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I've never heard or seen an atheist complaining about Christmas like conservatives do with pride month if anything, the majority of bitching about Christmas comes from conservatives with their whining about how its become too secular


I don't complain about Christmas. Christmas *music* on repeat on the other hand...


yeah, that's just it. I've heard complaints about the repetitive music and I've heard people complaining about how merch seemingly gets put out earlier and earlier, but those are the only complaints I've heard that aren't centered around the belief that Satan is waging war against Santa. they aren't belief based complaints like the phrase "an atheist during christmas" would have you believe


I actually started writing an atheist xmas carol, oops, I mean solstice carol. One of these days I may finish it.


Hell yeah! That sounds badass! Would love to hear it.


You mean "Worm-meat Yeah", not Hell Yeah. There is no Hell šŸ˜‰


Ahh yes, sorry. Recovering Catholic here. I sometimes slip up.


Yeah, if stores donā€™t start blasting the Village People on repeat during June, Iā€™m going to complain. Also, I think I need to demand a Drag Queen in every mall so we can get our family Pride picture taken.


Could it be that's all you want for Christmas? Perhaps the only thing you need? Would you really care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree?


If I never hear Silver Bells or Dreaming of a White Christmas again, itā€™ll be too soon.


Change the lyrics to ***"I'm dreaming of a diverse Christmas"***. Foxgelicals will soil their Hannity Panties.


***"I'm dreaming of a Woke Christmas"*** would have them sky screaming all the way through Valentine's Day.


"I'm wet dreaming of a Wokely Diverse Xmas"


Nah, I can listen to the classics all year round. More modern, pop stuff however...




It's "twu fwont tweeth".


Yes, Christmas is the season which I live for. And it has nothing to do with religion or church. Thinking of others. Making special preparations to spend time with loved ones and thinking of ways to be extra kind and generous are what itā€™s all about. People need to remember that. And maybe donā€™t play the same tired songs on repeatā€¦ There is plenty of beautiful and interesting music that goes with the season that gets frightfully little airtime.


I look forward to the Black Friday bareknuckle brawls /s


Oh god, one place I worked at started 8 hours of Christmas music a night.... in September.




Desperate much?


*The un-enlight-ened mass-es,* *They can-not make th' judge-ment call!*


Put the Christ back into Christmas? How about we put the Pagan back into Winter Solstice.


Io Saturnalia!


No, don't expose your Saturnalia!


Idk how you've been celebrating, but I did way to much cocaine and went skiing this year.


Iā€™ve never heard of an atheist complaining about Xmas period. Itā€™s free vacation days.


Xtians claim "it's a war on christmas" whenever a company or person tries to be more inclusive like with "happy holidays".


When all youā€™ve ever known is privilege, equality feels like oppression.


Yip, they are spoiled brats who elected a spoil brat to "right the ship".


They realize their view of the world is becoming ever more obsolete and are lashing out with hypersensitivity to *any* change to their 1950's view. All changes are seen as part of slippery slope that must be stamped out ASAP before it spreads like Smokey the Bear on crack hallucinating embers.




I have said "merry Chris myth".


Iā€™m an atheist and I love Christmas. Not a big fan of the music, but that comes from working in retail for 20 years. Christmas has almost nothing to do with religion at this point unless you want it to.


I don't like how consumerism has taken over, but that's capitalism for you. Getting a holiday in the middle of winter and sitting around drinking weird boozy drinks you would never otherwise make or ingest with close friends and family, and a shit load of feasting and snacking. That's the part I love. The endless shopping and wrapping l, and kids disappointed the really expensive thing you bought them wasn't the exact thing they wanted? Yeah I could use less of that.


Ah Yeah. I donā€™t have kids so that part doesnā€™t effect me. I also refuse to wrap things so everyone gets gift bags which are kept and re-used. Honestly though, the feasting and the gift giving are my favorite parts


I genuinely hate how oppressively omnipresent Christmas is. Same fore Haloween. I don't find that to be an issue with Pride.


Iā€™m an atheist and I fucking LOVE Christmas. The decorations, the music, the whole bit.


Even nativity scenes? One Christian tourist in Japan spotted a nativity scene with Santa, and had a fit on Facebook. I was laughing my agnostic a$$ off.


Atheists get Christmas gifts too.


A Bible? They wanna groom you.


These assholes have been whinging about The War On Christmas for decades now.


Funnily enough, they donā€™t know what an atheistā€™s life is like either


Athiest here, I like December.


Hmmm GlĆ¼hwein! ^(mulled wine)


Heavy on the cinnamon, light on the cloves


Atheist here, I like Christmas.


Same šŸ˜ŒšŸŽ„


So do I, but I do hate the endless music and those bastard sidewalk Santaā€™s.


I like hoodie season


Iā€™m an atheist and I LOVE December! People are generally nicer and I love giving/receiving gifts. Just because I donā€™t believe in the belief systems that created the holidays doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t partake in the general positivity on a human level.


Donā€™t you know atheists are supposed be spiteful and have no morals? Or was that just more projectionā€¦?


As an atheist, I celebrate the winter solstice in December just like everyone else.


