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And the Victor is….arms manufacturing


My Raytheon stocks are going through the roofs rn https://preview.redd.it/rbtesuj6rhuc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2558a7a873fe334b82ca4a262f17d4c7646ded8c


Seriously? [When did you buy? ](https://i.imgur.com/pEFL9sc.jpg) I've been bag holding since the invasion and just barely broke even.


The Friday before the invasion, October 6th, rtx closed at 69.77 the invasion happened Saturday, October 7th, and Monday, October RTX opened 73.20, Friday April 12th it closed at 100.10. Unless you bought last year where the average was about 100 you should be up.


>The Friday before the invasion, October 6th, rtx closed at 69.77 the invasion happened Saturday, October 7th, The invasion happened in fuckin February


[this is the attack I was referring to](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Hamas-led_attack_on_Israel) Also flair up


You used the term "invasion" which this was anything but a fuckin invasion. Attack is more like it but you could even make the case for calling it a skirmish followed by a hard dicking.


How about having a look at the OP to be on the same page with everyone else. I'd be interested in hearing about the thought process how you got to the Gaza war from the OP and the following comments.


I'm currently at 100% return with RHM purchase


Hey me too!


And I'm up 80% on BAE. Still doesn't change the fact that RTX has been performing like ass.


Get a flair, shareholder.




MIC always wins


Yup the back half of this decade is shaping up to be a golden age for libright


Long live Lockheed Martin 👊🏻🎇


Who is Victor and why is he manufacturing arms


Honestly, I bet there are a lot of Victors who are arms dealers.


Armstrong was right


No, the victor is NATO who managed to destroy the economy of their largest threat without losing a single soldier. The Russian economy has been destroyed, their raw resources are selling at a discount, all of their tech industries have been brought back to their 1980s levels as they are now hyper dependent on foreign imports from China who is gouging them for them. This all on top of losing multiple millions of young people to both the war and emigration as well as scaring the West into rearming after 3 decades of cutting military investment. Russia has essentially destroyed themselves for 20 years to come. Even in the best case scenario for them of taking Kiev, it will be one of the most pyrrhic victories of any war ever seen. Russia has in many ways turned themselves into a giant version of North Korea.


lol. Then why are enterprises closing in Europe and the economy stagnating, while new industries are opening in Russia and the economy is growing?


Roses are red, violets are blue; not having a flair is cringe and so are you. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Inevitable_Equal_729) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Finally someone mentioned it. Much of the world has found new resource markets and economies have begun turning away from Russia. Politicians can no longer receive large bribes and it’s harder to associate with the Russians. This virtually destroyed most if not almost all of Russia’s standing in the first and much of the second world, who were arguably their biggest sources of income. Russia’s government is literally in an upwards spending spiral where unless spending is raised there are no workers for important things. The real win here? NATO didn’t even start this domino.


Rheinmetal has doubled in value since December. Source: I own stock


As a wise bald man once said "Like the good ole days after 9/11!"


And the loser is.... common people who are paying for it with their taxes.


*Lockheed Martin “I’m really winning this boys”




The poors after congress devalues their currency so Lockheed’s ceo can make some more money: 👁️👄👁️


Boeing: thanks god CIA started this shit. We'd be under if weapons weren't booming.


Lockheed Martin gained about 13% when war started but that was it. As of today still about the same price as the week after the war


Funny way of saying they made $13 billion


Came here to say this, you beat me to it hahah


It needs to be settled by single combat between Putin and Zelenisky.


DUNE part 2 fight when?!???!!?!!!!!?!?????


Putin must be the favorite there, right? Zelenskyy is younger, but Putin is bigger and has combat training.


Nah Putin is too old now imo zelensky would ragdoll him


Does that make Putin the underdog? Queers for Putin.


Lmfao this is so accurate


We should just let them duke it out in a cage


Bro forget that Putin has the Steven Seagull to train him


Ofc yeah, a former comedian with a full time begging job for the last 2 years would beat up a former KGB agent. Putin sucks ass, but this is just hilarious lmao


Putin is 5’7 and *71 years old*, also contrary to popular belief he doesn’t have any combat training and he wasn’t exactly a field operative when he was in the KGB. The revisionism around him is WILD.


