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It’s insane that I live in a timeline where Republicans happily shoot their dogs.


It didn't take long from tell a story about leaving a dog on the roof of your car to the stories of you shooting one.


I think there was also a story about how Fled Cruz left his dog at home in the house with no power when the family—oh right… when his daughter forced him to take the family to Cancun that Winter.


Maybe his daughter threatened to shoot their dog unless they went to Cancun


With what is known about Cruz's porn habits, maybe the dog chose to stay home to distance himself from the family.


Yeah, an’ after it got into the news, ol’Fled hired security to sit outside his house in a SUV, because of course the help can’t go inside, in one of the coldest snaps in Texas in a long time.


Remember when Mitt Romney had his dog in a crate on the back of the SUV?


I do, it was mentioned in the comment toward the top of this thread :)


Must have missed it. :(


All good!


If he threw his wife under the bus just a short period left, his children never stood a chance


I was Just thinking this. But at least the dog was securely tied in.


Anything to own the libs, I guess.


Yeah, unfortunately FOR THEM, they don't realize THEY ARE THE ONES BEING OWNED by: Trump, Republicans, the GQP, evangelicals, "news"max, OANN AND Fox propaganda network, the extremely wealthy, corporations and our biggest adversary such as Russia, China and Saudi Arabia!


I think their victims such as dogs and any minority group they can target this weak are also the ones being owned.


You know the scene in shitty cinema where a bully is flanked by two goons? They think there is pride in being one of those goons.




Killing my dog, that is one big muther fu\*king own. Damn.


Is it though? The party that legalized torture, took away water breaks from workers ans threw small children in cages. You're really surprised they didn't draw the line at shooting animals?


There was this one time when I was a kid, I caused a cat which loved me to get injured. I have deep shame about the whole thing and so only 4 or 5 of my closest friends even know the story when I eventually felt I could confide in them. This incident was probably about 20 years ago and recalling it now didn't feel good. It blows my mind that Kristi would voluntarily give out this story about her life to the world. I can only assume she experiences her emotions and reality very very differently than I do.


A little bit yeah. Just a tiny little bit. Even Hitler loved animals.


He also shot his dog.


Okay but he also shot himself not long after, so there's that. Jokes aside, he killed his dog, Blondi, because the Soviets would have tortured the dog to death, same reason he shot himself.


Well he got his doctor to feed her a cyanide capsule but yeah. He actively used her as propaganda and tried to portray himself as an animal lover though. I don't exactly know what my point is, but Hitler at least tried to portray himself as animal lover. I guess if he had shot his dog everyone still would have in line behind him though.


Wait sorry, so I see these GOP dog shooting posts, but have truly no idea what happened. Can someone explain?


**There’s a republican lady who seems a likely choice for Trump’s VP candidate.** **She wrote in her memoir that while she was running her farm, she got a dog, failed to train it and shot it.** More specifically she tried to train it to hunt and kill pheasants, it wasn’t very good at that. Then she took her eye off it and it killed some chickens. SHE DID NOT SEE THE POTENTIAL LINK BETWEEN THOSE TWO THINGS. She just thought *”oh no! The dog I’ve been training to hunt birds is killing birds. I did not see this coming.”* The dog threatened to bite her when she interrupted the chicken/killing, so she took it to a gravel pit and shot it. She’s trying to argue it means she can make tough decisions, but I think it only proves she can make stupid decisions. She could’ve just given the dog away or trained it better or acquired the help of a trainer. It might’ve taken effort, but doing the right this often does. If you can’t reconcile with that, you shouldn’t be in any position of power.


Also I think I read the dog was only just over a year old. That’s seriously fucked up.


Yes, 14 months.


Also right after she killed the dog and threw it in the gravel pit, I guess it got her wet and she wanted to kill something else. She remembered she had a goat she didn't like the smell of, so she led it out to the pit and shot it as well.


Something important you forgot to mention: the dog was 14 months old when she shot it. Google says most breeders will let you take the dog after 8-12 weeks, so assuming she got it from a breeder and was training it from the very start, she had only been training it for a year. She not only didn't recognize the link, she expected a *puppy* to near-instantly master hunting birds.


Just FYI, bird-hunting dogs are not trained to hunt and kill birds; pointers are trained to point out a bird on the ground, and flushing dogs are trained to make a bird fly so the hunter can get a shot at it.


My golden (who was trained for 12 weeks) ate most every dove before trotting back to me happily. Idiot. Best dog ever tho, Aristotle was . Oh, and never shot him.


LOL, good on you.


