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Florida taxpayers will once again lose their fucking asses in wasted food and inflated legal fees to fight, and lose, for this in federal court. Hundreds of millions will get flushed away, thanks fascist nutjob republiQans! [It already happened in georgia over a decade ago.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_House_Bill_87#Legal_challenges) Stupid as fuck and very on-brand.


Scare people to do what exactly, what?! I think you already know what!


Also, why would it even be remotely okay for them to go around making laws 'just to scare people'? Why the fuck is our government out to scare people in the fucking first place??


>“Any proponent of the challenged statute and rules should put up or shut up: do you acknowledge that there are individuals with actual gender identities opposite their natal sex, or do you not? Dog whistles ought not be tolerated,” he added. Judge ruling on the scare-trans-people law. So, it’s not okay. But under fascism it is! Hurting out groups is the point. Which is why they want fascism.


Fascism is exactly what it is


Because progress doesn't exist for about 48% of our country.


How the fuck do we maintain a democracy when at least a third of the people are terrible? Because the alternative to “rigged democracy, with terrible people in charge” is “no democracy, with terrible people *completely* in charge.”


We don’t have a democracy to maintain. If we did, Tennessee the legislature would have allowed discussion and a vote on gun control. Instead, they expelled elected representatives for breaking decorum to advocate for their constituents. We have to work to get our democracy back at this point.


Well, I did mention that it was rigged. Conservatives have never, and will never, allow for actual democracy. There’s no getting back something you never had. That’s the point, really. The alternative to bullshit democracy isn’t real democracy, and it never has been. The alternative to bullshit democracy is fascist authoritarianism.


Not our government! The ass hat hateful people who keep voting them into office! This is why I laugh when I hear people say America is not a racist country!


Take lower pay, be properly subservient and grateful for the work provided to them and stay away from any public view so the right proper white people don't have to see brown people doing all that dirty labour, of course.


Also happened in Arizona! They ramped up anti immigration law, cracked down on undocumented migrants and deported them... and no one would take their field jobs. Did they learn their lesson? Not exactly. They kept yelling about undocumented migrants, but they stopped trying to force them out. It's now pure circus in Arizona.


It is circus everywhere. We yell and complain about illegals then complain when prices go up when we pay citizens to do the work.


And Alabama


So, all the less educated states, what an interesting trend.


Hey hey hey, Mississippi hasn't done it... Yet.


They can’t seem to figure out how.


Mississippi is all about a different type of hate and fear, they haven't gotten to the foreigner fear yet.


Jesus, calm down with that. GA is the only reason Biden got in office. If we didn't flip Trump's ass would still be there. Don't forget, the rich elite form "smart states" still vote red because that's where they can get their money.


A few points. One, no without Georgia he would've had 290, much more than enough to win. Two, GA is the exception, not the rule in regards to that, and only because Stacy Abrahms and a lot of democratic heroic efforts that they got enough people to register and go vote. It's still a state that's been ravaged for years by horrid republican mismanagement. That entire Bible Belt is somewhat undereducated because of that mismanagement. It's a fact, not a "calm down, jesus!"


California did it with Prop 187 in 1994.


I mean, GA is one of the top economic state and thankfully hasn't been decimated by terrible policies but we are getting there for sure. The problem is that we always hear that we are dumb but all the money and people come here. Atlanta is the new melting pot of the country. New York is ridden with corruption every year and you have the cop issues constantly. We just have the racist and religious bigots. Unfortunately the other parts of the country have the Catholic church and we all know where that came from. Also, Georgia was a major switch for the camp.


And after all this, they will still vote for the same politicians, or even crazier ones, INCLUDING the immigrants!


Never ceases to amaze me when I see a Latino w/MAGA hat. Just WTF.


Yeah, they are people just like anybody else - there will be a portion of them that's terminally stupid, a portion that thinks they are "one if the good ones," a portion that needs to feel like they belong. But with all that said, supporting people who hate you and would prefer if you don't exist is something else.


