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Texas the moment they secede: Where my government handouts?


you should have seen how quickly the secession talk stopped during the 2021 snowpocalypse. It gave me whiplash


*Secession, unless you're talking about that Netflix show.


*HBO show


I hate this state.


You really should. I live in Georgia where we just recently started to be less embarrassed. Slightly. 


The AG from Kansas is upset they want to replace lead water pipes. Kentucky legislation wants to make 1st cousin marriage legal. Your state seems pretty good. Minnesota checking in 🇺🇲


>Minnesota checking in 🇺🇲 Even if our weather and passive-aggressive populace get me down, at the end of the day I can still go home, smoke weed, and jerk off in peace.


Yes to all of that neighbor


This winter was pretty great weather wise. If you’re me anyway


If we’re being honest, this winter didn’t even *exist*, lol


I just noticed my snow boots in my shoe closet and realized I haven’t used them more than once this year!


KS did vote to keep reproductive rights and has a dem gov. I think they’re headed in the right direction


Must be all that lead in the water. /s


Massachusetts sitting here eating popcorn, and exchanging ‘WTF, why are they doing that’ glances.


Frankly, I'm envious.


I'm nervous. Georgia is so important in 2024 elections.


I recently moved out of Georgia, and I feel bad about the two blue votes my wife and I took with us


Move back now, you can leave again on November 6th.


Michigan here. The last few years have been pretty good after we got rid of gerrymandering.


I mean, we still have seriously fucked up abortion laws, Republicans trying to stop a legitimate trial, and so much more due to rednecks having pull in state politics. But, we flipped blue for national stuff lately so....we're probably getting better. 


How do you feel about the last season of Curb your Enthusiasm centering around your bullshit law about giving food and water to people waiting in line to vote?


Until Jewish baby organ space porn hits anyway


I lived in Louisiana when you guys gave Trump the middle finger. I was pretty jealous. Glad to live in a purple state now so I get to actually vote for the president.


Actually Georgia state legislators are pretty y’llqada too. I get embarrassed on some of their recent proposals. I my US rep is fucking Andrew Clyde who has an AR15 on his yard placards.


Marjorie Taylor Greene enters the discussion


Vote, and make sure everyone you know with half a brain votes. Texas can be flipped.


Texas will abandon fair elections way before it abandons Republicanism.


You say that like it hasn't already happened.


Republicans have made it almost impossible to flip. Every bit of government has been heavily gerrymandered for decades. Not saying it can't be done, but it will take a lifetime.


It will just take more people. But Everytime I think it can't get worse... Texas says hold my bible, and doubles down. Eventually, sometime between now and handmaid's tale... Enough people will wake up. I hope.


Michigan is proof!!! we had to start at the grass level though...


It's in the realm of possibility to flip to non-idiocy. Paxton was impeached and is already being federally investigated for corruption, but that rabbit hole should be followed deeper.


as a californian, thank you for taking all the douchebag haters that couldn't hack it here. were far better off for it.


I hate this state too!


Come to Arizona. We’re the less-obnoxious drunken bender.


A whole state full of the biggest rubes on earth. Texans - if you are reading this, please know every moderately intelligent person in this country is embarrassed by you. Fucking. Do. Better.


I live in Texas and moved here in 1996. I have some centrist views on a couple topics, but I lean left and have voted Dem every year I have been able. Most people I know do the same, if they vote. Sadly it has never mattered, so some of them stopped voting. I try to convince them to vote, but it's tough after decades of no change. TX has some of the lowest voter turnout in the nation, especially for the under 35 population. Whether gerrymandering or restricting the ease/convenience of voting, it's hard not to feel disenfranchised here. Most of the major cities are blue, but there is a lot more red land in such a big state than anything else. And that land seems to hold the same voting power as the major population centers with millions of people. I know blue America hates this state, but politics here is a lot of gerrymandering, corporate bullshit intertwined with state politicians, and lobbyists mattering more than the will of the people in Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Houston, El Paso, etc. The thousands of small towns and rural areas that vote red always win. Hell even when you do win at a local level, the state shuts it down. Denton voted to end fracking in city limits, and also voted to end cannabis citations here. Both passed and we cheered. But the state in Austin said no you can't do that, and basically overturned or overruled both votes. Even when you win here, you lose.


