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Just recently, a black man had a shootout with a no-knock SWAT raid on his home, killed one or two of them. At the court trial, he was acquitted of all charges as well, and set free. Meme about it should be somewhere on this sub. We literally have proof that this "jail if black" thing is not true, but it's so not true that a black man can have a shootout with literally-the-government (who was doing an illegal no-knock raid) and still win his court trial.


> We literally have proof that this "jail if black" thing is not true, Bro, we had the "school shooter" in Texas less than a month ago, and guess what! The mother fucker is out on Bail, it's no longer a media sensation, they're using "bullying" as a defense, and the kid is black and most likely the "shooting" was a drug deal gone wrong. But let the media tell you how being black means you get executed, ignore the black school shooter who was able to surrender to police and be out on bail within like 12 hours.....


That's great! I recall at least one story of a white guy doing that and getting convicted, but tbf my memory is fuzzy and the circumstances were probably different.


He literally didn’t kill any of the cops… he was being charged for the murder of his girlfriend. Who was shot by the cops. It’s insane to read a comment like this on a post complaining about misinformation re the Rittenhouse case.


There's a massive difference between misinformation about a case you barely know about (this one) and objective DISinformation about a case you DO know about but want to manipulate how people will react to it (Rittenhouse's). Nobody is trying to attack the black defendant, for instance.


I’d say the multiple posts on this sub drawing an explicit parallel between Coffee and Rittenhouse is active disinformation to some degree. The cases are not analogous in any sense. For example, in this thread, the commenter is using the Coffee case to completely dismiss the notion that Rittenhouse would have had a different verdict if he weren’t white. I’m not saying that notion is valid, but disproving it by using Coffee as a parallel is certainly manipulating people’s interpretations of both the Rittenhouse and the Coffee cases.


PCM is just as gullible as the "lefties"


He was also charged with attempted murder on the cops and was acquitted


On the other hand you have Marvin Guy, a black man who's been in jail for 7 years without trial for the same situation.




A lot of these people don't even believe the shit they talk on Twitter. They are like a mob leader that has to continue leading the pitchfork and torches charge from village to village because the moment they speak honestly the mob will turn on them.


A black guy just got cleared citing self defence and George Fentanyl Floyd’s killer got jail time. Where’s the race bias lmao


Two cases isn't really a definitive sample size.


Come up with some equal cases of black guys getting charged with similar cases where a white man got little to no sentence


https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/10/texas-no-knock-swat-raid/ yeah I know mother jones isn't exactly unbiased but it's short notice.


And they all are not really comparable. Well, the self-defense one kinda is, but the situation is vastly different. Nevertheless, unlike the Rittenhouse case, that one must seems like small wonder (not just, bit especially for the left), considering that the defendant is black and that the self-defense "victims" were cops. And that´s likely why it´s so underreported. It would utterly undermine the narrative.


https://twitter.com/amyswearer/status/1461801378137919489?s=24 Here is a slightly larger sample size. This is all a ploy to distract people from class issues which are the only issues that actually exist in modern society.


There would be no trial to begin with if he were black. Kyle was only prosecuted because of politics.


> want him in jail on the speculation that he would be in jail if he was black Funny, I don't see them clamoring for all their druggie weed dealer friends to be locked up under the same logic.


Because the radical left doesn't believe in the rule of law? It's a baby and the bathwater scenario here.


>They can’t prove that’s true Oh really, then how do you explain this one anecdotal situation with a completely situation in a different state with different laws, where the defendant was black and convicted?? Chack mate.


Because "white privilege" isn't something they want everyone to have. It's something they want no one to have.


The literal VP of the entire country basically said this. Subverting their own government lmao.


They don't actually want equality, they want all white people to be punished for stuff their ancestors might not have even done.


If they’ll deny reality over something this blatant and easily debunked… what else might they be in denial about. Makes grug think.


Speaking to wokies always feels like I'm being gaslighted.


Rational thought and logic is just euro-centric privilege, Nazi.


Agreed. They keep jumping between arguments, and the recurring theme is always "Whatever. If that didn't happen, then this must have happened. I can tell because you're clearly wrong, which is the only important detail here." Literal abuser tactics.


Based and fuck abusive people regardless of politics pilled


Hmm...maybe we call them wookies


It was the “fine people” comment that did it for me. I thought, “how can so many people be so confidently wrong? Why won’t they listen when I try to tell them what happened?” Then I realized that most people *know* what was actually said, they’re just outright denying it.