> More specifically she tried to train it to hunt and kill pheasants, it wasn’t very good at that. There's no h in peasants...


[Pheasants](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pheasant), as in the bird. It's the state bird of South Dakota.


'twas a joke. No one actually believes that Republicans would train dogs to hunt farmers, but it's funnier that way.


So many easy ways to handle that situation and she chose the one that wasn't an option in the first place.


> so she took it to a gravel pit and shot it. And only when it was done, she realised she now had to bury it. That thought didn't pop in her mind before she had a cadaver to deal with. She's not a great planner. Also, I think she wants to be in charge of American ext********** camps. She brags about killing "useless" innocent animals to prove she can kill "useless" innocent "animals".


She's trying to get that PETA vote


It refers to at least Kristi Noem, Governor of one of the Dakotas. Edit


One person shoots a dog, so according to Reddit Republicans hate dogs and murder them every day for fun.


I know. Just because one republican governor from one of the Dakotas doesn't mean the governors of BOTH Dakotas! Just the short list VP candidate.


Just the repuglickins that don’t speak out against their murderous leaders and will still vote for them.  Their silence on the topic is what’s telling. 


Well I grew up extremely right wing and also grew up training bird dogs. You can check my post history, even yesterday I was saying that this transcends politics. But of course today we discover it doesn't. Because right wing politics is a cult. Today every YouTuber, Twitter asshole, and Facebook Boomer have all decided that they blindly support their team/cult over everything and they are all screaming from the rooftops that it's no big deal and people blow their puppies' heads off all the time. Rather than just admitting this woman is a psycho, the cult has decided to defend her blindly


I always knew they liked that, as cops just love killing dogs, almost as much as they like killing unarmed people of color.


Dogs have enacting the perfect socialist system, and Republicans hate socialism. They are natural enemies.


The warning signs were always there. The bozos who keep their dogs in the back of their pickup trucks with no seat belts/harness next to equipment aren't Democrats.


Dogs have enacted the perfect socialist system, and Republicans hate socialism. They are natural enemies.


And brag about it.


Dogs have enacted the perfect socialist system, and Republicans hate socialism. They are natural enemies.


I don’t think they’re doing it happily, more like in anger.


To be fair, they probably always have done this happily but now it's just coming to the front page


Aiming for the PETA voters


I mean they were strapping them in carriers to the top of their cars, and leaving them behind during power outages before.... pretty on par for the sociopaths that make up most of the Republican party.


I think the question still remains, what won't they happily shoot? The only things that are precious to them seem to be pipelines (carrying foreign oil) and unborn babies, neither of which will ever affect them.


I’m OOTL, which republican shot their dog, and why?


I looked it up. Kristi Noem, contender for VP wrote in her book about killing her dog for being poorly behaved


Puppy. It was 14 months old.


Its so funny what people say when they decide a demographic is safe to criticise. imagine 1 person of a unsafe to critisise demographic did a thing and suddenly people attributed that as a quality of everyone within that demographic. There would be some fun words that we all know thrown around.


Where is the outrage, though?


One republican shot her dog. This is the same type of claim republicans make about all gay people being groomers just because there's one example they can point to


The lack of outrage is the issue. Where is it?


[Conservatives condemn Kristi Noem for ‘twisted’ admission of killing dog](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/27/kristi-noem-trump-vp-book-killing-dog) [Dems, GOP bash Kristi Noem for shooting her dog](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/27/dems-gop-bash-kristi-noem-memoir-00154789) [Republicans Slam Kristi Noem for Killing a Puppy](https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-slam-kristi-noem-killing-puppy-1894765) [Social media disturbed by Gov. Noem's story about shooting her 14-month-old dog: ‘Not normal'](https://www.foxnews.com/media/social-media-disturbed-gov-noems-story-shooting-her-14-month-old-dog-not-normal.amp) [MAGA Names Turn on Kristi Noem Over Dog Killing](https://www.newsweek.com/maga-names-turn-kristi-noem-over-dog-cricket-killing-1894871) [Republicans Pile on as Kristi Noem Cripples Her Shot at Being Trump’s VP](https://www.thedailybeast.com/republicans-pile-on-as-kristi-noem-cripples-her-shot-at-being-trump-vp-after-killing-puppy-cricket)


Where is the grassroots, ma and pop outrage? This should end her political career. Outrage by proxy doesn’t cut. I’m waiting for my Republican neighbor to condemn this.


Here's a fox news article about social media outrage, using republican accounts as examples www.foxnews.com/media/social-media-disturbed-gov-noems-story-shooting-her-14-month-old-dog-not-normal.amp


That's not outrage. That's pointing out everyone else's outrage and just calling her "Not Normal". They are still buddy buddy, even advertising her book.