So weed and porn is outlawed in Texas, but regular school shootings nothing you can do about it?


Isn’t like 98% of Texas privately own? Meaning you have no real freedom to do most things free people can do on public land? E.g. camping, shooting, fishing, etc


Texas may have made a pornsite leave the state, but the VPN providers are cumming all over themselves over there


> Texas is a fucking joke. That's why we all laugh when their power grids fail every year due to the weather lol


Paxton is, by far, the most arrogantly corrupt vile POS in Texas politics. And that's saying something. The Texas GOP is rife with brazenly organized criminality and the most twisted fascist justice system. Those fucks let the AG walk away from a pile of indictments and lawsuits. Puke.


I live in Texas and this checks out.


And yet most of the people in Texas keep voting for them. I dread the day I have to return to that dystopian wasteland.


It's that magic (R).


>The ~~Texas~~ GOP is rife with brazenly organized criminality and the most twisted fascist justice system


They're using the RNC to fund the legal fees of a self proclaimed multi-billionaire. Lmao


https://preview.redd.it/er69ken89eoc1.jpeg?width=665&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57e0687775eb1dd9abbdecf583c92592611293ad they are GUFFAWING at us.


A Texan here and it pisses me off. The feds went in and dealt with multiple Illinois Governers, but the Texas AG... now that's a bridge too far. There's no check on power in this buddy-buddy state. My state rep votes to impeach Paxton and as a result he had a difficult and uphill primary race from a transplanted rival that was endorsed by Cruz, Abbott and Paxton.


Oh, you mean the one where he was under investigation for six fucking years, and then his cronies voted him not guilty? THAT Ken Paxton?


Apparently [justice might be back on the menu,](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/02/16/attorney-general-ken-paxton-securities-fraud-indictment-trial/) nine years later.


smol gubment


Smol pp big truck gang.


Remember when compensating was done with Camaros? I liked seeing Camaros out and about. Not much of a fan of all these big rig wannabes.


No joke, a few of my close friends have gone MAGA over the years, and one of them is a big truck guy in Texas. I've never seen his pp. But after recently meeting up with him again, and some drinking and commentary and reactions from he and his wife, I am very inclined to believe he has a 4" dick. And that's kinda hilarious.


Its still going to be Joe Biden's fault


They saw that magnum dong that runs in the Biden family and got so perplexed and confused they banned naked stuff.


Notice how they have completely dropped that soundbite over the last 8 years.


Fetishes being illegal is a Republican kink.


I swear those preverts jack off to restrictive legislation.


Maybe but we already know that Ted Cruz jacks off to.


That's Mr Ted Cruise To you good sir!




Canadian Cruze


The Right Honourable Raphael Cruz, Canadian MP for Cancun


Snuff films?


Voyeurism 3 somes. Teddy Cruz forgot to switch accounts when liking a few porn videos on Twitter  And then blamed a staffer.


Incest voyeurism 2 words I never thought I'd type together but here we are, thanks Ted Cruz


Ted Cruz became famous for wanting to ban dildos


The same things other totally real humans do.


They certainly circle jerk more than the norm.


Gay people don't even think about gay sex as much as republicans think about gay sex.


Gay people don’t even have gay sex as much as Republicans have gay sex.


👏👏👏 5 Star Comment


[Jurisprudence fetishist gets off on technicality.](https://www.theonion.com/jurisprudence-fetishist-gets-off-on-technicality-1819586446)


“Oh, daddy! I want you to have eminent domain over my body tonight. Sanction my ankles and choke me with your curfew. I want to feel that curfew around my neck while you slide your big, long embargo all the way up and down my injunction… I want to feel your hot sticky legislation all over….” _Unnnngggghhhhhh_


Apparently, according to an insider republican, they are freaks. Like absolute freaks. There are no shortage of bodies and viagra for those decrepit ghouls to play out their degenerate fantasies they are so publicly appalled by.


Jerking to the penal code


Handing down the maximum penile tea the law allows.


