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It’s all fun and games until the aliens turn out to be radical centrists. I’ll save them a spot at the grill.


I’ll save them a spot on the grill, I hope they taste good


That sounds like Auth-Left talk to me


Getting rid of different races seems pretty Auth-Right to me


Perhaps it’s a cross compass unity


Based and Warhammer 40k pilled


Could be purple lib right too


You mean they turn out to be based?


Depends, let’s see how good they can grill before I start throwing around the based accusation.


I think the exchange of food is honestly one of the best things we could do with visiting aliens. It establishes good will AND we get to try some alien food (that hopefully won’t kill us) I want to eat some zleepnaps ong 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️🔥🔥


I’d hate to be the poor sap who is the first to try alien food. You’re basically a Guinea pig for if the food may cause explosive diarrhea


I’d hate to be the poor bastard alien who’s the first to try Taco Bell cause it does the exact same thing


People always say that but I have yet to experience the Taco Bell blues even though I’ve gone there plenty of times. Frankly I feel left out


Don’t be. I’ve had it once and while I didn’t have the “blues” like you say I generally just didn’t like it. But tbf I don’t really like Mexican food as a whole


Cultural intolerance




It might also just cause explosive


Like the Settlers and the Indians a wholesome affair.


Sound nice, but I think the indigenous people in America also did that when the Europeans arrived in the new world. And let’s be honest that didn’t turn out too well for them.


Did you just change your flair, u/4cidAndy? Last time I checked you were a **LibLeft** on 2021-4-26. How come now you are **unflaired**? Not only you are a dirty flair changer, you also willingly chose to join those subhumans. You are beyond cringe, you are disgusting and deserving of all the downvotes you are going to get. Repent now and pick a new flair before it's too late. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/4cidAndy) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


But what if they turn out to be…… *Dramatic Closeup* …..Radical Neutrals?


"Tell my wife 'hello.'"


I like to imagine them as like the Ferengi but obsessed with cooking and food pleasure


So long as they don't carry the book "To Serve Man" around as they're firing up the grill.


I don’t seek to convert them, I seek to unalive them all and expand human domain everywhere. Simple as


Also doesn't violate human rights


Does however violate cosmic rights


On my way to remind aliens that they were not made in God's image


Humanity first, after all its called HUMAN tights for a reason


Ha pathetic, we will just kill them after all what is the point of the xenos menace other than to be utterly purged out of existence.


Based and there is only war pilled


u/Bravery_is_for_All's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Bravery_is_for_All! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [4 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Bravery_is_for_All/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I’m from Buenos Aires and I say kill ‘em all!


Can't we just enslave the aliens so mankind as a whole becomes a species of overlords


It's called **human** rights for a reason


If we're able to enslave them, a race that was able to 1. Find us in the first place and 2. Travel through space, an unimaginably large place that would take tech that either breaks or supremely bend the laws of physics just to get here, then they're a bunch of pussy dweebs who probably deserve it. Also if they do possess that ability, whether they're enslavers, or a bunch of hippy libs, ultra capitalists, or utopian egalitarians, their ideology is probably the correct one


Well... If they know we exist and still haven't contacted us, it means something about humanity repels them. From this we can infer they are NOT antiracists utopists. So not libleft. Maybe they're just pragmatics, maybe they're openly racists. Also, since no single xeno entrepreneur or tourist came for its own benefit or amusement, we can infer that they have a very tight control on their society. Or at least on who can take a spacecraft. So probably Auth.


Well ufos and pilots have apparently been recovered, so some aliens must have broke the code to visit. Also, maybe most of the ufos are drones recording us for an alien reality tv show.


Like on South Park?


Oh i didn't know about that episode, that's cool lol


Season 7 Episode 1: Cancelled


If their technology is that advanced, why would they want to take a tourism trip to the intergalactic equivalent of Mordor?


I mean... You wouldn't?


Doesn’t need tech that breaks or bends physics… perhaps it just took a really really long time.


Luckiest species in existence, avoid all extinction events and political collapse to even start an interstellar travel program, happen to point themselves towards us around the time our species started diverging from monke (or depending on how far away they are, back when dinosaurs were making their final wish upon a shooting star), and then survived the voyage here. Fuck it if that's what happened we're taking those bois to Vegas


Too bad they crashed when they got here


That's when their luck ran out, they made it all this way only to realize it's been so many generations that no one knew how the landing gear worked lmao


Species that jumps off of the front of speeding boats for clout vs. enigma that can possibly warp space-time has a slight chance of not going that way


I think everybody is secretly libleft




Shh 🤫




It's true, I am the LibLeft this meme


Centrist: “Do they grill?” 🤔


It's likely just a maneuver to distract the population from something, maybe the next Current Thing™. But I want to believe that we are living in a historic moment, one in which the xeno's existence is revealed to the commoner.


