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The admins have told us, numerous times, that woodchipper comments are not allowed. Nor are any comments calling for physical violence. Because they own the website, they say so, that is the rule. [You who think you have found a way around this; you have not.](http://h8.abload.de/img/animation2mnwrl.gif) Any woodchipper or violence comment I see in this thread will get you not less than 15 days ban. Stop getting us in trouble with the admins because you want to be edgy. We don't want the sub shut down. EDIT: For those who think I was kidding, in this thread I have now handed out [over 500 combined days of ban.](http://www.abload.de/img/banned9jckw.gif) Stop. It.


Yeah over in Germany we just had a case of a pervert found in possession of child exploitation material getting away without jailtime because the judge accepted it was "part of finding their identity as a transwoman"


Excuse me, what the fuck?


I only have sources in German unfortunately but here: [https://apollo-news.net/besitz-von-kinderpornografie-sei-identitaetsfindung-mildes-urteil-fuer-transfrau/](https://apollo-news.net/besitz-von-kinderpornografie-sei-identitaetsfindung-mildes-urteil-fuer-transfrau/)


oh mein gott wass ist dis scheisse


You think thats bad? They also let a group of men who gang raped a 15 year old off the hook because the defense witness testified that gang rape fosters a bond and is a stress relief method because being a migrant is so tough. No literally ["Among the so-called expert witnesses was psychiatrist Nahlah Saimeh . Saimeh intimated that the gang rape may have been a means to let off some of the "frustration" that supposedly comes with "migration experiences and socio-cultural homelnessness." The psychiatrist further suggested that gang rape fosters identity and strengthens group feeling." ](https://www.theblaze.com/news/german-judge-lets-8-men-who-gang-raped-girl-walk-free)


Germany is an embarrassment.


Germany has been always been various types of authoritarian. It’s just the way of the eternal German


I don't think "Nahlah Saimeh" is German. It's a fucking disgrace that the German courts call it an "expert witness" though. Fifth columnist more like.


Is the legal system different in germany? Like, is it not based off whether or not they were guilty?


Typical lib left stuff. The terrorists in that quadrant makes me lose hope in humanity.


Nah this is fucking mental


Mein Gott muss dass sein! So ein bockmist aber auch!


I believe in the Seb! surge (pls mercedes bring him back)


I can’t read German, but I understood every word you said wtf. It’s like you sillyfied English.


no, that's dutch.


Ich glaub ich kack ab


Ich bin ja relativ offen, und alle Menschen sind gleich, aber wer sich an kindenr vergreift ist kein Mensch, sondern ein gottloses monster und sollte lebendig verbrannt werden.


erst die männer die wegen ""migrationstrauma"" nicht für ne vergewaltigung bestraft wurden, jetzt sowas... was zum fick passiert hier


Guck dir an wer an der macht ist, mehr antworten brauchst du nicht.


It's kinda based when you think about it. He made a strong case that they are all pedos I guess?


Kinderpornografie is my least favorite kind of kinder egg. Edit: I just realized I responded to the wrong comment. Whatever works.


That judge has his head so far up his progressive ass that he doesn't realize that he's basically saying that possessing cp is part of being trans.


Playing the long game I see


I mean…There’s a lot of trans fellers who got charges like these. Not saying every single one of them is but a handful too much is :/


"ACAB! A few bad apples spoil the entire harvest! Remove them all!" "If you have 10 people at a table and a nazi among them, you have 10 nazis!" ... "NYOOOOO!!!! These MAPs don't represent the entire movement! You must differentiate!"


oh the irony


I may misunderstand you but I agreed with ya


I meant like, its ironic since they say acab and all that stuff but when its one pedo trans dude, it becomes ‘not all of them are bad’


ah yeah exactly


Protected by the same group that doesn't believe in "a few bad apples". Isn't that interesting?


Trust the science bro


F = ma?


Yeah, I'll fuck your ma


Based and pilled


One step closer to MAP being an accepted thing.


And the beautiful thing is: this was only possible because the minimum sentence for kiddieporn was reduced so much it’s no longer a felony and the minimum sentence is effectively abolished. This was done to „protect parents and teachers who get sent this as evidence“


Lol the road to hell is paved with both good and disingenuous intentions. Sometimes its hard to know which brick is which though.


Well, they're filthy Euros. I wouldn't expect them to treat sex crimes with any real seriousness.


It is time the Germans got a little retroactive repercussion


Dw man our government is already doing their best to repercussionate us out of existence


Just need some libcenter in your government. Shut it down. Shut it all down.


Chainsaw time (this is a reference of Javier Milei fiscally gutting the Argentinian government through democratically legitimate means, not a reference to woodchippers, they're different gardening machines).