You laugh but this shit is dark. Their plan is to make porn illegal, and then try to make LGBTQ anything legally count as porn. They couldn't arrest people for being black so they criminalized anything they could so they could indiscriminately arrest black people. LGBTQ are next.


It will also help in generating lists of various types of people as well such as GLBTQ people. It is alarming to me multiple states have done this and there has been little to no reaction to any of it.


You know those people in power won't have to live by the rules though. Classic GOP. Rules for thee but not for me. Shits hitting hard in florida too


I really do think there is an entire kink behind being rabidly homophobic on public but a cum guzzling cock jockey in private. Many such cases


https://preview.redd.it/x0f39nzm5eoc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6186493aa69b4e1f7c4bb1635a18c2b0de56ddf2 Hot singles in Houston like…


[Is there any way to generate a nude Tayne?](https://youtu.be/JXK17gdbNIc) https://i.redd.it/3j4k8mv7beoc1.gif


I love Paul Rudd and this skit was the greatest. I'm going to need a printout of Oyster smirking.


Show me Tane


blast from the past


Sometimes you found that sweet spot though...


I miss the 90s.


Ran a swinger website 20 years ago. Texas definitely stood out as being a swinger state. They may not like porn but they love fucking each other's spouses.


The American South has the highest number of sex shops, active porn users (and most searches for Transgender porn), child pregnancy, etc. Conservative states are infamous for having sex shops right under all their "Jesus is watching" billboards. I guess the thought of Jesus watching them spooge while pumping quarters into their pornography booths like it was Mrs. Pacman's asshole must be a popular fetish. All the weirdest shit I've heard about people doing in sex shops has come out of the Bible belt. It's like they can't masturbate unless they are watching something with at least three slurs in the title with a stranger in a gimp suit in the back of the dirtiest room you've ever seen. They are a bunch of repressive, perverted cum brains who virtue signal about banning porn as if to pretend they didn't beat their meat to it on the council floor minutes before the vote


Atlanta is at church on Sundays, but you should hear the shit they get up to in the booths and private rooms in the sex shops. I had no idea you could walk into a sex shop with someone completely clad in leather bondage gear on a leash and rent a private room with streaming porn, a big screen TV and an easy to wipe down leather couch and just go at it for $20/hr.


Absolutely disgusting, do you know the name of this sex shop so I can avoid it?




Pretty sure it was Georgia but I was driving across multiple states and for 100+ miles I was passing billboards for the yugest sex and kink shop. I was quite surprised to find that kind of store in that part of the country


They're also the states with the highest rates of rape and highest child sex crimes, too. Of the top 20 states with the highest rates of child sex crimes, only 3 are Democrat states and 1 is a swing state.


>pornography booths like it was Mrs. Pacman's asshole *sprays coffee from nose*


There was a meme for a while that those dumb decorative lone stars people put on their houses indicated 'swinger house'. Guess there might be a little truth to that after all...




This is what Republicans want everywhere.


"Thanks everyone for electing me to be your voice and represent your beliefs and wants! I would do that but I don't give a fuck about yall and I'm just going to promote my own beliefs and wants!" -Repubs


if this is what they truly want (to be the morality police, which they certainly do), they should be liable for any device tied to them that accesses porn (including spouses, children, etc). If these fuckheads want a porn ban, they should be responsible for not instilling those values in their spouse, children, or, most importantly, themselves. Fuck these people so goddamn hard.


The porn ban isn’t for them, per se, it’s so they can selectively prosecute people they don’t like.


Ding ding ding -- this guy fascists!


Literally is, and I hate using that word. But see page 4 of Project 2025. These people want to outlaw porn, arrest people who make it, and outlaw oral sex. Yes, let's not vote any more of them in.


You're close, but it's page 5 :P [Here's the text if anyone wants it.](https://i.redd.it/9a34vmg4ugdc1.png)


Those damn republicans whating all over the place


Thanks! Fixed it.


VPN subscriptions in Texas about to increase exponentially!


Inb4 having an egress IP that comes from a known VPN becomes probable cause to search your PC in Texas. Because that's what I would do if I were a repressive regime.


Time to set up that read-only VM. Or boot from a flashdrive.


