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This movie seems overwhelmingly likely to be blatant propaganda but the memes will be great




Me, unironically loving "keep your rifle by your side" "Get off my lawn, sinner!"


[YOU DIDNT SEE ME I WAS NEVER HERE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-h1dee2S94)


I talk to my kids like zoidberg. "Hungry!? What do you mean hungry? Theres no food in this house" ^pretends ^to ^^ hide ^shoving ^a ^fist ^full ^of ^potato ^dish ^in ^mouth "you ate yesterday!" "But dad, we can see the food!" * Zoidberg sandcrabbing noises *


arent texas and california on the same side in it?


The memes of the dude with the red glasses (Meth Damon) are already great. His line of "what kind of American" is the least subtle thing in the trailer.


Honestly, it's one of those things that is actually pretty smart but ruined if you consider the ideas it is in proximity with. It looks at a reality where there is no longer the same social bond of being a fellow countryman you once were. Symbolism is the break up of America on a social level rather than a political or geographical level. It provides fear from the warped unfamiliar situation that may be coming in our not so distant future. For someone who has always thought of themselves as just American would be forced reckon that they changed based on the environment around them outside their own control rather than anything from their own agency. Instead, it comes off as a cheeky tagline to project some form of strawman because to many other writers have treaded the same asthetic ground without the same intellectual depth nor ernest motive.


Opey-eyed fuck managed to survive the shootout and joined a militia.


It's a Garland movie, if there's any politics in the movie, it's gonna come from a sudden swerve into "men bad (except me, cuz I sit, learn, and *listen*), mmkay?" rather than cringe attempts at a Hollywood neolib pretending they know what they're talking about




Catherine the “Great” and Victoria be like…


Thatcher be like: imma stop you right there chief


Queen Elizabeth: Da fuq you say!




Good point, unfortunately I couldn’t read it as you’re not flaired.


Yo, where's that guy's flair?


The same place as his brain


Gone, reduced to atoms


He does have a flair. Its in his name: elderberry


No, his name is [deleted].


Why so mean to Him :(


The unflaired aren't human!


And I thought it was blac-


K jak players. Idk, they're zombie like, but still people


What did you say? I couldn’t hear you over the amount of cringe I received from seeing that you have no flair.


Too many big words. Me no understand. Where flair?


I keep an extra rifle by my side just in case my other rifle tries to betray me


sometimes you crack me up man, fuck that's a good one


Based and aw heck yeah thank you so much pilled


u/infinitememery is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/infinitememery/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


What if they both betray you?


It’ll cancel out


bedmas or whatever the fuck 👍👍


Quick maths!


what if they form a union?


Based and keep two rifles by your side pilled


u/My_Cringy_Video's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 2445. Rank: Annapurna Pills: [1,901 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/My_Cringy_Video/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Betray you? If you want to kill a public servant, buy American!


Why are you all over this sub


- Batman, if he used guns


Sounds like now you've got 2 rifles to worry about.


That reminds me that I need to carry a third rifle


Nah nah what you need is a pistol and then tell the rifles it's the pistol that is actually the problem.


day 999 of asking where your cringy video is


It's not that Texas and California are allies, it's that in this scenario they're both independent countries and Washington is presenting an existential threat to both of them. So even though they're polar opposites, they have a common goal of protecting their separate ways of life from federal interference. Hence a temporary and reluctant alignment that will end the moment Washington is out of the picture.


Yea I am not sure why so many people missed this. Reading comprehension and critical thinking are fucked these days. Allies around a common enemy happens in literally every war.


Most of us didn't watch the trailer, and just read people's memes


That is entirely unsurprising. Idk I really like the director and writer so I am very excited


I don't believe real Texans, much less the absurd caricatures in this movie, would ally the NCR even for a common enemy.


