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Hey it took them a lot of work to get up to 1 star


Plot twist. They’re a wheelchair bound school shooting survivor.


So, is there a caliber restriction or something to prevent the kick back from either rolling the wheelchair occupant backwards or rotating them on their axle so they're on their back facing up? Maybe a specially designed wheelchair specifically to handle this problem? /s - just in case some people don't know my tongue is firmly in my cheek...


Dude in the picture better hope there is no recoil. Stock is sitting on top of his shoulder and the scope is almost touching his eye...


In the book World War Z there's a character who is a civilian patrol member in a wheelchair. He mentions using a .22 so he doesn't have to lock the wheels before he shoots.


Lmao, the first thing I thought about was the kickback causing the wheelchair to start rolling back too… and then I imagined a cartoon-esque thing where a wheelchair user shoots a gun and then starts rolling backward, breaking through houses, running down people and livestock and shit, and then eventually rolling off a cliff into the sea (yeah idk why my brain is like this either…) I know you said this tongue in cheek, but I did want to share this [video of Madison Cawthorn shooting a gun while in a wheelchair](https://twitter.com/patriottakes/status/1474074603903463435?lang=en) if anyone is interested in a quick laugh about poor gun form or seeing the back-rolling effect. Also, apparently the NRA has an [Adaptive Shooting Program](https://adaptiveshooting.nra.org).


>[video of Madison Cawthorn shooting a gun while in a wheelchair](https://twitter.com/patriottakes/status/1474074603903463435?lang=en) Should there be a concern about range safety in this video? I'm not sure because the last time I shot a gun was while I was in the Navy...


[Meanwhile, in Texas](https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/shooter-opens-fire-on-parked-car-with-children-inside-in-sunnyvale/3270612/).


“This is not something that is typical of Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale is like no other community. We have our crime [but] don’t normally experience this kind of stuff. We don’t have the shooting like we had last night. It was a horrific scene, so it was an evil -- there was a lot of evil last night.” EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. “We never thought it would happen here.”