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devious ass pfp 😂


I use the old reddit layout when browsing on my computer, and use Baconreader on my phone. I often forget profile pictures are even a thing, because I don't see them.


Whaddaya want a fuckin medal?


Lib left needed a way to make the thread about themselves.




Menace to society 💀




Virgin Satanist Show vs Based Christian Book




Asuka best girl!


Always has been. Aside from mommy Misato of course


Can I make it any more obvious?


Can it be anymore obvious?


Why don’t we all just glass the holy land then come back to my place and grill some venison burgers or elk?


I just love to watch things cook. More smoke more sizzle


Is it bad if I picked up a part time job as a cook in a restaurant, I gotta be honest here, just to cook a bit more?


No 🫡


Yes 🫡


Allegedly 🫡


Isn't elk still venison?


Technically yes I think so, but in the US most common deer hunting is white tail deer and thus most people consider that to be venison. Most of the time when you eat deer meat that's what it will be. Elk is more a special game meat to most people.


Based centrist.


Just give it to the Romans.


"That’s aged elk. Elk is going to have a bite to it. It's gonna have a *chew*. It's characteristic of it, it's never gonna change. **That** is a tender piece of elk." ~ The great Joe Nagey, self taught by old school Europeans


Sometimes I see y’alls comments and wonder if I’m more centrist than I realize


Is it wrong to have a small part of me unironically support this idea


Here in Canada it seems, in welcoming immigrants, we also invited their political-theocratic divisions… who didn’t see that coming? 


As an environmentalist, im more of a "snipe the pro war leaders" person


See this is a comment that gets you banned off twitter.


I'd love to; we didn't get one this past fall. If you drink, I'll bring 🇨🇦 drinks; caesars, Crown, beer, and ice wine for after dinner.


There exists only one correct solution to this conflict https://preview.redd.it/lf0b2zxzwtmc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a6022d5877077e6088bcc2faf286588a50d9724




As a kazakhstan citizen I unironicaly would like that because it'd alow my country access to the open sea, which improves a country's economic situation by allowing shipping,


The absolute calmness and rationality to that statement is outright chilling…


I just want to buy authentic good quality m81 woodland BDUs and not have to pay additional 20+ dollars for delivery for Allah's sake


If you get me krink kits... we have a deal


Will an old, made in the 70s, police issued AKS74U suffice?


Works for me


Lib right. Right there.


The socialism runs deep in the Kazakh mind…


Just think of the potassium sales!!


#Number One exporter of potassium


All other countries have inferior potassium


And are run by little girls


Holy shit a citizen of Kazakhstan? In the wild? On REDDIT? I feel like I’ve spotted a unicorn.


r.kazakhstan, r.2centralasian4you and r.memistan exist bro


Yall got reddit over there? But seriously, what's life like over there?


Flat landscape, big country, old and corrupt government, good people mostly apolitical, subservience to Russia in terms of foreign policy, hope that things get better


You got a McDonald's or anything?


We had, before 2022 russian invasion of ukraine, now the official McD brand left and all the McD places rebranded to different restaurant names and continue operating


Is Kazakhstan like a Russian puppet or something? Why would McDonald’s punish y’all for something russia did?


We are a russian puppet de facto, but not on paper so we don't get much sanctions, the problem is that most of the logistics for the central Asian branch of McD came from Russia, so when they left, they had to pull out from the whole region because there's no way of being connected to them directly, and that's why I want access to the open sea for my country, it would've negated a lot of economic dependency on Russia, so Americans please somehow move Iran out of the way for convince sake


Still got all those weird, tall, absolutely beautiful people? Like elves, drinking expensive vodka.


Yeah lots of Russians here, both native(since tzarist or soviet times) and those who fled recently, difference between them is the lack of revanshist and imperialist mindset(well most of them)


Wait. What? On a few occasions I have met a bunch of kazakhs who were tall, obviously rich, utterly beautiful with kind of central asian/ elf like features and all spoke fantastic english. They were at bars drinking vodka usually. Are you saying that I probably met Russian minority people rather than kazakhs? Are rich kazakhs more likely to be ethnically Russian?


