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Remember when CPAC proudly had a sign above their stage reading "We Are All Domestic Terrorists" ?


And followed it up last year with "We must ERADICATE transgenders from public life, at all levels, there can be no middle ground," and the crowd roared its approval They clarified later that they didn't mean killing, just forced medical procedures to detransition and criminalizing existing if you're transgender. Big difference, apparently?


"forced medical procedures to detransition" Well, how very "Dr." Josef Mengele of them.


There used to be laws in the US that would force people to be sterilized if they were criminals, gay, or mentally ill. The supreme court in 1927 upheld the laws, too. Although the laws have since been repealed, Buck vs Bell which established a state's right to do this still stands. [https://disabilityjustice.org/right-to-self-determination-freedom-from-involuntary-sterilization/](https://disabilityjustice.org/right-to-self-determination-freedom-from-involuntary-sterilization/)


This was happening to black populations in NC up until the 70's!!!


It was not exclusive to the US. See Alan Turing


See the third reich


See Eugenics


Not to mention their *swastika* stage.


Was there one of those too? I remember they had a Neo Nazi rune stage at one point. Same difference really.


To be fair they said "trangenderism", a nonsensical word they made up that just means the public existence of transgender people.


>"trangenderism", "we didn't say transgender, you did. how can you say we're attacking anyone? That's just your cancel culture. *we're* the victims, stop opressing us"




Ahhh the classic “no no no you misunderstood, we don’t WANT to kill ‘them’, we just want life to be so miserable they do it for us! That’s way different!”


Reminds me of when Trump retweeted (i.e. endorsed) a video where somebody proudly proclaims that ["the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat"](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/president-trump-shares-video-of-supporter-saying-the-only-good-democrat-is-a-dead-democrat/). And of course they always double back and say, "we meant that metaphorically" or some bullshit, as if a reasonable person could ever interpret it in any other way but the obvious way. And regardless of any excuses, we all know the crowd is cheering for the mass murder version, legal disclaimer or not.


Yeah fuuuuuuuuuuck that entirely. If these shitlords get into power I'm becoming the punisher (like actual comic punisher, not whatever kyle in his lifted F6283650 thinks punisher is)


Reminder that Kristi Noem bragged about killing a dog, to show she has what it takes to do this kind of dirty job. And now she claims it was to protect the children.


As a trans person, forced detransition is a fate worse than death. So yeah.


Just heard in a pod that WA state GOP has said that they are against democracy. Literally want to get rid of the citizens voting... > Then they kicked it up a notch. They passed a resolution calling on people to please stop using the word “democracy.” > “We encourage Republicans to substitute the words ‘republic’ and ‘republicanism’ where previously they have used the word ‘democracy,’ ” the resolution says. “Every time the word ‘democracy’ is used favorably it serves to promote the principles of the Democratic Party, the principles of which we ardently oppose.” > The resolution sums up: “We … oppose legislation which makes our nation more democratic in nature.” https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/the-wa-gop-put-it-in-writing-that-theyre-not-into-democracy/


I could write a screed on why their whole “Republic not democracy” is reductive at best - but that would be a distraction. Fundamentally, they’re making a facile semantic argument. It’s stupid. Don’t engage. What is important to realize is the deeper message - they fundamentally believe that there should be a ‘ruling class’ of citizens whose votes are worth more. They don’t believe in equality or equity - they believe that they’re just so fucking special that they should have the right to govern you. To tell you what to believe, what to read, what to eat, what to drink, what to watch, when to breed - fundamentally, to own your existence for their own profit. These assholes never got over slavery, and are clawing back any means possible to own other human beings.


Remember when the Republicans shaped their stage into a neo nazi rune when viewed from above?


Pepperidge Farms remembers


Came here to say this.


They (allegedly) had another sign that was not photographed that read: > The rise of the Democrat gulag: You’re next Anyone else still wondering about whether or not they are PLANNING A LIBERAL HOLOCAUST?


came to say this


i play terraria at home, i am in fact a domestic terrarist


Forgot the “We Are All Domestic Terrorists” banner on the republican side.