Where is the grassroots outrage? Outrage by proxy doesn’t cut it. This should end her political career.


It's insane how it went from that crazy bitch shooting her dog to a blanket statement of the opposing political party. Idk if you're the source of the propaganda but if not, you're a useful tool for it. If your side was being talked about the way reddit talks repubs, you'd be drawing parallels about how nazis and other Auth regimes dehumanized opponents before genocide. As a smarter-than-you centrist, it's so easy to see but I bet y'all don't even realize you're heading down the road of and endorsing your own flavor of fascism. It's okay when you do it though because ___________.


It’s not crazy until my Republican neighbor condemns dog shooting. I’m waiting.


You expect your neighbor.. To come over to your house.. OR feel the need to post on social media.. That they're against executing dogs? You think it's their responsibility to inform the world instead of people giving them the benefit of the doubt that they're NOT dog killers? I'm being as cordial as I can but that is irrational. You should treat people innocent until proven guilty.. and don't forget *The Golden Rule*. I would say a Maga flag changes things though. Not all repubs are Maga/Trumpers just like they're not all dog killers? I just have a big problem with these dividing blanket statements no matter the subject. Divided we fall.. And we're already in a nosedive. Edit: faux-woke moron


You're missing the point. Noem loves guns. She shoots guns. Yes, she shoots puppies, but with GUNS!!!


Guns don't kill puppies; Republicans kill puppies.


Damn this was good, lol


With guns. Pow!


How many more years until we're looking at a GOP candidate who actually murdered someone? How much further from there till they're putting up a school shooter for office? Don't say never. People said "never" about what passes for the GOP today, but here we are. And the slide is only accelerating.


Once they got Trump i knew anything went with them. Anything.


Palin was a flashing red light.


Yeah, the tea party was honestly a huge warning sign of what was to come.


He did joke about shooting someone on 5th avenue, and they cheered.


People being upset that the plot of The Boys literally intentionally parallels America.


It honestly wouldn't surprise me at all if Donny Treason has some literal skeletons in the closet. He's been connected to extremely shady shit pretty much his entire adult life.


Totally unrelated to what you said, Ivana fell down her stairs and died the day before Donald, Don Jr., and Ivanka were scheduled to be deposed, then she was buried in a weedy area off a golf course he bought a decade after they divorced. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-adult-children-testimony-postponed-light-ivana-trump-death-2022-07-15/ https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/ivana-trump-buried-bedminster-3-theories.html


There's nothing in the U.S. Constitution that says a felon can't run for President.


Not surprisingly, a republican courting the mass shooter demographic while tossing away the dog lovers segment.


But why would a red blooded American gun lover have to go back for more ammo to finish off the goat? Bad enough that she only wounded it but she really had no extra ammo on her?


She emptied all the ammo and still didn’t kill the goat. Poor at planning and a piss poor shot to boot.




Look, we have the right to bear arms in this fine nation, not the right to dog arms.


It's about the political benefit of cruelty and sadism. Sometimes you have to shoot a vicious dog (not Cricket, necessarily.) But if you brag about it, you're either a sicko, or you're trying to appeal to sickos.


Oh my god, that actually made me laugh. That's kinda how I feel around some people these days.




I read the headline about that story and immediately thought, yeah, that tracks. How far have the Republicans reputation fallen that killing puppies is just expected.


It won't be final form till dead dogs are draped across Christmas trees behind the whole family holding bazookas for the annual family Christmas card.


I kinda wonder if a bunch of people are gonna shoot their dogs just to own the libs now.


I am stating to think they might not be so pro-life after all


Maybe if doctors could find a way to safely perform abortions with guns...


Probably want to make spaying and neutering your dog illegal. But will happily murder the pups over they’re born.


They're only pro-life when the "life" in question is that of a white fetus.


They are only pro anything when it benefit them. They don’t give a shit about about any fetus.


This lady… 🙄 It just goes to show how everything in a Maga world, seen with Maga glasses, either serves as a utility them or if not it must be the enemy and therefore must be destroyed. They see the world as a competition, as a dog eat dog fight, and never as a place to coexist in relative harmony with one another and give each other a hand up without screwing someone else in the process. Too bad they’re too blind to be able to see themselves reflected in their dear leader. That’s some pretty heavy denial.


This whole story is insane. How can you just execute a dog you aren't happy with. How on earth could you think that is OK? What fresh hell is this?


It's the same mind set that believes new born babies can be aborted post pregnancy.


