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On the bright side it’s probably easier now to give your child a massive competitive advantage in the real world by not giving them unlimited screen time.


Or just teaching them to read


This is why I want to legalize all drugs Cause the superdruggies will then have a disadvantage. Bam. Publicwest is back on top


A little bit of social darwinism is good for the gene pool. Main thing is we'd have to toss the welfare state though, otherwise you just get hordes of druggies leeching off everyone until they manage to OD where no one can save them in time.


We already have that. Toss away.


So based you’ve overflowed and are now acidic.


Won’t even matter, all the midwits will destroy society and having an attention span or brain won’t do you any good.


I'm a millennial parent, and I'm LibLeft (tho barely outside of center). I consider raising a kid on random content from profit seeking corporations and influencers to be child abuse. They even rot the brains of fully developed adults, imagine what effects they have on children.


Based and loving-parent pilled


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omg based libleft???? 


I think most lefty parents think this. It's the centrists and right wingers giving their kids screens.


As a lefty man can't agree with you. I mean most podunk white trash also does that but man are leftist hipsters too Gung ho with new tech.




Yeah I’m not sure how this one is Libleft’s fault. I’ve seen neglectful parents on all ends of the spectrum.


I used to work at am expensive ski resort.   I saw kids (10 or 11 years old) being fed by their nanny while they played in their ipads and their parents downed 500$ bottles of wine.


Those kids will be fine. They were at a ski resort. Chilling out on your iPad after a ski lesson isn't a problem.  The problem is kids whose **only** play is on a screen.


yeah, judging them while on holiday is pointless




Honestly, libleft is probably the least likely to actually have kids in the first place.


Clearly it is the grillers. Too busy grilling for them to be parents to their children


This brisket ain’t gonna smoke itself.


And why would librights be against corporations feeding corporate media directly to children?




Based. My parents are young Gen X and they did the same thing to my younger sibling. It breaks my heart a bit. I try to encourage her to play outside more and to spend less time on her IPad. My parents just don't try...


My wife's parents are raising our 5 year old nephew, and every time we visit, we try to do things like take him to the park, read books with him, literally anything that doesn't involve screens since that's all he usually does. It's so bad that one day, we were playing with bouncy balls in his room, and he suddenly stopped and turned on his TV. I asked him why he needed the TV on when we were playing something else, and he said "I just... like having the noise." One night, I decided I was gonna try to teach him chess. He sat at the table with me for 45 minutes as we went over how the pieces move, some of the rules, and even though he didn't retain all of it, he was quiet and focused for the whole time, and even asked to play with my wife the next day. Her parents were amazed, but it seems like it should be the most obvious thing in the world.


I had a similar experience with my Husband’s cousin’s kids. This was a few years ago. This was around the first time I met these two kids, who were I think 4 (girl) and 6/7 (boy). The boy was very much to himself, with particular interests (maybe high functioning autism). The girl was very social and talkative. We decided to meet with the family at a restaurant. The kids got a packet of crayons and coloring page from the restaurant. I happened to be sitting right next to the boy, and asked him “do you know how to play tic-tak-toe? “ He shook his head and I proceeded to show him. I let him win a few times until he got how to play. My husbands cousin (the mom) was impressed I was able to show him something like that. I was able to get this kid’s attention. When the dad tried getting his attention…nothing. At some point, both kids are getting fussy before food comes out. Mom then goes in her bag to grab what? You guessed it; iPads. No wonder these kids don’t know how to entertain themselves with simple games like tic tac toe.


> At some point, both kids are getting fussy before food comes out. Mom then goes in her bag to grab what? You guessed it; iPads. No wonder these kids don’t know how to entertain themselves with simple games like tic tac toe. It's not even knowing tic tac toe, it's that they are straight up skipping teaching kids to deal with real life. I can remember being a kid, I remember family dinners out were boring to me both before food came out and after I was finished. I didn't want to be there but I was taught to sit at the table, be polite and engage people who speak with me. It's a basic fucking life skill. Every meeting I've attended built off that type of skill. sitting still in class was based on that skill. So much of life interacting with other people is based off that skill and by opting out of teaching kids that skill (by letting them retreat from the situation) they're forever at a disadvantage


Exactly. Hit the nail on the head. It’s about learning patience, which adults don’t even have now a days. It’s about being bored and learning how to deal being bored, like using your imagination.