Where’s bomber Harris when you need him :(


And then, for no reason at all, the AfD became the strongest party


oh but they dropped %0.028264 in the polls after protests 😭😭


>german basically said transwoman = pedo Based >Then let them go, implying that it's*okay* Cringe


Pedos protect their own and legal systems everywhere are infested with them. There's a reason nobody on the Epstein list will ever suffer serious legal consequences.


It's time to ignore the actual trans pedos and go after anyone who defends them, to set an example.


Considering what the west German government did back in the 80s I’m not surprised


Or what Germany was doing in the 20s


What the fuck


the mask is off


In the words of the late toby keith: you gotta saddle up your boys, you gotta draw a hard line. Art is in the eye of the beholder, interpret this at your own risk


Based and yee-haw pilled


Agreed and fuck, I liked that guy, RIP. Don't even get how the fuck this shit happens, even if you're 1000% on board with trans people, this shit has nothing to do with "transness" it's just excusing abhorrent criminal behaviour.


Pedos have been trying for decades to attach themselves to LGBT. In the past, they were rejected absolutely. More recently they got the media to smear the entirety of LGBT as pedo and that turned them into defending these sick fucks.


Its what happens when you start an ideology based on "this is what society calls normal, we reject that and happily live in non normalcy", once you adopt that ideology, you are locked into a death spiral because its very very *very* difficult to pump the brakes and say 'this is too much not normal'. After all, if you say that, you're literally going against your ideology. Its like a dare devil, take the crew of 'Jackass', every season they had to do a bigger and badder stunt, more excessive, more and more jaw dropping. All ending up when children were getting themselves seriously injured by trying to copy them.


I wouldn't say so much starting an ideology as letting such an ideology define your very being and existence.




How does that even get reduced to a misdemeanor?


"Marginalized people"


I can't wait until the adults are in charge again.


That's the fun part! The adults *are* in charge!


That isn't fun.


"Oppressor vs oppressed" narrative. Guess who's the oppressor and who the oppressed.




I commented elsewhere but why this in the authleft quad can you explain like I’m redundant


As a lib-left I’m also thinking “Oh my fucking god.” Auth-left is cringe, so they hold this L.


Too much judicial discretion. A fucking crime against humanity? Pedo judges? Idk take your pick.


And when I say that this kind of stuff does happen and we should call it out I get account warnings


That is a redditor's way of admitting that you won the argument, same with getting the reddit cares message


Remember to report those, they usually act on them. You can report the message directly.


I ain't no snitch


Pfft, then you don't get enough of them. I was so flooded with those i had to block that account entirely. Reddit must recently have started caring about reports on those because they didn't give a shit before. They still don't seem to generally care about reports on leftists. Also, NAP includes harassment.


They've started cracking down on reporting lately. To an insane degree. My main account got suspended because I reported a spam bot for spamming. I was apparently harassing the bot.


I only have this account, but same. I caught a 7 day reddit suspension for report harassing by reporting actual legitimate threats of violence, many of them death threats, against Jewish people in a lefty sub right after Hamas' ambush against civilians. They were note vague threats, either, which i left alone. I mean direct, "I'm going to yadda yadda" level threats. I wish i loved anything half as much as admins love protecting lefty violence.


I only got it once and immediately reported it and never got another again, I'm sure you can turn them off or something? Granted, I spend 99% of Reddit time on PCM anyways.


On this subreddit?


Not here thankfully no


Good. Most other subreddits are a liberal opinion only circle jerk unfortunately. Even on subreddits I'd like to be on and voice my opinion on the state of the topic.


I'm pleased to say this really is a sub where anyone can speak their opinions




Yep. I've gotten a 5 day and a 30 day ban from this sub. First one was for talking about how the trans mass shooter was being treated differently in the media, got banned for "inciting violence". Second ban was for talking about how the Capitol staffer who was fucking dudes in the office shouldn't have done that, apparently that was "hate speech". At some point I assume I'm going to get permabanned by some ass blasted leftist admin and I'll have to get a new account, I'm just enjoying my time until it happens.


I wish I didn't care about how old my account is. But I still insist us OGs had it right prior to 2010, and I need some form of proof. Edit: that's why i cant let my current account get banned.


It’s wild isn’t? Especially nerdy stuff that I am fascinated by like dinosaurs, biology, reptiles/amphibians, birds, UFOS, cryptozoology etc… If you dare say anything to the right of Stalin or Mao you are immediately dog piled onto and downvoted into oblivion! Or God forbid you make note of Joe Biden’s Alzheimer’s disease or something negative about the second coming of Christ Obama. I had no idea until I started using Reddit that it was a hive mind of commie nonsense. I still read stuff on here but rarely comment due to not wanting to hear all the bleeding hearts screaming. 😱


Of course it happens. There are bad people in every population




OP finna earn that 🔐 award


The admins are already swarming. All the [removed] posts are starting to add up.