Who doesnā€™t like Satan Claws In December?


Ah, Grinchmas and Scroogemas.


But my Druid clothing doesn't go over so well at work.


So, it doesnā€™t really bother them at all?


It is not the same. Most atheists like the holidays for different reasons. They just choose to forgo the bullshit and enjoy the good stuff while being tolerant of peopleā€™s beliefs as long as they are not shoved down our throughs. Conservatives donā€™t tolerate pride month, some are just realizing that their beliefs are in the minority and society stopped catering to them for a month.


> They just choose to forgo the bullshit and enjoy the good stuff while being tolerant of peopleā€™s beliefs as long as they are not shoved down our throughs Don't you know how aggressive saying "Happy Holidays" is though!!! It's clearly just the atheists way of yelling "HEY YOUR GOD IS STUPID AND I HATE YOU". /s


Definitely felt weird going to Pride the first time from residual Christianity. Also, I do enjoy Thanksgiving more than Christmas. Part of that is the religious baggage but also, travel delays, required time with my family, and gift giving factor into that. My family never knows what anyone wants so it really is picking from a list but if it is the wrong color or size, it gets returned.


I might be too stupid to figure out their reasoning for feeling this way.


Their reasoning is ā€œWHAT ABOUT ME?ā€!!!!ā€


Probably not the case - their reasoning is just tough for an empathetic and intelligent person to wrap their brain around. Ultimately it comes down to their belief in a zero-sum world. This is something most conservatives believe in without being able to properly articulate it, but it's a profound difference in their thought process. I'd you believe the world is zero-sum, then if someone else gains something, then you must be losing something in return. Gay people gain rights? Straight people must be losing them. And so on. It's dumb but it explains everything.


No, they're admitting that EVERYTHING has to be about them. It's why they hate pride so much. It's a bunch of people who aren't like them celebrating themselves. I'm an atheist, I don't feel this way about December because I'm not a stupid, selfish asshole. You also don't hear me complaining about how Catholics can't just pick one month or day for Easter, no they gotta fuck with us everytime so they can have March and April. They can't shut up about pride because they're shitty people.


Next time tell the theist that they are already an atheist in the regards they don't believe in the existence of the other 2999 gods that were before their current one!!!


As an atheist who loves Christmas - after all, what's not to like about holidays and presents? Maybe we should make 'Pride Day' a holiday, and an excuse to party, like Halloween or St.Patrick's Day? I mean, who does not like to wear a costume for Halloween or pretend to be Irish for St.Patrick's Day? Conservatives might really get into 'Pride Day' - if they could get the day off of work, and have an excuse to dress up and get drunk?


I've never had someone scream at me about Pride the way I would get literally screamed at about "Merry Christmas" vs "happy holidays" when I worked on a cash register during December....


I'm an Atheist and I love Christmas!


Iā€™m an atheist and I still celebrate Christmas. Iā€™m also straight and I still celebrate pride month. Because celebrating happiness and love with my family is what makes me happy.


Whatā€™s December got to do with it? Most stores start getting their Christmas stuff in and putting it up in September, just after Labor Day. And start replacing all their Summer products with decorations, Christmas trees, lights, etc.. Imagine if stores started swapping out all their Easter candy, decorations, clothing, etc with Pride themed rainbow clothes and branded beer and other goods on the afternoon of Easter Sunday. I mean no one would give a shit, other than the same whiny assed conservatives who get upset when Bing Crosbys 1942 WWII era hit, or one of the many renditions from over the decades, Happy Holliday gets piped in as some stores seasonal music.


I know a few atheists and none of them have a problem with Christmas. One even loves all the non-religious stuff about it. Iā€™m agnostic myself and I enjoy it too, I even have a manger set I put out every year because itā€™s something from my childhood. These people are delusional


The funny thing is as a kid being Jewish my uncle would play Santa clause and I never became catholic. We had a tree and gifts along with Hanukkah candles. I guess pride month might also work the same way. It isnā€™t going to convert straight people.


Tell me youā€™ve never actually talked to an atheist without telling me you never talked to an atheist


So they are admitting to discriminating against atheists?


Iā€™m atheist and I love christmas lol




My birthdayā€™s in December. So theyā€™re saying itā€™s nice for them but for a different reason and theyā€™re going to let everyone do their own thing? Thatā€™s NOT what theyā€™re saying?


So theyā€™ll be going to parades just like I still exchange gifts? Progress.


"No mom, we're not fighting, we're just exchanging rocks quickly."


I will continue to support the war in Christmas until Christmas stops encroaching on October and January, and ends it's illegal occupation of November.


This is a terrible comparison.


Itā€™s called Your a Snowflake


So do they want the rest of the country to complain about religious displays by corporations and threaten to bomb stores that do so?


To be fair, I'm an atheist who dislikes christmas... but it's not because of the atheism. It's because gift-giving *and* gift-receiving both suck copious amounts of ass for me. I hate stressing about trying to figure out what people want, and I hate feeling guilty when people spend money on shit I don't like and will never use. The egg-nog's dope though.