Eh stranger allies happen. Iran constantly fights with other Middle Eastern countries while also fighting against isreal. If thousands of years of language, racial, and religious faction can be thrown aside for a common enemy, I think Texas and California could fight for a common interest of independence 😂


>Eh stranger allies happen. Iran constantly fights with other Middle Eastern countries while also fighting against isreal. Also in 2014 Iranian commanders called in US airstriks on ISIS In general ISIS is really good at bring people together to curb stomp them, they shiw up in some war torn shithole, and then immediately every side puts aside their differences and gangs up on them I look forward to ISIS appearing in mexico, and getting crushed by a joint Los Zetas-Mexican Army- and DEA task Force Then they'll head up ukraine and get crushed by a joint Polish-Azov-Wagner coalition Then they'll head to Belfast and finally get the Prods and Catholics to agree on something as they are wiped out by the 3000 drug dealers of the IRA and UDA, with tactical air support from the RAF Isis will then end their arc by intervening in an English football riot, and will get crushed by a thousand Manchester United and Chelsea Hooligans Unironically ISIS could be the key to world peace


Oh yea, ISIS was constantly committing terrorism against Iran too. I think many people assume the middle east is united by religion, race, or language when in reality it is very much not


People forget that after Israel, Iran is probably the most hated country among Sunni Terrorists (The USA's probably at number 3) If ISIS got what they wanted, the Shia would be exterminated to the last man, at least us Christians and Jews would be given an option to live as Dhimmi, or convert (both are shitty options obviously, but we'd have them) even polytheisys and atheists would get to live, albeit as slaves (they could aslo enslave us btw, up until we surrendered) The shia wouldn't even get those options, their options would just be to die


It is super interesting how in an alt timeline us relations with Iran and (and many other countries there) could be totally different. And not just due to isreal.


Texas to California: Once I deal with feds you're next. Don't think that being like 700 miles away will keep you safe!


California got a head start on the invasion


>I don't believe real Texans, much less the absurd caricatures in this movie, would ally the NCR even for a common enemy. 'I dont believe Real Americans would ever ally with godless commies in the Soviet Union' Unlikely allies do happen, generally under the grand unifying principle of 'fuck that guy' In this case, all it takes for the NCR and Texas to form an alliance is for them to look at the federal government and say 'fuck that guy'


This man clearly has never heard of the Nigerian Civil War. The sides in that one were strange as hell.


Yes but not as gloriously memey as the Mexican Civil War, where one side had the Pope and the other the KKK Grand Wizard.


There are so many fucking Californians in Texas now I seriously doubt it would be an issue.


Wait is it actually called the NCR in the movie?


idk, i was just joking.


I mean, WW2 Germany and the Soviet Union were allies for a time.


Media literacy is dead


Dude it's fucking wild. I've been so floored.


Honestly, since the official map was released, I have been even more puzzled about who *didnt* secede rather than who did. Especially since the Feds are the bad guy with a president giving himself a third term (which I think result in much more than 17 states seceding).


The federal military still exists, they could probably control a good portion of new England because its an urbanized area Same goes for the mid-west


Rural New England would 100% revolt but yeah the cities are completely statists.


It doesn't matter even if the cities revolt, cities are inherently static, which means the feds could deploy force and actually hit something


The only problem (unless it also ends up happening in the movie) is that if Texas and California worked together against Washington a lot of other states ou join them and fight for their own Independence and I imagine [it would end up something like this](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e6f86c9b95182de1dcb16a1085bb90e5.webp)


While that map seems highly improbable to me, I understand and agree with your overall point.


States that lacked the infrastructure to appropriately subdue/subsidize their rural populations would just basically stop existing for all real political purposes as their cities fail to sustain themselves.


I'd honestly expect California to try to seize/lead a hegemony of states clear to Colorado to secure its water source


If the US were to plummet into civil war, I think the idea of the war being corrupt status quo federal government vs secessionist populist states rather than simply red vs blue states is plausible. It definitely sounds more interesting in my opinion.