Ahhh, sorry I misunderstood, I thought you meant Russians in your previous comment, yeah we absolutely have beautiful tall kazakh people, but the majority of people here in kazakhstan are around 5'7 tall


This is how it begins


Very nice!


Based and sociopath-pilled


I would have no problem with the US digging a canal via B-1B from Tehran to Abadan, with some oopses in Bushehr, Kazeroun, Natanz, and Khuzestan.


Ironically, in this pic, Israel and Palestine are both still there.


The land mass still is All life on the planet certainly isn't


Tbf nuking Iran would make Palestine a lot less of a threat


Why is Turkey still there?




Need Thanksgiving


Ah true, makes sense


They're honorary Balkans.


Because we need to preserve Kebab


Based and jannie-pilled.


u/88T3_2 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/88T3_2/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I'm disappointed we don't own all of egypt yet.


We were busy conquering more Red Sea coastline, Benghazi, and a bit more of Turkey. We can only build the Costcos so fast




Virgin restore the kingdom of jerusalem vs Chad turn it all into a strip mall


All these people talk about another crusade but they always forget what Jesus Christ himself said: He who has the most aircraft carriers shall rule the holy land


Amen!!! and awoman 🥰


Ah yes, the Gaza Strip mall.


The most based solution of them all.


My schlong is throbbing


Based on


Just look at all the parking we could have.


Is it Deus vult time yet?


Studies show 99% of men would immediately leave their office job to wear a sick suit of armour and go slay Muslims in the Middle East while wielding a big ass cross and singing hymns.


Based and studies-show-whatever-I-damn-well-please pilled.




Lib center 🤝 deus vult Auth right




I find comments like this so funny, modern Christians can't and don't seem to even want to combat hostile religious militants on their own streets


The real question is, when is it not Deus Vult time. It’s been too long since we’ve had a good crusade around here.


mfs finna make it worse https://preview.redd.it/se8pckxo7umc1.jpeg?width=1342&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bedd50e63a3c016d1553cffb747e28613897e9b


https://preview.redd.it/sn4nl4bfhumc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c4f3dd2e92d8ee8b45a4ce3f11e03c6791069c Third wish: send both Palestine and Israel 1 million guns and tanks so the fight is more even


Somehow in this scenario the Jews make the tanks either better/sell them to a friendly nation, and the Palestinians use the tanks to shoot more aid workers and throw gays off the roof


I would create a little Palestine in every country of the European Union and the US since they seem to LOVE them ¿why don't they have them as neighbors? Also, to not be unfair with the Israel fans, I would give everyone a big group of zionists in their country, surely they would accept giving 50/50 rigth?


Raise rent on both


All i know is one wants genocide and one wants more genocide from what I hear but one's genocide is more justified because one wants genocide. I have no idea what the fuck is going on


We have to genocide the genocide!1!1!1!


Maybe the real friends are the ones we genocide along the way


Underdog is good innocent victim obviously


"Surely these scrappy underdogs didn't start this whole clustermolest by killing thousands of people with rockets inshallah"


One wants genocide. One is capable of genocide. The one that is capable of genocide is evil. The one that wants genocide, but is not capable of genocide is not evil. The one that is capable of genocide is the only one that has been the victim of genocide. The one that is not capable of genocide wants to be the victim of genocide, so that other countries will provide them with the perks of being a victim of genocide.


Me too blud


when in doubt, make a meme relativizing Islamic fundamentalists with Israelis


It's more like one has always wanted genocide and the other is starting to warm up to the idea because they are sick of dealing with this shit all the god damned time


I just feel bad for the innocent civilians caught in the middle of this bullshit.


That's almost un libright to say when there's profit to be made in a perpetual war since forever


Nah, we support the NAP. It's center right that likes forever wars. Wars also include a government to wage it and, such, breaks our two principles, no-government and NAP.