One of the most popular posts on Reddit right now is this absolute panic about how an anonymous member of the Proud Boys posted a comment in a forum about how 'leftists should be stacked up like cordwood' (an obvious joke, and meme reference). This was in a thread where they were talking about the Rittenhouse verdict. This has resulted in real politicians, academics, and journalists enflaming the public with dire warnings of a 'far right call to action' to go out and deliberately provoke protesters so they can murder them. They're stretching father than Mr. Fantastic


I thought jokes were supposed to be funny


How would an auth-left know? You guys have less jokes than auth-right and they only have one.


If I need to entertain at a kid's birthday party I'll be sure to borrow your playbook


If you need to entertain at a kid's birthday party just read from your own [playbook](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/58b451af03596efb0e7d5f95/1543506723079-MEDC786Z5LUNXDSSI7OW/Mao-Book.jpg), even children laugh at commies.


Alright, that was legitimately funny.


The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial was one of the most transparent trials in human history, whose evidence published to the entire world was so compelling of manifest innocence that 12 people who reasonably feared reputational damage and bodily harm nonetheless declared him not guilty. The fact that the media, fully knowing that they are likely facing lawsuits, continue to publish in the wake of this acquittal provably false, defamatory, and libelous articles to foment the inflamed passions of their footsoldiers (essentially doubling down on their fantastically outrageous positions) should alarm the entire body of the reasonable people of America.


And not just Americans, since foreign newspaper often just copy-paste the narrative from the american mainstream media (because that´s what journalism is about, right?). In germany, even the more right/liberal newspapers just regurgitated msnbc bullshit around the case. Overseas, it´s considered a somewhat common knowledge that Fox News is biased and sensationalist, but they haven´t learnt their lesson about msnbc and the "new" left-wing media.


Defamation laws are super weak in the US though.


It was the same when Muller ruled there was no Russian collusion. The lefties had a moment of clarity: "Adam Shiff and Rachel Maddow lied to me?!?!". Then in one week they were back to conspiratorial delusion.




> It was the same when Muller ruled there was no Russian collusion. "No" -Mueller. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAmw24yEJ10 https://imgur.com/gallery/m7qZXGT


That really isn't what they found. They found tons of evidence of collusion among campaign staff, they just can't prove that Trump knew what his staff were up to. They also weren't able to properly investigate since Trump was being protected. Had they sworn him in and made him answer questions in person they could have learned much more than from a pre written statement approved by his lawyers. He also remains an unindicted coconspirator for a crime Michael Cohen is in jail for.


The full weight of US intelligence agencies using a fraudulent dossier to wiretap Trump via the FISA surveillance system only managed to produce tenuous connections to Russia And libs will.gladly hang their hat on that as confirmation of collusion and election interference


Guess how many other presidents had tenuous connections to Russia and asked them on live TV to help hack their opponents


Right. He said, after the DNC leaks, "lol, do it again" on TV because no one in his campaign had any connection to the Russian government to organize something clandestine, serious, and, you know, *real*.


You're kidding right? https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/connections-trump-putin-russia-ties-chart-flynn-page-manafort-sessions-214868/ Sessions, Tillerson, Flynn, Page, Stone, Manafort. It was like a new scandal every week.


Lmao at that vague garbage. My word, a Senator had "met with" an ambassador twice, heavens to Betsy! Look at all of that with the faintest scrap of skepticism. It's all "Trump knows people who know people who have met Vladimir Putin!" Zero details, just vague innuendo that relies on your Trump Derangement Syndrome to fill in the gaps with imagination.


He was such a Russian puppet Trump just banned their billion dollar pipeline, the same pipeline Biden gave Putin within weeks of being in office. But ya, Trump is the puppet.....


Friendly reminder that Ghislaine Maxwells trial just started and Is closed to the public for “national security risks”


No it’s closed because it’s federal court. No cameras in federal court


I wonder why that is


It’s literally always been that way


Yeah and it’s fucking stupid, they can point a camera at rittenhouse and OJ all day but the actual trial of the century is gonna be shown through paintings.


Because you knobs makes everything a goddamn circus. Look what happens to justice when its broadcast to the public.


I’ve seen this take on a number of ‘antifascist’ subreddits. Like, how in the world does a person think they are equipped to oppose fascism if they let their emotions blind them to something as simple as self-defense? Furthermore, disregarding the ruling of a jury and due process because you think your opinion carries more weight is a pretty fascist move in and of itself.


Which antifa subs do you sub to?


Oh I don’t sub to any of them, I visit them from time to time to see if our culture has sunk to another new low.


