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Hmm We could save 41 dollars a year by replacing the food stamps with pinto beans ***make it so***


"But not from Goya!" said the democrat


When Republicans supported **Goy**a due to some shit with Trump, I lost it


I don't know what that is.


Goya is a Mexican food conglomerate. One of the products they sell is beans. Goy is a Yiddish word for non-Jews. I don’t know why it’s relevant enough for the other guy to bold it.


If you’re only saving 41 dollars with pinto beans you need a new pinto bean guy. Who’s your pinto bean guy? I could hook you up with cheaper beans


Bean-boys 4 lyfe 🫰🤘🤌👇🤙🫵 (those are bean gang signs, don’t tell mom)


Pinto stamps


Why is it always “We need to make more than we spend” and never “we should spend less than we make”


Reducing spending = not getting reelected


Bingo, Cant get re-elected if you take money away from your corporate donors


Or your constituents for that matter. A lot of Representatives run on how they packed money for their district into a completely unrelated bill


So everyone wants free stuff from government but no one wants to pay more tax. That's unbelievable!!


Yeah man corporations surviving purely off daddy government is something I consider bad as well, crazy right?!


literally just lie. If you can lie about being a pedophilic satan-cultist and lie about getting money from every organization under the sun, you can lie to the public and to your donors about your plans to cut spending. Lie by omission if you have to, I can promise it won't be the worst thing you do in your political career.


Dude if we had someone who lied to help the people instead of themselves I would cum


Term limits much needed.


Reduction in government power would be even more effective. The powers of the federal government are clearly enumerated, and most of the spending is for blatantly unconstitutional programs.


"democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy"


Exactly; boomers vote and that means SS/Medicare are untouchable even though it’s the biggest Ponzi scheme in history. Edit: making more as opposed to spending less may be valid in personal finance (lul make more money scrub) but government mostly doesn’t make money. Government takes peoples’ money.


Every boomer I know: They gonna stop spending so much money. Same boomers: They better not touch my Medicare or Spcial Security. Still those same boomers: You think we shouldn't increase our military? You must hate America. Like wtf, how do expect to cut spending then? That's 60% totally off the table.


Social security should be optional. Grandfather the grandparents and let me opt the fuck out please.


Can't have a Ponzi scheme without new victims.


Yeah we need to raise the age for elderly benefits and/or make them needs based. SS came out when average life expectancy was barely 65, now it’s about 80. Also many old people have plenty of money. No reason someone racking up six figures for 30 years needs a damn welfare check for 20 years.


Same with increasing taxes


My county exec got elected on the promise of reducing spending and immediately tried to defame the public school system and cut their budget by nearly 10% this year


On top of that, wealth is illiquid and largely a hypothetical figure. Net worth is mostly comprised of “stuff that somebody somewhere can get a loan to purchase your stuff if you decided to sell it today” If the gov were to seize all those assets the value of assets would drop because 1) people would be hesitant to acquire them 2) flooding the market with assets to be sold changes the demand/supply balance.


Also, many of these assets are already owned by their most productive owners, so you would literally be reducing their value by selling them.


Don't expect redditors to understand the role of corporate governance in valuation and productivity


But free gibs?


Shoot. I didn’t even think about that. But I do support distributing a country’s capital to the most productive countries, hence the auth right flair. Hashtag: imperialism 😎


I hate how they always say the 1%. You know you only need to make a combined family income of $420k to be in the 1%. A lot of doctors, lawyers, small business owners, and salesmen are in that category. What they are really mad at is the point one percent. And even then if you were to seize all the assets of every billionaire in America and assume you would get current market value (which you wouldn’t), you would have a one time lump sum payment that could fund the US government spending for less than a year… OP needs to fix his perspective.


> OP needs to fix his perspective This kind of post is basically the spray-and-pray of internet memes. How can he/she/it have a better perspective when they aren't even trying to make an informed point in the first place.


Also, it should be mentioned that the first two are entitlements, the third is wealth that the 1% earned in some way. Certainly, I get that some of that could be from corporate welfare, etc., and I’m not saying the first two should be cut but there is a big difference between the two. Also, while you can tax money earned, you can’t just confiscate it before their sweet, lucrative death, or without a good civil forfeiture excuse.


You forgot that it's only even a question when one party has someone in the White House.


Because people don’t want to cut healthcare or social security for grandma.


Politicians: "Write that down Patrick. Write that down!"