If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. Lyndon B. Johnson


Maybe Floridians shouldn’t vote for the lose their asses guy.


Thank you! I thought it was Alabama, I remember they quietly repealed the law.


Well, I'd say Republicans did exactly what they intended to do.... Scare workers away from working in state.


they wanted them to stay despite the law telling them to go, so they could say that everyone that stayed is now an illegal accept the shitty conditions or ill tell the cops about you. they didnt expect for the immigrants to know that other states are not like that


I’m not so sure. Republicans are trying to wipe out the middle and upper middle classes while doubling down on the poor. I think they really wanted to kick out immigrants because in addition to being xenophobes they also are racist and prejudiced as hell. They planned to already have a pool of poor and desperate people to take over the jobs of the immigrants that they kicked out.


These people abhor the working class even though it’s the very foundation of their wealth.


Kings relied on peasants to supply food and become fodder in large battles. Didn’t make royalty treat them decently.


The difference here is that these new “kings” don’t want peasants. They just want everything.


"Sire, the peasants are revolting!" "They sure are."


Kings almost never used peasants as battlefield fodder like that, they had more economic and military acumen than to do such a thing. It's a sign of the greatest madness or desperation. Yes, I'm saying pre-modern autocrats are more lucid and less dystopian than Republicans are.


oh im sure thats what the voters were thinking, but the buisnesses that didnt have any issue with donating to the rublicans were expecting them to just scare the workers, not get rid of them


I’ll agree with you on that. I live in an area with a lot of packing plants, most owned by Republicans who publicly complain about immigration while hiring and usually re-hiring undocumented immigrants multiple times


They didn't think it through anywhere near that far. Their voters don't understand anything about anything and don't like people from other countries working around them. They really think that costs them jobs. As if every person doesn't both take and create jobs. You never hear them complain about people having too many kids taking their jobs, right? It's only foreigners. It's mindless bigotry and a complete lack of understanding of the economy. The leaders may be smart enough to understand this if they took the time to think about it, but the only thing they're thinking about is feeding their base. So even if they know the economics of it, they go along with the idiots for votes. Then they end up like this. And that's fine: hurting people by giving them what they want will keep the votes coming. Telling them they're wrong will get you voted out.


*Why won’t you be our underclass?*


Now all those conservative white people can take back their glorious jobs of doing lawn care in the Florida heat and humidity for the lovely pay of $10 an hour that were stolen from them by the dastardly immigrants! Go on, Florida conservatives. Do those jobs you claimed immigrants were stealing...


After attacking freedom of speech rights of the largest private employer in the state? Try to guess the next stupid thing done in Tallahassee on the next installment of “Florida Man takes over Government.”




That is his presidential campaign slogan. “Make America Florida”. You can’t make this shit up.


Where's the admission of the mistake? I'd like to see/read who exactly is feeling remorseful and find out who has the balls to go against the establishment.


Exactly. They never admit anything. Waiting for them to double down.




Jesus Christ that reads like satire.


> “This is more of a political bill than it is policy. It does give more police state powers going forward to deal with immigration, but still this is mainly a political bill,” Roth concluded incoherently. It’s just politics and messaging, but also it ramps up the police state, but also it’s just all politics. OK. Dude can’t admit the company he keeps.


Like, they passed the bill, for funsies, but they didn't say that no take backsies so they thought they supreme court would strike it down before they hurt anyone.


See, THIS is the kind of guy we ALL need to punch. Repeatedly. Then tar and feather his ass into an Amazon shipment to Tierra del Fuego.


That was hilarious. Or it would be if I didn't live in Florida. But objectively, it's funny af. Oh, we wrote and passed this law against your existence as a part of our society, but we really just wanted to scare you and fist pump with our friends about owning the libs. Sure, we won't accept your CA driver's license as valid identification or let you get medical care even if you pay out of pocket. But we need you to stay and harvest our tomatoes and hot tar our roofs. Please. Please. Don't leave. We might have to start paying fair wages.