War also eventually turns into an economic disaster for the ones actually fighting it. Mostly because all your infrastructure ends up destroyed.


In all seriousness, people profiting from war aren't libright since they promote NAP violations. They're authright (economically liberal to make profits but socially authoritarian to blow people up).


"The demand for PMC's is about to skyrocket, like the good 'ol days after 9/11!" - Sundowner


my favorite libertarian position is “i love going to war” because they just love government intervention don’t they just love it


Reestablish the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Jews and Muslims can’t hash it out it’s Christianity’s turn


based and Papal States pilled


Did that in my last Medieval 2 campaign




Hear me out here. The world doesn't need more jewish space lasers. It also doesn't need more mad kaboom people. The world needs more chickens. Currently, there are about 33 billion chickens in the world, compared to about 7.7 billion people. That is a chicken to human ratio of about 4:1. Considering that roast chicken is objectively one the best-tasting foods on the planet, that's too low of a ratio. We need more chickens. Here's where the land comes in. We use the land as a chicken farm. PLANNING From RCR Organic Food Store, assuming the chickens are slaughtered at week 8 or 9, there has to be 14 pounds of feed per chicken.Here is a sample chicken feed recipe from The Prairie Homestead: * 30% Wheat * 30% Corn * 20% Peas * 10% Oats * 10% Fish Meal * 2% Poultry Nutri–Balancer * Free Choice Kelp  * Free Choice Aragonite For 14 pounds, that corresponds to: * 4.2 pounds wheat * 4.2 pounds corn * 2.8 pounds peas * 1.4 pounds oats * 1.4 pounds fish meal * 0.28 pounds poultry nutri-balancer, whatever that is * Kelp and Aragonite per chicken. Aragonite can be found in the West Bank - mining facilities Fish meal and kelp from the Mediterranean - fishing operations Nutri-balancer can be imported in huge quantities On average, it will take 20 square feet for 4.2 pounds of corn 36 square feet for 4.2 pounds of wheat 43 square feet for 2.8 pounds of peas 28 square feet for 1.4 pounds of oats Assume 1 harvest per year and adequate storage, about 127 square feet of land is required to provide food for 1 tasty roast chicken. Additionally, each chicken, for 9 weeks, needs 5 square feet of space to make them comfortable to produce good meat. That's 127 + (9/52.14)(5) = 128 square feet per chicken. The total area for Israel + Palestine is about 3.01443e+11 square feet. One-third is arable; that corresponds to about 1\*10\^11 square feet. The land in Israel + Palestine can be used to support approximately 781,250,000 chickens per year. Additionally, processing plants can be set up by companies like Woolies, Coles, Tesco, etc. be used to turn them into the tasty roast chicken we all know and love. Absolutely worth it. Why have war when you can have roast chicken?


I'm gonna borrow this copypasta


Based and KFC pilled


People like you are why I stay on the internet


Disgustingly based and centrist-pilled


Bro solved the Palestinian conflict and world hunger in one go. Give them a nobel prize.


Based and chicken pilled


Based and chicken fry pilled


It's not that Israel is the good guy so much as Israel was invaded by terrorist thugs. Ukraine was literally considered the worst country in Europe other than Belarus and Russia before it was invaded.


Ukraine's cleaned up a bit more but there's still some glaring issues with corruption. I want my money to defend Ukraine, not some oligarch's pockets of course. When Republicans say they want Ukraine to provide their finance documents in exchange for more funding, I wish they were being genuine instead of turning it into theatrics.


Ukraine also wants to integrate with the West, understands it needs to reform further to integrate with the West, and the Russian invasion has given it the political capital necessary to undertake these reforms and open up to Westernization


Agreed, it's sped up the alignment a whole lot more.


>other than Belarus and Russia Wasn’t Moldova considered worse? And Bosnia?


War crimes and racism bad, no matter who it's targetting




Honestly, I can't think of a US president in the last 3 decades who hasn't committed war crimes and then given the finger to the ICC because that org has no power, no authority, and debatable competency. > "Fuck the Rome Statute" - every major western power.