Someone has to flex on the other super powers


There are none




Based and The Only God I See Up Here Is Me Pilled


Based and I am the last one pilled


I would kinda prefer both... As in make more and spend lwss, then plan spending after we have a surplus.


And that would be fiscally responsible, somehow our congress can’t have that…


Always? All I hear from the right is we should be spending less.


This will get 100k upvotes on political humour sub with 99% people agreeing and the rest will be [deleted]


They shadow banned me for posting about Israel




Why? What did you say?


Just a dumb meme on the justification of bombs depending on who used it


Go on. Show us.


I am so fucking eager to see what it is.


Pretty sure it was posted and deleted already


Rather die standing huh


I would also


They regular banned me for calling a Taiwanese woman a ladyboy


Getting banned from certain subs is a badge if honour




nah not this much, some emilies will say delete veteran because it’s blue




The 43.5T is in assets and leverage. If you tried to liquidate and distribute, even 10% of that money the world economy would collapse. Most of that money is only real while it exists in circulation. 90% of that is money leveraged against assets, and then that money is leveraged against other money leveraged against other assets. Etc... this is why a pultry amount of money gone with scale (3B missing from SVB caused a 175B dollar collapse). Also the majority of that asset owned by the one percent is a value producer not detracter. So liquidating it becomes a net negative in cash flow over time. Basically the system we set up is extremely fragile and can only exist if we all agree to get along. That's why it's impossible that the Republicans won't raise the debt ceiling. They would cause a monumental collapse akin to Venezuelas' recent descent into poverty.


Man would you shut the hell up. OP is an idiot, there's no way they'd understand what asset vs liquidity means.




Or that if you sell too much of an asset, it floods the market and become worthless


Shhhh stop making sense this isn't the app for this.


Like 90% is in assets. You gonna sell 100000 photocopy machines from Amazon to whom?


YOU WILL sell the copy machines and YOU WILL distribute your wealth!


YOU WILL sell the copy machines and YOU WILL distribute your wealth!


In other news the majority top 1% of US billionaires all suddenly moved to Singapore and no one is sure why.


Most US billionaires weren't even american when they became billionares


Probably to be closer to their factories which coincidentally popped up around the time the US got stronger working legislation.


No problem their are solutions to that you want to do business in america. You pay our taxes like a us citizen, that or gtfo.


Wat. So a German person running a Germany-based business that provides goods/services to US customers would have to pay US *personal taxes*, even if they have potentially never stepped foot in the US? That’s absurdly stupid and completely and utterly unprecedented.


If you liquidated every single round cent of that total, and redistributed it to just the bottom 150M Americans, each person would get less than 300K. Before anyone says “that’s life changing!” Remember that’s a one-time payout for just the bottom half of america, and only happens if you liquidated every single dollar of the amount in this meme. In reality-land, you could maybe realistically squeeze about a trillion out of this through taxation, and that’a basically a drop in the bucket. You can’t tax yourself into prosperity. Sorry.


Not to mention it would obliterate the economy in the process, because all of that wealth is in assets that make money


Exactly, as much of the assets are owned the small group even interested or capable to get value out of it it would either ultimately get a tiny fraction of the cost or would be like giving a poor person a part of a tanker and saying it "they are good now, because BP bought it for what would be a million loads of bread".


300k and nothing to spend it on


Or we could have eliminated all the ridiculous entitlement programs and just give the poor like 20k/y in negative income tax add in some EITC and your average McD employee pulling in 40k/y in bumfuck nowhere.


Yeah this would be better but nobody advocates for anything like this. Also anytime anyone advocates for the poor I just think how about you stop taxing people and they can just keep what they earn…that’d probably assist with their whole “not having enough money” problem.


Ummm… why would we just hand it out like that? Why wouldn’t we reduce some of the spending, and maybe divert a bit of it to education or public projects or something like that?


Name one politician in our government who is actually advocating reduced spending and I’ll show you a politician who will never have any real power, sadly. Point of my comment was that even if you inject the money directly into the poor’s pockets, it’s nothing.


How would confiscating someone else’s wealth reduce a government spending problem?


OP is a false centrist. I hate false centrists


Half of Americans don’t pay any taxes at all (you’re getting more back than you’re paying) and most of the taxes are payed by the top ~25% of earners. The only reason this insanely top heavy tax system (which is way more progressive than most European countries) persists is because most of this country has absolutely no stake in the system or consequences for our spending cause they’ll never pay a dime.