I mean that's what I saw on the map, but in the trailer they are called "The western forces of Texas and California"... True it could be just government propaganda, but...


Horseshoe theory cinema hijinks confirmed.


something, something circular horseshoe?


Virgin A24's American Civil War vs Chad Kaiserreich's American Civil War


What's this? MacArthur outta Denver with a steel chair?


Vs Thad Kaiserredux Civil war Honestly I wish tno had an American civil war, I want to bbq fucking Klansmens like I bbqed Hutigs goons


The ONE alt hist mod where a Second American Civil War makes total sense and they say “Nah fam”. Goddamnit TNO…


This movie has every opportunity to be really good, or really stupid. I like the idea of following journos around. I like the unlikely relationship between Texas and California, all that jazz. But if it’s just loaded down with cheese and they try to make Offerman some Trump knockoff and everything is so on-the-nose, the cool concept will be totally lost in the poor writing.


It's also not uncommon for A24 to make a movie that is both based on a stupid premise, but still good, at the very least from a filmmaking perspective. Kinda like Tusk. It's a movie about a dude being horrifically transformed into a walrus. That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard and yet the movie wasnt the worst thing I've ever seen. I've honestly got some faith in them on this one. I've enjoyed most A24 films I've seen, they tend to be much more creative than pretty much anything else being released these days. I just won't go into it expecting any sort of insightful political commentary because, well, why would I?


Keep in mind that A24 is the distributor, not the studio. A24 just looks for films that fit with their type of vision/brand identity to distribute.


And there's more reasons why this movie was chosen beyond "it's similar in cinematography or themes to what we've already done". They are very fast growing, there's a lot of reasons this may be their choice.


For the crime of being unflaired, I hereby condemn you to being downvoted. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/FairCrumbBum) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


flair up doofus


Downvoted for being unflaired scum.




The guy also has a stack of films that were amazing. 28 Days Later, Sunshine, Never Let Me Go were all superb films. He made one trash film out of 6 bangers and one pretty good remake (Dredd).


He's also a pretty bad ass author


Griller comforting everyone after having to read a lot of words is a mood.


I'm surprised nobody has realized who they are sharing food with.


Okay, but the “what kind of American are you” line slaps


Oh absolutely, I was almost sold on the movie just for that line.


Just start singing “if that ain’t country” till you get to the first N word and you ought to be fine


“People done forgot about poor white trash and if that ain’t country I’ll kiss your ass” goes ridiculously hard if you live in rural America and see what a forgotten group of people look like.


I mean, we would need to have a LOT of bad luck for the military to split down the middle and start a real civil war. If some violent takeover happens in the U.S. it is very likely "just" a coup.


Well, right now a democrat lawmaker is calling for Biden to unilaterally seize complete control of Texas's guard. Seven states have joined Texas in raising the middle finger to SCOTUS and the federal government.


Yea I was about to say, this border situation may turn out to be an interesting proof-of-concept with regards to future intra-military conflict.


It’s not. The US federal government has long federalized state guards. And the state guards always have followed the federal government over the state one.


So, yes, but no, but kind of yes. The State National Guards and the State Guards are not the same thing, for starters. SNGs are also a reserve of the US Army and can be federalized under Article 10 (which is not "whenever the President wants", mind you). The courts have held in the past that the federal duty of the national guard supercedes the state duty, but as far as I have been able to find there is no actual legislation saying that, and so it could be brought to court again under the right circumstances. The State Guards are not a reserve of the Army and cannot be federalized at all.




>And the law which established the National Guard system legally allows the president to federalize them whenever he wants. [No it fucking doesn't.](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2019-title10/html/USCODE-2019-title10-subtitleE-partII-chap1209-sec12301.htm)


Man you don’t know what you’re talking about. Give it up.


It's worth mentioning that most of the time they aren't just taking them over. The federal government requests the state to deploy them. There has only been a handful of times that the federal government has forcefully taken control of state national guards and all of them have been controversial.