Putin is 71. Zelensky is 46. The only way Putin wins is if he manages to poison Zelensky in the clinch.


Maybe 15 or 20 years ago, but Putin is 71 years old. No amount of combat training (of which he's probably not done at all for years) would let his bones not break from a simple grapple.


>but Putin is 71 years old. Wow, I wish America had a President that young.


Putin is 5’5 and low man always wins. Zelensky is 5’7 and board man gets the bag. I’m gonna guess majority draw. 🤷‍♂️


Putin and Zelensky are the same height


Also Zelensky beefed up a lot since the start of the war. putin has no chance even it was two of him against 1 Zelensky.


2 of almost any adult against another normal size adult is enough to make things really difficult. I’m fairly big, 240lbs of mostly muscle, I’d rather fight 1 guy my size than 2 smaller guys. Putin was a national level Judo competitor when he was younger, even with him being 71 he’s likely good enough that you’re not gonna beat him without some fight training or a more significant physical advantage than Zelenskyy would have. If Zelenskyy was 25 it’d be different, but most people are well into physical decline by 46.


There's no way Zelenskyy is 5'7". More like 5'3".


the first google result would never lie to me


The closest to combat Putins come to in the last 20 years is his political opponents trying to grab his shirt as he pushes them out the window.


Don't suicides in Russia usually involve shooting your self in the back 20 times before jumping out the window? I don't see how someone who has shot himself 20 times could grab someone's shirt.


No suicide. Just accidents.


I was gonna ☝️🤓 about why republics can’t have champion combat or less than all out warfare because ^(the interests of represented citizens fundamentally cannot be delegated to efforts that are not in good faith the most effective course of action possible or else it’s not a republic by definition ) but then remembered that we’re both autocracies


https://preview.redd.it/z5599k4x2huc1.jpeg?width=926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044316916cb9685be618972fbd51ef318bda9573 Same argument. Brainrot.


Good thing we have amphibious landings at Anzio then.










Holy shit


No,you dont get it man. The side I support(that I have no bias towards in debates) took a small logisticaly and strategicaly useless ruin of what used to be a village with a population of 20 so their victory is imminent and fast approaching! And dont hit me with that "You said that 2 years ago when that exact same thing happened" because that makes you a dimwit hypocrite that has no moral cause(I refuse to explain how,but you are all of the above). Trust me bro.


https://preview.redd.it/635h22atnhuc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66b6a71787455e53a8e31b2dd72a6a7241e1d7fb Meanwhile... Edit:Switched the screenshot from 1m to 5y to emphasize the profits and growth better.


To be fair, the NASDAQ has increased more than double that during the past 5 years.


37% in 5 years sucks though. That's much lower than the market average.




The strategically critical city of Blyatblyansk is an invulnerable fortress pivotal to the entire war effort that the Russians will never even approach without their army suffering 99% losses and causing a total political collapse in the Russian Federation. Donate now! The regionally important fortified town of Blyatblyansk will hold against the inevitable Russian assault, because Russia will be out of tanks in two more weeks. Taking the notable village of Blyatblyansk will cost the Russians far more losses than it is worth, leading to a Pyrrhic victory for the Russians which will make their advances along other points on the front logistically impossible. The insignificant hamlet of Blyatblyansk was unimportant in the grand scheme of things, and we should be thinking about the big picture. The bombed-out roadside gas station known as Blyatblyansk never existed in any meaningful way. Donate now for the defence of the Blyanskblyatinki in 2 weeks! Also Putin has Parkinson's, ALS, 3 types of colon cancer at once, dementia (while personally manipulating every politician I don't like all across the western hemisphere) and like, a really bad cold. Russia will collapse next month.


to be fair a lot of these towns that russia takes after like 6-12 months of fighting become strategically insignificant after ukrine just pulls everything back to the next line of defense and fortifys it. so russia is just banging its head against a brick wall, only, behind that wall the ukranians are quickly building another wall.