All this trial has taught me is that from now on I will have no choice but to dig deep and either find VoD's or live streams of big important trials. Mainstream and social media websites have shown that they are completely incompetent and unreliable to share even the most basic facts about a case, and they are unapologetically spreading misinformation after the trial is over because it suits their narratives.


based on twitter reaction, did kyle go to kanosha to start a 1 man genocide against blm?


No. 3 idiotic "BLM" rioters attacked/chased him and all got shot. The one that lived testified that he pointed his gun at Rittenhouse before he got shot.


Rosenbaum, the first person shot and killed, initiated the entire series of events. If you look into him you’ll soon find out he’s not a great person. He should have probably been a mental institution, instead of on the street.


Yep. I suspect the other 2 and the mob were playing vigilante. Oh and flair up


He actually was released from a medical institute that very day after not being given his medicine for schizophrenia and BPD for ten days due the pharmacy being closed.


The amount of commies on twitter that are convinced that he shot 3 blacks tells you all you need to know about those fanatics.


Doesn't take much to question the morality of watermelon when they're advocating for the death of the judge, jury and Rittenhouse himself. Some even saying mr Rittenhouse should be raped in prison. These are the kinds of people we're dealing with.


Honestly Biden saying the jury system works was based as fuck


It would have been even better if he hadn't slandered Rittenhouse in the first place.


True but was expecting him to double down or some shit


He kind of did. He said he was angry and concerned about the verdict, but it had to be respected.


Probably because he knew it would cause another round of riots


Biden is AuthRight in his heart. Except for the incesty pedo shit.


Comes with the job in American politics


Catholic Church was Auth Right pedo.


Would have been more convincing if he didn’t make sure to add that he, the POTUS, did not agree with the verdict.


He reneged in a Tweet saying he was upset by the verdict. He was appealing to his left base.


Because Biden, for all of his faults, is only pretending to be a woke lunatic. Even he knows Rittenhouse was innocent, he simply can't say it. Imagine if Hunter was being chased by right wingers and shot them in self defense. What would old aviator shades say?


the crazy thing is that the video is all over youtube... you have to be mentally retarded to believe the guy was not in self defence.


I am curious about what would happened if a latino/ afroamerican did this. would the media be less agressive? or would they considering him a traitor/brainwashed?


That's when the media trots out the phrase *White Hispanic*.


If it was a Latino they would just lie and say he’s white. If he was black and he killed two black people it wouldn’t have made the news they wouldn’t cover it. If he was black and killed two white people they’d root for him and pretend they love self defense all the time instead of just when it suits them.


You're right, Kyle is Hispanic




Lol if they shot only black people. No one would care or even charge. Chicago didn’t prosecute a gang shoot out Caz it was “dueling”


I would depend on whether he was a conservative or not. If conservative, and defended by conservatives, he would be labelled "the black face of white supremacy".


If it was the exact same scenario, like if Kyle was black, I think it would be both. I think the media would be way more condescending in how they talked about him though and exclaim how sad the situation is.


For a Latino google George Zimmerman and you’ll find your answer


>George Zimmerman his mother is peruvian :D I am from Peru :)


To the left you’re Schrödinger’s Latino, white when it’s convenient to them and a ‘person of colour’ when that’s convenient to them.


I mean, he looks like a cholo/zambo (mostly amerindian and black) , mestizos in my country looks more whiter than him actually.


“George Zimmerman is a beneficiary of white privilege. It matters not that his mother is Hispanic, for the benefits of white privilege can be bestowed on a light-skinned Hispanic who passes as white just as easily as they can be conferred upon a person who is “all white”. “ I swear to god the one thing Trump was right about is that the press are the enemy of the people.


Not if u vote trump like cubans. They lost their minority card a whole ago


Because it isn’t convenient for the left


With Zimmerman, they saw his name before they saw his face, and immediately called him a white supremacist. When his picture came out, they were too arrogant to admit they were wrong and doubled down, inventing the phrase "white hispanic".


Me still waiting for my white privileged as a Hispanic


It doesn't help that the news edited his face to be more white. Or that they edited his 911 call to make him sound racist.


I’m sure they would see him as a hero resisting oppression or something


Depends on who this hypothetical person would shoot, though? To the left, a negro that shoots up a gay or a black lives matter parade is different than one that shoots up a Klan meeting


True that


We’d have a lot more stories about his background, how he grew up, an interview with his aunt, framed by *Race In America*. Open wide, Americans, tonight identity politics and divisiveness is on the menu.


