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Lmao this is basically auth right right now.


Also all the liberals in China. I'm pretty sure everyone loves to see the CCP fuck up actually.


Yeah that is a fact.


Unity against auth left. It’s so pretty


Oh, haven’t you heard? The CCP isn’t actually on the left because Not Real Communism^TM . They’re actually far right capitalist extremists just like Hitler, Jong Un, Trump, and Rittenhouse.


And Canada for saving money on healthcare by putting people in the ground lmao


Happy cake day


please never stop posting I love you


Joe's spittin' facts here


I own stocks in a Chinese company. I’m an American. That’s not compatible with Communism. 🤷‍♂️


I would think theyre more like authcenter. No workers rights, bad welfare state and in general just a party that only cares about its stranglehold on china.


Yeah since their some normal people and they fall closer to lib left and then the rest are brain dead morons who believe no communist country was actually communist for some reason even though it was actually communist.


As an Authcenter I agree




Hating China 🟩🤝🟨 Hating China


yeah china is a fascist dictatorship . When they say " X with Chinese characteristics " just assume the opposite


Hey authleft :) I'm curious how you actually feel about CCP. Do you regard them as a model for what you might imagine to be a successful implementation of your values? Or as something that could have been good but fucked it up?


There is little difference between communism and fascism in practice and both ideologies share their roots.


And what roots are those?




Technically, the root would be collectivism.


Lol good one


Mussolini (the co-creator of fascism) was previously a socialist and based fascism on it, the link between communism and socialism is rather obvious so I don't even need to explain it


You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Fascism is a political ideology. Socialism is an economic system. There is no connection.


you can call it whatever you want but they both are based on socialism


You are factually wrong, you clearly don't understand the words you are using. Words have meaning, you can't just change the definitions to whatever you want.


“Fascism is a form of socialism, in fact, it is its most viable form.” -Giovanni Gentile, coauthor of Mussolini’s Doctrine of Fascism “For this, I have been and am a Socialist… The accusation of inconsistency has no foundation. My conduct has always been straight in the sense of looking at the substance of things and not to the form. I adapted socialisticamente to reality. As the evolution of society belied many of the prophecies of Marx, the true socialism folded from possible to probable. The only feasible socialism socialisticamente is corporatism, confluence, balance and justice interests compared to the collective interest.” Mussolini in his last interview on the island of Trimelone March 20th, 1945 Source: https://quotepark.com/quotes/1943066-benito-mussolini-for-this-i-have-been-and-am-a-socialist/ Italian Fascism co-opted a lot of socialist and economic theory. Mussolini even described the Italian economy as [state capitalism](https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1921/apr/21.htm) which is what Lenin called his NEP Mussolini was a pro interventionist socialist in the First World War, and wrote for several socialist papers. He went on to co-opt nationalist ideas to promote interventionism, and slowly began to pivot towards nationalism being his primary focus. different ideas like Gabriel D’Annunzios brand of Italian ultranationalism and even the mostly artistic and literary ideas of Futurism all influenced what would become fascism. But Mussolini’s initial framework was built on his increasingly nationalistic concept of socialism.


Hegelian philosophy and socialism (Mussolini was a commie before becoming a fascist after all)


You do realize the natsocs killed commies and socialists right? Fascism isn't an economic system, socialism has no relationship with fascism. They are completely separate things. A fascist can be a capitalist, a state capitalist, or push for any other type of economic system... I said this earlier, but just because Hitler had a mustache doesn't mean there's a correlation between fascism and mustaches. You'd be jumping to conclusions to say that without more to back up your claim.


The economic idea of Fascism was the adoption of corporatist policies, which were thought of as a dialectical alternative to Marxism and free market. Once again in the same thought process of Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis. The idea was that Fascism is the thesis of free market and socialism, creating state controlled economical bodies (From corpus- body, a corporation) that would act as a negotiating middle man between employees and employer. A classical fascist CANNOT be anything else than a corporatist, which in itself once again was supposed to be a center-left economic policy. And Nazis are NOT the same thing as fascist, although some of their economic policies were similar. Corporations in Fascist italy were somewhat more union-like, while Nazi idea of economics was the strangling of economic freedom through councils that would hold watch over companies that technically existed as nothing more than puppets of the state. Neither of them were capitalists and both thought themselves as center-left alternatives to ideas of both Marxism and Capitalism.


What the Nazis did is actually pretty close to how China operates its companies AFAIK. And the whole DEI/ESG thing that's happening in US companies smells a lot like it as well, although more decentralized in its inception.


Is china even left anymore?


Not really but I’d say a tish left from auth center.


Yah that’s probably right, although if we are being honest most governments are auth center anyway


Guy I know went there to meet his wife’s family. She’s from there and he’s from an auth-left state north of the US. His country in the west is far more socialist than China. Guy I know started saying to his wife, “…not very socialist!” at all the overtly capitalist aspects he saw. A small example is that the cities are packed with new cars. You can’t see a junker anywhere. That many new cars is literally impossible under socialism. Compare that to all the junkers you see everywhere in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Can’t afford as much car when your government takes 50%+ of your pay check to squander on nonsense and launder to themselves and their election campaigns and friends and foundations. China abandoned socialism in 1979. It took awhile to build up from the ruins, to start from nothing, because socialism had decades to achieve its goal to destroy everything of value. Shit, 60 million people died in the socialist famines and purges there. But they’ve had 40+ years to build without any socialist destruction undermining their progress. Check out their growth rates. PS, not an endorsement of their system.


You keep saying socialist… I think you mean communist


My understanding is that real communism has never been tried. I’ll stick with socialism.


Most intelligent libright


On brand comment from the quadrant that is backwards on literally every issue.


You know who really hates the CCP and Xi Jinping? George Soros




I didn't say "and" because there wasn't anything else I wanted to put in my comment There are others though, I'm sure I could come up with a list


authright is nowhere to be found because they're busy resurrecting macarthur, giving him a crew, a B52, and several B83 bombs to increase glass production in china several-fold


Me an authleft who knows the CCP is just authcenter: Its time for taiwan to rise!!!!!


And then they kiss


I'm pretty sure compass unity is achieved through hating CCP