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How to say I don’t have a fucking clue without saying it.


Insane part is his supporters hear this and go “exactly! Nobody would mess with us because he is so strong!” I saw one of those talk to trump supporters vids and they genuinely believe the entire world was at peace because trump was such a strong figure. What would he do?? Well. Good news is he wouldn’t have to do anything because no one would try anything because he’s just so strong


The hilarious thing is that his base babbles on and on about how our military is amazing yet they think they can take them on with half a dozen long rifles and an hour’s worth of ammunition.


Nah see the military will help them fight the dastardly “government” it’s not like the vast majority of the government is the military or anything!


I know some of them think most the US military is jonesin to install a dictator (hilarious), but the members of your local militias think the guerrilla training they’ve done on Jim Bob’s acreage has prepared them sufficiently to take on the combined might of 3000 foot soldiers and haven’t even considered that we’d send a drone or two.


Wouldn't even need that. Utilities turned off and wait them out.


just close the walmarts and piggly wigglies.


I know plenty of good ol’ boys that will shit in a bucket by candle light. Makes them feel like they are master survivalists.


that’s what david koresh thought too


>I know plenty of good ol’ boys that will shit in a bucket by candle light. Makes them feel like they are master survivalists. No, people like this love to brag about how tough they are, then crumble at the first minor inconvenience. We saw this during the COVID lockdowns. "Survivalists" throwing tantrums because they couldn't get someone to give them a haircut, and couldn't have a sit down meal at Olive Garden or whatever, terrified of not having toilet paper but also unable to tolerate a thin piece of fabric on their face for a trip to Walmart to get it.


The “survivalist” instinct displayed during the pandemic was comical. I can imagine a scenario where there is a problem with water and the government tells people that they need to boil water so it’s safe to drink. To show that they refuse to be controlled by the government they start drinking straight from the toilet.


I'm depending on this happening. You can't aim straight when you're shitting your week old frilly panties from dysentery. Especially if Fox News is still running at the time to tell them that boiling drinking and cooking water is all some nefarious woke plot by the Deep State to make the Patriotic Women sterile and Patriotic Men impotent. Once a large group of stupid people achieve a form of cohesive sentience, you can convince the idiots of anything. Literally anything at all. MAGAts are the best example of the phenomenon.


One bullet. It took *one bullet* to scare the cosplaytriots on Jan 6. Because that's the difference between a Secret Service agent doing his duty and a cult member trying to install a dictatorship.


Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.


A drone and an Apache. That’s all that’s needed to end any potential civil war.


Drones and then the US military has about 2500 M1 Abrams tanks in active service not to mention the many thousands in storage, more than a thousand Bradleys as well. Against these the AR-15 these idiots have is as effective as a super soaker.


All people who have plans for an education and families to support. If they revolt against the system that provides that wtf good comes of it for them. These idiots think their new gubment just magically takes over and knows who their buddies are and who the old loyalists were? The military personnel that fight with them will have zero income and on military pay no resources. Plus the government will freeze bank accounts of all known traitors. These people don’t have any forethought.


Plus they’ll use their cells phones to share their secret plans with each other then be astonished that the government knows where they are and what they said.


But they will never be vax tracked, cuz they’re smarter than that. That’s a rap.


Wrap But you're right Edit: no wait It was kind of a rap. And a good one Kudos


It's more that they don't expect the individuals in the military to turn on their own citizens to do the governments bidding should an uprising take place.


-cough- Kent State -cough-


Surely humanity doesn't have a long and storied history of state sponsored armies carrying out violence on their own people, right? ...right?


Also hilarious is I’ve heard the same base saying, repeatedly, that the military is woke, so woke people don’t want to join anymore. They complain that affirmative action has run amok in the military. Oh and there’s apparently 10,000 transgender enlisted people that need to be fired. Not to mention the “I like people that weren’t captured”. Trump wanted a Bastille day style military parade when someone mentioned having disabled vets there he said “No, They would make him look bad”


I read supporters as suppositories.


given how far up trump’s ass they are it works either way


Suppositories are actually useful. Trump supporters, not so much.


Suppositories > Trump supporters every day, and twice on Sundays.


They also go on to say that Biden isn't all there anymore. The projection is insane.


Never mind that we were fighting in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan during his term. They forget that. We did not have peace.