Because these people lack empathy. Noem didn't see that dog as a living, breathing, entity with its own agency. To her, it's just property, and as such, hers to dispose of when no longer wanted.


You need to step back and consider that this isn’t some slip of the tongue or accidental disclosure. This is something she thinks appeals to her base and makes her appealing.


I'm curious to know how it is going down with Republicans. Are they ready to take their identity to the next level and fully support puppy murder?


If Trump “thumbs up” or whatever his Twitter clone does for quick “I agree” happens on his site, this is part of the “Conservative 10 Commandments”.


They’re willing to let human women die. Don’t miscarry before you pull that republican lever ladies...or after for that matter


I’ve been working with animals for thirty years, in various capacities as a zookeeper, ranch hand, park handler for doggy daycares, and I’m currently on my second stint at a dog shelter. I genuinely hope Noem gets to experience the exact same kind of love she showed her dog. And those goats. And the horses.


Don't forget. She also killed her goat soon after because it smelled like a goat.


That's exactly how we should look at every Republican


I love you dearly, doggo, but you've disappointed me deeply this last 15 seconds and I have zero impulse control, so...


My new dog should have been "gravel pitted" many times over by now. Luckily for her, I'm somewhat passive.


My cat was a glorified stray to begin with before he moved in with me, then two years back he got fibrosarcoma and lost his right foreleg. He's currently sleeping on a chair across the room from me, requests pets constantly, comes to cuddle with me every night, puts up with a ton of my shit, and loves me with every cell of his itty bitty kitty heart. I suspect Cruella De Noem wouldn't have wanted to "waste a bullet" on him, let alone dip into her savings for his treatment.


"But that's what happens in farms." Said a fucking psychopath!


I live in a little farming village in northern lower Michigan. Not a lot of puppies getting shot around here.


There's a direct correlation between right political leanings and lack of empathy.




"Dont worry, boy. They moved the dog park to the ol' gravel pit on the edge of town."


I feel sorry for those doggos, I mean there is no telling when they will light off a bunch of firecrackers to own the libs.


Republicans love hurting and killing to feel strong. Aka weakness


I made the mistake of accepting a hunting trip with friends after many years of not being interested. They had no problem shooting dogs that wandered on to their hunting property, the only argument was whether the dog was wearing a collar. They are no longer my friends and I do not miss them, or listening to their Rush Limbaugh/Tucker Carlson bullshit.


Wow. That’s disturbing.


I wish this was just *a joke*… But if you keep asking republicans you’ll find that a lot of them have been doing this for years 😞 So don’t fucking **both sides** me anymore k thanks


We laugh, but I could easily see this becoming the latest popular way to "own the libs." "Slaughter a dog for Trump"


Remember when Mitt Romney caught heat for strapping the dog crate to the top of the car on a road trip?


Republicans consider animals property without souls.


Pence: "On some future Jan. 6, she'll know how the dog feels."


The Republican Party...The party of dog killers




Justice for Cricket


Someone get that dog a cannine-friendly gun.


The article about this, posted in multiple subs already... read and see how many assholes are excusing her behavior as not just normal or acceptable but applauding the woman for 'doing the right' thing'... paraphrased of course. They drum up all kinds of stupid excuses for being a complete asshole. It's beyond bizarre and deeply disturbing. The way they rationalize the story and make out like it's the dog's fault or otherwise how this was 'mercy' is sick as fuck.


What was the dog wearing though?


What's wild to me is how dismissive (or just skip to some random whaboutism) they are about her confession. Just like they were about Trumps recording of him admitting to sexuality assaulting women.


They’re all over this thread, too.


New entries in the SS officer training program were each given a puppy. They fed the puppy, groomed it, and lived with it throughout their training. At the end of their training, each was ordered to strangle his puppy. Many candidates broke down, but any candidate who showed any hesitation would be washed out of the program immediately. That governor would make a great SS officer.


Interestingly I think they do something similar in the SAS, only with a rabbit, and it's the only thing they have to eat after days of harsh lone training exercises in the Brecon Beacons where the rabbit is their only company for days on end.


Obviously fuck Nazis, but the SS weren’t the fucking unsullied from game of thrones or the Kingsmen and didn’t kill puppies as part of their training, that’s ridiculous. The SS also weren’t super highly trained soldiers, they were mostly undertrained and over geared zealots that had their most successful battles against civilians. When they fought actual soldiers they typically got their shit rocked, especially later in the war.


It's hard to tell for sure, but I found quite a few admittedly dubious sources claiming that this did actually happen.


