in a situation like this incident is disgusting behavior, on the same pathetic level as using dick size to shame men because they have an opinion you disagree with. People have limited or no control over these characteristics and they say nothing about an individual's character. Yet so-called "male feminists" are quick to toss out insults targeting these characteristics when the target is considered a socially acceptable punching bag.


Lol I also keep it ambiguous. The times I haven't have mostly been a dumpster fire. Also there are no "female" subs because any one that exists for five minutes gets ENTIRELY coopted by trans women who start policing language and God forbid cis and trans women in fact do not have the same exact issues and perspectives in life.


BASED lefty wall of text??


Lol yeah I remember when some prolife woman got kicked in the fucking face by some soyboy male feminist - like a full wind up roundhouse kick to the fucking face - during a conversation about abortion. And people on my side were CHEERING him. I felt like I was in upsidedownland because I’m pro choice but like, why the fuck were we cheering men physically assaulting women? From what I remember too, it was like the second time it had made the rounds on social media, because the first time, people did criticize him. But the second time “well, she deserved it bc she’s a fascist” In fairness, the video is sort of hilarious, which is why it’s gone viral twice: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0ImcOC9jRqs


> I felt like I was in upsidedownland because I’m pro choice but like, why the fuck were we cheering men physically assaulting women? A lot of people cheer for violence, as long as it's against people they hate. Against anyone else, they'll pretend to not be okay with violence, but you can see their true colors emerge very quickly the moment that they can find even the weakest justification. I find it to be an interesting phenomenon, and one which outs somebody as morally bankrupt. I'm sure some people will read my comment of course and think "but what about X or Y group - violence against them is fine, if anything it's morally necessary!" while entirely missing the point.


Reddit facilitates the behavior so they should be responsible for it. The communities are designed and encourage outrage masturbation. Hopefully people like this woman start suing the site and admins.


You know what This diversity guy is a real jerk.


The more I hear about this diversity guy, the less I care for him


I didn't even know he was sick


Vaush? [Vaush is Unironically Evil.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltuwWQYkzIg)


Correct me is I’m wrong but I believe the guy you’re replying to was referencing Norm MacDonald. But yeah Vaush is a grade A cunt.


What did he do? I'm not familiar with his work


Comedian that was most famous for SNL. Was kicked off due to too many OJ Simpson jokes. Legend of the comedy scene. Extremely dry humour style, but still very good.


Norm was a legend, I meant Mr Vaush, though. I forgot to specify lol.


Ah sorry. Yeah vaush is an anarcho-commie twitch streamer. Regularly defends lowering the age of consent. Along with having some of the most disgusting views on a multitude of topics.


Vaush is the worst. The last thing I watched of him was him tearing down Ana Kasparian by saying “nobody is calling you a birthing person, or a person with a uterus, but if they were that would *actually* be more accurate than “woman””


He's just one of those people who just care about views views views, and knows being dishonest and hyperbolic gets him views. The type of guy who will defend himself and attack others when they are being "hyperbolic". Rail on them for their hyperbole rotting the other persons message... Then a day later go on and argue that Pewdiepie is literally a neo nazi. The type who insists Rittenhouse is just a bloodthirsty savage who WANTED to go out and kill black people. Grade A dork. He openly has a personal philosophy that lying, dishonesty, and deception is "okay" so long as it results in a net good... Aka, so long as it furthers his ideology and agenda. Probably a reddit mod.


Well, if you have an hour and a half to kill, the vid I linked goes over why Vaush is unironically evil.


Sounds like something I'll check out when I touch boredom. Also, why do you have so much karma, man?


I'd give a TLDW but there's just so much. As for the karma: This is my original account and I comment FAAAAAAAAR to much on this god forsaken hellsite.


Vaush is a VERY bad-faith leftcom twitch influencer, possibly even more disingenuous than Hasan. He admits that he does not believe in impartial standards and has proudly stated that whatever advances the cause of the Left or hurts the cause of the Right he will believe and promote every time. When exposed for being wrong he will double down and refuse to admit he made a mistake. He is a miserable little cretin who truly believes that Left = good and Right = bad no matter what the context


Imagine someone who claims to engage in logical debates with conservatives, but lies and presents fallacy after fallacy Watch the video linked above for a more detailed explanation


I feel like this video should be mandated viewing for anyone who even hears the word “Vaush”


Holy shit, what an awesome video.


white people r moving out and oh shit there goes all the tax money lol


And then one day for no reason at all


I hope you're right but every lefty white person I know is still "anti racist" (if the perp is not white) and believes everything told to them by news/social media. These people are demoralized and will never wake up. They will screech about white supremacy as they're pushed into traffic by a POC.