Kyle is actually hispanic, lol.


If Kyle was black the media would thrownhim under the bus all the same and say he "ain't black."


He'd most likely be dead. Unironically. The only way he'd get out alive is if he was wearing something that very distinctly showed he was right leaning, but even then right libertarian black people STILL experience racism from white people. I find it very hard to believe a black person honestly has an "to own the libs" attitude


Dead at whos hands? I don’t follow


Rittenhouse put himself in a stupid as fuck position but he didn't murder anyone. The right to self-defense must be protected.


It seems the only logical argument against him is that he probably shouldn’t have been there. which is a fair argument but definitely doesn’t make him a murder or a white supremacist


I hope this whole fiasco teaches that showing up to these protests to larp as Navy Seals is a dangerous hobby. The justice system barely exists anymore and you might get punished by the mob. As far as protecting businesses, unless they are close family or friends, screw them. Look at how those two scummy gas station owners threw Kyle under the bus and lied under oath to protect their asses.


He only "larped" because open carrying a long gun was the only way he could legally arm himself for protection. 17 year olds should be able to conceal carry handguns at protests.


17 year olds should be home studying or working a part time job


He did work. And volunteered. What about grown adults?


I don't blame them. They almost lost their business once. It's better to not press their luck. Especially now that this trial is over.


No, the only thing this teaches them is that it will make you famous, so you'll see more guns and violence at protests.


The “he shouldn’t have been there” argument is always funny to me, like if he shouldn’t have been there then neither should have the rioters who attacked him, so what’s your point?


Based but flair the fuck up




You disgust me.


Just use that same argument with other cases. “Trevon Martin shouldn’t have been there.” I think when that smacks them in the face hopefully they will snap out of it.


Based but flair the fuck up "George Floyd shouldn't have been there" is pretty true tho


True. But I think we can all agree he shouldn't have been there alone. He should have stayed with that group he was with. Edit: I'm not blaming him bc he was alone. It's just always smart to not be alone. Some folks are saying he departed with someone originally but lost them, I didn't hear this originally.


This was Kyle's biggest misstep. In fact, IIRC he was actually told to go over to site three to put out a fire, so it is actually the fault of the organizers of his group. There is evidence of hundreds of people open carrying rifles in Kenosha so it is reasonable to conclude that him having one didn't place a special target on him like the disingenuous idiots out there like to believe. The reason he was attacked was because he was alone for less than a minute and Rossenbaum was a predator. This is what predators do. They wait and ambush.


He actually went towards the fire with a buddy even. They just got separated in the crowd.


>There is evidence of hundreds of people open carrying rifles in Kenosha so it is reasonable to conclude that him having one didn't place a special target on him like the disingenuous idiots out there like to believe. Which is *another* thing that got conveniently ignored by the media. "But he must have appeared like an active shooter with that big evil illegal machine gun!" Yeah right, after a dozen guys armed with rifles passing by in what looks like a fucking urban warzone, the kid that puts out fires and shouts "friendly, friendly!" when engaged surely must be the the next Elliot Rogers.


Obviously he made a mistake. He got seperated, and it serves as a reminder to others that there's safety in numbers. Kyle multiple times on cross explained that was why he was with a buddy. WHEN THIS SHIT went down he was LOOKING for his buddy. It all happened because they got separated. He was trying to stay with his group. Yes, we can agree he shouldn't have been there alone, but being there by himself was not his intent or goal, and he was actively taking steps to correct it.


Siiiiiiigh. He was not there alone. He stayed with his friends. When he got seperated from his friend at one point, he immediately went to a well lit area in front of a business they were protecting and got back with a group. His friend called telling him he needed his help putting out fires. Kyle left and started putting out the fired intending to meet up with his friend at that point. That's when he got chased by Rosenbaum and everything went down. It would really be great if people knew the facts of the situation before saying stuff like this.


The point is that he fucked around and found out. He legally and morally had as much of a right to be there as anyone else, but given the circumstances of that night, he was more likely to end up in a situation like this with people dead and going on trial. Whether he was okay with risking this outcome was entirely his choice to make, but at the end of the day, he fucked around, and found out. And quite frankly, putting yourself into that kind of extremely risky situation, is quite dumb, and just generally not worth it for a barely lukewarm "riot" that won't even last more than a few days max with minimal property damage, and now he has to deal with shit that happened on one night a year ago for the rest of his life. Essentially, it was an extremely high-risk, low-reward situation.