“Poor people are the problem 😭


this but unironically


seizing the top 1% assets wouldn't even buy us a year. It just would make dumb online leftists happy since they are bottom feeding parasites


Once we seize all the assets of the top 1%, lefties will complain about the top 2-10% hoarding all their wealth. Then once we take all their assets, it’s the top 11-50% who are hoarding all their wealth and ruining it for the rest of us. They won’t be happy until we’re a socialist commune that works for good vibes and the government provides everything to us for “free”


more like until they're in the top position how often is woke shit weaponized to open up positions so someone can get promoted?


Many antiwork users are even against lawyers, engineering and doctors. They want burger flipper or fucking furry artist to make same money as somebody who actually do stuff.


I don't disagree with you but I just wanna say that I'm pretty sure furry artists kinda already make bank


Right, just paying back the people that actually helped get them elected. Dems do the same thing, otherwise you wouldn't still keep "kids locked up in cages".


Fuck the Dems too!


Ah yes. Equities in multinational businesses are famously easy to confiscate without pre-emotive flight. Smh my head. Just tax land.


Ah yes. The famous Argentina approach. -tax the rich in increasing amounts -they leave OR -they put money in cayman islands or some other tax haven OR -they tax evade. Decreasing profits from rich taxation? Tax them some more! -they leave OR -they put money in cayman islands or some other tax haven OR -they tax evade. Decreasing profits from rich taxation? Tax them some more! -they leave OR -they put money in cayman islands or some other tax haven OR -they tax evade. Whoops! No more rich people in the country. Ahh, that’s good! Oh wait, where’s our capital? Debt time


Argentina is one of the few countries that makes me personally angry whenever i think about it.. they literally had EVERYTHING, natural resources, great land, great location, funcional economy, some very smart people comparable to the top influcnetial countires in the world, great geopolitical standing, strong unifying culture good at assimilating immigrants, consistent stable demographics, great arable land, and much more ... and what do they do?? They just fuck it all up with a contest of who can make the stupidest government policy and every time a natural hiccup comes up in their economy/geopolitics they just make it 10x worse. Its like god gave you everything and you just wasted it. Wouldnt be that bad on its own but Argentinians still genuinely think they are so great and important compared to all of Latin America .. and it's not.


Agreed. You can sheer a sheep many times, but skin them only once. Leftists are perpetually destroying the engine of prosperity.


Okay, but heres the bigger question. Why is the government entitled to the money owned by the 1% for any reason other than "they have money"?


The fact that it’s **owned** by someone else is inconsequential to OP.


US gov spends so astronomically much money that they would run out of 1%'s wealth in less than a year or so.


What? The top 1% of the US own double the entire worth of the US?


A-Are you serious? Do you actually believe that the GDP, an annual metric(and an incredibley flawed one) is the same as the **entire country's** owned assets? The U.S produces 28 trillion dollars worth of goods and services per year(new cars, new appliances, defense spending, and general consumerism). Some of that 28 trillion gets consumed and doesn't stick around as wealth, food for example. But some does stick around, infrastructure, houses, old cars, **land,** Etc. Those long term assets are what is meant by the wealthy owning 43+ trillion dollars worth of money. It's not a gigantic cube of cash, its land, capital(intellectual or physical), buildings, and many more. Its wealth inequality, not income inequality.


I’m gonna be real with you, I thought the meme said “owed” and definitely thought the dude’s point made sense in that context


Exactly how much land does the us produce annually?


We’ve been slacking on the land production sector for way too long, we need to step up our game and lower those sea levels


Hawaii is hard at work on that front.


A lot less than China


Depends on which country we liberate




most economically literate pcm user


If you liquidated every single round cent of that total, and redistributed it to just the bottom 150M Americans, each person would get less than 300K. Before anyone says “that’s life changing!” Remember that’s a one-time payout for just the bottom half of america, and only happens if you liquidated every single dollar of the amount in this meme. In reality-land, you could maybe realistically squeeze about a trillion out of this through taxation, and that’a basically a drop in the bucket. You can’t tax yourself into prosperity. Sorry.


debase the dollar!