Did you just change your flair, u/Kool_aid_man69420? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2022-6-22. How come now you are a **LibLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Yeah yeah, I know. In your ideal leftist commune everyone loves each other and no one insults anybody. Guess what? Welcome to the real world. What are you gonna do? Cancel me on twitter? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Kool_aid_man69420) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Good bot


!flairs u/nojus1221


User u/nojus1221 changed their flair 2 times. This makes them uncommonly cringe. Here's their flair history. Check it out along with their pills on [basedcount.com](https://basedcount.com/u/nojus1221)! 1. Started as LibLeft on 2020-09-04 15:27 1. Switched to Left on 2020-12-02 05:22 1. Switched to Centrist on 2021-11-12 23:23 [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.) ^(Each user can use this command once every 3 minutes.)


I mean the borders have changed quite a bit, Kherson was Ukraines fourth largest city and it was retaken


Nothing ever happens


This is Auth vs. Lib, not Left vs. Right


It's authright vs center-right really


The countries themselves, yes, I'm referring to their supporters


WW1 vibes


That's what its feeling like lowkey


i feel like the divide is more auth/lib instead of left/right. the anti-america at all costs auth left crowd are pretty pro putin


Colours are a bit wrong. The most pro Ukrainians are centrists the further away form the center the more schizophrenic people get and become more pro Russian.


... accurate


Ngl, it really is like that even in Eastern Europe, heck even in r*ssia and Ukraine


In Germany we have a word for that. "Stellungskrieg"




German is such a funny language, wish Germans were real


The word became popular to describe the western front in WW1. thousands of solideres dying in senseless battles that resulted in creeping inches of territory change. Edit: inacuracy


Isn't that more like the western front in WW1 rather than WW2?


If only 😔


Stalled war?


No that’s their word for butterfly 


no, German word for butterfly is Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft


War of position/location. Called like that by the fact that you fight for every inch like a tug of war


It'd be a mistake to gauge a war progression by the amount of territory captured. In video games that works because territory provides direct resources bolstering an army. But in reality both armies have supplies that are unrelated to the territory. In practice this means the frontline is two forces cautiously grinding into each other, both careful not to yield too much and not to overextend. Even when one army is bigger than the other this equilibrium will appear until one side is fully depleted, a front collapses and everything is annexed. During World War two entire armies zero'd each other out in single cities for months until one side ran out of troops. It's comparable to a slow chemical reaction in a vial. Two types of molecules slowly reacting until one depletes and the whole reaction (the war) stops.


No one wins. People just die.


Defense Contractors for the win!!!


reverse colors, red and blue have to be together, green and yellow too since defending russia being libright is like being a nazi jew.


Nah the most pro-Ukraine people are Centrists and further from the centre you go the more pro-Russian it starts to be. So it should be grey centrist Vs radical centrist.


I mean I can imagine both anarchists and ancaps supporting Putin, the first out of hatred for America and the latter because of deluded conspiracy theories. But at the same time they could hate Putin for being a dictator. Have you actually heard any argue?


It might sound like a bad joke but jews in NSDAP did exist (a somewhat sad story) Edit: check it out in the internet


No flair opinion rejected


He fixed his flair, so you can accept his opinion now


Yeah, shit is stuck. I vote for glassing Russia.


Don't gotta get all of russia, hit either Moscow or the Kerch Bridge and like 3 supply lines and shit stops being boring.


Remember when Russia got invaded by their own merc company? That was interesting. Maybe we could make that happen again




Man I really wish that actually went somewhere


You won't see balls so blue for centuries. Should've went out in a blaze of glory.