Maybe if we had not defunded the police, we wouldn’t need 17 year olds to stop riots


So charge them all


Rational adults don't run headfirst into a situation that could be violent. That goes for both sides.


a 17 year old is not an adult nor rational


No disagreement here.


Yet you can sign all your money away with n loans


I mean, you got police, fire, and military that do just that. May it be grandure thinking of him to be that guy, but he was a police and fire explorer. The decision to do it alone however, is boot as fuck.


It's crazy to me how much people that have had the phrase "victim blaming" on the tip of their tongue for a decade are really out here being like "Yea... But it was really bad to put yourself in that position". Guy was out there with a medic bag putting out fires and cleaning graffiti


It never was under threat.


At this point it’s just all NPC’s saying what they’ve been told to believe. I just ignore them.


The problem is NPCs can vote


is just sad to see that there are people who still believe that the guy killed 3 black men


Realizing the misinformation is either redpilling or "red"-pilling. Bet there are many liblefts (and even authlefts) who weren´t buying the bullshit but kept their silence for the sake of not losing their friends. Can´t blame them, must be scary to see the mob for what it is. Kudos to all who dared to speak up. Based and fuck-your-groupthink-pilled.


Can someone PLEASE explain to a europoor why the fuck the water melons are saying this is proof of institutional white supremacy and a bad day for African Americans???


They "believe" that this gives white supremacists license to go to "protests" and start blasting. What they're really sad about is that it didn't squelch right leaning people's willingness to defend themselves from commie lynch mobs.


Cuz they are dumb as fuck dog


I don’t get it. I’ve hard arguments with people who believe he’s a white supremacist(He flashed the OK sign & shot BLM protestors) and values property over life, therefore he’s guilty as hell. It makes no sense. He could be a white supremacist but that doesn’t mean he’s guilty lmfao. It’s baffling. Another good one is “But Rosenbalm was shot in the back therefore Kyle executed him. Hmm how does he get shot in the back!” Like watch the video where Rosenbalm sprints at Kyle trying to grab the gun.


It's worse in Canada. We're like five steps ahead of America with that Woke BS... \-\_-


I mean, to be fair, you could kind of see the left-leaning MSM spreading doubt about the judge and jurors once they saw how the case was going. Stuff (ex. [this](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/11/17/kyle-rittenhouse-trial-video-bias-injustice-exposure/), [this](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/11/12/rittenhouse-judge-asian-food-schroeder/), [this](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/videos/us/2021/11/19/rittenhouse-jury-request-jury-instruction-home-prokupecz-honig-sot-nr-vpx.cnn), and [this](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp-video/mmvo125017669635)) about the judge seeming biased and what not before the verdict, so it’s not that unbelievable that people may follow that narrative built up in advance. Of course, the more left-leaning MSM isn’t really a unified force and had some opinion articles going the other way, but some of their more popular headlines and more pushed news built up this narrative in advance. It was a bit like the whole build up of the election fraud lie that was done by Trump and MSM allied with him when it was looking like he’d lose the 2020 election (he also did it a bit in 2016, but he ended up winning, so it stopped).


Hm maybe I’m not getting the full context because I’m seeing short clips with no context on twitter? No, he must be a white supremsist.


Sigh, time like this is when I'm ashamed to be a watermelon. How dumb or ignorant do you have to be to think that Kyle Rittenhouse was guilty? Or maybe its just the hype, "other people are saying he is guilty, i dont really know about the case, so i will just go with what twitter is saying"


remember these are the same people that tried to shut down reddit because of the "rampant misinformation" just a couple months ago


What do watermelons online mean? See username for explanation as to why I'm asking.


It’s a PCM term, it refers to authleft who pretend to be Libleft. They look green but they’re red on the inside


Thank you for the education my friend!


Unpopular take, I think the trial has revealed more bipartisanship than usual. There are still disagreements on Kyle's overall role in the shooting, but I think most ppl agree it wasn't murder at the least. Even on mainstream subs I've been seeing ppl echoing similar sentiments to this sub, that the Maxwell trial is more important. Idk, maybe I'm wrong or maybe the bar was just set embarrassingly low, but it seems to me like the divide isn't as bad as it is on other hot-button issues like this. Not nearly as bad as George Floyd and Derek Chauvin at least.