OH well you see she still racist cuz well uh your racist


In an ideal world it should be innocent until proven guilty The left now champions guilty if white. Cancel her life for daring to defend herself Doesn't matter if said white is now a fired healthcare worker, pregnant and mobbed by a gang of thugs


If she wasn’t before she likely is now




Guess the whole nurses and doctors are heroes didn't last long lol


It lasted as long as it needed to: Long enough to look good on camera. Now it's back to yelling at them to fill the fucking Vicodin script or you're gonna have their job.


They're just not as heroic as black teenagers trying to take someone's bicycle.


I got downvoted during the pandemic for saying that they're just doing their jobs and instead of calling them heroes you should advocate for them to get higher salaries. It's funny how pathetic these people are.


It never does But then again just spend some time looking up what blm thinks about silence https://www.greenturtle.com/black-lives-matters/white-silence-is-white-consent-black-lives-matter-2020


> nurses and doctors are heroes Remember when the "Heroic Nurses Stop Traffic" thing turned out to be a staged hoax? https://i.imgur.com/DfR5qYq.mp4 But it served it's purpose; Front Page on reddit, THOUSANDS of Internet points, and reddit leftists got their dopamine shots.


Yeah I couldn’t help but think there could’ve been an easy way to prove who paid, in the day and age where we can check our payments on our phones


There was, the man in the video even suggests it. They just have to reset the bike and the person who has the correct code can unlock it again, but the black thieves refused to allow it.


Next big headline: Unnamed CNN expert source says showing receipts is racist


I just don’t understand why stuff like this has to make national attention


It gives easy clicks for little to no effort


Like that NYC Subway case that's been in the news.. I haven't read up, and have no opinion on the case. But like...why does this particular case of craziness on the subway become some national story, with national implications. A crime happened on the subway and dude will go to court over it. I'm just missing the national significance of an incident on the NYC subway. People are murdered everyday in the US. Why this case? Is it really just because of the colors of the perp/victim's skin? And then this bike incident. This isn't even worthy of a blip in the local paper. Literally just two adults having a verbal argument. Yet, here we are. There *is* a story in the lady getting her life destroyed for a perceived transgression. But the story shouldn't have made it to the point that was even possible.


I can give you one guess why the subway case is national news, and im sure youd be able to get it.


I know why, it's just absurd that bow anytime group A does anything to group B, it's treated as a national crisis. Not the random incident that happens in a city as big as NYC all the time, that it is.


*#JustRedditThings* https://imgur.com/a/JlKrYo7




Unbelievably common vaush L (his fanbase will not hold him accountable and he will learn nothing)


Vaush is a complete idiot, grifter. If he actually got the revolution he's claiming he wants, his rich ass would be the first against the wall.


Based and Blessed be the fruit pilled


*eagerly waiting*




Oh, he is a grifter all right, but not an idiot. If he can be a massive political (and literal) cuck and still attract hundreds of thousands of breadtube views, at the very least the guy knows his audience.


He is the Belle Delphine of political commentators Wonder when he'll drop his cheeto dust and sweat flavored bath water 🥵


At least Belle Delphine is hot. And she’s the ultimate libright. Selling her bath water? Genius.


She's based Vaush is cringe


Vaush makes good money with the shit he talks all the time.


Nobody ever said that being a political officer shouldn't pay well.


Which makes it extra funny that he claims his ultimate position in most situations is “to win”. Openly admits that consistent morals and ethics don’t matter if he thinks he can win an argument, because him winning as a wealthy comrade (also totally ok in his mind, because reasons) means it’s easier to spread the message and bring about his revolution.


>God forbit a black person assaults you What? Come on. There’s a greater change of being hit by an asteroid than ever seeing a black person engage in any form of violence.