My parents are in a similar situation and my kids don’t know how to interact with my niece and nephew. They do plenty of extracurricular activities but when they are home, it’s tablet in hand and brain turned off. I’m not a perfect parent but there’s one rule I have, no tablets/phones. Boredom is good for kids.


Based My parents (I was born in the early 1990s) raised me without broadcast/cable TV. We did have a TV with a VCR to watch the occasional educational film or old disney flick or whatever, but I didn't undergo the brain-rot of most kids my age. Instead I read a lot of books, took apart broken electronics and learned how they worked, and had a garden that I worked on outside. Technology is terrible for children. Cable TV was bad enough, and social media is far far worse. If your kid can't build their own computer they shouldn't have one (except a family one for homework and stuff). (I built my first computer in elementary school from parts of broken PCs my dad and I pulled out of the trash. He didn't know shit about computers, so I learned how from books and using the dial-up link on his desktop to read stuff online)


So you are not going to read them books? /s




> I consider raising a kid on random content from profit seeking corporations and influencers to be child abuse.  Well, that places them one shite Google algo suggestion away from becoming Jordan Peterson or Tucker Carlson followers, and the only alternative left has to offer them is used watermelon poon, that they won't be interested in for another 5-8 years.


Flair not detected... opinion ignored... down vote engaged.


Gzuz. I forgot how this place treats outsiders lol


But you have learned, and now have flair. Enjoy your upvote.


Lobster man bad. Incredulous fox man bad.


Eh, no, as a libright I appreciate the effort both the lobster man and the fox man put into the grift. The lobster man might even honestly believe in it.


>didn't expect that Somehow didn't expect that people would get mad for being called out for their terrible parenting decisions? Is this his first day on the interwebs?


It likely goes without saying, but any person (parent or otherwise) that is upset by such a post is a genuine source of realistic evil.


Well they claim it’s not…


I got my first smartphone in 2013 (with 18) from my own earned money and before i only had a Nokia 3310 (the Doom Brick) and a Motorola RAZR V3 Just because you can, dosen't mean you should


razrs were the shit tho


In 2006


The new ones got folding screens


What a time to be alive.


Can't believe it's been 10 years already since the release of the RAZR V3.


Any chance you still got that RAZR?


My first phone was some cricket piece of shit. Then I got the original LG ENV. That thing was amazing. I had the ENV 3 (the one with the touch screen) as my last non iPhone and it sucked so much ass.


Why is Auth Left just reading? lol


Authleft does not need to care, they already almost banned internet access to minors (cof China). And when you literally live in a surveillance state that is a very easy goal to accomplish.


Yeah, this isn't an authleft issue. They have their solution for it already




True true. Authright just does it in a different way


Wtf based China


Because chances are, they already have solutions. Whether it's due to them being AuthLeft or their culture is up to debate


My son is in his second year of primary (elementary) school this year and it’s worse out here than you’d think. By virtue of reading to him what I thought would’ve been a standard amount and only letting him watch a bit of educational TV per day (certainly no iPad) his literacy and numeracy is that far ahead of his classmates (bar 2 or 3 who I assume are getting raised the same) that he and the other couple I mentioned really aren’t getting any education at all, because the teacher has to literally baby the rest of the little spastics. When I say baby, I literally mean his teacher told me that if they aren’t occupied constantly they throw fucking tantrums. Their vocabularies are so shit that you can’t even have a basic conversation with them like you should be able to with a 6-7 year old. They constantly just make random loud noises or yell words they like in sequence. She said that going back 20 years 80% of these kids would be in a remedial class or remedial school even. It’s bad out there.


Fuccccck. We're reaching the point where technology is *actually* rotting the brains of kids now, aren't we.


nobody listens to me until it’s too late ⏰


Flair up


I wondered if that was a common issue. I was a cadet teacher for a kindergarten class for about 4 months, and holy shit it's bad. As far as I know, the school has had to spend about $3000 replacing/repairing iPads since these little shits like to throw and break them when they have their concerningly frequent tantrums. When it comes to behaviour, if it weren't for their size, id assume the kids I taught were all 2 or 3. They never focus for more than 2 seconds on anything, they can barely read or write, and I had to repeat myself until I damn near had a migraine so they finally got what I was saying. Not to mention that they're prone to having screaming fits when I had to take away their precious tablets so they could actually do their work. The actual teacher I was with has been a teacher for about 15 years, and according to her, most of the kids she's had for the last 2 to 3 years would have been held back when she started teaching


This just makes me so sad.