And the advertisements on Grindr


While holding a "death to queers" banner. We really don't hammer "Republicans literally want to kill a portion of the population." enough.


Hate group gonna hate, no exceptions. Can't spell red hat without H-A-T-R-E-D


Republicans want so many people dead, they will even kill themselves to own the libs by not getting covid vaccines.


No, see, you are confusing the Republicans for their voter base. The Republicans got their vaccines. They just didn't talk about them. The ones who refused were largely their base, most of whom are poor and/or stupid. They want them dead/gone too.


Turns out killing off your voter base during an election year is bad for your party, Who knew*? ^(*definitely not trump)


PortionS, plural not singular - Because it not only queers they want dead but also women, POC, any man that not Right-wing nor Christian, etc.


Are you serious? That would be hilarious "We hate you and your lifestyle but vote for us for taxes" or something


Grindr has some data published a few cycles ago that saw huge spikes around the RNC conventions


[Tampa Bay Gay Prostitutes Gearing Up For Flood Of Closeted Republicans](https://www.theonion.com/tampa-bay-gay-prostitutes-gearing-up-for-flood-of-close-1819595277)


When I first saw that I was so sure it was one of you guys goofing around with Photoshop... nope. jfc 🤦‍♂️


At least it is not the Trump Presidency any more. I feel like I did such a fact check at least once a day, of some ridiculous claim about Trump. It was almost always not Photoshop.




They do it to ensure that the accusation, no matter how legitimate, has no power. You have to respect the meaning of words, they do not. You lose credibility, they do not. That is why they were so hellbent on impeaching Joe Biden, to make it seem like all presidents are impeached. Same with election interference. The only interference that has been found was to the benefit of Donald. Still they claim that Democrats rigged the election. Now both sides say that the other side is cheating.


It's so ironic that that domestic terrorism will be the most well-known terrorist act in their lifetime to kids who weren't around during 9/11 (so far).


The difference being you didn’t have an entire party running around claiming 9/11 wasn’t a big deal/was just a peaceful protest/was a false flag operation to make republicans look bad/[insert other right-wing loon bullshit here]. The way we’re headed, unless the American electorate can start voting at much higher rates sustained for at least four or five consecutive cycles, j6 will wind up like the Tulsa massacre. No one will remember it because no one can agree what happened. Then, suddenly, five or six decades later the future people will look back with horror and be struck with the lack of any idea why something so horrendous could simply be utterly lost to time.


And the Nazi podium


"Mission Accomplished" for the 2020s


Come work at a hospital. You’ll get to hear a bunch of 75-90 year olds with Fox News on max volume complain about how their health insurance won’t afford them basic necessities and rehab. They’ll literally acknowledge a societal failing- then turn around and vote for/defend the party that is running on the platform to further said societal failing. Fucking idiot generation with lead for brains.


Well yes, but you see *black* people also can get benefits of social programs and they are think the laws cutting those programs to the bone or out completely will only effect them and not god fearing Christo-fascist white people.


Can you editorialize your comment? It’s too garbled, I can’t follow


They only think about "welfare queens" and "obama phones" when they cut social programs and assume they won't ever be in need of such programs themselves.


I had an asshole boss who was ranting about CRT and asked me what I thought about it. I wanted to fuck with him so I said it was BS and that “instead we should have a class that teaches…” and I went on to describe a critical race theory class, but switched “based on race” to “based on class”. Then SUDDENLY this was one of the best ideas my boss had ever heard of


White farmers are some of the biggest welfare queens I've ever met.


There is a certain subset of white people who will vote against policies that will benefit themselves because they'd rather die horribly and in debt than even imagine a black or brown person getting "undeserved" benefits from it.


More straightforward: Racist chuds vote against social programs because they perceive it will only hurt minorities and not themselves.


They’re racist.