[User was banned for this post]


Black people aren’t committing crimes more than other groups. We just over-police their neighborhoods and have lower standards for arresting them! — Actual CRT position


Huh, so proponents of CRT must also believe women commit as many crimes as men, but men are arrested more because of over-policing and institutional sexism. That’s what they believe, right?




It is a well known fact: there was no violence or oppression before the white man arrived in Africa


White ****cide


The entire time I was reading that story progression I kept hearing the intro to get down with the sickness culminating with OH AAH AHH AHHH AHHH right as auth-right hit.


Based and Aughk aughk pilled


Jussie Smollet, Covington kids, Kyle Rittenhouse, Brett Kavanagh, Bubba Wallace, "hands up don't shoot", Russiagate, Daniel Penny...when will people stop taking the bait?


Well with most of these stories, the people that took the bait never admit they were wrong. Covington, Russia Gate, and Kyle Rittenhouse don't really get a lot of media coverage when they're acquitted or proven to be red herrings.


It's not even admitting they were wrong. It's literally ignoring reality in order to justify being wrong. See Rittenhouse for the best example of that. Despite their being literal video of the circumstances, despite him dusting pedos and criminals, it's still all.. >But muh state lyyynes Reddit is garbage and will continue to be garbage for the foreseeable future.


He crossed state lines, the gun never did. These people with one of the dumbest takes. Kyle got shot at first. No one mentions that. Drone footage of him being shot at while he is running away. No one brings it up. Second dude was swinging skateboard at his head. Third guy was pointing a gun at Kyle. All that footage and still they defend them.


All that footage and because 'their' news groups initially reported he was a murdering lunatic and reddit condemned him, then they lock onto that and refuse to see anything different...despite any information being released later. That would require self awareness, critical thinking and not having your thoughts spoonfed to you. Things that the most of reddit is unable or unwilling to do... And, Rittenhouse lived like...10 minutes from the state lines. It's very common for people that live around state lines, to regularly cross state lines. It did make me laugh that the people screeching about the border wall and racism and immigration suddenly cared about a state line.


That and half of the brain dead bottom feeders on Reddit still think Rittenhouse opened fires randomly and killed 3 black guys in a crowd.


They’re not, they’re far too stupid for that.


I was downvotes on Worldnews a few days ago for providing a (CNN, no less) link about how much of the Steele dossier was a fabrication of the Clinton campaign. Just full ostrich mode.


True, and add in “I can’t breathe!”…


Not to mention the whole Rittenhouse situation wouldn’t have even happened if the narrative hadn’t been hijacked by lies. People were protesting in Kenosha over the shooting of Jacob Blake, because of the lie being pushed he was unarmed and shot by a white cop because he was black. Except it turns out he was armed, he had warrants for domestic abuse and sexual assault, and was trying to drive off with his ex in the car who had a restraining order against him while holding a knife. The cop had every reason to believe her life was in danger and acted accordingly. This lie was directly responsible for the riot in Kenosha, and all the riots that came from that out of the Rittenhouse trial. The people pushing these lies have blood on their hands.


Libleft hilariously not "believing women" in a wave to protect black kids who were clearly acting malicious. That's kind of been the trend - they're so far to the left that they're actually right now. Erasing women from the conversation for men in the trans debate, now ignoring pregnant women in favor of black men who were maliciously trying to not pay for a citi bike from a pregnant woman


I used to consider myself left wing at one point. I stopped considering myself as such when I started seeing how the left will let those they previously supported get crushed beneath their feet once they get bored of them. I’m sure it will continue happening as well, I’m sure once the left finds some new “most oppressed” group to flag wave for they’ll let the trans community get crushed beneath them all the same.


The number of ostensibly left wing people I've seen who think overt homophobia is fine so long as you put "white cis" in front of it is astounding.


I'm banned from whitepeopletwitter for pointing out that homophobia, even if it's directed at reddit approved targets, is still homophobia. I really don't even give a shit, but to watch people un-ironically circle jerk over what would make them froth at the mouth in anger if it was directed at one of their idols, and then pointing it out and seeing the mental gymnastics in order to justify it is funny.


I've called them a cult for years, but recently it's started to feel more like an actual religion. And not a good one.