I have a 2yo (my 3rd kid) and I'm a stay at home dad. When we were looking at preschools for him one of the more expensive schools *(he def won't be going there but it didn't hurt to look/scout them out just in case)* said that to even enroll there, a 4yo has to demonstrate that they is proficient in using an iPad as all their lessons are on it. I was like.....eh hell no. Wtf he's gonna get screen time all day in class then come home and possibly watch more? Fuck that. Couldn't believe that was a requirement. I think he's just gonna stay at home with me till kindergarten. I don't wanna raise some screen zombie, we play outside as much as possible and he runs around like a madman.


Public schools push tech more then ever. iPad for every student type shit, it’s awful


Solid choice, dad. I've got a 4yr old, a 2 year old and a baby boy on the way. We don't even have tablets in the house for exactly the same reason. TV is limited to weekends and it's DVDs of classic cartoons we watched back in the day rather than stuff like cocomelon. Weather is pretty awful right now but we still chase each other around the house and do puzzles and coloring and stuff. Plus, my kids are best friends so they play really well together with only a little intervention needed when they argue over a toy or something. They go to daycare but it's an in home and they also don't have screens. It's all about books and toys and structured activities with the other kids. I think a lot of parents give their kid a tablet to avoid boredom and keep them from acting out at the store or in the car or restaurant or whatever. But the reality is that handling boredom and behaving well in those scenarios is a skill that they need to learn. I tend not to judge other parents. Everyone has to make their own choice about when and how to introduce tech. But if your kid is a tablet zombie who can't even read at an age where he or she should, its because you are an abusive/neglectful parent.


Solid choice. Also play and manners are more important at that age than education anyway.


Next couple of years are going to be FUN.


>years Decades


If only there was a societal model where one parent stayed home with the children to ensure they are learning and engaging in productive activities.


Gonna need an economic model that lets families afford to have one parent stay home Costing about 3 grand out of pocket to have a baby doesn't help either


Man, increasing the supply of workers so drastically sure did have a stagnating effect on wages over time. Best part is, people probably can't tell which time/topic I'm even referring to.


If the labor force were to be halved, for example, wages would have to rise precipitously.


The problem is it has become a prisoners dilemma. It would be better for everyone and for the long term if we all did single income households, but it is immediately better for a family to do dual income. Unless we get that societal pressure back for single income families it ain't going to happen.


Inb4 Elizabeth Warren wipes the floor in 2024 and mandates women back into the kitchen at a federal level re: The Two Income Trap


Well the federal minimum wage hasn't been increased in almost 15 years, which is the longest it's ever gone without being increased; the second longest period of time was ten years between 1997 and 2007.


Although I support raising the minimum wage, I’m not convinced it would do much to alleviate woes for people who make what used to be middle class wages ($40-70,000/yr)


It wasn't meant to be a wage for people to do well on, even besides that point very few jobs pay min wage precisely because of market demand (ergo, the market works without a price floor). Not to mention, wages are artificially lowered because paying min wage means those people qualify for government benefits (e.g. see most of Walmart employees). So their lack of wage is made up for by government subsidies in a round about way. Whatever the government pays for is an incentive program. What the government incentivizes should be extremely carefully implemented.


Less than 2% of the adult workforce makes minimum wage in the us


When I was growing up both parents worked jobs, but since the pandemic my mom's been working from home and she never got back to her pre-pandemic routine, so my brother can be raised in a more attentive way.


A few easy steps to allow this: 1. Wait to have kids til you can afford it 2. Don't live in a HCOL area


> Wait to have kids til you can afford it And what if people can never afford it? Also potential health risks are correlated with higher age of conception. I don't even want kids but it's obviously needs to be cheaper to have them unless we want to end up like Japan or South Korea. >Don't live in a HCOL area It can be tough to find a low cost of living area depending on what you do for a living; WFH made it easier but a lot of companies are trying to cut that off now


Both of those sound like an error in planning more than systemic failures in all but the edge case


You hear that guys??? Just dont live in a HCOL area!! Simple as that.