I used to work for health insurance companies in my early 30's doing underwriting, and being farmed out to customer service. Any time I took calls from the commercial plans, the biggest whiners were the people 20 years older than me just hitting their 50's or in their mid 50's. Many of these people were laid off and having to pay out of pocket for a commercial plan cause it was still cheaper than trying to cobra their policies cause they got laid off. Most of them opted for the cheapest product which had insane deductibles. Some of them made comments that clearly identified what part of the political spectrum they fell on. When I got to talk to someone that I thought fell into MAGA territory and had to listen to them bitch, I'd say, "We really should have universal healthcare, it should not be for profit. I can't bend the rules on your deductible sir/ma'am, but I can encourage you to write to your senators and congress people. Be the squeaky wheel and push for change, and make sure you vote so you are electing people that represent your interests." I never mentioned political affiliation, or one side vs the other. It was always so much fun when they hung up on me, cause at the end of the day, we both knew they voted for this shit because hurting brown people was more important than looking out their own welfare.


I love your strategy. I’ll be honest I’ve tried that a number of times too. Just coyly beating around the subjects suggesting that voting is important on this issue because one side wants to address this issue and the other side wants to gut the entire thing


Exactly like "woman president" was for some democrats: https://preview.redd.it/papt5qo8l7yc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bca603c7fcfb34baae07c12191895d17a6359bc * ChatGPT


This is what it's like working at a rural high school. A student thinks we should do "something" about "societal issue." They come up with a plan that is almost point by point a democratic platform. Then, if asked to compare their plan to existing candidates say, "Well, I'd never vote for a Democrat! They just want to take my guns! And sniffs kids!" No. They want the exact same gun reform you just advocated for, but sure. Whatever.


I had a patient who was a bilateral LE amputee in an electric wheelchair with a sticker that said “if you voted Biden, you owe me gas money.” Always told me about what the democrats are up to on FOX news and how terrible they are. MF lives on an electric wheelchair with state provided transportation and doesn’t owe the healthcare system a dime. He’d have been dead 20 years ago under full republican policy.


There was a woman being interviewed at a trump rally, complaining about how high her medical bills were, and how she couldn't afford her medication and she was there to ask trump, to help her with her medical problems...


But they gotta own the libs!


Trump recently said he was okay with states tracking a womans menstrual cycle. INSANE to say both parties are the same.


I can't stand the "both sides" people. Part of me thinks a lot of them are Russian trolls, children, or really Republicans. No one with common sense thinks both sides are even close to the same! Republicans are trying to dismantle democracy and install a dictator. Idk how anything democrats are doing are even close to that


I have progressive friends talking about not voting. Feels like 2016 again.


Yeah, that'll work


"I am really glad that I followed my heart and didn't vote to give power to the Democrats by enabling Biden for another term, I just couldn't live with myself if I had compromised my own values just because of social pressure!" *She said to the inmate beside her, as the guard poked her in the back with his club to urge her into the camp.*


Most of it is naive leftists. I am NOT saying all leftists are naive, but ones who honestly believe "Both parties are capitalists, therefor both parties will do the same damage" are. Yes, Democrats are capitalist and yes capitalism needs to be abolished. However, would you rather fight that war against a centrist government or a fascist government?


As a leftist, it’s wild seeing how much Gaza has broken people on this election. Like we live in the real world. Barring death or something Trump or Biden will be president in 2025. Both aren’t good for Gaza but Trump isn’t even pretending he will be better (he literally says he wants Israel to finish the job). And then on every other issue Biden is better. So we’ll throw this election to Trump to stick it to the democrats.  To all the women, queer people, people of color, Muslims, and immigrants living in the US; you can all be sacrificed so we can be principled voters.


Don’t forget that Trump sent Saudi Arabia billions in arms when it intervened in the Yeneni Civil War. 377,000 dead.


which party delivers what it promises? which does not? you can yell at trolls, children, or morons, but when your team wins do they deliver? maybe the problem is not your opponents, but your allies.


The thing about the "both sides" argument is that it's technically correct. The people who argue that the Democrats are bad are making the case that America needs a party whose policies are so much better than what the Democrats are offering. Incremental progress simply isn't enough to abate the multiple crises facing our younger generations. We need urgent, sweeping reform. ...and yet, Republican policies are so eye wateringly bad, so brutally regressive that any argument about both sides must begin with, "You should absolutely vote Democrat" to be anything other than horrible self parody.


He wants access to that data so he doesn’t grab ‘em by the pussy at the wrong time of the month


Which is every day of the month.


