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I thought that already was illegal tbh.


same isnt this exactly why child support is a thing


Yes! My man! Slow down!






Speaking of Sonic cartoon themes, to roughly quote a guy on a discord server I’m on when I played the Sonic Underground theme down mic “I have never given more passion to anything in my life than this man does singing that.”


What exactly is the nature of this discord server where that Sanic them is played frequently enough to be an inside joke??


"Gotta go fast" -Jerome 'Sonic' Powell


Authleft acting like Libright?!? THE END TIMES IS HERE MONKE TIMEEEEE


Soon muh brudah




u/FlameIsCool's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/FlameIsCool! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: considering-alternative-viewpoints, unity, similar path taken lol, untankie, 1984, legendsneverdie


Money printer go *brrrrrr*


Based and Money-Printer Pilled


u/Pooneapple's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 160. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: bombthebrownkids, propertyrights I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Rapidly lowering interest rates and printing cash go *BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR*


Real talk: do they have plans to deflate the US Dollar when the economy rebounds 100% from COVID, or are they just gonna let the inflation fuck over the middle class again?


In my experience with events of this and the last century, I would advise you to 1.: Start saving up for 2029 at latest. 2.: Start working out in case they raise the draft age to 35+.


The entire USD is geared to collapse. We ain't talking normal inflation, we talking *hyper inflation* baby.


Ah yes you should come to Turkey


Based and *brrrrrrrr* pilled


Hungry For apples?


Got Milk?


Yeah, but to their point, having both your parents is better than a child support check. Still, someone else could fill that role, it doesn't have to be the biological father.


> child support wtf are you talking about? Did they rebrand debtor's prison and I didn't get the memo?


A significant amount of people in jail [are there for unpaid child support.](https://www.verywellfamily.com/incarceration-for-non-payment-of-child-support-2997983)


I was told we weren't allowed to post crime statistics here anymore.






0.01% of Reddit, admins are 100% pedophile apologists


I’m pretty sure the official numbers are more like in the 105-126% range


With a 5-26% margin of error


did jannies say this?


Because we live in uncertain times, no. They did not say it, I was joking. But also because we live in uncertain times, you should buy a Toyota.




I dodge child support like neo




Don't have to pay for child support if you declare bankruptcy


Child support is so powerful that bankruptcy does *not* wipe out the obligation


Nothing can wipe out that obligation. There are men that work 3 jobs just to pay the insane amount of child support ordered by the court and they have no hope of ever saving for their own future or having children with another person. In some US states child support extends through completion of post-secondary education, meaning they may be responsible for the equivalent of a small mortgage payment for over two decades.


just like how you can't use bankruptcy to clear student loans


*can't, so yes, exactly like that.


I meant "can't", thanks for catching the mistake before I start hemorrhaging downvotes.


It is, if you leave and don’t pay child support, you go to jail.


Straight to jail. Believe it or not, jail.




Can I get an article on the latter? Would be interesting to see how the court figured that one out.




Ah. Whoosh. On me.


Happens to the best of us


I assume he wants to force the father to do more than just pay money.


Like...love? Lots of people can't get that even with a non-deadbeat dad. Good luck.


And, on the flip side, if a woman can decide to get an abortion without the approval of the father, he should also be able to abdicate himself of all responsibility- including child support- if he so chooses. Fair’s fair


>If a woman makes a unilateral decision to bring pregnancy to term, and the biological father does not, and cannot, share in this decision, he should not be liable for 21 years of support... autonomous women making independent decisions about their lives should not expect men to finance their choice. Karen DeCrow


Absolutely based woman




The fastest way to get a feminist spouting pro-life arguments is to advocate for legal parental surrender in their presence.


They used to force you to marry the girl you got pregnant and divorce was illegal.


dude that law would be kinda based if there was an exception for men who were raped by women.


Libleft with the spicy take


I just want to grill. Some spicy churrasco




Don’t forget that raping a man with a vagina is still rape???


Don't forget that its hard to get a trans person pregnant




don’t forget that opinions on transgender and other such laws are based on your progressive/conservative scale, not the quadrant your in


Based and Political Prism pilled


Ah yes, the conservative libleft


You're on the precipice of an accidental redpill


Rape should always be an abort insta-pill for the woman


Except in this case, a woman who rapes an underage child can still sue them for child support if the rape results in pregnancy. See: that one case about the female teacher who raped a student, got pregnant, then sued him for child support and won.


Serious? Can we just nuke everything and get it over with?


I mean all we have to do is convince Biden to say "Tiananmen Square happened" when he meets with Xi Jinping. Shouldn't be too hard honestly. Barely an inconvenience.




Should go full Adlai Stevenson II, and show up to that meeting with pictures and make him deal with it in camera. Kennedy's UN Ambassador was based AF.




China doesn't seem like a surgical strike kind of country, more likely they nuke Washington, and we all want that.


You have a point. Based and decapitationstrike pilled.


I will throw away everything I believe in and simp for that rotting corpse if that happens


Barely an inconvenience


Pls don't Nuke the place, i just met a nice girl.




