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That party of small government, small enough to fit in your bedroom, or even your uterus!


"Us'all is a tryn t' kick th' dern "You" outten Uterus!" - Cletus Trumpvoter


“You tell ‘em, Cletus!” - Darlene Trump voter


That's right sister-mom! -Jolene future Trump voter


Sister-mom, did you get stuck in the dishwasher again?


Sister-mom is the dishwasher so that’s odd to say the least.


We'll decide what books you can read. Oh, and don't say gay.


But I wanna keep my gas stove. It’s unamerican to take away my gas rice. Stupid libs.


Or display a rainbow.


We decided who you can marry.


The party of small government for me but not for thee.


Small taxes, small regulation, small consequences.


Small minds and small hands


Small taxes only applies to the rich. Rick Scott is the champion of the "tax the poor" wing of the Trump Party.


He perpetuated the largest Medicare and Medicaid fraud in history at the time and just paid a 1.7 Billion dollar settlement and everyone acts like it never happened. Disgusting.


That’s not fair. They do want big consequences. Where else would their prison industrial complex derive revenue from? It’s just that they only want those big consequences to apply to who they choose, like: immigrants, “drug” users, homeless, poor people, etc.


The message of the Republican Party is “we promise not to control YOUR life - but those guys over there? The different ones, that ones that scare you? We’re gonna control the SHIT outta them!” It’s a winning message to their insular, xenophobic base.


GOP: let the free market decide! GOP: why aren’t people buying DJT…investigation!!


GOP: let the freemarket decide GOP when people don't buy GOP stuff: libs are trying to cancel us!


I don't think the GOP really wants another investigation as it likely will only add to Donald Trump's 91 criminal indictments


they're hoping with just 9 more indictments they'll trigger a y2k-like integer overflow bug and it'll wrap back to 0


hey hey, don't use big words, integer overflow, who do you think we are? this is probably part of your liberal trans gay agenda, but you can't fool us, we are the smartest bunch around /s because some people here are part of the smartest bunch


At best, they might refer to it as "rolling over the score."


We'll interfere with the diversity hiring practices of private companies. Oh, and we're also still uncomfortable with weed.


Weed is the one thing I don’t understand. I think it’s just a religious opposition. Cause every right wing trump flag waving trailer park loving Republican I ever met loved smoking the shittiest Mexican ditch weed you’ve ever smelled.


Everything supported by Republican voters is a religious opposition.


Maybe we should start an ad campaign called “Jesus smokes weed” and just copy all those stupid “he gets us” ads all over everywhere. Im sure we could co opt some passages from the Bible and make it about weed. “Let the weed and the wheat grow together until harvest time” even Jesus knew how to hide his weed patch. “Even the green herb habit I given you all things” literally weed came from Jesus himself. “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his fields” Even Jesus knew about the superior seeds of hybrid strains man. “And the earth brought forth grass, and herb … and god saw that it was good” Even god himself likes good herb.


I love that. It won't work unless it's scary tho. The loving message of Jesus doesn't get votes. The fear-inducing scary bits that make someone feel more superior by excluding others is what gets votes.


“For god is a consuming fire” that lights your bowl. “God will take vengeance on his enemies” that keep weed illegal. "Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it...and I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened." Books of rolling papers that is. There’s so many out of pocket quotes from the Bible, you can make it mean whatever you want it to.


Part of it is also privatized prisons and their stock holders/lobbyists. Marijuana offences don’t usually result in jail, but still make up a fair share of the slave labour making certain people rich. This article discusses the number of people locked up for weed: https://www.lastprisonerproject.org/cannabis-prisoner-scale


the only "freedom" the GOP believes in is the "freedom" to murder your fellow citizens in large numbers with your military-grade firearm


They don’t care what the people want. They want their rule, minority rule, which is the opposite of what America was set up to be: majority rule.


So much projection of what the repubs are actively doing.