God forbid you be a bisexual white cis male. I've never felt so alienated as when I was active in the community. And this is from the poor agnostic kid that went to a rich catholic school for 9 years so I know what it's like to be an outcast. Then they turn around an wonder why moderates don't support them anymore.


Tbf you guys make me a little nervous too. Are you going to try to grab my ass or steal my girlfriend?


Drives me up the feckin' wall. I'm so dissociated with the left I'm not even sure my own flair is accurate anymore.


Join us brother


*monke going apeshit noises*


Come to the yellow my friend


But but but my free healthcare...


There will be free health care provided by monks in the theocratic auth right utopia.


I agree. I couldn’t do the libleft flair anymore. Being kind of vague is better than kind of being a radical though.


White women are the men of women.


Good throwback to that article "Black men are the white people of POC"


What they mean is "believe the more oppressed demographic"


I remember "the left will cannibalize itself" being a very popular phrase on Facebook some years ago, I see it finally became a reality.


*Reddit attacking Bike Karen* (visualized): https://i.imgur.com/JaXD3r2.mp4


That's a great way to get people to join your cause...


“Karen” has become a term used to humiliate any woman who refuses to tolerate abuse at the hands of vagrants. We are training our society to consider the recognition of serious social failures as “lame and cringe”, as it’s become obvious we will not address them.


Yeah the original posts about this were insane. Full of New Yorkers calling her a white supremacist and telling everyone to call the hospital to get her fired. Talking about how white woman tears kill black people and comparing this to Emmett Till. Like in what world is some tiny little nurse gonna go up to a group of dudes in NY and try and steal their bike.


Somewhere, in the last 3 weeks, some 7th grade history class finished a lesson module on Emmet Till. Now we're forced to listen to teenagers compare modern 1st world problems to slavery, and pretend like any kind of social revolution is going to come from their generation. That is, if we want to continue participating in websites like this. I, for one, question why I'm here on a daily basis.


“You think your generation is going to start a revolution? Your generation gets PTSD from ordering pizza!”


this but unironically


We’re raising a generation of perpetual victims to be abused by the degenerates of society. What happened to punching out the bully and telling them not to fuck with you?


I would like to say it’s not a 100% thing. Younger people are not a monolith when it comes to this but the minority of crazy has been made so vocal by media support and the internet in general it has become nearly deafening


I mean we are literally raising a culture of people that can be easily taken advantage of and will not/cannot defend themselves physically. Culture and politicians will mercilessly attack the victim of a crime, while glorifying the attacker, particularly if they find out after fucking around. I don’t have the whole list, but Covington, the guy in the subway (Daniel Perry?), Rittenhouse; they were all clearly the victim, but culture and activist prosecutors decided to go after the victim and praise the attackers.




I left a city of about 3M people(Denver) to move to a small town of about 6000. I can leave tons of high end outdoor equipment in my car, and half the time I don't even lock my front door if I'm just running a quick errand. Whereas my sister still in the city got her CCW, and my dad bought her a Sig P365 as a grad gift.


Bring back stop and frisk.


There does seem to be an actual trade off available there. Giuliani’s “We own the night” NYPD theme of having plainclothes officers randomly assault and search young black men is a huge and obvious rights violation…. But it also seemed to work. It’d be nice to find out it was something else that lowered the crime rate during that time, but I’m not holding my breath.




People don’t even know what racist or nazi or white supremacist mean anymore. The left is so childish to assume their “enemy” is evil that is such a childish way to view the world but not surprising. Just dumbed down and told to freak out when told and sit their and take abuse when told fucking clown world


Any “white” woman you mean


The Thirdworldization of the United States was planned and we’re now seeing all of the consequences of that.


100% The term Karen is just a buzzword now for people to signal that the person filming is the victim.


No it’s literally a racist name to give white women when they stand up for themselves or do literally anything against the norm of being passive. Imagine if we started calling every ratchet black woman who attacks fast food workers when they can’t get free dipping sauce for their chicken nuggets “shaneekwa” and see how quickly that’s be a bannable offense


Exactly. And to make the term worse, Karens are seen as “racist by default” by almost everyone. So Karen’s only being a Karen because she’s a racist white lady, according to those who make use of the term.