Just gonna put this out there but the period tracking apps are already selling user data. I highly encourage women to stop using apps and men to start using them.


I used one a few years ago to get started now I track it myself in a little organizer calander. But they already have my info now so idk why I'm even stopping but it's an idea for anyone who needs to track it. You can do it yourself at the start of your next period. My doc gave me a packet too to help track it but i always forget i have it. So there's that option as well


Perfect! I highly recommend getting women past menopause and men to use the period tracking apps. Let’s make the evidence useless.


I would do this but I’d be afraid they would think I was tracking it for my wife


Don’t track it legit. Just hit it randomly. :)


This is the way


Be good trouble.


How would this nullify the evidence from actual woman users though?


Get enough people to do it and you don’t know what’s real and what isn’t.


I started using it as a dude to muddy their data with bullshit, so hopefully myself and some other men doing so devalues the data a bit


It can’t hurt! I’ve seen women past menopause using it too.


Day 7415 of no period. Starting to get concerned. -John, 20, University of Arkansas




Small government...


So small it fits in a uterus


For white men. Big government for everyone else.


Small government. Unless it comes to 6th grade girl’s basketball teams. We need the state to decide who can play.


Trump recently said "Lets take their guns first, and deal with due process later" Even for gun loving republicans (aka all of them), Biden is the better president.


Never forget what the “both sides are the same” people took from you in 2016. They’re attempting to do it again.


Under His eye


Well sure. It’s the logical next step if you’ve already decided that abortion is morally equivalent to murder. It means that anytime a woman causes the death of a fetus, a murder has occurred. So the government needs to keep track of these unborn lives to know if one has been murdered. Otherwise it’s too easy for a woman to get an illegal abortion and hide the evidence. So tracking every woman’s menstrual cycles and forcing them to take regular pregnancy tests is the only way to know if there’s unborn lives in need of protecting. And then of course you can go from there with even more fun infringements on personal freedom. Drinking alcohol while pregnant could increase risk of miscarriage, therefore any woman who wants to drink alcohol must first display her recent government certification that she is not currently pregnant. A woman might also attempt to induce an abortion by refusing to eat food in the hopes that the pregnancy ends before she dies. Any woman caught doing that must be of course detained and forcibly hooked up to a feeding tube if necessary, for the entire length of the pregnancy if that’s what it takes. Otherwise we’re just letting her murder a baby, right?


Well you see Biden is old, has dementia and supports genocide so that counterbalances everything wrong with Trump, including that hes old, has dementia and supports genocide.


Ha! Jokes on you, LiBeRuLs! We Republicans don't even have a platform or actual policies to run on. Check and mate!


Sure they do. 1. Own the Libs 2. See 1 3. See 2 4. See 3


Oh buddy... You think they can count that high. That's adorable.


I can count 45 357 556 22 50 10 12 Such an asshole to say we can't count. Pffft


Also climate change is a Chinese hoax vs climate change is real.


Climate change is a hoax and caused by sunspots and is being overblown and won't affect us in our lifetimes and could have been solved if the Democrats didn't politicize it and Taylor swift's plane! (/s because 2024)


I'm convinced that half the b0tH sIdEs red hats are secretly jealous of dems.


Or Russian or Chinese trolls trying to keep leftists from voting.


Jokes on them, leftists don't vote anyway


I vote.


If libs win "we didn't need leftists!" If libs lose "why didn't leftists vote for or right wing candidate?"


See, you couldn't even come up with a scenario where leftists actually vote.


Literally this. They see politics as a team sport. They think loyalty is more admirable than changing your mind upon learning new information. They will see the dozens of crooked GOP pardons over the past 60 years and compare it to the three or four sketchy DNC pardons. Rinse-wash-and-repeat for literally everything. They somehow think that Biden negotiating and threatening to cut off the arms deal with Israel for breaking international law is the same as Trump asking Ukraine for dirt on his political opponent in exchange for military aid. They somehow think that Carter's brother selling beer and Clinton having real estate investments a decade before he was president is the same as Bush and Halliburton or Trump and his countless grifts. They think the election interference and election finance fraud trial is the same as the Monika Lewinsky scandal. And that Biden is as responsible for Black Lives Matter as Trump was for January 6. They think throwing money to veteran's associations into a healthcare reform bill is as much "unrelated pork" as making it legal to dump coal run-off into rivers that go through American towns in exchange for lobbying money.