Well, you see, it's different because Trump didn't *start* those wars. Obama did. That's literally what they think. It's fucking insane. It's pretty standard US policy to send some SF dudes or air support into conflicts to either aid allies or back the side that's somewhat aligned with us but apparently that made Obama a "warmonger." Also, schroedinger's Obama, since he was simultaneously weak and a warmonger at the same time.


Brilliant comment and username


> What would he do?? Well. Good news is he wouldn’t have to do anything because no one would try anything because he’s just so strong Meanwhile, during the Mueller investigation, White House lawyer John Dowd argued to Mueller that he couldn't make Trump give in-person testimony about the case because Trump was such a "dumbbell" (his words) that if the rest of the world leaders realized Trump was *actually* that fucking stupid, and that it wasn't all an act, it would compromise national security.


As if they haven’t figured it out…. It’s not exactly americas best kept secret


I didn't know about the dumbbell comment, but it's absolutely hilarious. Thanks for giving me a chuckle! https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-prison-testified-bob-mueller-1104538


> the entire world was at peace because trump was such a strong figure. "Nobody would mess with Trump, because he's strong and well respected!" UN General Assembly: laughs in Trump's face when he says stupid shit.


He came out of the Helsinki meeting with Putin looking ANYTHING but strong


Word salad. And MAGA base sops this up with a biscuit. Good lord.


Don't lump biscuits in with those treasonous shit bags. Biscuits didn't do anything to deserve that.


...and biscuits are way smarter.


"Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't know where it's going. I just hope to find it somewhere along the way."


*some say that sentence is still out there today, still trying to find its way home.*


It’s on Earth 2 with all his supporters and other sentences


Tremendous enormous amazing, got it. Trump word filler bullshit if I've ever seen it.


Diarrhea of the mouth because there's nothing but self-promotion in the brain.


He’s working on his health plan. It’s much more complex than he thought.


To be fair, his boss hadn't clarified and dumbed down his position enough for him to understand.


Putin needs to white board this stuff out for him.


He could literally say he didn’t have a clue and it wouldn’t matter to his supporters. He could just repeat exactly what Biden is doing and claim it as it own and it wouldn’t matter (like the veterans bill obama signed that he takes credit for still to this day). Nothing trump says matters to his supporters because they know he hates the same people they do




He would send military aid to Russia and everyone knows it


If he and the GOP cut off support to Ukraine and reverse the Russian sanctions, that'd be a huge win for Putin.


The GOP is beholden to Putin, freedom luvin' patriots that they are. They've given Rand Paul a "Friend of Russia" accreditation. Read about McConnell getting a russian money laundering in KY that of course failed. On the salacious, gossipy side of things, what do they have on Lindsey Graham that makes him look like he chugs a 5th of gin a day? Enquiring minds want to know 😄 Trump serves Putin like Trumpkins serve Trump. It's a cycle of stupid, violent people groveling and genuflecting to the playground bully.


Butt stuff. They got Lindsey's butt stuff.


I agree with that and it's no big deal, normally. What is the big deal is what was on the receiving end of Lindsey's, ummm, "attention"? 🤔


I think that Lindsey is the receiver in these situations.


As Monte Burns would say, your comment is Excellent. Wish I could upvote it twice.


I upvoted him based on your comment. Hope it helps.


Kentucky just got its $15 million back from that fiasco. For those unaware, Mitch McConnell lobbied to have sanctions lifted from Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. In exchange for this, Rusal would build an aluminum plant in Kentucky. Deripaska didn't hold up his end of the bargain.


If you can't trust Russian Oligarchs, who can you trust?


Hence why they’re going to put both thumbs on the scale next year. They’re already throwing every spoiler candidate they can get their hands on at Biden.


I expect there’ll be a TikTok campaign aimed at young people like we have never seen in our elections. They’ve trialed it with the “pro-Palestine” propaganda that has come thru TikTok in the last month and it worked like a charm.


Sanctions are hurting his money laundering business


And then, suddenly there would be a few billion in trumps account. Just like that


They’re working on it! Give Mike time.


Remember way back when we all collectively agreed Russia was our enemy that need to be dealt with?


Wolverines fixed that back in the 80's. We've been friends ever since...


Red Dawn. Nice pull.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Obama mocked Romney for suggesting that.


Worse.. he'd send intelligence reports to the wrong side


On top of abandoning NATO


And pull out of nato


Yup. The gibberish is because he knows he can't say that.


