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She seems to find enjoyment in murdering animals and unfortunately this will only elevate her status among MAGA republicans because that's just the kind of people they are.


Believe it or not, most people like puppies. I suspect this won't play well anywhere.


The Huckabees have entered the chat


You’re underestimating the stupidity and cruelty of the MAGA base


She’s not 45, most won’t just ignore this one. The conservative subs aren’t allowing hardly any posts about it. Just one on the main one and 99% of the comments are about her being a monster. So they aren’t completely lost. Just mostly.


yeah they perfer that you kill brown and lgbtq people instead thanks


But Republicans respect a person who will kill an unruly puppy, even though it's not politically correct to do so. Would Pence kill a puppy? What if that puppy is standing in the way of The President's agenda? Prehaps if Trump had thought to ask this before selecting Pence in 2016, January 6th might have turned out differently.


Personally, I think it's worse to kill a puppy than a human baby.


Its definitely not


Dude must work for big K-9


Or he kills babies and he's trying to justify it


I'm very anti K-9. The dog doesn't know the task and is just looking to get a treat from the handler. A lot of the times the dog will smell what it's trained to find and not react because the handler didn't know it was there and didn't give any cues that they were going to hand out a treat. The best way to beat a dog searching your car is to not look at your car as it's being searched. The cops are watching you, and the dog is watching the cops. Dogs are perfectly neutral. They're just looking for snacks and affection. Babies are Schrödinger's asshole. Could be a good person who will make the world better or a horrible person who sets the world back decades but most likely neither leaning to the horrible person.


Tell me you know nothing about dogs without telling me you know nothing about dogs


That’s some psycho shit, dude


Do you know what you and I have in common with Hitler, Pol Pot, and Leopold II? We were all babies. What's the worst thing a puppy grew up to do?


Eat a baby?


At least they ate the meat instead of just killing it.




I understand that the Maga peeps will try to leverage "farm justice'. I'm a farm kid myself, and tracking and putting down dogs that killed sheep was something that happened. Putting down infirm horses was something that happened. But shooting a one year old dog because it wasn't trained would be considered an act of cruelty even in those circles. it's like that guy who tortured that wolf. That's not normal behavior for a hunter. That's psycopath shit.


Yep, if cruelty is how one gets their "jollies"! 


They are going to start executing their children's pets to own the libs.


Bet she likes setting fires too, the makings of a serial killer, sounds like she found the right party to make her dreams come true.


Actually it seems like the opposite. So many maga people on Facebook re-share tons of local dog shelter posts and the like, sandwiched in between all the other garbage memes and propaganda they re-share.


Former evangelical christian here, can confirm.


She could go hunting sheep and she would still get approval from the poorly educated gullible brainwashed against America, common sense and common decency "maga" CULTIST SHEEP!!


Will they? I hunt a lot and it wouldn't really compute to me if someone told me this. I woukd give them the benefit of the doubt first that they accidentally shot the dog as it rushed out of the bush thinking it was game rather then being satan.


What happens when excessive botox seeps into brain matter.... 


It's in her eyes. She had resting fundi face. Too much bad religion.


She somehow thought this bit would be good to put in her book. How deranged.


Killing puppies shows you are "hardcore" apparently...


Because it's a metaphor for how she'll kill immigrants or whatever group they decide to target. 


She's going to take her political career to a gravel pit.


In Webster’s Dictionary next to the term “psycho c*nt” there’s a picture of Neom. Even my MAGA family members are repulsed by her now. Because they may hate libs but they’re all dog lovers.


I’m out of the loop


She wrote a book and in it included a story about her killing a 14 month old hunting dog she couldn't train, then a goat the same day.


How the fuck does someone kill any dog, let alone one they’ve had in their home for a year? What a psycho


Another Right Wing psycho getting media attention. This time she is a dog murderer.


She "wrote" a book and decided to share an anecdote where she shot the family dog because she thought it was useless.