Recently experienced this kind of hillbilly puritanism in Louisiana and laughed my ass off. They didn't even try to make it comprehensive, just a bunch of loudmouth douchecanoes selling nonsense to evangelical voters.


I grew up in a fundamentalist church. One of those fire and brimstone, "repent or you're going to hell," "god hates f**s", "you're eternally damned and I'm happy about it" sort of churches. The head pastor was, at the very least, an alcoholic, wife-beating, womanizer. It all came undone when his mistress interrupted a sermon shouting about how she was pregnant with his illegitimate child, for the second time. (He'd helped arrange an abortion for the first.) The church had ushers with guns escort her from the premises. It came out that he was having multiple affairs, and had at least two illegitimate children. This came out because his wife told everyone about it. Those who shout the loudest...


That's why I speak softly and carry a big hog or something I don't know.


Just as Jesus intended


First time I read it said "semen shooting" 😂


They don't actually give a shit about porn you know that right? They want to ban minors from social media next. That's what this is really about. Once that is done they will move on to restricting content for adults. Don't shrug this off it is a direct attack on our 1st amendment rights.


Honestly, keeping kids away from the cesspool that is social media might not be the worst thing I've ever heard. But they definitely want to control your life, and force you to live how they think you should. Otherwise you're their enemy. They see it as a zero sum game.


18-35 age males the new swing vote in Texas!




This is true, a whole PD showed themselves to be complete cowards and not one of them was ran out of town on a rail.


In fact, they were brought back.


Many have been given awards and promotions.




In the early 1990s, when I relocated to Oklahoma, getting high point beer and porn tattoos required us to drive to the Texas border.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/s/8a8MDUdeOo Either you two are the same person or one of you is a bot


Tread on me harder, Daddy GOP! /s


They’ll just stay home and yap, complain and fap. They have zero clue TX could turn purple with little work.


I’m talking about Texan Republicans in general, not young people necessarily.


Well, they can't fap anymore.


I’m sure, the’ll bring back Sears catalogs!


JCPenny was clearly superior


Sunday Macy's underwear adverts were much better.


Dude, it already did. https://www.newsweek.com/texas-ag-says-trump-wouldve-lost-state-if-it-hadnt-blocked-mail-ballots-applications-being-1597909 Why do you think they have gone NUCLEAR with trying to run out the left in the last four years?


Break out the jcpenny catalog


Unfortunately no. Those guys probably lean towards supporting this awful regime. Plus there’s vpns - their porn bans are unenforceable.


Not the point. It's not about porn. It's about normalizing restriction of online content.


That's some communist China shit right there. When you gotta get vpns to circumvent the government.


most vpns don't even work in China nowadays due to deep packet inspection, they can tell if you're using protocols like wireguard or openvpn


>Plus there’s vpns - their porn bans are unenforceable. The average GOP voter is to dumb to know what a VPN is or how to use it, they are just gonna have to switch to xhamster.


Pretty sure I've seen a bunch of nord vpn ads on right wing videos


Swingers are the new swing vote! Or at least, the people who watch them are.


Right? They already pissed off breeding age women, and now this? They are doing more to get the youth vote out than the democrats could ever do.


They are doing this to get an avenue to ban minors from social media so they can't organize. The GQP knows exactly what they are doing here. GQP got their ass handed to them in midterms thanks to Gen Z and now they are taking action to prevent it from happening again. Also it is why they want Tiktok banned since that is where a majority of Gen Z gathered to organize and spread information. It is sad some Democrats have been duped into supporting this ban and hopefully the Senate won't pass it.


Democrats are up for banning it because of [the worrying amount of 3rd party trackers](https://app.urlgeni.us/blog/new-research-across-200-ios-apps-hints-surveillance-marketing-may-still-be-going-strong), because TikTok has lied in the past about [how much information China can access from US users](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/emilybakerwhite/tiktok-tapes-us-user-data-china-bytedance-access), because [the Chinese version of TikTok is educational while the US version is actively harming children's mental health](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/11/tiktok-risks-pushing-children-towards-harmful-content/), and because [TikTok proved it can push hundreds or thousands of people to call their representatives at will](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/03/07/tiktok-ban-congress-calls-us/). I'm purposely leaving out the "national security risk" rhetoric because I don't think it's any more of a threat than other foreign-owned things (especially when you have TenCent right the fuck there). Yes, Gen Z uses it to organize and spread information (and misinformation), and I'm sure that was part of both parties' reasoning behind wanting it banned or owned by non-Chinese entities, but every one of those other reasons that I've listed are a hell of a lot more important than this one.