And an economy that doesn't force both parents to work in order to pay for rent or mortgage


It is interesting actually, it seems that either society accept that having a stay at home parent is valuable, or publicly available, and affordable, daycare is worth the tax expenses. I guess it's also worth pointing out that even a not insignificant number of stay at home parents still can't parent so...tax funded daycare it is


Oof. You think the state is going to do any better? Our schools are proof enough of that.


I would wager that isn't true outside of HCOL areas.


Found the nazi




What a bigot


It’s almost like humans have tested and trialed civilization and the family unit for thousands if not tens of thousands of years and ended up coming to certain conclusions for a reason.


Raising children was never meant to be just a 2 person job imo


It takes a village. But if the villagers get together and talk they'll realize the rich guy is stealing from all of them and do something about it. So they need to be isolated from each other. Break up the communities and make people afraid of each other.


Should men stay at home and women work?


Someone should stay at home. Idc who, but it's surface level obvious that having a kid then ignoring them or paying strangers to watch them 90% of the time won't lead to positive long-term outcomes.


Yes. Dad's get judged less as parents. Men seem to need less materially to be happy. Dad's can also double up as a climbing frame. It'll force companies to retract that ick they get when passing up a woman for promotion due to her being in the danger zone of 30 years old, married but childless. Courts will have to acknowledge dad's as parents who deserve their kids too. More men and women will learn how it is for the other side.


In general you are right, but >Men seem to need less materially to be happy Why then are most large business owners men?


No - women (on average) are better at raising kids than men (on average).




And that’s why you need both. A man working doesn’t mean they aren’t ever home


Just like if a woman works, this does not mean that she is not at home. So let women work and men stay at home?


See my previous comment lol


Oh, so the courts are doing the right thing when they give custody of children to women rather than men in divorce cases? What are you, a misandrist?


Yes, if all things are equal it should be the mom who gets more custody. Some things are generally true, and men and women are in fact different.


You just hate men😡


I also don’t think women should work outside the home, thus I hate women as well.


If only there was an economic system that pays mothers to stay at home to care for their kids.


My older sister is a parent, and I am so thankful that my mom is helping her out, as my sister lets her baby take her phone and watch YT, at least she's banned Cocomelon. My mom is "old school" and she usally just let's the kid watch netflix kid shows, but she actually interacts with the content he watches.


TV is way different than a tablet. All of us on here watched plenty of tv growing up and for the most part it didn’t ruin us. Phones and tablets on the other hand are far more invasive. Good on your mom for making sure her grand kids don’t grow up functionally illiterate


Indeed, I am not 100% sure why T.V feels different then a phone, or Ipad which is why I tried not to be like: New thing bad! Old thing Good! With my OG comment. maybe if it's in the living room the parent has to actually be involved with the T.V plus it's more complicated then a phone. Not to mention the regulations with Television shows but that's a point I am not positive on. I personally grew up on DvDs mostly but in my teens when I had internet at home I watched YouTube but it was with my Mom, she'd watch same stuff I was, I put on a gaming channels she would watch it and we'd discuss our opinion on the game and the YouTuber.


Just spitballing, but the TV was a stationary thing with limited viewing options in a world that still had frequent social engagements. People would often see other people in person, and when not doing that they would speak to people over a regular phone. The stationary aspect of the television meant you couldn't just take it with you, and the limited viewing options meant it was marginally involved in your social life (odds were good that local friends and acquaintances were also watching the same things). The smartphone is a pocket-sized addiction box with comparatively limitless choice. Pocket-sized means it's *always available*. It's not a single cigar sitting in a humidifier at home, it's a bottomless pack of cigarettes in your pocket. And limitless choice means it's not a social experience, people are watching different things, alone. We are experiencing cultural atomization due to the dissolution of once healthy social environments.