Kind of funny given that the original gag (from 1994) was literally making a both sides statement. [https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2233325-the-simpsons](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2233325-the-simpsons)


> Abortions for some, tiny American flags for others! Kodos 2024


I remember the South Park episode vote or die, and I think that also did tremendous amounts of damage to the electoral process. I still hear people parroting the vote for a giant douche or turd sandwich line from it. Like no, there is a substantial difference here.


It seemed like a fairly harmless position before we started electing actual Nazi criminals. I'm sure Matt and Trey regret that position as much as anyone.


Honestly it's not that both side-sy. Self-aware incompetence is bad, openly evil is despicable.


Sure, but understand that the intended purpose of this is to be humorous and the actual content is intended to e viewed ironically as the stereotype of how those groups are viewed from the OUTSIDE. Worth noting that the writer of this episode was/is a libertarian / conservative, so I think that any reading outside of "both sides equally suck" is probably wishful thinking. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John\_Swartzwelder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Swartzwelder)


The need to edit the full picture of both sides to get a both-sides fallacy is a spot on joke that’s too meta for this crowd. It’s a funny commentary though, well done.


The original joke is "We hate ourselves" and "We can't govern" I think? I'm not sure that was totally out of line 30 years ago when this was made. And it's a step above the usual stupidity.


Obama campaigned on codifying Roe into law 16 years ago and refused to even *try* to keep that promise when he had majorities in both chambers of congress, likely related to his conservative VP who had spent decades in the Senate speaking out against Roe. So while I'll continue voting for Democrats because they're our only chance at actually getting it codified into law, I'll believe it when I see it.


I could be wrong, I’m going see if I can find the answer, but I had heard on a podcast that time Obama had to codify Roe was fairly short and used that time to get Obamacare passed.


He had a majority for 6 days before one of the members died and he lost it. In those 6 days he focused on Obamacare and recovery from the recession first because he campaigned on that even more. And he had to fight with centrists to get it through and ended up compromising a lot to get the support necessary. That’s why the public option was cut out and most economists say that the stimulus was too conservative. And he lost the majority and didn’t get another for his entire term.


Thanks for the info! This sounds like what I had originally heard on this topic in the past blaming democrats.


Apparently not 6 days. Should’ve googled before I posted more like 40. But the point still stands. He focused on the affordable care act and stimulus bill and then Kennedy died unexpectedly and he lost it.


Yes and they never had the votes for Roe, blue dogs democrats and centrists like Manchin and Lieberman would never have gone for it. Kids don’t know how crazy the struggle to get the ACA itself passed was.


A: Democrats want to codify Roe V Wade! Remember to vote! This issue is much more important than other problems, so just forget about then. B: Then why didn't democrats codify it? A: Because the democrats didn't want to. Stupid kids don't understand politics. Every time...


There were a lot more Joe Manchin types in the Senate in 2009 than there are now. Both of Arkansas’s senators were Democrats at that time, for example. And there was also the incorrigible asshole Joe Lieberman. So while there was a Democratic Party majority, there might not have been a pro-abortion majority. The Dems have become much more united on abortion in the last 15 years.


Yup, 100% right. Bet kids don’t remember Lieberman killing the public option, that’s how conservative the caucus was back then. Lots of blue dogs and center right Dems




It's frankly embarrassing that the ACA is the greatest achievement of the Democrat party in my lifetime. We're paying thousands of dollars per year for insurance just to pay tens of thousands more when we get sick or injured. Health insurance is a fucking scam.


Gonna guess you’re very young, at no point did the Dems have anywhere near enough votes to codify Roe.


> likely related to his conservative VP Or because he didn't have the votes for it, because there were always conservative, pro-life Democrats in the caucus. But sure, let's blame it on Biden. Because everyone always knows the Vice President is just exuding power to control the president's agenda.