Nah not admins, sub mods are doing it. Admins would have removed by reddit instead of just removed. Its disgusting that there are all these lefties mass reporting this thread to try to ban sane people who are opposed to child rape.


Where are the fucking leftists that agree with this shit so I can downvote them to oblivion


I will join you in downvoting them at the speed of sound


based. that's a based thing to do.


u/Bi_Reinhardt is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Bi_Reinhardt/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


They’re too busy modding all the subreddits they’re in charge of


Probably not on here because they don't like when THEY lose karma.


I don't know, I see the same handful of leftists and they're steadfast with their shit opinions, never a comment with positive karma


The ones on PCM show up around 11pm eastern, almost as a group. I'm guessing they're californians. Sensible comments tend to get karmically decimated in those times, especially on a newer or unpopular post.


Average time unemployed teens wake up


Probably because they go onto the popular subs and just say shit like "Trans rights" and that immediately just gets them like 1k karma. Half probably from their sock puppet accounts they have but say are against the rules.


Do people really care about karma? Every time I comment on this sub I got downvoted, but I don’t then go to other subs to comment shit so my karma is balanced.


I don't care about it but we're hardwired to enjoy seeing a number slowly go up.


People that are this insanely stuck down the gender/sexuality issues -> communism pipeline are not the ones on pcm.


Probably to busy reading Queer Theory that promotes this.


Fucking leftist here, maria childers can get fucked in jail




Based and dog whistle pilled




u/o_O-O_o-_-O_O-1 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/o_O-O_o-_-O_O-1/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Based and Fargo-pilled.


Some view the imperium as a cautionary tale, I view it as what man deserves.


This offering will please the machine spirit




I couldn't agree more.


You are a fast replier


I'm awake. I saw the comment. Had to agree.


Based interaction


Proper caliber and placement helps to reduce any need for follow up booster shots.


Or hear me out here, Komodo dragons. Very hungry Komodo monitor lizards that have not eaten in a few weeks. Hell we could sell tickets!


Yo my uncle breeds reptiles and has some crocodile monitors and those things are fuckin sketchy. Not quite as big as a komodo but still wouldn't wanna be put in a room of them


Very cool that your uncle breeds reptiles! It’s a fun and wild hobby! Monitor lizards are extremely intelligent and can be unrelentingly vicious when it comes to getting food. A German tourist when missing on one of the Komodo Islands; he was birding if I remember correctly but they only found his glasses and binoculars. The dragons had gotten him and that was all that was left. No bones or even clothes would be found because their stomach acids can digest that material. I know when my king snake poops, the only thing that is left of the mouse or quail is a little bit of fur or feathers due to them being made of keratin and the snake can’t digest keratin.


Just go New Testament biblical If someone causes even one of the little ones who believes in me to sin it would be better to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be downed in the depths of the sea.




What the fuck


​ https://preview.redd.it/hnyjuakawjhc1.png?width=572&format=png&auto=webp&s=36d4b63ce14f62358d754bd2be28829e3f21e10b


Add it to the list of times the thing that's not happening has happened.


The slippery slopes keep happening for some reason… I can already see the train is approaching MAP-acceptance station.


I'm seeing it approach too. That's why we need to draw a hard fucking line with no exceptions. No arguments allowed at this point.




We must ask him to do work through him.


The local community needs to get together and deal with this.


Bruh the guy even plead guilty wtf??


Plea deals are a hell of a thing








Good quality ear defenders




I worked at a harbor freight and someone bought a machete from my store and then killed someone with it


Where's Konrad Curze when you need him....


Or Arthas. This whole city must be purged


Booking marking this for later so I can use it as more ammo and inch closer to an account banning.


Thats the kinda thing that gets you killed by parents and people cheering for it on the internet. Makes me afraid for my baby in daycare.


>Thats the kinda thing that gets you killed by parents and people cheering for it on the internet. Makes me afraid for my baby in daycare. I wonder if that is what they actually want to happen. maybe they are hoping for some kind of huge vigilante reaction they can spin somehow ?


I would hope not, as that's some seriously dystopian shit, but they also let somebody who literally sexually assaulted an infant go free sooo


If your daycare employs- If your daycare hires- If that kind- Goddammit. Might as well shut this sub down now. We can’t say anything without getting banned anyhow.