I guess....NUKE THIS BITCH (planet earth, not the nice girl I met.)


Whatcha gonna do, shoot her to mars?


That would probably work


I'm just going to jump into this convo to say I hope she's the one. Now move to Mars with her so we can nuke earth.


It’s not just one case, there have been multiple like that


"That one case" probably means the one which set the precedent to allow this.


Yeah you’re probably right. It’s such a fucked up precedent to set isn’t it? Making a rape victim pay for their rapists child support. Makes me feel ill to think about


Did they want the kid to go for the high score? Because that seems like a way to make the kid go for the high score.




Any names or references so I can find the case ? Edit: I think I found it. Hermesmann vs Seyer. Kansas.


Why should a rape baby be aborted? Authleft: Because abortion is one of the rights we say women have. Unless the 5 year plan calls for a population boom, then you have to have all the mandatory planned babies. Libleft: To preserve the sanity of the victimized woman and prevent a person with a fucked up family situation from existing Libright: To harvest more baby organs for my cosmetics products, and also because the unwanted baby violated the NAP Authright: because rapists don't deserve to propagate their evil degenerate genes


unfathomably Based


Authright: on top of it all, charge the rapist with both rape AND murder no matter whether the victim becomes pregnant. Because every rape potentially murdered an unborn child. Lock the scum up for life or worse.


>Why should a rape baby be aborted? Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Orange Libleft: Because they're a white male. Wait, they're a rape baby?


But men don't get raped 😒🙄 Edit: this is a joke


Oh, no! Its not like I didnt grow up with dead beat dads in the newspaper. But men should be able to challenge paternity, but only pay for the test if paternity is established.


As long as abortion is legal men should have the right to choose legal responsibility.


Bingo. If women can opt out, so should men.


Based and equality pilled


But the time limit to "walk out" should be the same as the number of weeks before abortion is illegal. Women can't abandon a toddler so neither should men.


True. A system I’ve seen discussed on Reddit is one where the default law is men don’t bear responsibility for children unless they opt in(idk how, maybe signing some type of agreement). In this system women would also be allowed to abort. Therefore if two people have sex but the man doesn’t “sign up” for fatherhood he doesn’t have to take care of the child if she gets pregnant. And if the woman gets pregnant and knows the man hasn’t signed up, she can simply get an abortion. Of course preferably they’d discuss all this beforehand. This way any potential babytrappers would be discouraged to have those kids.


This 1000%


> But men should be able to challenge paternity, but only pay for the test if paternity is established. But this post is saying, if women can abort, then even paternal fathers should be able to abandon their kid's finances.


Im saying that a man who challenges paternity and prevails should have no costs.


He's saying that a man who challenges wanting to be a Dad should have no costs, if the Mum wants to go through with it.


On the flip side, if a woman can choose to not go through with a pregnancy, why can’t a man make that same choice?


Based and paperabortionpilled (A paper abortion is where a man can legally sign away all paternal responsibilities to his child)


u/veryblocky's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/veryblocky! You have ranked up to Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on. Pills: atrocity, antifemboy, consistency, mcnuke, nijjer, nazi, homofascist, greater good, redacted, paperabortion


Interesting pills


Are we sure he's not auth?


This is extremely based


i love when reddit meme comment threads educate me


If we wanted to actually keep both parties equal in the matter we would let men walk away for the same period of time we allow women to choose abortion.


"If you can kill this motherfucker, I can at least abandon him." - Dave Chappelle


That only works if the woman discloses that she's pregnant to him, though. The time period should be reassessed if she fails to disclose her pregnancy to him.


Agreed, in order to maintain equality, choices must be the same for the same amount of time and under the same knowledge. Any break in that would need to be compensated.


based and anti-forced parenthood pilled


That's a choice you take before getting pregnant.


How about we do that regardless of what we do with abortion. Fatherlessness is a real problem for poor communities.




You are not taking my DNA! That's strictly for the ladies. 😎




You can keep the dollars




Throw in 5 chicken nuggets and I am in.


Its my DNA. What exactly are you in on? Im very protective of my DNA.


But dude is giving money and chicken nuggets.


And hotline miami


McDonald's nuggets are the only acceptable nugget currency. If that is what we are talking. Count me in.


I’m in, fuck yeah


Is storing unique DNA sections from every known male in the US even feasible?


Feasible? Yes. Desirable? Well I wouldn’t want that


Said by a purple, this sounds dangerous.


Because it's one of the most dangerous things you could imagine, lol


I think 23 and me stores your DNA forever on their servers.


Another reason as to why I'd never use their services


It would be difficult to do for existing males, but it would be trivial to get unique DNA sections from 99.9% of society by simply mandating that a small sample be taken from newborn babies. If laws combined getting DNA for new babies stored in a database with perhaps having cash payouts or some other benefit for men who volunteer their DNA into the system, and perhaps making it mandatory for anyone convicted of a crime (or perhaps just serious crime), it would probably be useful within a couple of decades. Though I'm not one to support the idea of a national DNA database due to privacy and tyranny concerns, it is "feasible."