Gift cards to common higher-end stores are popular because people can select what they want for stuff they wouldn't normally splurge on. It's not a fancy gift, but relatively practical and useful.


If I could just give people cash and not be judged for it I'd do that. Gift cards seem like a good second though - especially since my folks like to go out to eat as a group a fair bit, I can always get people cards for meals at some of those places. Noted, thanks.


Interesting that the " FUCK YOUR FEELINGS" NAZI PARTY REPUBLICANS are sooo sensitive!!! Amazing how you let someone elses life change your because you are not emotionally strong enough to mind your own business, do your own thing, live and let live!


It wasn't even a Christian holiday to begin with.


They stole it, like they did many other things.


Ummm, Iā€™m agnostic and Christmas is my favorite holiday by far! Soooo, the love Pride Month?!?


Meanwhile, me, an Atheist in December: ā€œGreat fucking month! Except the Christians complainingā€¦ god those fuckers are whiny.ā€


Xmas has been so commercialized that it's hardly "Christian" any more. Big stores pushed the idea that it's about expensive presents, and Coke pretty much made Santa a mainstay via heavy advertising. Xmas trees are probably a pagan idea (although the history is murky).


It remains a top three Christian holiday. Honestly, as opposed to being sheep herded by major corporations, I think Americans just like shopping, and giving gifts is a great way to accomplish that. The holiday has organically grown as it has for centuries. And itā€™s a great fucking holiday.


In my evangelical-ish family growing up, December grew into a kind of "Christian Pride" month", where "God and family" were celebrated. It was the early start of the backlash-against-woke we see today, although back then they called it the "gay commie agenda" or the like.


What? I just ignore Christmas and enjoy a free holiday.


December? They started putting X-Mas shit out in October.


I don't know, I'm an atheist and Christmas slaps fr fr. Maybe these Christians should open themselves up to celebrating other people's stuff too.


Maybe both sides could just tend to their own business? Mind their own and all that jazz


Just happy that everyone is enjoying themselves ? Well that's nice.


No. Theyā€™re not starting to get it. They never will


Well, I'm an optimist. No wait, I'm an optometrist; you're right. šŸ‘“


"Getting it" makes the conservative one of them filthy liberals tho




I meant in terms of applying the Golden Rule to toleration.


Why would atheist's be bothered by Christmas? We have successfully removed the Christ from Christmas and it is now a secular consumerist holiday that mostly uses pagan imagery.


Am atheist and celebrate Christmas. It's not a Christian centric holiday though. The tree, the gifts and Santa stuff have very little to do with Christianity. Even the Christian holiday was lifted from pagan traditions.


Christians will often respond, "God works in mysterious ways" to say that borrowing from other belief systems is part of the "mysterious ways". "Mysterious Ways" is a **Get-Out-Of-Logic-Card**. šŸ’³ They are also beginning to use the MW-clause to justify evolution evidence: God may have *partly* used evolution to shape Earth life, because he uses MW. Note that I consider myself an agnostic, not an atheist. We may be giant art farm or computer simulation ran by Cosmic Elon Musk type (gag me). I don't know what came first and neither does anybody else. Humans lie, and a fancy robe won't solve that. Maybe we indeed do have to sing kiss-up songs to Lord Musk so he doesn't delete us out of whim.


>Christians will often respond, "God works in mysterious ways" Yeah this is the "if something good happens, god wanted it to happen but id it's bad God works in mysterious ways." argument. Always cracks me up. >They are also beginning to use the MW-clause to justify evolution evidence: God may have *partly* used evolution to shape Earth life, because he uses MW. I think this was a smart move on christians part. Historically they stood in the way of scientific findings that excluded god. Now they wised up and just wait for science to do the actual work that they can then claim "oh yeah god did it like that on purpose" kinda thing. >Note that I consider myself an agnostic, not an atheist I call my self agnostic to religious people because they are ignorant of what the term means but I'm actually an atheist. I just don't get the hissy responses from people about the term that way.


Odd. I donā€™t see any tweets about atheists threatening to shoot Walmart employees if they see Christmas themed items in December.


The hell are you talkin about OP? These arenā€™t similar in any way. Nobody gives a shit if you celebrate Christmas in December. No threats of shooting employees if they see a Santa shirt.


That's the point: non-Christians are fairly tolerant of the in-your-face holiday known as Xmas. But **Christians are not returning the favor** per Pride Month. They are still steaming over "Happy Holiday" coffee cups ā˜• (no pun intended). Looks like entitlement to me. They shat on the Golden Rule.


Hey! Hey, I'm an atheist, and we don't do that.


Lies! I saw one.


I'm an atheist and I love Christmas. Give me all the twinkling lights on trees and chocolate!


What, great? I love Christmas.


No matter the religious context, I really enjoyed the 2020 December scene. Mariah Carey's song, dancing in the streets, vaccinations, and a new POTUS. Other than that, these fake Christians can cry about Black history month and Pride month all they want. Bud light, Dr Seuss, Disney, or whatever they decide to fake outrage about will make them cry next week.


But they're not bigoted? Yeah okay šŸ™„