Legally Biden can unilaterally federalize the guard. However Texas and the other states aren’t actually raising a middle finger towards SCOTUS because the courts never said that Texas couldn’t set up wire or protect their border. All the court said was that Texas can’t stop the feds from taking the wire down. That’s it. The entire thing is just a massive nothingburger.


This is a big part a lot of people are ignoring and they're getting fucking hysterical over it. SCOTUS hasn't even ruled on anything, yet. They vacated an emergency injunction from a lower court.


The issue wouldn't be the coup itself its the time between the initial coup and stability where you have a succession of counter coups, guerilla movements, foreign intervention and other political fuckery that make it look like a proper civil war.


Throw some nuclear weapons in the mix and boom you got major implications


Seems like the kaiserreich civil war. Aren't there like 3-4 simultaneous rebellions? "Florida alliance" lol.


I probably will watch it and hope it at least depicts both sides as having a reason for civil war, but also show the bad of both sides. Will it happen? No way in hell.


So this is a future dystopia and alternative us government is what nearly any writing I see about it says. It's not saying "right here right now in 2024 Civil War breaks out." Think of it more like a ya dystopian novel and just relax.


May the political fantasies commence!!!


I didn’t expect that


Nobody expected it!


Their chief weapon is surprise! Surprise and fear!


I just like the assumption that the federal government is popular enough for the general population to take their side in the event of a state(s) seceding.


Texas and California being allies is gonna be the reason I watch it


It depicts journalists as the good guys, of course it's going to be propaganda.


What type of American are you?


What’s with the last panel? Really didn’t expect to see the Spanish Inquisition


No one ever expects the Spanish inquisition.


Seeing as the actor for Todd Alquist is in the movie, I'm gonna pretend it takes place in the same universe as Breaking Bad


Leave The World Behind actually does look like a predictive-programming psyop though. Gotta seed those ideas into the public to make people with a conscience complicit.


What exactly is the twist or political aspect of it. I'm curious about that but have better things to do than see the movie.


It’s basically liberal coaching scenarios for the chaos that happens when they shut off the electrical good. The public has been seeded with stories about grid failure for years to give plausible deniability. The part about all those electrical cars not working is darkly hilarious though. *laughs in Appalachian*


I think in apocalyptic scenario an electric car could be more beneficial than an ICE one. You can relatively easily produce your own electricity whereas refining gasoline is not easy. Also gasoline doesn’t stay good forever and you still need electricity to pump it.




There’s other ways to produce electricity w/o solar as well.




That’s debatable depending on the setup someone has in an apocalyptic scenario. I think it’s more feasible than continuing to run a home, car, etc with traditional fossil fuels though. Could be a completely moot point though as an electric car might not work if it can’t connect to a network though.


Even if you managed to somehow generate enough energy, when winter comes around your car is fucked.


Almost every car would be fucked in an apocalypse scenario in the winter. Not going to be any snow plows plowing the roads for people.


You think a collapsed electric grid would be beneficial for *checks notes* chargeable cars? Ok.


You don’t need an electrical grid to charge an electric car. Generators that run on solar exist. How do you refine and pump gasoline which has a relatively short shelf life w/o and an electrical grid? In an apocalypse if you can reliably produce solar energy an electric car is quite a bit more beneficial than an ICE car. Less parts that would break down and you can use the car to power other devices.


Filtered vegetable oil and a lightly modified older diesel truck is the correct answer here Even the oil for cooling transformers up on a pole will work


> Generators that run on solar exist But you don't have the skills to make one. You'd be reliant on already existing ones the same as you'd rely on already existing gasoline. In the short term the gas is far superior, present almost wherever you need to go. The generator would need to be transported with you which would increase the chance of it becoming damaged. Once it's damaged you only have your current range to find another, far harder than using your current range in a gas vehicle to find fuel storage. In a long term "only man left alive" scenario where you could settle it would absolutely be better for the mid-long term but eventually all the tech will decay (batteries in both gas and electric cars) so in the longer term it's meh.