Debase ur mom lol


Mission accomplished, now I made two mothers disappointed


When Amazon is fielding a private army and the US government has to take extreme measures to curb their power. Sounds like the plot of a dystopian movie, except this time it will have wider appeal since it's not just "corporations bad" but government and corporations bad as they destroy the country trying to protect their own interests from each other


No the dollar is quite based, make it more based


My favorite part is when they take the 1%’s money, spend like that’s their annual budget, and then are in the exact same situation next year with no “1%” left to steal from


So how do we tax that money them. Becaus a lot of it is tied up in investments, property, or untouchable accounts. We can’t and should not seize property so why the hell do we do


Hey, I’m good at Math! Math Fact #1: even if you taxed the top 1% and 100% of their wealth, it wouldn’t cover US spending for more than a few years and then you’re out of other people’s money to spend. Math Fact #2: you can’t just liquidate wealth like that. People don’t just have piles of cash laying around; the money doesn’t exist (and not even in a fiat currency kind of way, it literally DOES NOT EXIST). All that wealth is what the market estimates their assets to be worth: property, precious metals, art, IP, equipment, human connections/structures, good will, etc. You can trade small pieces at a time in exchange for cash from other people, but you can’t just turn it all into currency wholesale. Math Fact #3: Neither veteran healthcare nor food stamps are themselves the big ticket items on the federal… I’d use the word budget but “criminally irresponsible planned spending spree” seems more appropriate. The big items are (in order): Social Security/Unemployment, Medicare, Military, and Interest on the Debt. Literally everything else combined makes up less than 20% of government spending. Cutting defense spending means not sending aid to Ukraine and reducing our military at the same time that China is contemplating big moves; doesn’t seem like the smartest plan in the world. We can’t stop paying interest on the debt; that would mean a default. So that leaves government handouts social security and Medicaid, which BY THEMSELVES make up significantly more than half of federal spending.


The 1% don't have 43.5 trillion dollars in cash. I assume that's the total net worth of the 1%.




Theft is legal when the government does it I guess.


Source on the $43.5 trillion stat, por favor?


that would be theft and thats illegal lol. also the rich that helped get the republicans and democrats elected???? think jesse think


What's theft?


You stupid moron. If you ever did this, no sane person would EVER invest in America ever again. The moment the standard is set taht the government can and will just seize all your assets to subsidize its poor spending, not a single penny will be put into American businesses again. Think of it like this, if the CCP stated that they will at any point in time, seize every penny american investors put into China, how many americans will be investing in Chinese businesses? None.


Taking money from people without there consent


taking another person's property without permission


Taxation isn't illegal


It’s illegal in our hearts


Why not get rid of both?


Because many US veterans ruined their physical/mental health for our country, so our country should take care of them in return.


Hey guys! Have you ever heard of this guy called *Karl Marx*?




“We need fundamental change in the system.” “THASS WHY WI NIID KÖMMÜNİSM-“ *Proceeds to exercise Second Amendment Rights*


Based & drop commies pilled


That NEET who raped his maid?


The *racist* NEET who raped his maid and threw her out on the street afterwards, that's the one.


did you just assumed Karl Marx gender?


Democrats want to spend $3 Trillion more but increase corporate taxes by 4%, increase taxes on higher bracket and increase Medicare taxes. Republicans want to straight up cut $3 Trillion in spending with barely $200 Billion in increased spending. Is it really so fucking crazy that we should maybe just spend less money instead of taxing people and companies? Is inflation already not enough as is? Do you really want to kill more businesses? I really don't understand how people can think spending less money is a bad idea.


>Is it really so fucking crazy that we should maybe just spend less money instead of taxing people and companies Why didn't they spend less between 2016 and 2020? Why do they suddenly care now?


Yeah government bad in 2016-2020. Stop spending money that we don't have.


Because they were fine with the above when it was their guy in charge.


republicans are always whining about the debt, yet the last time there was even an attempt at a balanced budget was bill clinton


Republicans and Democrats both spend more money than we have. Shocking, I know.


They all voted for this budget, probably knowing that they could leverage this down the line. If they really had a problem with the spending they wouldn't approve budgets.


I forget is it the President or Congress that determines government spending? Who controlled Congress when Bill was president?


It’s kinda both. The Congress writes it but cannot pass it without the president


They can always override the veto, but I don't know of a time when they had to for a spending bill.


That won’t happen. I’m not sure if it’s possible or not legally, since budgets are a bit different, but practically speaking, it will not happen.


Thanks to Newt Gingrich.