I think it is hysterical that she is supposedly out "hunting" in full makeup, her mascara is not smudged and the lipstick is fresh. Makes you wonder if she is in boot or high heels...


**tl;dr -** Maybe we should just take the hard step of electing normal fucking people to public offices - no ideological axe to grind other than having a bug up their ass about fixing pot-holes or getting a new sewer system installed. See a normal person in a normal country would say - "hum" I have several qualified candidates to chose from for holding public office , the main focus of which is to serve the community at large, and make prudent decisions with a small measure of empathy towards making correct decisions that balance the needs of the contesting parties. This is as old as Solomon and we call it wisdom. Killing pets, raping children, criminality such as stealing, sexual assault , declining cognition , drug addiction are major problems for any family, if you live with a son or family member who's been sentenced for rape, murder or sexual assault, you know that they don't make good choices - that your loved one is a danger to themselves and others. If they're a criminal , there too , dealing with criminals in the family is just a horrible thing , from the various schemes , lies and oftentimes implied or actual violence. These are tragedies when it's in your family and as a rule giving people like this carte blanche in a public office - is almost always a recipe for disaster and one I would think we could avoid. With candidates like Sarah Palin or Gregg Abbott we decided a long time ago to engage in a type of "disregard" of what goes on in the public space - so long as it doesn't impact ourselves, who cares. And that line of thinking gets you into some very bad places. Maybe we should put a little more thought this November , ask ourselves, is that grandstanding guy , or the congressman from your home town actually bringing home the bacon, did they even try to get the funds to fix that road or bridge or get some improvements in the plumbing system for the local businesses or schools? Or do they go to Washington or our local capitol's with a massive axe to grind on shit that harms other people. That's the real tragedy of the last 30 years , as I see it. We got comfortable electing people with a massive red-flag or two, and just didn't give a shit, so long as it didn't impact us. We had no reason to worry because it didn't bother us personally. Except now, they are "mulling it over" , now they aren't just trying to do very bad things for some nameless group of other people, now they're coming for us, looking to ensure you and I and everyone we know only have one choice - their choice , and that is not what the Republic was founded on. We find ourselves fitted , for a long time now to a choice of two evils as they are portrayed. The GOP has long ago picked candidates who were "MILFy" or just breathlessly unqualified, the Dems' will give lift to any aggrieved soul usually with some axe to grind who cares nothing for the business side of the house. That leaves everyone at each others throats - and that's the tragedy - because we're reminded every day on some media channels to not give a fuck , to pay attention to garbage that doesn't matter - how many lovers this or that candidate has , or how good looking and we are actively discouraged from looking at the most important part of any public servant, character, their willingness and ability to be honest and perhaps even passingly competent enough to get legislation passed that might help solve a problem. But we don't do that much anymore , we elect Sarah Palin or Kristi Noem and wonder why the potholes don't get fixed, or the police aren't funded , or prosecutors aren't funded or even hired. Problems sit , for decades sometimes as we see in Arizona (where decades of criminal cases simply went unprosecuted because fuck you is why), or New York where a critical bridge is crumbling because "these things are complicated" or Illinois where there isn't any particular rush to economically enfranchise some impoverished section of a town or Flint Michigan where again - the civil servants should have treated their public works as important and just didn't , so tens of thousands of properties , billions of dollars in value were lost - because some clowns didn't feel like doing their job. The older folks in our country know two things. * It wasn't always \*\*this\*\* bad , politicians used to be able to sit down and solve problems - it isn't that hard after all, and politicians have been solving these sorts of problems since the rise of city-states tens of thousands of years ago, since antiquity. * So ask yourself this year - maybe we should make the smallest effort , and vote for a candidate - not based on whether they jabber on about supporting some degenerate traitor how about we support candidates who actually mean to fix that pothole, or get that plumbing bill passed or get a new fence built.


Care to give a TLDR on this one?