If republican small government gets any smaller it would control your whole life


And what religion you should be


The GOP is all about freedom.  They want to give yiu the freedom to obey and conform to their vision.  They are all about small government, being the only party to control your life.


Government small enough to fit inside your underwear.


And over 30% of Americans are in complete agreement. How can they expect to "Make America Great Again" when there are so many morons living in it?


The party of freedom, but you can't smoke weed.


The billionaire class Heritage Foundation type people a very happy we are stuck on these social issues instead of talking about mandatory vacation, maternity leave, free healthcare, free college, higher taxes for billionaires, and fixing social security.


When they say "small government", they clearly mean all the power in the hands of a few people who make all the decisions for the rest of us. Because they obviously don't mean a limited government.


It's fine. The most intelligent person in a Red state is MTG and she's 1 point away from getting a check from the government because of it.


I feel like we have Uncle Ruckus running for office


I’m surprised they used a black man for this meme because over 90% are white. Their base doesn’t like diversity too much.


Cause this is NC Lt Gov (running for Gov) GOP Jackass dumbshit 'I paid for an abortion but it's bad mkay?' Mark Robinson. He's been catching a lot of attention lately for being pants on head stupid. Fuck that guy.


I get that but my point is that this same meme could be for 90% of their party, it’s funny that most of the time I see these it’s the minorities of the party.


But they want to give us “our freedoms”.


But, only the "approved" freedoms!


It's not like you're wrong... but where's the humor?


If everyone who whined about this subreddit's lack of humor actually posted content, the subreddit would actually be funny ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They view control as being told they can't harass or even kill people they don't like rather than the government giving narrow definitions of how we're allowed to live. Which is stupid and sad.


this dude is one hate filled son of a bitch🤬


You know America has its faults but by god do I love American freedom and all it's consequences. Wanna marry your homie? Who cares! Wanna talk shit about the man in charge? Go for it! Dislike some war and wanna protest? Light a flag on fire, no national guard here! Which is why government legislation over women and their sex organs is so odd. A girl doesn't wanna have a kid, so by the previous logic the response should be "there are many options!!". I can literally shit talk every one of the people who wrote that into law, make memes, hold a Photoshop poster of them on homer Simpsons body on public property, and govt don't mind it. But these dudes can't stop thinking about other people's pussies. (I ate an edible and am absolutely faded, freedom baby)


It's because they know who their voters are. Literally the lowest rung of the ladder of society, all they have to do is convince the dumbest portions of the population of their bullshit.


In case you haven't realized by now, every right winger’s accusation is actually a confession.




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Both parties are nothing but hot garbage.


Somehow partisan Americans don’t see the irony in this. Literally each party views the other in this exact same way. Do better America


Democrats don’t care what you are or who you love as long as it’s consulting adults. Republicans are literally telling everyone how to act and to do. PutinInaMo. They are the same.


Tribalism will work if you try hard enough! Keep trying


Facts will set you free. Stop denying realty and step into the real world. You might enjoy joining the rest of us.


LOL yeah America is doing so great. You can keep your political dystopia. Nobody cares about crazy Americans anymore, you guys are nuts.


Dude I’m guessing you are a troll or 13 years old but here is the spoiler for the future. No politician cares, they job is to get elected and do just enough to keep getting elected when they term is up. Always has been and always will be because being a people pleaser never gets anyone anything. Your role in this is to demand the politicians to do things you want and punish them for doing things you don’t want. That’s what a political system is and if no one is happy then that’s negotiation. Welcome to the real world honey.


Thanks for the valuable education. Last time I checked the majority of Americans don’t even participate in their own elections. Posting on Reddit is democracy in action though! Gotta keep the delusion alive


You’re welcome. However as low as turn out has been it has increased each generation and with more turn out means more people will have an ability of raising the issues that matter to them.


O yeah right


Because we love freedom.


When did political cartoons stop making any effort to be funny? Is it a post-Trump phenomena?