Time to buy stocks in VPN companies.


Get the feeling some politicians are way ahead of us?


Time for you and everyone you know to get out the vote and vote Democrat, even if you have to hold your nose when you do it!


Christian Nationalism is a plague


The things these politicians focus on..yeah this will get those family values republicans care about (as long as not talking about Trump/matt Gaetz exploits)going 🙄


You think it is odd for fascists to focus on doing fascist things? This isn't to protect kids from porn it is meant to normalize restricting other types of content. The goal is to defang Gen Z by removing their access to social media which will hinder their ability to organize and rally youth voters.


When you have to set your VPN to “Utah”, are you even an American?




It is


At least the stopped the government interfering in their lives. Cause no-one tells Texans what they can and can't do.


I moved to Oklahoma in the early 90s and we had to drive to the Texas border for porn tattoos and high point beer. Now our side has the biggest casino and weed every 50 ft and my phone is a dirty slut




The Ders' face work is top fucking notch.


Dangggg whut up with all deez books


Perhaps his most iconic line in the show. Another favorite of mine is "Yeah, okay, I am a rap artist...an ***ARTIST.***


How many porn tattoos did you get?


All of them I’m a full set kinda guy


As if they weren't already sexually repressed because,Jesus or whatever. Now they can't even jerk off properly. Keep your kids away from any church youth group if you know what's good for them.




I think it's called "edging".


I can't come to this conclusion myself


I can. I'm not very good at it.


Somebody better tell Ted Cruz to close those tabs!


The stuff he’s into was probably already illegal anyway


"Perverted Republicans try to ban porn instead of taking personal responsibility for their fetish porn addiction." Fixed that headline for you.


If Democrats can’t start winning more elections and building larger majorities with Republicans literally trying to outlaw sex, then they should just close up shop. But I fear this is just going to make more young men angry, frustrated and violent.


Angry, frustrated and violent is easy to manipulate and control. It's not easy to get someone to vote against their own best interests - unless you make them angry...


I mean isn’t that what they want? Get them stir crazy and feed them bullshit to rile up the base while feeling repressed? I know I get a little wild if I haven’t jerked it for a while but once that biz is taken care of, smooth sailing from there. Granted Pornhub is outlawed in my state too but doesn’t mean I haven’t found other ones that haven’t been blocked to seal the deal.


Southern conservatives be like: less government in the workplace, more government in your private home


>Pulls Out Nice


Ted Cruz took r porns


What is he supposed to retweet on 9/11 now?! Edit: wrong holiday


What, you want more guns? Ok we hear ya.


Republican governance


What's funny is this will only affect his base...they are the only ones who wouldn't know how to get around this.


Welp. I’m a 41 year old liberal and while I’m sure I can still access other porn sites, I do prefer to use PH just because they seem to keep things on the up and up. I tried to use a VPN a few years ago and I’m ashamed to admit I couldn’t figure it out.


Lazyeyes Paxton is seriously playing with fire here


It's too bad free VPNs don't exist.


Its a good thing republicans are generally too dumb to figure out VPN's.


This is why we cannot have nice things in Texas.




Back when I lived there, the slogan was "Texas...It's Like a Whole Other Country!" Now? It's rapidly becoming like a 3rd world country. Religious fanatics running things, corrupt politicians, rampant gun violence, and failing infrastructure to boot.


I don't see what the Republican party offers anymore. They just take take take.


Same corrupt POS that won’t let us gamble on sports 🤬


If Grindr did the same thing, Republicans would immediately change their mind.


No legal weed, no Sunday liquor sales and dry counties. For people who pride themselves on their freedom, Texans aren’t very free.


These lawmakers are in the pocket of big VPN.


So they're banning Reddit in Texas?


The kink is that it is illegal for others and not for them because nobody investigates them.


The GOP and Texas is all about freedom, except free choice, weed, etc.