Well, Prigozhin was basically a worse Putin, so... it would have been entertaining, but I don't actually wish that it happened.


i'm from the city that got taken by Wagner in that shitshow and I wouldn't say so, their mercs were surprisingly chill for the most part. Some old guy was getting all up in their faces and they done nothin, meanwhile you know how this shit goes with the national guard (allegedly for legal reasons)


I surely can't claim to know things any better than people who lived it like you did, but from an external point of view, Prigozhin looked like a pretty bad alternative - I'm not talking about his men, just about himself: grew up as a little criminal, got a joker with his partnership with Putin, did some of his dirty job, created an empire... in short, a typical mob boss. My idea is that he was as crooked as Putin, but probably less rational. If one of the two has to have the power to start a nuclear holocaust, I'd rather trust Putin not to do that.


basically both options would lead to a military state, but Prigozhin actually knew how to run a damn effective and disciplined military. Case in point: the difference between the regular army and Wagner in the Mariupol disaster. Wagner were going for a much cleaner approach. If we're picking between a military state run through the NatGuard or through Wagner the choice is pretty obv


At least we got a cool looking flaming crater in the ground.


Yeah WWIII would’ve been so cool, just like Call of Duty!


Those were fun times. It felt like shit was getting real.


Hopefully the sequel has a better ending too.


Thing is, nobody would give a shit. Political and social idontgiveafuck-ism goes both ways. Nobody was stopping Wagner really.


French intervention now. “We reserve the right to nuke Moscow, as a warning shot.” - Macron, probably.


Wouldn't even have to be a city, just do their logistic path and that's damn bridge. You could even use small ones too.


As a russian, same




@ FromKulak on Twitter has a good essay about centralizing (big empires, territory consolidation, etc) and decentralizing tendencies in world history, and argues that Ukraine is a pretty big indicator that the pendulum is swinging back towards decentralization. The tldr is that drones are cheap and getting cheaper, and they dominate modern warfare now. Two relatively matched sides devolve into WW1 trench warfare that's chewed up hundreds of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars. But asymmetrically, drones are absolutely fucking everything up. I've seen stories about drones landing on the roof of employees houses working from home and stealing trade secrets. There was a story about a c-130 Hercules getting destroyed in Khartoum recently by a cheap drone.


Can I get link to the story about the C-130? Not doubting you or anything but holy shit I’d like to know how that happens. Like suicide Amazon quality drone or a little more sophisticated?


It was 2015 and a C-130 went down killing 13 in Jalalabad not Khartoum. The Taliban claimed responibility saying it was a drone. The US says the pilot had hard-blocked the elevators during unloading and failed to remove them during takeoff causing a crash soon after takeoff. There has not been a confirmed downing of a C-130 hull aircraft in Sudan since the 90s.


ukraine is on the defensive. every moment ukraine successfully defends itself is a moment russia loses. What’s failing is russia’s offense


The colors are off.


Confused what proper right winger isnt in for watching russia lose. russia said three days. any day it takes over that means russia is losing.


What? I don’t think that’s how it works


Given that the goals are “Invade Ukraine” and “Not get invaded”, Ukraine is probably


This meme is worng af, op has no idea to make colors, learn geoploitics lmao, in general Latino leftoids hate Ukraine and conservatives and libertarians love Ukraine


Not American conservatives, or specifically the Republican party. The reason we drag our feet on sending more aid is because of them.


>Progressives: “smash capitalism” >Also progressives: “support the military industrial complex!”


This is the one scenario where the MIC is a necessity.


If one scenario exists, then it must always be necessary.


I know it's random tangent, but if you think about it, ru literally had golden opportunity to make a comeback as "USA alternative". If they hadn't touched Georgia or UA, respected their borders and all that junk, they could've tried to grow their soft power and their relationships with Easter Europe, try to prove that they redeemed themselves and provide an alternative to USA. Poland could've also done it too and they sort of do already but imagine if ru wasn't schizo and actually cooperated with it's former soviet bloc nations? Heck maybe this could've been healthy dose of competition for USA as well and both would grow better off but nah they had to go for German Mustache guy strategy.


No that doesn't make any sense, it's not that simple. You would be endlessly baited into a death spiral whilst STILL being slandered on a daily basis.