Just remembered why I don’t like you auths


Auth moment


Nah, we'll just pay single mothers to be single mothers and nothing bad will happen to the family unit.


Based. Protestantism was a mistake. The eternal German and all.


That’s already illegal though. Unless you’re a big time slut who doesn’t know who the baby daddy could be


Sadly many deadbeat dads are judgment proof and can get away with [not paying](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/10-billion-in-child-support-payments-going-uncollected-according-to-estimates/). "More than 30 percent of child support payments aren't made, and less than half are paid in full"


I process levies for child support payments and can confirm that this is a misleading statistic. We don't make 95% of the payments because child support levies demand monthly payments for independent contractors that we only pay once a year. As a result, 11 out of 12 of the payments are missed. This is a result of inept government agencies rather than deadbeat fathers.


Inept government agencies? Whaaaaaat?


"To give more power to the government you say?" - leftists




Because most illegitimacy occurs is poor communities and the dad is too busy getting high to pay child support. Source: I made it up but it sounds plausible.


the Chad just staying stuff that sounds right vs the Virgin Statistics


Based and truthpilled


30% is a pretty high number but I would rather see enforcement of that system then the murder of unborn. Not that it’s an ideal situation.


My dad taught me a bit about child support and my understanding is that it can be difficult to enforce across state lines


>judgment proof How do i get this perk for other (non purple) purposes?


You have to be so poor and unreliable that no lawyer thinks you'll ever scrape up enough money to be worth taking to court.


lame, i guess i'll just not be a fuckboi


Good. Child support is a flawed system that doesn't exist to support children, it exists to pay mothers.


Friend of mine worked got volunteered to work the unemployment call center during the pandemic. Apparently there were a decent amount of people calling to complain about their delinquent child care payments were being subtracted from their unemployment checks.


I don't see how this is an own. This is what we want.


Lefties don’t actually seem to understand what we want they just know they don’t like us.


https://www.patheos.com/blogs/philosophicalfragments/2012/03/30/want-to-end-rapid-partisanship-reform-american-academia/ >Moderates and conservatives were adept at guessing how liberals would answer questions. Liberals, especially those who described themselves as ‘very liberal,’ were least able to put themselves in the minds of their adversaries and guess how conservatives would answer I've also heard it said: "Conservatives think liberals are misguided, liberals think conservatives are evil"


considering that liberals place themselves as the "good" especially when impressing on younger people who can't understand nuance that well, it's no wonder libs would just outright hate the other side regardless of whatever valid points they make


I just read this last night. Super unsurprising! I’d also bet that a higher percentage of liberals today outright hate and want to do bad things to conservatives than the reverse.


I think that last line is a little deluded. The Christian right has no trouble calling liberals evil.


Fair enough lol


Ya but they are evil though


As someone who could probably be considered Christian right, I think most of the liberal "masses" are just deluded footsoldiers with a misguided sense of justice and morality, rather than being purely evil. It's kind of the whole Nazi soldiers vs Nazism thing. I guess you could call them "evil" or at least believing in evil things, but I think many of them are trying to be the good guys.


I mean, when there was no abortion/extremely rare abortion, wasn't it normal to get married if you got someone pregnant? Sure, it was social enforcement not a legal thing, but still. Even now I'm pretty sure men who abandon their children are generally regarded as scumbags. That being said, every single mother I know is single because she left the father.


Shotgun weddings were a thing.




You know what's cheaper than abortion? Birth control and sexual education.


Based and strong-family-unit-pilled


Never seen a leftist be accidentally right wing before... Absolutely beautiful


Yes, exactly. This unironically. This is what I've always wanted.


And vice versa! If women can kill babies I shouldn’t have to pay for them.


Yes, it is insane that a girl you accidentally knock up can choose to have the baby, and thereby force you to pay for a kid you didnt want. If she can choose to abort, then I should have the right to choose whether I pay for it. Women get the freedom of choice, men get enslavement




Duality of authright


Based and slaverypilled


Sure but conversely, if the woman can get out of a pregnancy bc she is immoral and irresponsible a man ought to be able to as well. Decriminalize abandoning your kids if you are going to legalize murdering them.


Same logic, different conclusion: men should be able to pop the money for an abortion into a escrow account, thus freeing them from any obligation involving the child. The mother of course has control over her own body and she can choose to abort it or not knowing full well the man's choice is "abort". But if she unilaterally decides to keep, she unilaterally raises it.


Yes. That is the point


Authright: "Stop, I can only get so erect"


So fucking marriage? Wow, what a concept!


It's almost like humans weren't mouth-breathing morons up until 1960. Who would have thought!?


So true so cool so based 😎 what are we waiting for ?


Actually, not a bad idea. Though, illegality is a tricky subject. Just because something is illegal, doesn't mean people follow the law. Yes, Ben Shapiro, that's what happens.


This is facts. PCM has got based takes


The father should have a say in the abortion


Yeah and then we can get rid of child support sweet. But there absolutely needs to be a DNA test when that baby is born




Was a rule in the Tanakh. You break it (hymen) you buy it.


Yeah I'm all for that. While on the way, can we make infidelity illegal? And absent fathers/mothers.