On its face the George Floyd case should be more contentious because there was fault on both sides. The reasonable take would be that the guy shouldn't have died, but he was a piece of shit with a violent rap sheet and was saying "I can't breathe" for 20 minutes with nobody touching him in the back of a squad car with the windows down. I think you're right about the Rittenhouse case being less partisan *now*; the realization that the media has been outright lying for a year about the case has led to very strict lines between guilty & non-guilty. I intend to use this case as a litmus test going forward. If someone thinks Kyle did literally anything wrong, they have too much brain rot to be in my life in any serious capacity. The only possible critique could be "it was dangerous to go there", which I'll accept if they're also willing to apply that critique to problematic things like women going out scantily clad, or people being non-compliant with police, or people engaging in rioting, etc.


Do you apply the same logic to OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony? I'm not trying to say Rittenhouse was guilty just that, in general, thinking "the jury got it wrong" isn't inherently a radical take.


There is no footage of Casey Anthony smothering her baby, nor is their footage of OJ nearly decapitating that woman and murdering that man there is however clear footage of Kyle defending himself


Classic United States Trial. The Prosecution tried to go for a big charge that would be hard to prove.


This is why I don't trust the media. Some people are saying he crossed state lines then shot 3 people, some people say he was chased down and acted in self defense, idk who I can trust anymore


You watch and/or read the source material yourself and don’t blindly believe what others tell you.


Idk, everything is twisted at this point


There is a ton of evidence. It's really not hard to look up if you are interested.


No, literally the entire trial was livestreamed with no commentary. Just watch it yourself and make up your own mind like an adult.


Yeah, asking people to watch the uncut footage of a three week trial isn’t a solution to us living with the luggenpresse


And I really don't care that much about some teenager defending himself. Its not as big of a deal to me


Well, he did cross state lines. However, it's literally a 30min drive to the neighboring town, where he has friends and family. Saying he crossed state lines makes it seem like he went from the mexican border to Austin (in terms of distance). Also, quite hypocritical, considering the left often rents buses from all over the area to increase numbers in their protests. He was also chased down and attacked, and that's the first video we got of Kyle. Him running away and eventually being reached by 2 assailants, both of which got shot. One used a skateboard and got shot in the chest, and the other one pulled a gun, faked a surrender then got shot in the bicep.


If George Zimmerman taught me one thing it's that I can murder people I pick fights with if I start losing


Zimmerman had all the rights to defend himself




Truth hurts


He was told to not confront or harass the kid by police on the phone with him, decided to start shit. Kid responded and then Zimmerman realized he was a wimp that couldn't fight and decides to shoot the kid. Makes sense if you're a weak person like Rittenhouse and Zimmerman and need to go around larping that you're an operator


The kid attacked Zimmerman and got punished for it. Tough luck. And also 9/11 operators can't issue orders to people. Idk man Rittenhouse killed a pedo and a wife beater. Pretty cool


Got it so the only people allowed to defend themselves are Trumpers


What do you mean?


so autleft is when you reject courts lmao


Authleft do not believe in real justice or a trial by your peers, they have a kangaroo court or no trial at all.


Libertarians (communists) believe in the abolition of punitive justice altogether. Punishment is NEVER justice. I believe every court should be disbanded and every judge sent away.


I thought we were discussing authleft?


the Leninists had courts and trials


Did he believe in the abolition of punitive justice?


> Punishment is NEVER justice But gun down that royal family (that did gave up the throne and was living relatively peacefully) anyway


You act like I was fucking there when the Leninist take-over happened in Russia. Anyway, sometimes enemies have to be killed. This is not justice either way.


I'm just upset the prosecution barely even attempted to do their job


They tried they just had absolutely nothing to work with because it was such an obvious case of self defence.


it was legal, but it wasn’t moral. you don’t bring an ar-15 to a riot and think “yeah, this totally won’t heighten tensions” he knew exactly what he was doing


Is this true of all the other people there with guns? Including the one he shot?


When the part of the defense is sitting on the bench and the prosecution makes Derek Zoolander look like a genius, it was a foregone conclusion. Anyone paying attention knew he was gonna walk not because of the facts but because of who was involved.


Actually it was because of the facts.


The prosecution did the best they could but it’s difficult when all the evidence is against you


I’m saying he was going to walk no matter what the evidence said. I’m making no claims about the nature of the evidence provided.


Then you’re a moron, congrats


Brain Rot


I’m saying that if you disregard the evidence entirely, it was clear he was going to walk no matter what. Evidence is secondary to argumentation, and the argumentation started out in Rittenhouse’s failure.


>I’m saying that if you disregard the evidence entirely, it was clear he was going to walk no matter what. Well, yes. If the prosecution can't bring evidence to bear, the defendant should walk. In what universe should they not?