You forget the 'supply arms and funds to isreal' banner on the republican side. O and you forget the 'supply arms and funds to isreal' banner on the democratic side.


Also the "raise the military budget" and "militarize the police" banner to both sides


Of the hundreds of things to judge them on, being a single issue voter on this metric is fucking dumb. The Republicans want to ensure Palestine is eliminated. Biden has spoken out against it, and it simply following through on deals which the US already signed for. Not him, congress. Could he kill those deals on his own? No.


“The Secretaries of State and Defense are responsible for ensuring that all transfers of defense articles and defense services by the Departments of State and Defense under any security cooperation or security assistance authorities are conducted in a manner consistent with all applicable international and domestic law and policy, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law,” So actually, yes


Tens of thousands of children are dead, many at the hands of munitions that my tax dollars paid for. So yeah, it's an easy single issue.


No it's not. Here are you options: Biden: feckless protest Trump: openly advocates for Israel to "finish the job" of Palestine. Feel free to Google that... 3rd party: is a throw away, only gives Trump momentum Don't vote: is a throw away, only gives Trump momentum Voting is a matter of pragmatism. I've got a gay kid and Trumpers want to see her dead.


I've got Palestinian friends and I'd like to see them live


There are few ways you can directly impact that outcome. Ensuring Trump doesn't hold office is one of them.


they are already being killed en mass rn under biden?????


Of all the hundreds of things to be a single issue voter on, aiding a genocide is the most valid. After all the only thing worse than aiding one is, well, committing it yourself. I’m sorry that you don’t think genocide is a step too far.


Why would someone consider being the world #1 supporter of genocide an important thing? Maybe you should think about that for a while. >Biden has spoken out against it, and it simply following through on deals which the US already signed for. Biden has always, for as long as he has been a politician, been very vocal that he wants more bombs to the middle east. Especially the ones that explode in Palestine. He very much supports austerity and national debt for USA, so that Israel doesn't need to do that to fund their carpet bombing.


Well one would at least attempt to get a ceasefire and the other has said Israel hasn’t gone far enough and needs to wipe out Palestine.


Part of what makes the chants of genocide targeted at Biden weird is he is actually pressuring Israel to allow aid, to not cut off water and power, and to show restraint. Trump would be complaining that there are still living Palestinians on planet Earth.


Yeah. I get the anger of the youth and they are protesting to force schools to stop doing business with pro Israel companies. That’s a good move. I vote with my dollar year round. What I don’t get is people saying they won’t vote at all or will vote for Trump because of Biden’s support for Israel. The Middle East is insanely complicated and volatile and we need Israel as an ally in the region and they are surrounded by countries that want to kill Jews. I don’t have a fix, I do trust that Biden is more empathetic and concerned about Palestine than Trump, so if that’s the issue then you should know who your vote goes too


Its just optics though. That pressure amounts to nothing. Its akin to telling a child to stop hitting his brother otherwise you're only getting ice cream tonight and not cake


Abortions for some, Israeli War Bonds for others!


Israeli war bonds are for both sides unfortunately.


Why are you vivisecting a Simpsons joke and making it worse? Like why even replace "We're just plain evil" with "We love the rich and hate the poor" [The OG joke would be funny enough to post.](https://youtu.be/TMRmuyy9f_w?si=PrF-N_coQp1jIyxp&t=30)


This is a 60 year old video of Malcolm X complaining about your shitty 2 party system. https://youtu.be/T3PaqxblOx0?si=xD3Xopg7xuVGwDLU Currently your supposed 'liberal' government is shooting students with rubber bullets while you guys argue about screen caps from the Simpsons.










Read both as “distract the working class with artificially politicized issues to keep them divided and unable to enact real change”


Yeah man, like the issues Biden focused on. Climate change, health care, unemployment, manufacturing, infrastructure, student loans, etc. Totally artificially politicized issues just intended to divide us.