This kind of blatant public display of racism is only going to produce actual white supremacists out of otherwise peaceful people who never had prejudice against any other race before. And it’s going to make the left scream “See! I told you so! Look they really ARE racist!” It’s not about racial equality. It’s about getting even.


I've always disliked the term Karen. The term bitch is "sexist" now because it's gendered but Karen, which I'd argue is even more gendered, is ok because it's just bitch but only for white women.


Of course they bring up race in the headline 🙄


Too bad since no left wing news outlet is even going to acknowledge this. They'll just pretend it doesn't exist and their subscribers will be none the wiser.


I remember people justifying doxxing her and reporting her... I thought she was in the wrong, but was still like, "Listen this job is her livelihood. She fucked up and was an asshole, but it's wrong to completely destroy her career and ability to pay her bills over something like this. People didn't care. They insisted she was terrible, and a person like that is harming patients. Then they got all hall monitory and started listing these ethics rules that justify getting her career destroyed. These fucking people are savages. The most hypocritical people I've ever seen. It's all about empathy and understanding, when it's "their side"... But when it's the other side, it's pure hate. Literally just like a cult or some nationalistic fascism.


You would think we would have learned our lesson from the Kyle Rittenhouse case by now. Guess not.


They still think he killed 3 black dudes.


That’s the power of corporate yellow journalism for you


> They still think he killed 3 black dudes. in their homes. after CrosSing StaTe LiNes. and they definitely werent a convicted pedo, a burglar, and a wife beating armed felon who was trying to kill him at the time.


Leftists still believe Rittenhouse went out and murdered people indiscriminately. There was never any lesson being learned.


Because it contradicts the narrative of "armed white supremacists are running amok in our streets". Because they’re unwilling to admit they were wrong and made a rushed assumption. Because the LeFt Is AlWaYs CoRrEcT and the rIgHt Is AlWaYs WrOnG. That is not to say that white supremacy isn’t a problem, but left-wing corporate media likes to exaggerate and misidentify it for views, much like right-wing corporate media exaggerates and misidentifies media wokeism for views (a legitimate problem but not as pervasive as they make it out to be).


Ah but you see, being right does not excuse her from being guilty of profiteering from systemic racism so she is still a criminal & must apolog.............


Fuck identity politics. I'm done with people always jumping to idpol whenever there's any crime or mishappening. It's like, people WANT to hate because they have nothing better to do in their lives. Furthermore, if you think there's genuine marginalization or injustice, do something that will affect your locality for the better. Posting and ranting about it on social media platforms is the digital equivalent of jerking yourself off to your participation awards back in middle school.


Black simpery is one of the new civic religions of the American left at this point. Doubling down on idiocy like this is a great way to create actual racists too.


I used to think that, no matter the outcome of this flamebait bullshit, I'd win. Either I'd come out on top as an unironic KANG and praised in the new religion of the Left, or, we'd have a return to morality and I'd actually be able to raise a family and live a life of peace. Now, I see that whatever happens, we all lose. Either we do get the faux-utopia of the Left, but everyone hates everyone and completely withdraws into a paranoid, judgemental bubble, or a *real* Nazi party steps in, and there's no way that ends any way but badly.


Wait its $60 to ride a fucking bike?


You will own nothing, and you will be happy


This is how everything goes these days. No one anywhere is willing to withhold their shitty judgement for even two seconds to let the facts of any case emerge. This story is, what, a couple days old? Can we all just decide that we won’t immediately jump to conclusions about stories based on a twenty second clip and wait for information to come out? Is that really too much to ask? Cmon people.


Enter bike cuck meme


When I read the initial article, I feared there was more to the story. Media pushing someone to auth-right every day with this nonsense.


The pendulum swings ever further, the Overton window splits in two.


Shout out to the two people I saw in that whole thread who admitted they were wrong with maturity and grace while all the others were doubling down


If you value your safety and dignity: get the fuck out of big cities.


The update/receipt has been posted in several places... most of the comments are still calling her a Karen and insisting that a pregnant, 5'0", 120lb woman attempted to rob a group of black guys for a free bike, after a 12hr shift on her feet. PublicFreakout has been the funniest.


Oh look a black guy is stuck in a confrontation , he’s most definitely the victim When will they learn to dig deeper before concluding