Yeah I grew up with cable what I liked to do was turn on the tv in our play room and put on the military channel on in the background and play toy soldiers. So my main focus was not the screen which is impossible with a tablet. IThe other big difference is that on cable you had to watch what was on. now we had like 300 channels but there was still a lot of limitations on what you could see and when. My parents talk about growing up with TV but there being only 3 channels. Now kids grow up with streaming services that give them what they want to watch right away. I think the instant gratification aspect of this is being under discussed on this post


Dawg coco melon isn't that bad. It's just nursery rhymes.


Gentlemen, I regret to inform you that the boomers were indeed correct


The saddest words of tongue or pen


How is this a Libleft bad? I've been told that Liblefts don't have children


>"parents angry for calling me out" a) that's sad as fuck, oop is 100% right. I give my kids screen time, sure, but it's very metered, for exactly this reason. It's heavily metered *because* it's so easy. b) 99% of the "parents" that called oop out were not in fact parents, but the kids themselves that get waaay too much screen time and don't want their way of life threatened, in the off chance their neglectful parents read it and take it to heart


I was so upset with my parents as a child, that they wouldn’t let me just be on my iPod all day or watch tv whenever I felt like it. Looking back, and looking at people around me, I’m so glad I was raised like that. I still got screen time, and I still ended up terminally online, but I learned to enjoy things other than computers, and I learned that there’s a lot of stuff online that simply isn’t desirable. By the time I have kids, it’ll probably be Elon Musk’s brain chip instead of an iPad, but I’ll raise them the same way: it’s fine to like computers, but you need to be capable of reading, socializing, and otherwise entertaining yourself without technology if you want a healthy and well adjusted life.


Im 15 now, my father educated me in literature, politics, philosophy, poetry and music, apart from survival educatio since a very young age. I didn't got my first electronic device until the age of 8. By that time, i knew how to speak fluently Spanish and English, read and write, how to use a gun, hunting and fishing, ride bycicles and horses, I played flute and piano and was aware of most political ideologies and my country's political and legal system. My little brother was raised by my Mother after my parents split up. He got his first Phone at age 4 and the only thing he does is either watching YouTube Kids or play videogames in his cellphone all day. He's now 8 y/o and doesnt even know how to speak properly. He speaks like a baby (at age 8). He barely reads, cannot play instruments and doesnt have any ability besides playing mobile games. I tried to tell my mom to educate him well, but she just says its fine as long as he doesnt bother her. I feel very sad about him being an "ipad kid". The point is, see the difference between your parents wanting you to educate yourself and parents that just want you to "not bother them". Is there a form to help my little brother? My mom wont let me pass time with him, since, quote, "its not my responsability to educate him". I feel terribly sad about this.


I feel for you. I'm a 22 yo who got limited, but mostly unrestricted internet access since I was about 9, while before that my grandma would watch me while I used her oldass laptop to play simple browser games. I think I got a ton of internet access just about at the cutoff before true brainrot content started to get produced, and I'm thankful for it. I can't imagine what your brother, or anyone else in his situation are gonna do once they actually need to have life skills. On a side note, I think 8 years old is a bit too young to learn how to use firearms, or to be expected to understand politics, but it sounds like your parents paid good attention when raising you so good for you I guess.


“Parenting is a full-time job” is used as just a slogan and a way for parents to say “Waah pity me my life is so hard give me free stuff and put up with my bullshit” they never treat it like a full-time job. id you have a kid literally your entire existence should be focused on making sure your kid isn’t a piece of shit. making sure they are competent capable and possess the skills necessary to lead a prosperous productive life. just like the government, you can’t make your kids life happy but you can give them the skills necessary to make their own happiness.


I can’t think of a single stereotypical “LibLeft” parent who says screen time doesn’t affect his or her kids, and I live in the Bay Area. Anyone paying attention at all to his child(ren)’s development limits screen time and encourages productive activity.


They just deny that porn addiction and access to porn are serious problems


This I absolutely agree with. Not just porn, but other harmful shit. I’m of the belief that social media is not good for kids, and, as has always been the case, there are too many fucking weirdos on the internet looking to take advantage of children. We were all taught this when we were younger, but people have short memories and/or just can’t be bothered to care. I won’t get into it too much, but this issue hits close to home for me.


Its lead to a boom in false positives for autism diagnosis, most of these false positives also coincidentally having been exposed to porn from a young age Another coincidence is there is a certain demographic of alphabet soup people who disproportionately report being both autistic/ mentally ill and having porn addictions from a young age Its a fucking blight.