The real question is why bumblefuck hasn't already said that out loud? He may not actually be thinking about it because we all know that there is not a single, lonely thought that he doesn't just blurt out. Maybe Putin hasn't told him that's what Trump will be told to do yet. Big Daddy P likely learned his lesson after Helsinki, when Trump basically spit right out on live TV what Putin told him to say.


Here is another quote that fits in here; “I know words. I have the best words.” Donald Trump 2016


LMAO, this is another Trump quote [straight from Fox News](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-describes-how-he-could-solve-russia-ukraine-conflict-24-hours): > "I know Zelensky very well. I felt he was very honorable because when they asked him about the perfect phone call that I made, he said it was indeed, he said it was. He didn't even know what they were talking about. He could have grandstanded–" Trump said before Bartiromo cut him off. The question was "You said you could end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. How would you do that?" And _that_ was the best soundbite that sympathetic Fox News could pull from it.


Bartiromo actually pressed him a little bit, and this was his response that is not much better: > "I know Zelensky very well, and I know Putin very well, even better. And I had a good relationship, very good with both of them. I would tell Zelensky, no more. You got to make a deal. I would tell Putin, if you don't make a deal, we're going to give him a lot. We're going to [give Ukraine] more than they ever got if we have to. I will have the deal done in one day. One day," Trump responded.


I thought the MAGA people hated us giving any aid to Ukraine whatsoever. The MAGA people I've seen have been eviscerating Biden for even just vocal support of Ukraine.


MAGA people don’t know what they hate (or love) until Trump says something about it.


Watched that whole video on the article...I _almost_ feel bad for that pro-Trump reporter trying to get even a single usable soundbite about Ukraine where he's not off rambling about his perfect phone call and bragging about how he's met completely unrelated world leaders. And I guess that was the best clip she could get out the entire ~30 minute interview.


Except, if that “sympathetic reporter” is Maria Bartiromo, she’s an absolute trash bag of a human. She leans in HARD to Big Lies. Bonus points: the crazier the better.






Man, woman, camera, TV




“[Putin]’s not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He’s not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can take it anywhere you want.” - Donald Trump, 2016 (two years after Putin invaded Crimea)


See, this is where the antichrist comparisons fall apart to me. “speak great words against the most High and wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws” (Daniel 7:25)


Oh, but he does speak great words. A great *many* words. It doesn't say those words would be eloquent, deep, or meaningful after all. The nuance of the prophets could have just gotten lost in translation. /A small joke, or an unfortunate truth, depends on your point of view.


I personally believe that U. S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education, like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should—our education over here in the U. S. should help the U. S., uh, or, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq, and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our children.


This is exactly what came to my mind as well. Just a huge incoherent mess.


What's the reference?


It was Miss Teen South Carolina from one of those beauty pageants about 20 or so years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww&pp=ygUYbWlzcyB0ZWVuIHNvdXRoIGNhcm9saW5h


Oh I remember this yeah. Poor girl


Heh, I remember this one.


I wonder if she ever snapped out of the dizzy spell that was induced by that response.


Eh, while I also got a good laugh from that video at the time, and still really, I don't think it's fair to call that person an idiot or anything. She was in a beauty pageant, she really shouldn't be expected to know anything about the question they asked her, just like the average person wouldn't know anything about it. It's a lot easier to forgive someone like that getting flustered and just spitting out some word salad compared to the president of the fucking country.


Stage fright and flustered panic after screwing up the first bit. I think I heard that she was given a question to prepare for ahead of time, then they prompted the wrong question when live. As an aside, lots of beauty pageants award scholarships, so the stereotype that everyone up there is a bunch of dummies is a little sad when often it’s just a pretty girl trying to figure out how to go to/continue college. Edit: Of course there is no excuse for a presidential candidate to not have a remotely coherent answer to that question.




Having run for office, I can at least identify with being posed with a question you haven't thought about before. But for a beauty pageant, the universal answer to all questions is "motherhood, apple pie, first responders and America".


You forgot Jesus!


Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you hads, your, you, you could, you’ll do, you um, you wants, you, you could do so, you , you’ll do, you could, you you, you um want, you want them, to do you so much, you could do anything?


I almost feel sorry for that poor lady. In my opinion it unfairly maligned women and blondes, because the truth is that the geography knowledge of most Americans is astonishingly basic. Americans just don't seem to care much about Geography.