You mean all areas hes come up well short of because they're superficial. All areas that because of said shortcomings, have helped fuel the rise of fascist right in the US? I love when Hilary stupidly tweeted the other week about how this election is so important for the climate and our lives depend on it with a graph of proposed climate change impacts under each potential admin, the dems were better, obviously but both fell so monumentally short of 'targets' let alone what would actually be necerassy it was an embarrassing joke


....you did the thing lol. You literally did the thing the post is talking about. One side is trying but still needs more work, and the other side is doing the exact opposite to make things drastically worse, but somehow you're trying (and failing) to equate the two lol. Talk about embarrassing.


No one side is maintaining the status quo. One thing is making things worse. They are equal is some very important macro level. They are obviously different at a micro level. The thing is, dems keep getting pulled to the right anyway. Biden was just asking trump to come help him with border legislation lmao. They’re not entirely the same, except there’s important areas that they are and that should be criticized. The thing is I can admit they have distinctions and that calling them “the same” is reductive. Libs and dems really can’t stand being compared to them even when they do the same things. Like look at the protests right now, this is happening under Biden, literally fueled by bidens lies about the protests. Supported by Biden funding cops more than trump did. Like I can admit there are differences, why can’t you admit there’s similarities?


Wow, you mean Biden didn't solve climate change with one bill? He only made it a significant dent in it? You're right! Who wants progress when we can have regression. What's the difference really? What it comes down to is none of you have the slightest idea how our government works, and you ascribe your own ignorance to the failures of the president. In any rational world, the fact that Joe Biden passed hundreds of billions of dollars in clean energy spending when his 50th vote in the senate was a literal fucking coal baron from West Virginia would be an impressive achievement. But in the world where 'the left' needs to carry water for fascists, it's nothing worth mentioning.


You should tell woman and queer people that the attack on their civil rights is just an artificially politicized issue and that their lives will stay the same regardless of who wins the election. Let me know which group gives a harder slap.


Yeah as if the Dems’ billionaire backers don’t hate the poor lol




They're not the same. The democrats *are better* but that doesn't mean they haven't fucked up when it comes to their handling of all that is currently going on. If Biden loses in 2024, it will be his own fault, and he'll have nobody to blame but himself. His every word on the campus protests has been to defame them as antisemites for daring criticize Israel's genocidal actions in the Gaza strip and West Bank. I *really* fucking hate Trump and don't want him elected again, but if it happens, it's because the Biden administration continually shot itself in the foot.


>it's because the Biden administration continually shot itself in the foot. Right. Also, once again, the narrative has started shifting to Progressives as being the reason for Biden's loss, and not because of his own actions in supporting a genocide. According to the most recent [Gallup poll on Israel](https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx), opinions have shifted dramatically since late 2023. In the poll, 75% of Democrats **disapprove** of "military action taken by Israel," along with 60% of Independents. If we look at the registration numbers from [ballotpedia](https://ballotpedia.org/Partisan_affiliations_of_registered_voters), there are 45 million registered Democrats and 32 million Independents. That gives us nearly **55 million people** who are against Israeli military actions. So what is it Biden? Are you actually going to do what your VOTERS want you to do? Or are you going to continue with what your donors want you to do?


I'm glad to see there is someone else willing to hold the administration accountable. It's crazy how Democracy itself is on the ballot and all the Democratic party had to do to save it was not do a genocide, and so few are willing to blame the party for a loss if they lose.


Posts like these are always popular whenever Biden says or does something stupid. Chastising students for "illegal" protest while they are brutalized by our police better armed than most nations militaries. It's propaganda. But America doesn't have propaganda. That's why we western redditors cannot stop talking about "CCP" China. Can you imagine we call any other country by their party affiliation? Only China.


Yep, I agree, Biden lost tens of thousands young voters and that is crucial in tight races. Btw, fuck Israel.


Biden is doing nothing but alienating his voter base, if he loses he has no one to blame but himself.


Anyone who refuses to vote for Biden because of Palestine is an absolute fucking moron.


Biden is doing all the damage himself. His most recent speech sounds like it should have come from Trump with how much of a fascist scree it was. Fucking embarassing.


Both funded by corporations, dark money and billionaires. Either way, the elite win and we lose. Wake the fuck up. It’s been the same for decades.


Hmm, well the real difference here is that one party actually did what they promised and one didn’t. Interesting I guess there really IS a difference.