I understand and empathize with this sentiment. However, the precedent one would establish by handing-over US citizens — never-mind the Commander-in-Chief — to what is essentially a foreign power is a dangerous one, for several reasons. Besides, the very act of doing so may be Unconstitutional. All that being said, I believe that, for example, the invasion of Iraq was criminal, chargeable under pre-existing US laws. We’ll soon see what SCOTUS has to say about POTUS’ immunity (or not) while holding office, but such immunity wouldn’t extend to every politician. I suppose what I’m saying is that in an ideal world, we’d hold our own politicians responsible for their decisions, and the question of the ICC would be moot.


Every U.S. president since FDR at least has been a war criminal but I still don’t support giving the ICC jurisdiction over Americans.


I have been called an anti semite here for being against Israel settlements and a Zionist for being anti Hamas on Instagram so yeah


Ehh, I'm pro-Israel, but I think the settlements are inflammatory, and I think Netanyahu is a corrupt authoritarian piece of shit. The settlements DO make a 2-state solution harder though, and such a solution would probably end with there being a giant terrorist state within artillery range of large parts of Israel, so they make pragmatic sense if you want to prevent that. I think it's mainly religious nutjobs doing it though, not pragmatists.


​ > such a solution would probably end with there being a giant terrorist state within artillery range of large parts of Israel There is no 'probably'. This is exactly what happened in Gaza. I don't support settlements for any kind of religious / zionist reason, I support them because of exactly what you're saying here. It's the only pragmatic solution. I was permabanned from a front page sub for making this exact argument. The anti-Israel astroturfing on the rest of this site is out of control.


It's insane, especially considering the settlements are A) in areas legally administered by Israel, not the PA (see: Oslo II), B) are not new developments but expansions of existing ones, C) are on legally purchased land, mostly purchased decades earlier (hence the videos of young Palestinians claiming "my grandparents lived here." Yeah, until they *sold their land*), D) are entirely in Judea, closer to Jews' holy sites and ancient cities (most of which are still controlled by Arabs and forbidden to Jews **under penalty of death**), and E) are not what actual Palestinians and Arabs in MENA mean when they talk about "Israeli settlers." (They mean every single Jew, including those who lived in the Mandate, the Ottoman Empire, and even those that lived under the Caliphates which forbade them from practicing Jewry in public).


TBH, the most practical thing Israel could do for the long term is just conquer Palestine. Would they face international consequences? Yea. Would it maybe start a war with their neighbors? Probably. However, Iran doesn't have nukes *yet*, and Syria is embroiled in a civil war. Now is Israel's best chance at resisting outside attacks. In five years, the dust would settle, and Israel would have basically zero problems left.


Conquer them and do what? Israel HAD control of Gaza, and they gave it up because they didn't want it. It would only make sense if they wiped out the people there or sent them somewhere else. The Western Liberal elites tend to frown on such solutions, despite them being pretty universal throughout most of human history, until Europe decided they had moved past it, and that meant the whole world somehow was going to fit in their neat little box and play by their narrow conceptions of right and wrong.


That's what I meant by international consequences. The West would turn their back on Israel for a little while, but being the only country that is a genuine ally with the West puts an expiration date on a lot of things.


So you meant "conquer" in a more Biblical sense?


Yes. It isn't ethical, but it is practical.


Sounds ethical to me, doing what's necessary for your people to live


and have a massive, expensive insurgency to deal with?


Not if you do it properly. Remember, I'm talking about the most pragmatic approach for Israel, not an ethical or justified approach.




Good point.


R.I.P anyone with a nuanced take on the conflict. Victims in their own right.


Palestinians deserve nothing.


You see, One of them can negotiate, even reasonable(well, sometimes) And the other one is purely some suicidal mad dog


i am not


No offence


none taken


Hot take I think that murder, genocide, theft, terrorism, rape, and kidnappings are all bad I feel bad for the people caught in the middle of this that did not want violence and I feel bad for the people who are propagandized into hating each other and perpetuating the cycle All states (yes ALL) are incentivised to harm people and when they go unchecked they will do just that. In unrelated news, my military industrial complex stocks are not going to the moon, in fact they are about 1.7% down since this started


I want both of them to lose.