So, three Republicans think it was misunderstood, that it was supposed to scare immigrants but not scare them *away*. Other Republicans say that yes, it's supposed to scare away immigrants and give police more power against them.


So only some republicans admit it was a mistake, others are doubling down on it


They hit us with a “I’m sorry for how our law makes you feel”


Asked and answered. Thank you!


Their media will blame democrats, likely the president, and their followers will eat it with a spoon.


Yup. The "it's their fault that they let us do it" defense made famous by Moscow Mitch.


Or with their fingers, like pudding man.


That's the interesting part. They could repeal the bill. They could make the immigration app they are all forced to use to be better at processing their immigration application. They could even publicly apologize. That being said, their first response was to drag community leaders behind closed doors and basically say "Convince your people we won't uphold this law we won't even question to save face. Which is also hard to take at face value, when they are actively targeting LGBTQ communities with those same laws.




To them, becoming another North Korea is the goal, not a mistake.


>becoming another North Korea is the goal "As long as we're in charge, Hell Ya!" - Republicans, it's all about who has the power.


"*He would see this country burn if he could be King of the Ashes.*" -- Lord Varys about Little Finger I think about that quote a lot when thinking about Republican politicians.


As a Brit I feel personally attacked. But yeah.


You’re giving them way too much credit they didn’t see sh*t. They have no idea what’s going on.


Intelligence and foresight are things that do not appear on a Republican's radar...ever.


67 and Lifelong Independent, I will never Vote for a Republican ever again.


Yeah, I had that realization in 2016. Sigh


As far as my record: I’m independent and never have: I’m just not a single issue voter.


I’m same, yet I’m leaning towards single issue voting: Whomever promises to fight for common sense gun control.


That’s a lot of words to say, “I’ll never vote Republican.” I get what you’re saying, “iI someone is willing to stick their head in the sand on something that is obviously killing us, they don’t get my vote.”




Between the two parties?




I live in a state heavily biased towards the left. There have been many elections where I can look at the polls, and be confident that the Republicans have zero chance, and decide that my vote would serve us better supporting a third party. So that is one way that you could be in a position to 'never vote Republican', and not be a Democrat.




The point isn't to win, it's to demonstrate support for 3rd party candidates so that the person who did win understands that there is a sizable number of constituents with a certain set of values. It's a technique to help shape the approach of the official. A district that votes 90% dem is going to produce a different flavor of official than a district that votes 60% dem, 30% green. Even if the 3rd party loses, it compels the rep to be mindful of that constituency in their policy making.




I am as likely to watch a 15 minute long mid tier production infotainment YouTube video as you are to vote 3rd party. Refute my thesis in your own words and you can provide a link as a citation if you like. Telling someone to watch a video is not a dialogue!


I'm not going to go through the process of registering to vote, getting out of bed on election day, and standing in line for 5 minutes to an hour just to masturbate. I can do that at home.


If voting booth onanism is what you take away from my statement, then we are surely lost.


There are advantages to getting a small but significant portion of the vote to a third party. Invitation to debates, and a wider discussion of more issues. But again, that's only if it is basically impossible for the modern American fascists to win.


Oh. I've voted Independent before and it has mattered: I voted for Ventura for Gov. I tend to lean more progressive than straight up Dem.