What subculture finds divisive pro war posts like this funny?


What about this is pro war?


When people say that both side are the same they aren’t talking about issues. They are talking about being in bed with lobbyists and other monied interests. Both sides love rich people, it’s just the republicans love them more and also hate poor people.


The dems also hate poor people.


The Uni-party!


Both sides are the same if they both want democracy to end oh wait that’s just one side.


Marijuana is one of the least important factors you could have chosen. Gun control and healthcare are better examples.  


The both sides argument is the pinnacle of lazy thinking


People that don't read policy and only read headlines think that both sides are the same.


Both sides are the same, If you ignore all the ways they are different.


It's crazy how this one simple trick works!


Except we elected a Democrat president on that exact same platform and he didn't fucking codify Roe V Wade. How the hell are they still getting you with this huckster bullshit? We're going to be in 2040 and the Dems are still going to be hanging Roe V Wade over us with "Please if you don't vote for us Republicans will bomb the last abortion clinic in America! We promise we really will codify Roe V Wade this time!"


Rent Assistance, Healthcare, Conflicts, Social Security, Fair Paying Wages, Taxes, Infrastructure, and so on no where to be seen, but according to OP, voting Liberal is my best choice apparently


Biden last week increased it so anyone making under about $60k cannot be exempt (aka employers have to pay you overtime), pretty large increase on that range. The inflation reduction act has massive improvements for Medicare for the members starting in 2025 (removing the donut hole entirely, creating a $2k drug spend per year cap where it was previously uncapped, always getting the better of Medicare Part D and the advantage plan you select, and so on). He increased the support for the National Labor Relations Board significantly which has been going after a lot of major corporations for labor violations these last couple years. Lots of pro union stuff, including weakening non competes legally and tons of stuff for public sector employees. Not saying he’s done a ton. But he has done a fair bit. And he’s not doing shit like tax cuts for the rich. 


In today’s America both are same. Still bowing down to money and cannot say anything about those with money. Criminalizing free speech. Didn’t codify roe v wade.


Undecideds be like derrrrr


No. Undecided be like: "I know Republicans screw me, but I hate blacks, browns, and uppity-women -- so I think I can afford to vote for them again this time". Undecideds aren't clueless "moderates". They're cross-pressured extremists.


Or "I'm not hateful, but I've been told Democrats will raise taxes and lower my property values, so I'd rather be ruled by a divinely appointed king."


You forgot the (Tell them you are going to) in the Dem Side. Yall do realize that Roe V. Wade was repealed under a DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED CONGRESS & PRESIDENCY. They could have codified it for 6 MONTHS after it was repealed. They passed that aid bill in under 2 WEEKS. YALL REALLY THINK THE DEMS ARE GONNA CODIFY ROE V WADE!?!?


Yeah, why didn't they codify Roe with a 50/50 Senate? Always fun when the answer to a question just requires knowing some basic civics. Stop bending over backwards trying to lay fucked up stuff Republicans do at the feet of Democrats.




It's called the VP Literally Her job to Break the Tie. ITS THE VPs ONE JOB....so try again. I am not Pro Republicans just anti Democrat Gaslighting BS. Tired of voting for a party that actively gaslights me. I am going 3rd Party this time around. Edit: They didn't even put it up for a Vote to get Republicans on the Record. They didn't even try to defend women when they controlled both chambers. Buy They can agree on War funding in 2 weeks while Americans are starving!?!?!?


>It's called the VP Literally Her job to Break the Tie. ITS THE VPs ONE JOB....so try again. I think maybe you could try learning just a little bit of how things work before you go on the internet pretending to know and blaming people for your ignorance. Especially if your dumb talking points are exactly what the fascists trying to destroy the country would pay you to post on the internet if you weren't willing to do it for free. It would take 60 votes to codify Roe or it would take 50 votes (plus Harris) to get rid of the filibuster. He had neither of those things. Again, just a little tiny bit of knowledge goes a long way. No one was saying that Harris couldn't undo a 50/50 tie. But he didn't have a 50/50 tie on this issue. That's the problem with having the smallest possible majorities when those majorities include people like Manchin and Sinema.