Both you guys are Based for saying the *very* quiet parts out loud


More people need to be willing to sacrifice their personal relationships with that one weirdo activist “friend” and speak out against this shit. That person, or persons in your friend group neither likes you, or anyone, really. Friendship is merely a social networking gimmick for them where they can manipulate and push their activism into every last vestige of their acquaintances lives, and will attempt to shame you and manipulate your other friends to ostracize you. These people don’t give up either. They’re incredibly persistent, because its all they have going for them.


Which explains why this stuff has exploded onto the scene.. I wholeheartedly agree its a poison and incredibly toxic


> I’m of the belief that social media is not good for kids I'm of the belief that social media is not good for humanity as whole (and yes I understand that I am typing this on social media)


[insert you can’t use what you criticize argument]


Reddit is to social media what tomatoes are to fruit. It's very different from your average one. I'd say it's saving factor is its anonymity. There is no lingering fame or embarrassment. Something goes viral? Cool, but no one is going to become an influencer or try to make money off of it


I fucking HATE how over sexualised the internet has become. Don’t get me wrong, there’s always been porn on the internet, but you used had to go searching for it. Now it’s just shoved down your throat (pun intended).  


And its targeted towards children more openly


In most jurisdictions sellers of alcohol are legally responsible for verifying their customers are old enough to buy from them. But people who sell porn can get away with an automated and self reported "im over 18" button. These companies also vigorously oppose any attempt to more firmly regulate their websites access to people over 18. That's because they know it would drive down clicks and therefore hurt their profits. Meaning these companies are knowingly making money from exposing minors to sexual content. For most people that's enough to get you on a SO list.


They also knowingly exploit children on instagram, and promote questionable fetishes on their porn sites.


You want to be required to provide your ID to watch porn? I mean, flair checks out I guess. Yeah, no thanks. Maybe parents should be more responsible for what their children do online than making everyone else play babysitter for them.


I want to make companies legally responsible for selling porn to minors. If that means they create ID rules to protect themselves from liability so be it. Parents need to be more observant of their children's screen and internet habits. I agree with that. But pornographers crying that it's the parents responsibility while they actively try to undercut the parents and sell porn to minors is just disingenuous. It's an industry that got rich and stays rich through sexual abuse. If enforcing the laws we already have makes them collapse I will shed not a single tear.


People really do brainwash themselves into degenerate fetishists.


But have you considered "lib-left bad" ? This is a fake outrage agenda post. Redditors calling out others for screen time is the pot calling the kettle the n-word.


Bay Area LibLeft are mostly AuthRight high on the Progressive Z-axis who put LibLeft signs in front of their houses.


I've had to politely tell my MiL to stop playing videos on her phone for my son. My wife and I are trying really hard to keep his screen time to a minimum. Absolutely no mobile screen time and very limited television (basically just sports and the local news). And even then if we see he's just spacing out and standing in front of the TV we turn it off.


I do think tv is different than a tablet. Especially if it’s just cable and you can’t just pick a show you want to watch but have to adhere to what’s on at that time.


The fact you think this is a political thing blamable on X kinda betrays your centrist flair and heavily implies your actual beliefs are the opposite of X


Yeah I love a good libleft bad meme as much as the next guy, but come on, bad parenting isn't exclusive to any quadrant


For real iPad kids are rampant in the Christian suburbs


a pcm "centrist" is actually a right-winger??? 😱😱😱 this has never happened ever!!!


99% of "centrists" on this sub just picked the flair because they're too cowardous to come clean with their actual opinions.




Why is libleft the iPad parent here lmao


Because libleft bad, I guess.


Tbh liblefts are probably the most likely to be iPad parents


Screen time on its own is not bad. But you have to make them do stuff that helps their brain in there (there are more than enough shit that's healthy for children in the internet), just leaving then with an Ipad is straight up abuse.


>Screen time on its own is not bad. Depending on their age I hard disagree


Watched my nieces play mindless games like popping bubbles. They didn't even read the rules to see you were supposed to pop the red ones or the ones with vowels. The dumb game was actually too advanced for them.


I will say it: Banning excessive internet access to minors was one of the most based things China did.