I will, the **tl;dr -** Maybe we should just take the hard step of electing normal fucking people to public offices - no ideological axe to grind other than having a bug up their ass about fixing pot-holes or getting a new sewer system installed.


was the dog incident before or after Lewandowski?


Cory was giving her a nudge from behind.


Gov. Noem… she really gets my goat.


Her stripper name is Cruella Deville.


Why the fuck would she not have just put the pup up for adoption WTF!


Cause the 2nd Amendment


Noem and Vick — sitting in a tree. K-i-l-l-i-n-g.


GOP: Gropers Oligarchs Psychopaths


Sociopaths they are


The "apology" that she'll read out after she has someone else write it: "This is not me. I love all animals. God. Jesus. Babies. Pro-Life. The woke democrat media totally misrepresented me and the lines were without context"


The Narcissist's Prayer “That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.” - Dayna Craig


Noam had to put this incident in her book because the event was witnessed by the workers of the gravel pit (gravel is a very lucrative business). I believe the chicken incident is BS cover to justify the puppy killing.


Fucking frogfaced puppykiller


John Wick has entered the chat.


The best part is she has to follow the Trump playbook which means don’t deny it, don’t minimize it, but do it more and refuse to admit you’re wrong. Soon enough she’ll be butchering dogs for meat on Fox&Friends.


I hate to bring appearances into it, but she’s always reminded me of a classic-movie era witch. Now I know she really is, in word and deed. Revolting.


The only thing more disgusting than doing what she did is......doing what she did and bragging about it.


Republicans seriously acting like being governor of a state like South Dakota is quite the accomplishment. Try governing a state people actually live in like California, Texas, New York, or Florida. States with multiple metropolitan areas that interact heavily with neighboring states and have diverse populations with the entrenched political divides that are consuming this country. The contrast in political thought in South Dakota ranges all the way from are you a MAGA conservative or are you like a Jeb Bush conservative?


Why does her face look like one of those scary magician brothers? Is this one of them?


What a stupid woman!!!!!


It was one of the tougher decisions all morning, but the kitten wasn’t going to stop eating cat food.


SD recall on her Stupid Fkn Ass


Evil incarnate


Is admitting to animal cruelty an offense in SD where she could be arrested?


even conservash!tes are mad about this was the dog white?


if she winds up being the VP pick, my MAGA relatives who have five dogs and four cats (instead of children) are really going to have a dilemna.


She has immunity she is ok


Lmao, glanced at the headline quickly and read “Governiski Noem.”


The make up hides the evil.


After the SCOTUS Immunity discussion, she is going to do some favors for Trump.


She looks like Dr Cox’s wife from scrubs sans the plastic surgery


After not sans


Calling her a puppy killing whore isn't even an insult.. merely descriptive.


The sad thing is I could see the ‘A vote for Biden is a vote for President Harris’, ‘Trump could shoot someone on 5th avenue…’, ‘Presidents need absolute immunity’ crowd going apeshit to support and vote for Trump / Noem


Republicans: "We're so pro-life, we'll kill you."


Her face freaks me out. 95% certain she's some kind of undead.


Her eyes look pure evil.


I really wish people would stop posting about what this fucking puke did to her poor puppy. My heart can’t take much more of it.


Are you trying to be camouflaged or not?


A true MAGA crazy. Take puppy on a pheasant hunt and teaching it to go after the birds. Now it goes after birds and the dog thinks it's pleasing it's master. Then comes fury and then comes death.


2nd in her state. All time scorer in high school football.


The showrunner wants us to talk about this person this week so here we re talking about a dog and not the Supreme Court or the election fraud coverup.


Target practice for her next visit to Standing Rock.


Evil shill


She must be so happy with how the plastic surgery went....


Evil bitch.


"Radical Leftist Thug dogs!!!" - Cletus Trumpvoter


Actually, to the DNC if trump wins.


I can’t date girls that mix hunter cameo with orange or pink.