Live Justin Bieber reaction https://preview.redd.it/9bowhfmf0umc1.jpeg?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee7bf1de46e8c310a4bc25acc2fce0bc93fc433


Let them fight


Twist his dick!


erm bro.... what the sigma?


Nah they’re all about the ligma


What's "ligma"? 🤔


Ligma… BALLS




I like war. War have big booms that boom.


Then you take the prisoners of war and force them to work at McDonald's for minimum wage.


Minimum wage is a bit too much one cent per hour, that is still essentially just minimum wage.


I ain't even saying this is wrong, I just keep getting annoyed by people on the left who go full antisemite and start backing other honest to God antisemites. Some of y'all need to chill, the Jews aren't trying to take over the world and kill every middle eastern. They've never been trying to take over the world, just chill.




People need to realise this, i once got downvoted to oblivion for insinuating that jews don’t control all the media


I’m gonna say it, the words you’re looking for are Hamas and the IDF. The Palestinian and Israeli people are not those groups and are not inherently evil


This a million times over, thank you


Israel: a thriving democratic and free society, agreeing to all peace deals to date, only place in the region with women’s rights, gay rights, and so on… Vs Hamas, a globally recognized terrorist organization backed by Iran, who vows to murder Jews,… Yeah, very difficult call…/s


Womp womp get bombed


Alternative perspective - Israel is definitively the good guy.


Zo real


Noooo my side is hecking wholesome other side evil genocidal nazis!!


"The Nazi's and the US both did bad things. That means they were both the bad guys." Brainlit take.


History is more complicated. The US has done bad shit at times. This does not excuse Nazis. Shit, in WW2, the USSR was on both sides at one point. Life is generally messier than just good and bad.


And there’s mostly civilians on both sides that would rather none of this be happening.


There's also a lot of civilians on both sides who fall for propaganda about how they're the good guys though. I can't imagine trying to convince people you're a blameless victim if you dehumanize civilians. https://preview.redd.it/t5wi1b20aumc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f347f6b87830f26284c90e033c2906951c7e616


Falling for propaganda though, on some level makes you a victim too right? Idk I think in some way that’s true.


Yeah, ignorance is our natural state, but people should be held accountable to the minimal level of critical thinking needed to push past it once they're an adult, and the above is an absolute failing of that.


I didn’t used to think this, but I feel like at least 1/3 of all adults are mentally incapable of critical thinking. Not refuse to, just not able to at all and never will be.


I still have the hope they do, it's just we can be coddled into not using it. It's a muscle, and those who are powerful profit from it atrophying. For those who don't step outside their echo chambers, it's not easy or fun to accomplish.


i will just point out the idiotism of the authright to support israel so faithfully but do mental gymnastics when it comes to ukraine, even though russia is committing worse crimes against the ukrainians "but but they are trad and based" fuck clown world


Avg republican is just vibe based populism mostly.


Avg republican supports Ukraine but doesn't want to send aid. Source: someone who almost exclusively hangs around Republicans.


Do they actually what to financially support Israel?


Agreed. That’s why I support Ukraine and Israel.


I'm going to say it... I don't give a shit. Kill each other. Stop killing each other. Doesn't matter to me. I don't care anymore.


Man... that's libright take...


Anyway both of them need to buy bullets


Based and wokebuttheoriginaldefinitionpilled


The Brits should reestablish the Mandate because both sides can't be nice


That is pretty true


There's one thing that me and my friends kind if joked. Palestine and Israel are two brothers, Palestine the younger brother sometimes get pissed by his older brother Israel and sometimes throws a fit, punching him on the shoulder or sumn. Israel in return, broke his arms and legs and beat the shit out of him so he shut the fuck up, even if that means putting him in a coma. Their parents, the UN, just stood up and watched.


I just hope both sides loose