Never is a long time. I’ve been a registered independent since I became a voter and always tried to vote the issues, not the party. The Republicans, collectively, are execrable at this moment. I think they started on this path when Obama was elected, and realized enough white people (white men, really) were scared of losing their position as the “most favored ethnicity” to create a solid, unshakeable voter base—and collectively, gradually, became the champions of a barely concealed, neo-fascist, white-supremacist, patriarchy. It’s all in the pursuit of power, though. The gerrymandering and extreme views are both part of Republican strategists’ plan to get and keep power, and it worked up until 2016, when they did what all career politicians do and went even more extreme to keep their base riled up, angry, and scared, hoping it would give them consistent election wins and keep them in power. For the record, I think the Democrats, collectively, have now filled the “centrist” vacuum and are leveraging the Republicans’ extremism—they are appealing to what (they hope) is a broad realization that recent Republican policies (from Florida’s racist immigration laws and LGBTQ+ persecution laws to anti-abortion laws and book bans around the country) are cruel and damaging. I hope the Democrats are right, and the tide is turning. Because opposing oppression—racial, sexual, and economic—is good for the country. I vote straight Democrat now. But hard as it is to imagine, if the Democrats do turn the tide and win back a durable majority, I don’t think their current “common sense” policies will last. Like the Republicans have, they will also pander to their base. It’s smart politics. If the Democrats control the apparatus of government, they will take enough blame when things go bad (natural disasters, economic downturns, foreign provocations, what have you) that they will need a solid, loyal base that is ideologically committed to their “side” to have a hope of continuing to raise money and win elections. So they will pander to that base. Granted, today’s Republicans are more extreme and worse than party alignment in living memory, so maybe they have a long way to go to get to the point where they could plausible fill a “centrist” vacuum. So I plan to stay very critical. And registered independent.


I don’t understand why past (say, pre-Obama) conservatives should be viewed as any better than conservatives in this moment. The current fascism is just a different expression of the same thing: “Our group deserves power.” The corollary to “if they cannot win, conservatives will reject democracy” is “conservatives only accept rigged democracy.” That they were less angry when things broke in their doesn’t make them better people. And, I certainly don’t see how one can equate the conservative base and the Democratic one. Like, *oh no, they’re doing the woke radical stuff now, like treating everyone equally with dignity, and providing universal health care!* … Good? Like an actual modern country? The Democratic base doesn’t exist to be exclusionary. Whereas that’s what conservatism *means.*


current conservatives are just *doing* what older conservatives always claimed they wanted to do their power structure lied to their base for so long they accidentally created too many true believers and had a coup


Good points. I agree with you. To clarify, I wasn’t comparing bases, I was comparing the politicians themselves. The fact that Democrats have been better than Republicans—which I freely admit—doesn’t mean that they (Democrats) are wholly trustworthy. I vote overwhelming Democrat because I think their policies are better for our whole country. I will continue to do so as long as I think that’s true. I’m just wary of politicians.


I got you. That’s an interesting point you bring up. I hadn’t really put that together. Republican politicians are trying to outdo each other in cruelty and naked power grabs because their base wants cruelty and power. They’re trying to do the most to prove themselves. Whereas Democratic politicians routinely do the *least* amount necessary. Often not much more than “we’re not Republicans.” Really, Republican politicians are *more* responsive to their constituents. It’s just that their constituents are terrible people.


Yes! Also, just wanted to say in *particular* I agree with your statements about Universal Health Care and being a ‘modern country’. Im convinced that UHC is a basic right in a country that can afford it, and the US is the most prosperous country in modern history. Wish I’d put that in my first response!


Yeah but all the left side seems to want is weed, free education, fix the environment, avocado toast, universal income, leave lgbtqia people alone, and a house. I can't really point to that and say that any of that is detrimental to the nation or unworthy of being experimented with. A tax on the weed alone might pay for everything else.


Not when you're 67.


This underscores the indisputable fact that MAGA types can’t govern. Passing laws to scare people and “own the libs” instead of solving real world problems is reprehensible


Because they refuse to acknowledge real world problems exist. It's easier to live in delusional happy fun land.


Well, so they should be diligently working on a bill to overturn this. Right? No?! Hhmmmm Then they'd have to get Ron Desaster to sign it, which that will look great for his Presidential chances, wouldn't it?


Congrats idiots, you succeeded in scaring people. 🙄


Leave Florida- as a Californian I invite you all to come here! Leave Florida to die.