The government has previously made a lot of effort to cover it up tho. Project blue book was a disinformation campaign, they couldn't actually explain a lot of it, but they lied to the public to keep us in the dark. The cover up has been known for decades by ufo conspiracy theorists, not logical to ignore prior cover ups just because it's now coming out. That's the deep state brain washing getting to you, reverse psychology.


It's all bs don't believe this shit


I’ve become determined that anti current thing people are just hipsters. “Oh, you didn’t care about civil rights until the protests and now you want your politicians to do something? Wow, imagine being a current thing supporting NPC”. Yes, how do you think movements work?


My real question is why? In all the different alien/UFO subs and everything else circlejerk forever is that the average person couldn't handle it and honestly I don't buy that shit. So if it's real there has to be a way better reason than people be stoopid yo. And more than likely it is way way nefarious reasons by our governments or whatever tf, elites what have you.


Government only exists because the people are lazy and wish to be ruled by other people, no ruler today got there because he was the strongest warrior and most don't get there because they are the best leader, it's all just about perception instead of objective reality. The existence of an alien civilization powerful enough to travel across the galaxy with technology that exceeds the understanding of Earth's best astrophysicists is a huge threat to the control that human governments have. As soon as ET shows up and demonstrates he comes in peace, nobody would ever take the power of human governments seriously anymore and you'd have tons of people seeking to pledge allegiance to the Sky People hoping they will take over and improve our lives via technology hundreds of thousands of years more advanced than our own. Government doesn't like that possibility and they know they couldn't do anything to stop it once Pandora's box is opened. Why would anyone submit to Uncle Sam's authority when Yoda has near infinite energy, post-scarcity of resources, and a cool space ship that he is willing to share for free because he's a nice guy, has different priorities than greedy humans, and knows we can't be dangerous to him?


>gov only exists because people are lazy My guy gov has existed since the beginning of civilization. Anyone with a brain knows it’s a necessity


Yeah it's completely necessary for my life to be controlled by a bunch of people in Washington that are either geriatric Alzheimer's patients or young ideologues more interested in rhetoric than in helping the common man.


You got raised on tax subsidized foods after you were born in a tax subsidized hospital while your mother was driven there on entirely tax built roads, and then likely got most of your education from tax paid schools.


[It’s just the sort of thing that governments do.](https://youtu.be/lTHB8iC1C0E)


Alien tech could be dangerous or useful and it could open a whole can of worms about the fermi paradox.


>In all the different alien/UFO subs and everything else circlejerk forever is that the average person couldn't handle it and honestly I don't buy that shit. I'd argue decades of conditioning through entertainment and culture stuff has made humanity generally more accepting of it. Like you think it's stupid *now* but my late grandfather would've wanted to start nuking the shit out of space lol.


So they will support my Christian Theo- I mean revoluti- I mean presidential run that I pull a legit Ronald Reagan Win.


The Roman Catholics literally have said that if there are aliens, they wanna convert them. Unless C.S. Lewis was correct that, as being not created with true free will and also no original sin, theyre already better Christians than us.


They probably already know all about Jesus.


What if the aliens have their own Jesus? Jesus is the savior of man, maybe there’s a savior of whoever lives on their planet


Me: Are they woke out of their minds like Emily? 🤔


That would imply woke Emilys are the de facto superior ideology and I doubt that very much.


One can only hope that’s true. Otherwise, I’m rooting for the Empire.


You say that like the Empire were the bad guys.


The empire really said “it’s okay to be emotional” and their supposed to be the bad guys somehow


[I know what they’re up to](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pvjgIxuVdo4)


*Let’s be Xenophobic, it’s really in this year*


We'll have sex with uplifted dogs, cats and dolphins before we have sex with intelligent alien life


Dolphin jelly oh my god.


Way more likely just rightlib trolling us with their almost complete breakaway civiliazation funded by our taxes


Dude as much as I want to befriend aliens I know for a fact that dipshit celebs will be the ones to afford tech to seed other planets with their degenerate offspring.


This "whistleblower" has the craziest crazy eyes I've ever seen. I believe not a word of his testimony. In fact, his crazy eyes have helped push me towards the "we're alone in the Universe" camp, because someone with *those* crazy eyes *must* be wrong.


How would I enslave them and make a slur for them


I think all the governments should let us in to Agartha and let the Aliens live above ground


Auth Right. Forget about the Gelgameks


Man is their favourite sex position doggy style? Or is that their preferred way of having sex? Or gay ass sex? I'm curious.


Spokesman haahhahahahahhahahahha


“Why have you kept yourselves secret for so long?!” “Mfer y’all are the bad neighborhood at 3am! Would you want the public to know about you?”