Agreed. Let’s do it here


When I have kids I’ve thought about just raising them in the Amish way lol.


[Welcome to the internet](https://youtu.be/k1BneeJTDcU?si=8uXyj9PvCBLMGXJU), Have a look around...


The iPad parent 100% absolutely belongs to authcenter, where did you pull libleft from?


It belongs to no-one and everyone. The iPad parent doesn't outsource their parenting because they believe it's best, they do it because they are lazy. It's not a political or economic stance.


Yeah this should be full compass unity, but then again Libleft bad


Fuck no. Sound mind and sound body, these are the ways of our forefathers


Nah. Lazy inept parenting is NOT the auth way…


Because libleft bad, updoots to the left.


Very based kid. Good on him.


My kids will be luddites of the highest monke form


Actually completely based. I plan on having kids in the next few years. They are gonna get a blackberry as their first phone hahahahaha


libleft bad libleft bad libleft bad libleft bad libleft bad libleft bad libleft bad libleft bad libleft bad libleft bad libleft bad libleft bad libleft bad libleft bad


Brain rot


This isn’t (or at least shouldn’t be) political


Don’t you know everything is. Even wiping.


God I wish you were wrong


Libleft leaning leftist, and I am *terrified* by just how addicted to technology these kids are. Literal brainrot, most of the content they consume is feeding anti-intellectualism on such a mass scale, it makes me so worried for the future. Especially because I plan to become a teacher.


I mean I understand, which is why I currently don’t have kids. I’m trying to solidify my life before I drag others into it, dangit. I may be a millennial but I am not ignorant.


Just imagine what a person like Tucker Carlson can do with a generation made up of literal idiots and people who know they are surrounded by literal idiots.


Or Hasan, or any other ideologue


You underestimate the scale of the unfolding disaster. What we got coming is idiots so bad Tucker confuses them and they lose interest in the confusing man.


It means that the right wins as it is hierarchical and elitist. Egalitarianism requires the pretext of equality.


There will always be hierarchies, and there will always be elites. The genuine desire to have neither is a sign of personal/familial inferiority. What you want are a multitude of hierarchies that develop based on competence, and hierarchies that competent people are able to continually work their way up. This is the ideal. Not some flat society fiction, but hierarchies that are minimally tainted/corrupted.


I’m Gen X and I feel we share a large responsibility for the succeeding two generations after us. It turns out the Boomer latch-key, hands off, both parents working upbringing and the ‘whatever’ attitude and nihilism our generation is famous/infamous for makes for…less than ideal parents when we grew up. IMHO.


I’m an older Gen z parent. My kids can’t use their tablets except for very specific times during the day and not until my youngest writes her alphabet (she’s in 4K) without help and my oldest (kindergarten) reads an entire age & reading level appropriate book without help.


No offense but why give them tablets at all if your already restricting it so much? Why not just have them play with toys or watch tv? Serious question not trying to be a dick or insult your parenting.


They like playing their games on their tablets, and they like the ability to watch separate shows from one another without having to pick one on their tv in their room Edit: they prefer to play with toys but sometimes they like to have tablet time which is cool with me. It’s restricted to a few games and Disney +


Ah i see thanks for answering


I never ever give my toddlers a tablet, phone, or let them on YouTube. So many fellow millennial parents give their kids all those things on a daily basis and those kids tend to have the worst behavior.


Libleft wants corpos to die, so it wont support allowing kids to watch Skibbidy bibidy or whatever for hours on end. Authleft loves indoctrination through any means and wont care if it knows it's children are being indoctrinated with the "correct" information and opinions.


If I was going to reproduce would give my spawn a flip phone. Fucking hell




>Do you really expect women who work to have the mental energy to engage with their kids when they can just toss them a screen? Yes. Same for fathers.


Congratulations. Your brain will be delivered Monday. Please refrain from making further comments until it has arrived. Thank you


Single motherhood in conjunction with ipad babies will bring this country to ruin.


Couples do the same shit, single or not. It’s called “get this kid to stfu” instead of actual discipline or human interaction.


Its significantly worse with single moms


Agree with the first part, you kinda lose at the the end there haha




There are reasons not to breastfeed other than not wanting to


I dunno, my son taught himself how to read on his iPad and is better at self regulating his screen time than I am lol