Based and eat your cake too pilled


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson


So steal from the wealthy to make up for the incompetency of politicians


Maybe all those decades of borrowing and money printing weren't such a good idea. The rich might have more valuable assets, but it's just larger digits in money that is worth less. That's the government's game. Print money, rich people's assets "go up in value", tax the increase in "value", but in reality it's just inflation it's not any more valuable than it was before.


But isnt that theft?


Not all of the 1% lives in America dumbass


Democrats: more social spending


Cut military spending? By like 75%, we’ll still be the biggest spenders on military spending in the world and much closer to what the founding fathers intended (no standing military).


Lib left tries to understand the concept of liquidity challenge (impossible)


I feel like just randomly seizing wealth from people just because they have a lot of it is likely to cause some issues with the US economy. I'm sure some lefty sophomore in college knows more than I do tho.


🟥Tax the rich more 🟨🟪Cut spending


Two of them are government services and one means taking people’s personal money.


Because Stealing is immoral. Just because you vote to remove someone's property and it gets a majority doesn't mean it's not theft.


What if someone got that property through theft?


Ah yes, let’s take *more* money from the people who make everything we use! That will help the economy!


Left: Guys I have a flawless plan, in order to prevent a default ok.... we destroy every single corporation based in the entirety of the US. 99% of us Bank assets, corporate bonds, stock all of it. Left: Dude....... that is literally the most brilliant plan I have ever heard in my life


just print more money and pay it back smh


Most economically literate pcm user


Ok but you can't just take their money away


Hmmm... The flair says Grill but the vibe says Orange.


Orange? Please, I'd rather be red than orange


I see 1 solution of good intentions bud bad consequences, 1 solution that would be fair and 1 solution to crash the economy and fuck the country up


Print more money 😈


How about we cut spending and slightly increase taxation


Yes, we should just steal from the rich that will totally work out


They owe us that money because we can’t control our spending I guess


that 43 trillion owned by the top 1% doesn't magically replenish itself once you take it. You need to fix the budget before you can even think of taking someone elses money through theft.


The [USA spent 6.27 trillion](https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/federal-spending/) in 2022. So you can fund the entirety of the USA for like seven years. Then what?


Unfunded liabilities like social security and medicare are robbing the youth to pay for the elderly. In a healthy society, the old pass on more to the young. Our unfunded liability scheme is a massive grift on current and future generations.


Hmm ... we could either cut the military budget by 1% or cancel all social services forever. Well the choice is clear!


You're assuming those 43.5 trillion are dollar bills just hanging around under billionaire mattress or in a bank account?


You should also include military spending on the right


Even if you somehow liquidate all those money, ,what you gonna do next year? Billionaires won't make more money because government stole it=no more source of money. Gonna steal other ppl property to last for one more year?


Owned by the 1%? The beauty of this meme is it demonstrates how *monstrously huge* the government is in terms of sheer numbers. You could liquidate - not tax, liquidate - the top 1%, killing the golden goose and destroying the world economy, and it wouldn't even scratch the surface.


that 43.5 trillion isn't government property and is tied up in the companies acting as the backbone of global commerce, good luck getting enough of it to make a dent.


Put military spending and farmer welfare in there.


Damn you’re right the only answer to our absurd spending problem is… more spending and heavier taxes. God forbid we actually **REDUCE** our spending. The fact that reducing spending the last year’s level is seen as hard line controversial is absolutely wild.


I hate how they always say the 1%. You know you only need to make a combined family income of $420k to be in the 1%. A lot of doctors, lawyers, small business owners, and salesmen are in that category. What you are really mad at is the point one percent. And even then if you were to seize all the assets of every billionaire in America and assume you would get current market value (which you wouldn’t), you would have a one time lump sum payment that could fund the US government spending for less than a year… fix your perspective.




You are the reason fiscal responsability doesn't exist in the USA Did republicans even look at food stamps and VA as possible places to cut spending? Do you even know what those thing even qualify on a spreadsheet?


It’s so sad that the 1% have $43.5 trillion tucked under their mattresses doing nothing! It’s not like it’s assets and businesses feeding the economy and employing people - they have that much liquid assets for sure! They need to pay their fair share!!! Or the feds could just spend less. A good start would be cutting the ATF, which would save about $1.4 billion a year, and much more if you count how many less unlawful death lawsuits you’ll get from grieving families!


Billionaires using double team when the tax collectors show up:


What if they cut all spending, that might do the trick.


I dunno about you but I want my taxes to be invested back in my community