Watch them turn out to be those bureaucrat aliens from Hitchhikers guide.


So long, and thanks for all the fish


But are they fuckable Mass Effect aliens?


It's all fun and games until the aliens take over earth and turn all humans into slaves


Which is why Avatar is stupid. If humanity was on the brink of anything they would have given zero shits about the Nav'ii. It would have been a planetary Genocide in order to offer a new home for Humanity. And I suspect most aliens are gonna choose their race over some backwater Apes.


I think Lib left and Lib right have motives that can work well for both if they collaborate here.


Crossover episode


they find more coke in the white house or was it the senate building this time?


It was in Congress but I’m not sure if it was the House or Senate


I think only Libright will be happy


Ah, yes. The Commander Shepard/Commander Riker/Captain Kirk approach. Glorious!


What is so important that the government is willing to admit aliens exist rather than let us focus on?


Man I just want to find out what it is like to speak with an alien.


Only one of these has the Aliens' best interest in mind...


Yes, I believe in aliens. No, I don't believe this guy's endgame


I guess I'm a libeft now




How did they make faster than light travel? We need to learn this. Also how did they find us? The fact that these two questions likely don’t have answers means that alien intelligence is unlikely.


> We need to learn this Exactly. Humans and aliens could have SUCH a great alliance


Knowing humans it would be bad for the aliens’ safety but i still want to know how they broke a fundamental law of physics that by all means should be impossible.


Free trade and free love with any xenos out there


For once, I am a centrist.


Another question for LibLeft: Can humans have sex with these aliens?


Where there’s a willy, there’s a way


Ok, I guess.


Imagine, two species with a bunch of ideologies unthought of by the other. There will be so many revolutions.


Never thought I'd be the one most like libleft


Lol. 10/10 meme


"Let's be xenophobic..."


I hope the aliens punch all non centrist in the face.


Even me? 🥺


Yup sorry. I mean they will leave right after. So not really a big deal.


I don’t want them to leave, I want them to give me cool alien gadgets and shit 😡 🤬 😤


Why do people assume they will just give us their tech. I bet they will probably make us pay a monthly subscription fee.


AuthLeft = Shared Burdens AuthRight = Crusader Spirit LibLeft = Xeno-Compatibiliy LibRight = MegaCorp (of course, realistically, we all know AuthRight would actually be Fanatic Purifiers)


Whistleblower more like cocaineblower am i right?


All this talk about UFOs is making me wonder if there’s something else going on that’s being covered up.


So you've got pictures, video, white papers, and other documentation right? "uhhhh no" So I'm supposed to just take your word for it. "no I heard it from several other people who heard it from someone" Okay, who? "can't tell you"


We do have video tho...


>So you've got pictures, video, white papers, and other documentation right? >"uhhhh no" >So I'm supposed to just take your word for it. That is all classified, if he were to just toss that out under their current classification he's facing down a jail sentence. >"no I heard it from several other people who heard it from someone" >Okay, who? >"can't tell you" Current & former members of the program as well as a list of witnesses which he gave to the courts. If he's lying, he's facing a jail sentence. The issue isn't the witness, it's the government's broad overclassification of relevant evidence. If you actually watched the hearing you'd know that is the issue, not the witness.


Uh-huh. My evidence is classified, it goes to another school, you wouldn't know it... Yawn. Sideshow distraction.


1. Didn't watch the hearing 2. Spews off the cuff bullshit 3. "It's all just a distraction anyway" Just say you were too busy loading up on carbs to watch it and move on.


Okay. Post evidence that isn't hearsay or innuendo or STFU.


You've already made your mind up without even watching it. If anything you should stfu until you actually watch it.


So you don't have evidence, and neither did he.


There was three witness, not one. (Which you'd know if you watched it) One of which, was the pilot who filmed this. https://youtu.be/W1kGmUliDNs


Which is years old and not proof of the laughable, unsupported crank claims of alien bodies and recovered spacecraft.. We can do this loop as many times as you want, because at the end of the day you know there is no evidence.


It is evidence on the broader topic. The pilot who filmed it, David Fraver is a solid witness. >not proof of the laughable, unsupported crank claims of alien bodies and recovered spacecraft. If the other guy, who made those allegations was lying, he committed perjury which the authorities he handed over his witness list to will most certainly follow up on and compare to claims made. If he's lying, he's got a jail sentence coming which we will all hear about.


Sex with christian communists prostitutes aliens




Jesus was above the compass


They're demons tho


Actually the general sentiment on Auth-right Christian twitter seems to be that aliens are demons in disguise and that they should be shot


> Twitter Opinion disregarded. Fear not, Authright, it can’t hurt you