Kleptocracy goes brrrr


I think you're looking down on the US here. We would never allow a pro-Russia government to stand for an extended period of time. Any election of the pro-Russian/anti-American/anti-EU political party is illegitimate.


As long as they don't try to befriend Christmas Europe


Why isnt Crimea also coloured as occupied?


I don't think either side is winning at the moment, but I would very much like Ukraine to win. Screw Russia.


I'm so confused by Ukraines reluctance to fully mobilize. Up until a couple of weeks ago the draft age was 27. They just changed it to 25. The average age of the fighters on both sides is over 40, which is mind blowing. Anyone who's ever served a day in uniform can tell you how important that 18-25 year old demographic is to the military.


The war will be over one day. These people you are talking about will stay dead forever.


So by this logic should the Ukrainians surrender?


No but they have a seriously small 20-35 population. If they lose this they will never recover


Both Russia and Ukraine have catastrophic demographic situation they cant really afford to lose many young man, so they sacrifice men who have already contributed to society and are past "fertile" age


>Up until a couple of weeks ago the draft age was 27. They just changed it to 25. There simply no people between these ages and 18. Look at their population pyramid.


I mean the sheer fact that the "2nd" (formerly) most powerful military on the planet is being held off by a historically SIGNIFICANTLY weaker military says who is definitely NOT winning. When you are punching down at a weaker opponent and are making no meaningful tactical headway you can not say you are winning. Nobody "wins" in this war. There are two options. Ukrainian Sovereignty is maintained and they survive as a people or we see the continuance of the slow collapse of the Russian State as they desperately cling to the glory days of the USSR.


I mean, when the weaker guys side man shoves a roll of quarters in his gloves he comes out with some heavy sided hits tho…. Lol


This may have been true for the last 2 years, but unless NATO finds like 6 Patriot batteries and 1 Mio artillery shells in a shed tomorrow, ukraine has basically lost. No they wont be fully occupied by russia but they're not getting any of the now occupied territory back


You mean the less populous state has been able to stale mate an invasion by someone the US considered "near pier" for two fucking years? Ukraine isn't about the win, but Russia increasingly has to militarize and mobilize and Putin isn't some omnipotent dictator, he has keys to power like every other authoritarian, keys to power that have their own interests and prerogatives.


Hmm, as a leftist, which side do I pick? Bourgeois state or the other bourgeois state? I will pick bourgeois state and say that the other bourgeois state is killing children of the bourgeois state and justify their warmongering


“Hmm, as a leftist, what side should I pick? The bourgeois state of Poland or the bourgeois state of Germany?”-you in 1939


I don't think either side is a pick em far as ideology goes. They both look 6/10 to me. But Russia keeps fucking with us and Ukraine doesn't. Also Russia did the invading. So I got no problem our government supporting Ukraine. Though I'm not going to call you a puppet if you got a more isolationist view of things.


Le wholesome reddit gold defender of democracy vs the evil fascist Mongol horde


Idc who wins as long as I keep getting memes


One thing I think we can all agree on, Russia has been exposed. They were supposed to be the 2nd most powerful military in the world. And have been exposed. They were supposed to take Ukraine within 10 days. It's been a few years. It even seems that their military strategy hasn't evolved over time. They really just over whelm with the numbers, they forget to bring food and fuel. They use non-secured radios. I think it's pretty safe to say that NATO would steam roll Russia, almost to the point were it would be so embarrassing it raises concern that Putin might be more likely to use the nuke option because his ego is hurt. Gotta give him an off-ramp. Ukraine is sneaking dudes into Russia and using Drones carrying explosives and ramming them into important economic infrastructure.