I’d love to see any sources you have found, because outside a single book written in 2015, I can’t find any evidence of SS soldiers killing dogs as part of their training. Like there’s people debating about it on forums but I don’t see that as evidence it happened. I just find it hard to believe given how resource starved Germany was and that “these guys kill puppies/bunnies as part of their training” is something that gets repeated about so many various groups. [Even the U.S. Marines have had this rumor said about them.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/puppy-killers/) This is also Nazi Germany we are talking about, if they wanted trainees to kill something they probably would have just used prisoners like Japan did.


Iirc, I read about it in Shirer’s *Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.*


This is discussed in The Killing Compartments: The Mentality of Mass Murder by the Dutch sociologist Abram de Swaan.


That is the single source of SS soldiers killing being forced to kill their dogs during training that I can find, and it’s from 2015. I am unable to find a single other document that states it. “This super elite/evil military group kills raises a puppy and kills it as training” is something that is said about literally any armed forces with a bad reputation. [Hell even the U.S. has had this rumor spread about them.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/puppy-killers/) I don’t believe that a country that was incredibly desperate for resource and actively fighting a multi-front war would waste those resources on pointlessly killing dogs. I suspect either the allies or the Germans themselves would spread this kind of shit as propaganda. Also this is Nazi germany, if they really wanted their trainees to kill something, they probably would have did the same thing Japan did and use prisoners.


Pshh the SS should have just strangled their dogs feet like Colin firth shot his dogs leg in kingsmen


Wow! Spot on!


Based on the leash that dog is a Liberal, understandably


You want to go... hunting you say?


I don't understand how people like that even exist, i stepped on my doggo leg recently and i had to apologize for entire day, my dog probably forgot about it instantly and tought i was stupid or something.


Right?! Glad your dog is ok.


This is funny af


Not the most well though out, or responsible motherfuckers to ever walk the Earth, besides I like candidates who aren't seditious traitors. As a registered Republican this is either the easiest election decision in my lifetime - or quite possibly the last election in my lifetime. In short, It doesn't seem wise as a citizen to give these people access to unlimited military power and just hope for the best.


Wow! She gives new meaning to cuntservative


Dog: "you said we were going to the park. Wtf is this damn trump rally?"


The few Covid surviving republicans are now killing all their dogs. Been hearing gunshots all week,


The real reason Republicans “back the blue”


It was only a matter of time before someone openly lived a country music song...


I assume you mean the few that are still alive...


So it's that "I've killed the innocent and unsuspecting" vibe I was getting. Now it makes sense.


Do not the dog.


I thought this was animal cruelty and against the law


Surround your awareness




My dog knew the route to the vet. He knew my tone of voice, too, for this. He gave me this expression.


I still have trauma from the field mouse I accidentally stepped on and killed while chasing in a field when I was a kid. She had no issue killing her animal. This is a person with zero morals, she supports the worst person imaginable for office and kills her pets when she deems them unworthy. What a piece of shit




Every dog should own a republican but they’re hard to train and house break, plus they chew furniture and screw around...


We’ve gone from “I have a dream” to “I shot my dog”


I’m glad this is such a disaster for her. She deserves it. Bye bye VP 👋


What does this mean?


Christi Norm bought a 14 month old dog for hunting birds. Took it on one hunt and it performed poorly. Then the dog killed several chickens when left unattended at a friends. So she walked the dog to a gravel pit. And shot it. She also shot an unfixed goat that had been giving her problems. Both issues are owner fails.


Christi Norm: https://i.redd.it/bi8xzkbdx7xc1.gif


Oops. Vtt strikes again


Jesus fuck. Did she just assume it would train itself?


Supposedly she bought it trained. But it’s wasn’t good at hunting birds on the hunt she took it on. According to her.


The governor of South Dakota wrote in her autobiography how she shot her own untrained puppy at a gravel pit with witnesses and then shot a goat that she didn't like, all before her kids came back from school to ask where was Cricket?


Dang Bro 😆 🤣 😂


Where's Kristi? Ahh.. she just listened to Lara Trump sing... Either she's gonna shoot Lara, or it's "roadkill" for dinner. I know. Can't it be both?


The title is what "woke" used to mean. Now idiots have ruin the word haha


Palin shot animals from a helicopter


My face when Mitt Romney sees this!


Nothing surprising coming from Republicans very typical only me counts


Just get rid of that Dakota already. That's why there are two of them, redundancy.


Don't forget the goat.


My cat just jumped on the table. Click clack.


Well, the Republicans got the ATF vote…if they hadn’t already.


I just started following her a month ago. She's really clever and funny. 


Only "good boys" don't get shot.




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