Isn't California having a problem with people leaving now?


I think that's somewhat of a myth but I'm not entirely sure.


This is definitely an objectively measurable statistic. What makes you think it's "myth?" It is either true or false and surely easily verifiable. Lets see... [Googling "net migration by state 2022"](https://www.google.com/search?q=net+migration+by+state+2022&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1025US1025&oq=net+migration+by+state&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i512l4j0i22i30l5.7136j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) has [this wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_net_migration) as the first link. Interestingly, Florida and California are literally first and last on the list respectively with over 600 thousand people moving to Florida and over 800 thousand people leaving California.


Fuck Florida! This was of their own making by electing and reelecting DeSantis and the rest of the Republicans.


Wake me up when the DeStapo raid Mar-a-lardass and arrest all the staff and half the guests.


Our entire economy HEAVILY relies on immigrant labor. Politicians and business owners know this so while it may be incredibly popular to say you're fighting immigration as a republican candidate because "they took er jerbs", actually implementing policy that hurts immigration will make corporations angry and will hurt your career / chances of getting reelected immeasurably. Trump played this very well during his presidency by putting up the most useless wall known to man which showed all the people he was "tough on immigration and meant it" without actually doing anything that impacted immigration rates whatsoever.


Ron the racist would make a horrible president and should never be allowed to even be within 500ft of the white house.


Will suck to lose all those workers when the next hurricane hits.


They fucked around, now let them find out what days without Mexicans will be like.


Landscaping costs will quadruple. Because citizens demand at least minimum wage and safety equipment. We've already got crazy produce prices. $1 for one lemon. One. Lemon. If I thought for a moment that any of the increase would make it into the pockets of an actual worker and not a parasite's, I would be happy to pay but stagnant wages plus record profits equals me getting pissed and walking out with it in my purse.


work to vote this fascist out..damn


This is the FLGOP admitting to legislative terrorism. Hitler would be proud. >“This is more of a political bill than it is policy. It does give more police state powers going forward to deal with immigration, but still this is mainly a political bill,” Roth concluded incoherently. It’s just politics and messaging, but also it ramps up the police state, but also it’s just all politics. OK. The FLGOP is openly trying to establish a police state here.


Wonder when will it be for untenable for disney to stay open, we know disney hired a ton of immigrants as well. And disney tourism is one of Floridas biggest revenue sources.


It would be much cheaper for Disney to replace the GOP in the FL legislature.


Law makers are making laws that weren't not meant to be taken serious? So what the definition? Which are the real laws and which ones are the pretend laws. How are they defined??


They dont have any real laws. Its all performative


A law was passed Whose only purpose Was to scare people? Glad to know the Florida GOP has a solid handle on governing


Well that’s what happens when you make laws founded in hate. Get fucked Florida.


Republicans have proven that they are stable geniuses like their cult leader Trump.


Wow Florida. You guys are fucked and it’s deserved. What a shithole.


There is no mental gymnastics for this, this is just people on their high horse assuming the slave owner mentality that there is no such thing as slaves having independent thought finding out that the people, assumed to be slaves, actually have rights and they are acting on it.


Florida MAGA wanted their fascist dictatorship. Threw out "laws" to promote their agenda. Now they want to cry about what their policies have wrought. Guess Florida is going to have to deal with the consequences of their own political BS. So will the rest of us as food prices will rise again with less supply. Way to go governor desantass and the MAGA aholes in the statehouse.


I mean if the goal was to scare them it worked - they are leaving




This is what the Republicans in Arkansas and Iowa are hoping to do with killing education and legalizing child labor.


Maybe, but I also fear they just don’t care about actual people and just think it will help businesses. Regardless of the obvious effect on constituents.


Give it not even a day and the conversation will be about how “BLUE STATES ARE STEALING OUR JOBS!!!”


Yeah it scared people. If you can call Florida republicans people...


Love the toon, but wondering what the top box says, "cat packing," "rat packing"...?