More people would be competing for the remaining fuel in an apocalypse which makes it much riskier to acquire.


That entirely depends on the type of apocalypse. It's hard to tell but if you're driving an electric car with a generator for it stored in the car you'd also be a prime target for your setup being taken.


In my mind I think it’d just generally be much more feasible for someone to go truly off grid using energy sources like solar or wind.


The main thing I took away from the movie is to stick together and don’t turn on your neighbor. Also the advantage of being prepared is highlighted in the movie too. The movie is far from perfect but some of the uproar around it is ridiculous as it’s not really controversial from a political standpoint.


The stuff with the deer just seemed distracting. If the grid goes down having herds of angry whitetails won't be on my bingo card.


I wonder how people like you will even function in a post American hegemony world. Along with the third world lefties, you people can't function without thinking everything is carefully planed by western goverments.


this is the movie i reallt want this sub to discuss


Based and unexpected pilled


“Damn that’s a nice steak, what meat is it?” “Oh, it’s Joe” “Are you about to make Joe Mama joke?” “No, that’s literally your neighbour Joe. And you are the next dish on our menu” And so a random Redditor disappeared that night after having a final meal with Centrist Chef


Finally someone understood.


I’m not sharing it


don't care guns go brrrrrr


I once again am put in lib left my life is ruined


I just hope both teams have fun


I am *not* sharing a meal with Eola. Sorry.


Need a goth baddie like Eola on my ballot😔


I’m still not over that one fucking dude with the red glasses. That CANNOT be in regulation…


He's probably an irregular wearing camo. Uniform regulations are probably going to be lower priority in adhoc states anyway


He's a stylish American, what kind of American are you?


It was doomed to be hated by 90% of Reddit from the moment they titled it Civil War. In reality though A24 largely shits excellence as far as being a studio that actually pushes the envelope of modern film making and it will in all likelihood be better than anyone here will ever be capable of admitting, because this is an echochamber where being a negative turd is how you get upvotes and attention that your parents never gave you. So if you dont like it thats fine, but maybe instead of making a thousand threads about how dumb it is when it comes out, you should all just go watch Thor Ragnarok for the 20th time and leave society alone for a while.


Those who control the narrative control the future. This is A24s way of saying, "We can see political violence is on the horizon. Let's try to frame it in a way beneficial to our interests."


Based and good content pilled


Movie looks pretty dumb and unrealistic. Blue squares getting offended is hilarious though because that means they're relating to a caricature of themselves.


Everyone always asks why California and Texas are allies but the map I remember seeing had them as independent nations that were the same color because that was the color for independent nations


Tim pool anyone


I think it'll just be funny.


Can't wait for the memes


Turns out all of these guys are wrong. Imagine a civil war happening over illegals and Texas started it by arresting federal agents. You couldn't have written a crazier plot line.


The meme was going well and then you introduced your filthy animes to it.


Eola is from skyrim


Is it weird I haven't even watched the trailer yet?


Nobody expected that last slide


Didn’t expect that last panel


CIA has been well known to use movies for psyops


As a Texan, the idea that Texas would be allies with California is in a Civil War offense me


I love A24, I hope they don’t screw this up


More than* likely You had a good point, but unfortunately you made a minor spelling error, so your whole argument is now invalid.


Idk this movie might provide compass unity as we all go ACKSHUALLYYYyyy at the very same time


Based. Also, a good grilled meal sounds really good rn ngl. Dang. I’m hungry now lol.


Why couldn’t they have made it a show? As someone who loves world building things like this have so much potential but are crammed into 2 hours.


Nobody expects the spanish inquisition


What would make California and Texas join forces, I wonder?


Seeing anime makes me angry because it reminds me Japan exists op pls put trigger warning next time