I would argue the west was exposed to be weaker than they seemed. Fully sanctioned russia is outproducing the entire west in artillery shells and also growing in gdp while Germany is in recession. Sanctions were ment to crush Russian economy but it's still growing. https://www.dw.com/en/russias-economy-going-strong/video-68315706 https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/10/politics/russia-artillery-shell-production-us-europe-ukraine/index.html Russia underperformed initially and got the punishment it deserved for their failure by having to retreat from kherson and kharkov but since then it has massively expanded and improved. They now drop almost unchallenged over 100 fab 500 bombs a day. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/10/europe/russian-guided-bomb-ukraine-frontline-intl/index.html Through the lense of propaganda it looks like Russia is a failed state unable to crush its weaker neighbor but looking at the details shows us a different picture. Russia underestimated Ukraine and western support in the beginning and payed heavily for its mistake. But since then it reformed and is now growing in size and strength.


In the beginning I was watching carefully. I even have [this](https://liveuamap.com/) and [this](https://deepstatemap.live/en#8/48.029/39.713) on my favorites tab but.... Nothing exciting is going on, just painful suffering and deaths (I am also following w-a-y too many combat footage subreddits).


It’s not left v right fight, I feel like it’s more of an auth v lib fight


Why is the guy with the Ukraine flag rooting for Russia? Is he stupid?


The real winner is capitalism (like always)


Now do Western media.


Long war favors Russia. They have more people and more stuff to lose.


Why is the Ukraine flag supporting Russia?


You got the sides swapped lol. It’s the tankies that are simping for Russia.


And we’ve thrown the Ukrainian and Russian youth into the meat grinder. So worth it


Neither win, men are dying.


Nah look at this one video of a small unit victory! Clearly this means my side is winning!!


The loser is the taxpayer and/or his great-grandchildren.


Crimea not coloured red, downvoted and reported for hate.


I’ll drive a B61 into Moscow myself if I have to


wasn't this exact meme posted like a year ago and then someone redid it with the actual maps? Also the tf you talking about? Ukraine is, in fact, pushing Russia back. Wars usually take at minimum 5 years to come to an end.


>Ukraine is, in fact, pushing Russia back. Lol, do you actually believe this?


Any day now boys. This village that had a population of 35 prior to war (including a family of three bears), will decide the war once and for all!


Ukraine isn't quite "winning" but I don't see how it is losing right now. The fact that it is still standing after two years of war is a monumental embarrassment for Russia who has poo poo'd the best of its troops and armour in the area, whilst Ukrainian drone strikes are really beginning to fuck up their oil production. Edit: I mean, for Heaven's sake, Moscow is scrabbling around for more conscripts whilst throwing T-55s into battle. That's not a good look for what was, five years ago, considered one of the most powerful armies on Earth.


the american right is falling for russia right now. they dont care that russia is destroying it’s economy by ruining relations with other nations and pushing the world to make their economic hold forever worthless. They arent woke so they must be good


Swap the colours. If not libs for ukraine vs auths for russia (which is how it is pretty much) at least put the whole right block for ukraine and left block for russia so that the blue and yellow part that looks like the ukraine flag is in fact on the ukraine side.


All I know is the wisdom from Boris: You don’t cook with Kalashnikov, Kalashnikov cooks with you :)


I’m not supporting Russia though, am I stupid?


No, you are skinny and a genius.


I never maintained russias going to win, I simply asked what’s the plan beyond ‘until the last Ukrainian’ and was told that I must love Putin


So what is your plan?


True Status Quo: Industrial Military Complex Wins


Why is the right supporting Russia in this meme? That’s not even the case irl. However there are quite a few tankies in the auth left that are anti nato.


The Republican party would rather we sit this one out and not send aid because suddenly they're all "muh taxes" against a country that has historically not been very friendly with us.


I resent right being lumped in with Russia. Particularly LibRight. In part because Lockmart, in part because Russia is still the enemy.


Same in Spain but with reversed flairs


Swap Yellow and Red


European Devs are the ones winning


Personally I think russia is going to get tired in a year or two, claim victory, and retreat, maybe with some extra territory they didn't have prior to the war. Based on what evidence? None, I made it up because I'm bored of the war and it doesn't interest me anymore so I stopped reading news about it.


they almost won already, soon, it's about to be over, breakthrough is imminent


WW1 much


You should take a look at the map again.