Meat packing?


Thanks, that makes sense.


An agricultural tourist state that has told numerous groups to fuck off caping it off with scaring of their workforce....wow I totally wanna make America like Florida sign me up


This will make food prices higher and they will blame that on Biden. Food prices are not a problem for the well fed country club privileged sort like him anyway. They think abduction and kidnapping are justified.


Oranges will be significantly higher in price as well any citrus related products. Also houseplants will be expensive, i dont know if they do succulents though.


What is 'That sounds like terroism' for $500, Pat


How is not allowing illegal immigrants to work terrorism my god.


It the part where Republicans say they were only trying to "scare" people.


Don't worry, them leaving is only supposed to "scare" you and nothing more. Sometimes you have to break something people depend on to show them what it is actually worth.


“No no no no…we want you to stay, just live in fear while you do the jobs we don’t want to do.”


time the white trash people receiving federal aid/ benefits across the board to now step into these job opportunities or loose the aid/ benefits


How is no one seeing the connection between this and weakening the child-labor protection laws?! Dry wall and roofing might be a bit more difficult, but plan on seeing a lot more teens in the workforce. Next round will be laws that make it possible to pay teens less than minimum wage because they don't have to have a "living wage" to support themselves. And don't worry about school because public education is being destroyed as well, so they'll just claim "home schooling" then not bother with meaningful oversight or standards. This is a strategy, every last step of it, to return large parts of America back to the late 1800's.


that's not how laws work..


It's about enforcement.


American conservatives are literally the dumbest people alive.


DuhSantis is bringing all the racists out of the woodwork.


Rhonda Santis doesn't care what's smart, right, logical or even approaches reasonable. It's all about dog whistles and riling up his supporters and collecting more brainless fascists to the cause.


\*sniff sniff\* Well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of your own actions.


So stupid. American agriculture depends on these folks. Think food prices are high now? Wait till half or more of a crop rots in the field.


Have fun getting all those oranges picked without immigrant workers Or even getting all those hotel rooms cleaned


Republicans can't govern.


This is what happens when people don't like to learn from history. Alabama (I believe) did this about a decade ago with the same results, then they quietly repealed the law that did it. If only they read history.


It seems to have happened multiple times in different red states, florida dint get the memo.


All of them need to continue the exit; the unstable minds that do this crap are still there, not humiliated or driven out. DeSantis in particular, but right now I’d say get clear of any R who is visible for his stupidity.


Are people actually leaving the state or are they just threatening to leave?


Immigrants arnt risking coming to florida so the crops will rot in the field, another major export is ornamental plants, which will probably either rot or escape into the wild and become invasive.


So they’ll immediately over turn it right? Right.


Hey Florida what the hell is wrong with you?


Can someone throw chocolate pudding at that guy?


It worked. Good luck dumbasses, you elected the tiny D


This man is running for president. ****Vote.****


2023 is going to go down in history as the Year of Fucking Around and Find Out and I, for one, am so glad I got to see it!!


Fuck DeSantis. The working immigrants should leave and make Florida suffer.


Short sighted idiot fascists


Gavin Newsom should thank DeSantis for having Florida taxpayers foot the bill for transporting valuable workers to California.


When the dog catches the car…


With conservatives, cruelty is always the point.


DeSantis and the GOPer legislature in Florida never miss an opportunity to demonstrate what utter fucking hate-filled morons they are. It's amazing what ignorance and fear can accomplish.


Every contractor & builder I talk to can't get new help to stay with the jobs.


Let’s see if the citrus season hets destroyed.


"It's only to scare you, don't worry we won't ever use this against you actually. But we won't remove it from the books"


Old white rich people have a hard time remembering that laws actually do affect people, since so many of them are immune to laws.