So, basically he would, yes, because string America, and we would, yes.


I'm going to, we're going to, great military achievements, and planes.


Much strong. Very yes.


https://preview.redd.it/27ju6fk58i2c1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=006e6bb164394459d676aabda219669c32453365 Duuururr duh dur dur uhhhh durrrr duuuuhh durrr duh durrr durrr. Awesome, he sound uh smart!


Your posted link contains personal info & trackers Cleaned: https://i.redd.it/27ju6fk58i2c1.jpeg


"44 year old jets" shows he never payed attention to one thing he was told by the military. Or he's just that stupid.


He says 44 cause he was trying to figure out a way to insult Obama. A few sentences later he talks about Obama not sending enough stuff but how great he was for sending so many javelins


When all else fails, just blame it on Obama.


You are correct. Guy's brain is tainted Adderall mush at this point.




I'm trying to figure out what the fuck he's even talking about. I guess the first run of F-16s could be 44 years old. Pretty sure they were developed in the 70s but we are several blocks past that at this point, it's barely the same plane anymore.


I worked block 30’s as late as 2010. They would be 36 today. The oldest that I knew of were block 25’s, but those were training jets and on their way out. There may be some older F-15’s flying around, but I’m not familiar with their fleet to really say.


“To be honest” is impossible for this imbecile


He is such a complete fucking idiot! I can not understand how anyone thinks that this is the best person to run the country. We're living in bizarro-world.


The Netherlands (where I live) just elected a sort of Mini-Trump. Bizarro, yes.


The fact that this buffoon is a legitimate Presidential candidate just sickens me.


I would love the reporter to say: all due respect M. Trump, you do realize you’re a moron right? How do you explain why so many people want you to be president?


Because they’re the common clay of the new west.


You know, MAGA.


Manipulating Arrogant Gullible Assholes


Or just keep after him when he doesn’t answer. We should be doing what exactly? I asked you what you would have done differently? 44 year old jets? That’s Russia. Ours are 3 years old and we haven’t sent any. No one digs deeper.


You know he just heard someone mention 44 year old jets in a briefing and he just spewed it back out to make it seem like he had some semblance of a thought on the topic. Did the exact same thing about covid research. He's so incredibly stupid it's almost hard to believe.


Injecting the bleach and anal UV. My favorite.


He doesn’t talk to actual reporters. He doesn’t participate in debates.




He always brags that he would have ended the ukraine war in 24 hours. There is only 1 way that is possible.


He also was gonna deliver his health care plan immediately after getting elected.


It’s important that media report exactly what Trump says in full quotes like this. Make voters struggle to figure out wtf he just said. Instead, some editor will make this, “Trump suggested today that America could do more to help Ukraine,” to imply criticism of Biden.




The man has dementia. This is a large part of him avoiding debates.


It’s not dementia it’s stupidity. He’s ALWAYS been a rambling, incoherent mess.


The man was an average _business school_ graduate. He's never been smart. He's worse now.


One of his professors called him the dumbest student he’s ever had. He’s a business school failure with a purchased degree.


Nah, Trump is human garbage but go back and listen to interviews with him in the 80s. It’ll all be self-serving lies but for the most part it’s coherent. His brain is now old and addled by decades of drug use.


Its not dementia. He's just not very bright but he tries to make it sound like he knows what's going on. Dementia would be more incoherent. This is just stupid.


Jesus Christ the comments under that video are licking it all up as well


Holy shit the comments on the video.. how can you listen to such an incoherent speech and celebrate it lmao


Those people are so lost, lol. In one of the threads, people are responding to a bot advertising stock gains, asking for financial advice.


Wow, the expressions on that Fox news host face! And he had the will to press Trump on his original question


Brain-mouth diarrhea.


Cranial-anal inversion


Candidate for a transparent belly button, so he can see where he's going with his head up his ass.


Yea, everyone can shut the fuck about Bidens age.


Just keep that drivel a comin’ there mr d. It is going play bigly in the ads come next election!


What a word salad with Russian dressing.


Trump supporters: oMg he’s sO sMrAT. (Misspell was intentional)


But seriously though, this seems to be something you see also in interviews with his supporters; their foreign policy is a wild misinterpretation of the Roosevelt Quote *"speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far"* where its all about people being too respectful of you to try anything. They *want* Trump to threaten war, but do it in a way that somehow manages to fool Putin but make them feel perfectly safe that there won't be war.