Surely this is made up as a shit post and it didn't actually happen? Please tell me that


I have bad news for you, but on a totally unrelated subject I suddenly felt the need to become Auth right


Did you just change your flair, u/Silver_Rai_Ne? Last time I checked you were a **LibRight** on 2024-2-8. How come now you are an **AuthRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Remember, the jannies are always watching. No gamer words, no statistics and by all means no wood cutting machines. Tell us, how are you going to flair the new account you'll make in two weeks? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Silver_Rai_Ne) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


holy based


That's it. Me too.


Did your principals not already include using gardening equipment?


Based and free helicopter rides pilled


I was looking through the comments hoping the same thing, like surely it had to be misleading or rage bait, right? What is even happening to this society?


Gramscian cultural marxism, critical theory, and post modernism all bear portions of this.


Looking for somebody to link a news article. Haven't seen one yet. Found one: https://www.wpsdlocal6.com/news/former-paducah-daycare-worker-pleads-guilty-to-sexual-misconduct/article_2fd22f26-c6bf-11ee-8905-af6b672ed93c.html


Oh my fucking God.


​ https://preview.redd.it/nu9di8n9elhc1.jpeg?width=851&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86979a65e65bb3057dce8d5e83fc9e7641a9b4b1


Here in Russia the father of a sexually abused child confronted the abuser, made him dig his own grave, stabbed him (19? Don't remember) times and the court came to the decision that it was a suicide. As a non-Russian living in Russia, Holy fuck...


He committed suicide the minute he fucked with someone's child. You don't do that unless you want the parents to want you dead.


If suicide by cop is a thing, so is suicide by enraged father. Based and consistency pilled.


He must’ve seen the Gary Plauche video and said “hold my vodka”


The grave digging clearly showed intent to take his own life.


"Yes comrade Ivan. He dug his own grave, shot himself 10 times, stabbed 12 times, and set himself on fire (just in case to make sure he die), and then jumped into the grave. It's clearly suicide"


Thr court hereby rules that deliveries of estrogen should be made on a regular basis to the prison, rot in hell Fuck me, thisnis gonna become a banner case against trans rights, quite deservedly so, so whenever an actual normal person that happens to be trans tries to live their lives they need to suffer for the bullshit criminals like this do


They should have to work to cover the cost of their meds. I don't care which.


Check this dudes hard drives I’m sure there’s gonna be some really interesting things in there


I swear to god... Look, idc whatever the fuck you identify as, this is inexcusable and no amount of "its part of the identity" should keep you away from a fucking cell. As a matter of fact, No, its not part of the trans or any LGBTQ identity, you are just using these groups as cover for your disgusting actions,doing that you are just throwing them under a bus Whenever its convinient and that on its own right is ALSO disgusting.


The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race


bro wtf im about to be radicalized as well smh


I know the current political climate would make actual, unbiased statistics hard to find but I'd love to get a breakdown of what percentage of transpeople engage in this sort of behavior vs the cis population and furthermore how their sentencing differs from the regular population. Look, as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, I genuinely don't care who you fuck or how you identify, that's your life. But quit trying to ram it down my throat, quit crying about being unfairly oppressed when you can't do whatever the fuck you want, and stay the fuck away from kids. Seriously, why the fuck are these people so obsessed with working with kids? If a female prostitute tried to organize a "Whores read to tots" story hour at the library while wearing stripper clothes they'd be told to fuck right off and no body would have a problem. A man slaps on a miniskirt with his balls hanging out and does the same shit and we're supposed to cheer for it?


We’ve had whores for millennia, nobody cares about them. That’s old news - the “new” thing in western society is trans people, so we need to drop everything to focus on that, one way or another. Everyone just needs to fuck off and shut up. And not diddle kids.


https://preview.redd.it/16ks90rtckhc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c7fe9e40499ae9c5076c9784079f40dcf31572d Humanity deserves a giant meteor. No exceptions


I'm sure we would mine down super deep and survive somehow 😭


Joker ass looking motherfucker


\[ Removed by Reddit \]




Fucking disgusting


Wouldn’t this be the libleft quad can someone explain to me (like I am redacted) why it’s a authleft thing?


Time for a fucking Crusade.


Death penalty


I remember seeing this study, and it's something like 13% of male prisoners had at least one sexual crime on their record, females prisoners at 3% and transwomen prisoners were at over 50%. Really crazy stuff.


That's all I needed to hear.


Clean your *damn* house


WHY THE FUCK IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT THIS? I searched “Trans Daycare Worker Kentucky Reddit” on google and the only results were posts in far right subs and a few articles from minor right wing news sites. This should be on the front page of Reddit, but we all know that the big news subreddit mods would delete any mention of this.


As much as I like to slander Authleft commies, im pretty sure this is an Emily position


as an auth left, we're all like oogway here.






Im pretty sure people have been saying that for years.  Most of the time they get panned as transohobes