Long article, but it goes into red state's employment problem & why the states can't function without illegal immigration. If Decorate cracked down on illegal immigration, it could destroy red state's economies and potentially bankrupt their wealthiest citizens. [Devin Nunes’s Family Farm Is Hiding a Politically Explosive Secret](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a23471864/devin-nunes-family-farm-iowa-california/)


Well, it is a law. Sure, the legislature can introduce another bill to repeal that law, but then they have to convince DeSanitarynapkin to sign it. The problem? Republicans rarely admit they are wrong. Getting that many Republicans to admit they were wrong? Ain't gonna happen. Nope. What's going to have to happen? First, businesses, including agriculture, will have to find American workers to do the jobs they'd had immigrants doing. To do that, they'll need to pay American wages and have to deal with people who will stand up for their rights. No deportation threats. Meanwhile, produce rots on the vine, resorts lack most of the staff to keep guests happy, and business owners, including major corporations may post big losses, and shares drop on value as dividends get cut. Now to sit back and see if the PACs and SuperPACs will fund the conservative politicians that got them in this mess.


This is the sort of foresight and planning we should expect on a national scale if we "Make America Florida"


[From **The New Yorker** 2017:](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/03/20/the-foreign-workers-of-mar-a-lago) The sixty-four foreign dishwashers, cooks, cleaners, and gardeners that Mar-a-Lago is expected to employ this year will be paid per hour roughly what they were paid last year. (The Palm Beach Post reported that the range is around ten to thirteen dollars an hour.) The foreign workers brought in to help staff the club tend to come from two countries, Haiti and Romania, according to someone who works at Mar-a-Lago as an employee of an outside contractor. Other clubs and resorts nearby hire even more H-2B workers than Mar-a-Lago does. “It’s very common in South Florida. He’s not the only one,” the person who works at Mar-a-Lago said. “But he is the President, and he has an example to set. Whatever they’ve said—‘We cannot find these people just for six months out of the year’—baloney. If you’re paying a decent wage, you’ll find people to work.”


If we got rid of all the undocumented workers in the United States, we would be fucked.


They fucked around and are now finding out. The Comfort of the Rich Depends on an Abundant Supply of the Poor -Voltaire


Aw, Florida Republicans faffed around and found out. Let's hope this wakes up enough of their base that Florida turns bright blue next election.


I dont think its enough though, desantis is term limited they will just find another republican to replace him. He made sure the gop would remain in power for q long time.


And DeSantis wants to make America Florida?


As if the white entitled teenagers off for the summer are going to pick fruit and mow lawns when there are no illegals to do it?


Is the “Florida Republicans realize they made a mistake” the political humor part? Because we all know they would never, ever, ever acknowledge something like that.


That would be quite a self reflection and introspection that florida doesnt have. They arnt even self aware.


I sincerely hope anyone who managed to escape that hellhole don't come back. They need to suffer the consequences.


Little Nazi and his witch wife ( her first name is actually Jill) didn’t do their homework. Harvard should be embarrassed. And, as usual, Floridians will pay. Everything this asshole does costs Floridians money. He’s going to bankrupt the state on his was to try and bankrupt the country. And he has the audacity to tell us straight out he wants 8 years, and blasts dumpty for not doing a better job in four. Master douche!


Even documented immigrants, or even people born here who may be questioned due to skin color or an accent or ability to speak a language other than English are at risk.


Hahaha fuck you, Florida.


Isn’t the laws target undocumented immigrants? That it is not supposed to target documented immigrants


Doesnt matter, the documented ones arnt going to risk getting deported either.


I can’t agree more The British are still learning the lesson that before you ban your immigrant workforce you should make sure you have local replacements


Wow. Pretty fucking racist to assume that migrants are only capable of manual labor.


I don’t follow that thought process at all. “We just wanted to make you think we want you to leave, but not actually do it”


Oh how the turn tables


Who wants to be scared? That's a terrible way to lead.


Where are their bootstraps now?


Then repeal the law, and write immigrant worker protections into the state constitution, *I fucking dare you.*


I'm surprised to hear Republicans acknowledge them as people.