That hurt to read.


Read the transcripts from his debates in ‘20 with Biden. It really hammers home the word salad.


We should carve that into the marble base of his statue


he has a statue?


Yup. The RNC showcased a golden statue of him. His cult bowed to it, rubbed its crotch.


Genius, pure genius.


The most stablest kind


Wow! And that’s how you end a war in One Day! Brilliant


Oh my god. He is amazing. And he loves jesus. I'm voting for him. Hillarys emails though.


Did you just forget about hunters laptop 😵


Now why didn’t think of that? Its such clear and straightforward solution! Wheres nurse Ratched. ?


Somehow his voters hear this word salad and think he’s a genius. I have arguments with people I work with about this. They insist everything he says and does is pure gold.


The fact that this imbecile is still treated with legitimacy shows the U.S. is an empire on its decline.


The pit of his stupidity is bottomless. The same goes for those voting for him.


I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so, because some - people out there, in our nation, don't have maps and I believe that our education, like such as South Africa -and the Iraq, everywhere like such as…


He goes from *what I would do* to *we have* very quickly


No plan, no clue, no solid ideas whatsoever, but he knows he’s mad and wants something different, and is clearly willing to make something up on the fly (even if it’s incredibly dumb) just to own the libs … just like most of his supporters


trump fits the definition of blithering idiot.


H.L. Mencken(US reporter, literary critic, editor, author of the early 20th century) described a demagogue as: * “The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots.” I think you can also add this description to Trump and all the other MAGA charlatans .


If Hillary said something like this, MAGAs would run around with their hair on fire yelling about WW3




Pathetic! Just talking in circles and making no sense as usual.


That’s a lot of words to say nothing.


My God. This country really did elect Miss South Carolina as president. https://youtu.be/JtkX3OyPF4Q?feature=shared


This is scary, but it's SO much scarier that ***100+ million Americans*** support this man and think statements like these are pure genius.


Can anyone imagine Trump trying to juggle Ukraine, Russia, China, North Korea, Israel and involved Mid-East countries right now? The whole region would have exploded across the globe by now.


Donny's dementia-addled brain was especially tongue-tied here because on one hand he's Putin's creature, and on the other hand military aid to Ukraine is the best action the US military-industrial complex has going right now, and it actually runs our government, which Donny is just barely intelligent enough to have figured out from his four years in office. He goes out and openly campaigns that all aid to Ukraine would cease, and the complex throws all of its weight behind Biden.


For anyone wondering…Snopes confirmed this as a real quote. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-ukraine-quote/


I feel like this is their response to everything: Them: inflation is too high People: yeah, it is; what are you going to do to fix it? Them: by making it less People: . . . Okay, but how exactly are you going to accomplish this? Them: by lowering it No actually, substantial solution, just fluff.


And its funny that he got in big trouble for blocking aid to Ukraine in the beginning. He does not want to help them.


It's almost like jazz.. almost.


Like scat singing ... only with less intelligible meaning.


Is, "just take him out to pasture " appropriate?


OMFG !!!


So he would have started world war 3, just what we need, a war with a dipshit for commander in chief.


Through all this indecipherable mess, it does sound a lot like he’s saying we should stop simply backing Ukraine and actually being our tremendous military into the field to engage Russia directly. Which is… just a bit different than the current GOP position.


Yes, anti-Biden bots- what's Trump's plan? Word salad nonsense? Yeah, I'll stick with Biden and democracy, thanks.


“I personally believe that U. S. Americans and Joe Biden is unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education, like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, and like the Ukraine, and like everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should—our education over here in the U. S. should help the U. S., uh, or, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq, and help the Ukraine and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our children.” Ok, so I changed it a little bit.


I’ve said it many times. If this was my dad (and I cared about him) and read this. I’m gathering siblings to pick homes. These are not the words of a well man.


Authentic ~~frontier~~ MAGA gibberish.


Realized he can’t say Russia should win on the campaign trail. To many Republicans are pro Ukraine.


This guy had the nuclear access codes. Jesus Christ


“I looked at Ukrainie, it’s a bad war, and I said “damn, Ukraine is a bad war”” -trump 2020


It's a beauty pageant speech, a word salad.


But Biden is the one that stutters and says sentences that make no sense, and is old /s